So Where Does the 1st Amendment End?

People can say whatever the hell they want to.
Yes they can, but if people have the right to respond to whatever they hear the way that they choose to respond to whatever they hear, is saying whatever you want to really a smart move to make? In other words, maybe the best thing to do is remain quiet until you are willing to deal with whatever takes place after you put out there whatever is on your mind.

God bless you always!!!

People yes, government no.

Kids did not break any law. And if they're not breaking the law, what they do in their free time, it's of nobody's concern, especially not concern of the government, or a school.

Government have no right to respond to your free speech. There is no law against being a jerk, racists, or simply stupid.
This could be debatable. Back when I was still in high school, a girl in my class wasn't calling who she was talking to any bad names, but what she did choose to say in the presence of the teacher is what got her sent to the principal's office as well as the threatening delivery of her word choice. She had her head down on her desk and when the boy next to her placed his hand on her to wake her up, she got mad and said what she put out there for the whole class to hear, so in other words, it isn't just about what is said. How something is said is what makes a world of difference.

God bless you always!!!

Apple and oranges. This is public school. It's not school's job to police kids when they're not in school.
Misbehaving in school, and not following school rules is one thing. What kids are doing, or saying, outside of school is not their business.
If what they do outside the school can eventually have a negative impact on what goes on inside the school, then what is done is the school's business and sadly what the guys are guilty of can have a negative impact on what goes on inside. Do I think that they should've been booted from the school if words are the only thing that they are guilty of? No, but because of what their feelings can lead up to later on, some form of restraint/separation may be needed.

God bless you always!!!

It's not school business to monitor and judge what kids do outside of the school. That's not school purpose, but to educate them. If kids didn't break any laws, it's not school responsibility to find them "guilty" of anything, and to punish them for it. We have a legal system for that.
It may not be the school's responsibility to find students guilty of anything, but it is the school's responsibility to maintain a safe facility for the students to have anything to do with and when students choose to be guilty of belligerent behavior that can lead to life threatening situations, something is to be done right then instead of waiting for a life altering move to happen first. Is removing racist people from the picture in such a way the right move to make? To me, the kids in question should be allowed to finish up their education, but if they can't co-exist in a civil manner with whoever they have an issue with, their education should be completed somewhere else.

God bless you and everyone involved always!!!

You're talking about school safety?

Okay, when we're gonna start removing socialists teachers from schools? How about kids who play violent games at home?

You want safe schools, start there.
Actually to me, a violent video game for example is the better place for anyone to express whatever negative feelings it is that they may have for another person. If a person doesn't have something like that in their lives to take their frustrations out on, something or someone real is what they may use instead which is what does not need to happen more than it already has.

God bless you always!!!

"Actually to me"

To you!

You have one opinion, I have another.

Constitution have no opinions, and neither do laws. They're suppose to be equal for everybody. Either, you break the law, or you don't.

Did these kids do inside of school? No. Did they break any law? No. School have no power over their rights.
The rights of the kids who were expelled do not over ride the rights of everyone else at the school and since everyone else at the school outnumber those who were expelled, everyone else at the school are who do not have to pack up and leave.

God bless you and them always!!!


Kids were deprived of their graduation because school overstep their authority. What about their rights?
If they didn't want to lose their right/privilege to attend graduation, they shouldn't have done or said wrong whatever they said or done wrong and at the end of the day, why should their rights be more important compared to the rights of everyone else in the picture especially when everyone else in the picture doesn't have a thing to do with whatever questionable activity took place? To me, those who were removed should just be glad that more rights/privileges weren't ripped away from them. What they lost is something that plenty of other kids may not be getting either due to the Covid 19 issue and so why is this the big deal that some people have turned this matter into?

God bless you and the innocent people who are punished anyways always!!!

You're speaking as a true statist. You can't regulate free speech, otherwise it's not free speech. Constitution prevents that, therefore government, or any of their tentacles cannot limit it. It doesn't matter how stupid kids acted, or if they're racist, it's not illegal to harbor racist thought or even to espouse them. It's illegal to actually act on those thoughts in many respects, for example you can't refuse to hire someone based on race, or refuse to rent or sell a home based on race, or conspire to commit violence based on race. Thinking, or saying racist things, regardless how ridiculous and stupid they are, is not a crime itself. Racism is wrong, but because speech is protected, it's not illegal.
Even if it isn't illegal, it can lead to activity that is illegal and that right there is the reason why the people in charge of the school responded to what already took place the way that they decided to respond to it.

People can say whatever the hell they want to.
Yes they can, but if people have the right to respond to whatever they hear the way that they choose to respond to whatever they hear, is saying whatever you want to really a smart move to make? In other words, maybe the best thing to do is remain quiet until you are willing to deal with whatever takes place after you put out there whatever is on your mind.

God bless you always!!!

People yes, government no.

Kids did not break any law. And if they're not breaking the law, what they do in their free time, it's of nobody's concern, especially not concern of the government, or a school.

Government have no right to respond to your free speech. There is no law against being a jerk, racists, or simply stupid.
This could be debatable. Back when I was still in high school, a girl in my class wasn't calling who she was talking to any bad names, but what she did choose to say in the presence of the teacher is what got her sent to the principal's office as well as the threatening delivery of her word choice. She had her head down on her desk and when the boy next to her placed his hand on her to wake her up, she got mad and said what she put out there for the whole class to hear, so in other words, it isn't just about what is said. How something is said is what makes a world of difference.

God bless you always!!!

Apple and oranges. This is public school. It's not school's job to police kids when they're not in school.
Misbehaving in school, and not following school rules is one thing. What kids are doing, or saying, outside of school is not their business.
If what they do outside the school can eventually have a negative impact on what goes on inside the school, then what is done is the school's business and sadly what the guys are guilty of can have a negative impact on what goes on inside. Do I think that they should've been booted from the school if words are the only thing that they are guilty of? No, but because of what their feelings can lead up to later on, some form of restraint/separation may be needed.

God bless you always!!!

It's not school business to monitor and judge what kids do outside of the school. That's not school purpose, but to educate them. If kids didn't break any laws, it's not school responsibility to find them "guilty" of anything, and to punish them for it. We have a legal system for that.
It may not be the school's responsibility to find students guilty of anything, but it is the school's responsibility to maintain a safe facility for the students to have anything to do with and when students choose to be guilty of belligerent behavior that can lead to life threatening situations, something is to be done right then instead of waiting for a life altering move to happen first. Is removing racist people from the picture in such a way the right move to make? To me, the kids in question should be allowed to finish up their education, but if they can't co-exist in a civil manner with whoever they have an issue with, their education should be completed somewhere else.

God bless you and everyone involved always!!!

You're talking about school safety?

Okay, when we're gonna start removing socialists teachers from schools? How about kids who play violent games at home?

You want safe schools, start there.
Actually to me, a violent video game for example is the better place for anyone to express whatever negative feelings it is that they may have for another person. If a person doesn't have something like that in their lives to take their frustrations out on, something or someone real is what they may use instead which is what does not need to happen more than it already has.

God bless you always!!!

"Actually to me"

To you!

You have one opinion, I have another.

Constitution have no opinions, and neither do laws. They're suppose to be equal for everybody. Either, you break the law, or you don't.

Did these kids do inside of school? No. Did they break any law? No. School have no power over their rights.
The rights of the kids who were expelled do not over ride the rights of everyone else at the school and since everyone else at the school outnumber those who were expelled, everyone else at the school are who do not have to pack up and leave.

God bless you and them always!!!


Kids were deprived of their graduation because school overstep their authority. What about their rights?
If they didn't want to lose their right/privilege to attend graduation, they shouldn't have done or said wrong whatever they said or done wrong and at the end of the day, why should their rights be more important compared to the rights of everyone else in the picture especially when everyone else in the picture doesn't have a thing to do with whatever questionable activity took place? To me, those who were removed should just be glad that more rights/privileges weren't ripped away from them. What they lost is something that plenty of other kids may not be getting either due to the Covid 19 issue and so why is this the big deal that some people have turned this matter into?

God bless you and the innocent people who are punished anyways always!!!

You want some unelected government desk jockeys watching your actions at home to determine what government programs to deny you?
The people in charge of schools or anywhere for that matter have a responsibility to the lives of everyone else in the picture and so because of how far those who got removed are already willing to go, they got removed in the way that the people in charge saw fit. I don't blame the school officials for doing what they can to make sure that things do not escalate on school property.

God bless you two always!!!


P.S. At the end of the day, if you can't serve the time, why do the crime? And if you are not sure if what you are wanting to do or say is a crime or not, right then would be the right time to exercise your freedom of learning by asking questions.

Serious question: Do you want to live in a country where you can be punished for what you "might" do?

No other students rights were violated by what these kids did. You don't have the right to be un-offended. That's literally why the 1st Amendment exists.

Find that obscure section of the Constitution where "High Schools shall make no Law" yet?

Government is forbidden from taking punitive action against citizens for engaging in freedom of speech. Public school is a government institution. This has been explained to you ad nauseum. If you're too stupid to understand it that's on you. Your infantile attempts to distort the law are as pathetic as they are wrong, but par for the course of your typical moronic ramblings.

Once AGAIN --- a high school is not "government". "Government" didn't set up behaviour standards for the high school ---- the school itself did that.

a high school is not "government". "Government" didn't set up behaviour standards for the high school


Do you see this? Board of Education - Carrollton City Schools


"The Carrollton Board of Education is an elected body of six board members, four elected by wards and two at large, or citywide. The board then elects a chairman, vice chairman and treasurer each January. School board members serve four-year terms. Terms are staggered with elections held every two years."

The school board is elected by the public and paid via public taxes. The school board determines policy.


Stop breathing my air.
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You're speaking as a true statist. You can't regulate free speech, otherwise it's not free speech. Constitution prevents that, therefore government, or any of their tentacles cannot limit it. It doesn't matter how stupid kids acted, or if they're racist, it's not illegal to harbor racist thought or even to espouse them. It's illegal to actually act on those thoughts in many respects, for example you can't refuse to hire someone based on race, or refuse to rent or sell a home based on race, or conspire to commit violence based on race. Thinking, or saying racist things, regardless how ridiculous and stupid they are, is not a crime itself. Racism is wrong, but because speech is protected, it's not illegal.
Even if it isn't illegal, it can lead to activity that is illegal and that right there is the reason why the people in charge of the school responded to what already took place the way that they decided to respond to it.
"it can lead to activity that is illegal"

So what? You wanna punish people before they actually commit the crime?

You see, in America we all have the right to be stupid. You seem to exercise that right vigorously. Should we charge you with a crime?
You do realize that a lot of illegal activity falls into the stupid category, right? In other words, maybe we don't have the right to be stupid. It may depend on whatever form of stupidity it is that we decide to be guilty of. And to answer what you ask me here, maybe the reason why I haven't been charged yet already is because I am not guilty of something severe enough or should I be saying instead maybe I haven't been charged yet already because I am not guilty of something stupid enough? What got them kids expelled is their choice to go against whatever rules happen to be at the school which are rules that the school has every right to have in place. What school doesn't give their students rules to follow?

The people in charge of schools or anywhere for that matter have a responsibility to the lives of everyone else in the picture and so because of how far those who got removed are already willing to go, they got removed in the way that the people in charge saw fit. I don't blame the school officials for doing what they can to make sure that things do not escalate on school property.

God bless you two always!!!


P.S. At the end of the day, if you can't serve the time, why do the crime? And if you are not sure if what you are wanting to do or say is a crime or not, right then would be the right time to exercise your freedom of learning by asking questions.
Serious question: Do you want to live in a country where you can be punished for what you "might" do?

No other students rights were violated by what these kids did. You don't have the right to be un-offended. That's literally why the 1st Amendment exists.
Define the word "punishment". In other words, how much of a punishment are the kids who got removed actually suffering? To me, how the school responded is like not getting to go to a dance because your parents grounded you for whatever wrong it is that you are guilty of. You are making it sound like the school has no right to set rules just like parents and other people on this planet can set. At the end of the day, the school was well within their rights concerning how they decided to respond to the bad attitudes that them kids decided to possess and yes, even if what they are guilty of did not take place on school property, because what they are guilty of can carry over into one place from another, like the Covid 19 situation for example, the school did what they saw fit to keep the problem from being dumped on the plates of the other students. If a fight/shooting were to happen due to the school's decision to not separate the kids in question, what song would you then be singing if your kid(s) were to become a victim/witness to the fight/shooting? I highly doubt that it would be the song that I am currently getting from you.

God bless you two always!!!

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You're speaking as a true statist. You can't regulate free speech, otherwise it's not free speech. Constitution prevents that, therefore government, or any of their tentacles cannot limit it. It doesn't matter how stupid kids acted, or if they're racist, it's not illegal to harbor racist thought or even to espouse them. It's illegal to actually act on those thoughts in many respects, for example you can't refuse to hire someone based on race, or refuse to rent or sell a home based on race, or conspire to commit violence based on race. Thinking, or saying racist things, regardless how ridiculous and stupid they are, is not a crime itself. Racism is wrong, but because speech is protected, it's not illegal.
Even if it isn't illegal, it can lead to activity that is illegal and that right there is the reason why the people in charge of the school responded to what already took place the way that they decided to respond to it.
"it can lead to activity that is illegal"

So what? You wanna punish people before they actually commit the crime?

You see, in America we all have the right to be stupid. You seem to exercise that right vigorously. Should we charge you with a crime?
You do realize that a lot of illegal activity falls into the stupid category, right? In other words, maybe we don't have the right to be stupid. And to answer what you ask me here, maybe the reason why I haven't been charged yet already is because I am not guilty of something severe enough or should I being saying stupid enough instead?

The people in charge of schools or anywhere for that matter have a responsibility to the lives of everyone else in the picture and so because of how far those who got removed are already willing to go, they got removed in the way that the people in charge saw fit. I don't blame the school officials for doing what they can to make sure that things do not escalate on school property.

God bless you two always!!!


P.S. At the end of the day, if you can't serve the time, why do the crime? And if you are not sure if what you are wanting to do or say is a crime or not, right then would be the right time to exercise your freedom of learning by asking questions.
Serious question: Do you want to live in a country where you can be punished for what you "might" do?

No other students rights were violated by what these kids did. You don't have the right to be un-offended. That's literally why the 1st Amendment exists.
Define the word "punishment". In other words, how much of a punishment are the kids who got removed actually suffering? To me, how the school responded is like not getting to go to a dance because your parents grounded you for whatever wrong it is that you are guilty of. You are making it sound like the school has no right to set rules just like parents and other people on this planet can set. At the end of the day, the school was well within their rights concerning how they decided to respond to the bad attitudes that them kids decided to possess.

God bless you two always!!!


You don't think being kicked out of school is punishment?

The school was not within their rights. As has been said, over and over and over, the school in question is a government institution - and they chose to punish 2 students for something that happened completely outside school purview. Their actions stand in direct contradiction to the First Amendment. They will be sued and they will lose.

If this was a PRIVATE school it would be a different story. It's not.
^^^ If a fight/shooting were to happen on school property due to the school's decision to not remove the kids in question, what song would you then be singing if your kid(s) were to become victim/witnesses to the fight/shooting? I highly doubt that it would be the song that I am currently getting from you.

God bless you always!!!

People can say whatever the hell they want to.
Yes they can, but if people have the right to respond to whatever they hear the way that they choose to respond to whatever they hear, is saying whatever you want to really a smart move to make? In other words, maybe the best thing to do is remain quiet until you are willing to deal with whatever takes place after you put out there whatever is on your mind.

God bless you always!!!

People yes, government no.

Kids did not break any law. And if they're not breaking the law, what they do in their free time, it's of nobody's concern, especially not concern of the government, or a school.

Government have no right to respond to your free speech. There is no law against being a jerk, racists, or simply stupid.
This could be debatable. Back when I was still in high school, a girl in my class wasn't calling who she was talking to any bad names, but what she did choose to say in the presence of the teacher is what got her sent to the principal's office as well as the threatening delivery of her word choice. She had her head down on her desk and when the boy next to her placed his hand on her to wake her up, she got mad and said what she put out there for the whole class to hear, so in other words, it isn't just about what is said. How something is said is what makes a world of difference.

God bless you always!!!

Apple and oranges. This is public school. It's not school's job to police kids when they're not in school.
Misbehaving in school, and not following school rules is one thing. What kids are doing, or saying, outside of school is not their business.
If what they do outside the school can eventually have a negative impact on what goes on inside the school, then what is done is the school's business and sadly what the guys are guilty of can have a negative impact on what goes on inside. Do I think that they should've been booted from the school if words are the only thing that they are guilty of? No, but because of what their feelings can lead up to later on, some form of restraint/separation may be needed.

God bless you always!!!

It's not school business to monitor and judge what kids do outside of the school. That's not school purpose, but to educate them. If kids didn't break any laws, it's not school responsibility to find them "guilty" of anything, and to punish them for it. We have a legal system for that.
It may not be the school's responsibility to find students guilty of anything, but it is the school's responsibility to maintain a safe facility for the students to have anything to do with and when students choose to be guilty of belligerent behavior that can lead to life threatening situations, something is to be done right then instead of waiting for a life altering move to happen first. Is removing racist people from the picture in such a way the right move to make? To me, the kids in question should be allowed to finish up their education, but if they can't co-exist in a civil manner with whoever they have an issue with, their education should be completed somewhere else.

God bless you and everyone involved always!!!

You're talking about school safety?

Okay, when we're gonna start removing socialists teachers from schools? How about kids who play violent games at home?

You want safe schools, start there.
Actually to me, a violent video game for example is the better place for anyone to express whatever negative feelings it is that they may have for another person. If a person doesn't have something like that in their lives to take their frustrations out on, something or someone real is what they may use instead which is what does not need to happen more than it already has.

God bless you always!!!

"Actually to me"

To you!

You have one opinion, I have another.

Constitution have no opinions, and neither do laws. They're suppose to be equal for everybody. Either, you break the law, or you don't.

Did these kids do inside of school? No. Did they break any law? No. School have no power over their rights.
The rights of the kids who were expelled do not over ride the rights of everyone else at the school and since everyone else at the school outnumber those who were expelled, everyone else at the school are who do not have to pack up and leave.

God bless you and them always!!!


Kids were deprived of their graduation because school overstep their authority. What about their rights?
If they didn't want to lose their right/privilege to attend graduation, they shouldn't have done or said wrong whatever they said or done wrong and at the end of the day, why should their rights be more important compared to the rights of everyone else in the picture especially when everyone else in the picture doesn't have a thing to do with whatever questionable activity took place? To me, those who were removed should just be glad that more rights/privileges weren't ripped away from them. What they lost is something that plenty of other kids may not be getting either due to the Covid 19 issue and so why is this the big deal that some people have turned this matter into?

God bless you and the innocent people who are punished anyways always!!!

You're speaking as a true statist. You can't regulate free speech, otherwise it's not free speech. Constitution prevents that, therefore government, or any of their tentacles cannot limit it. It doesn't matter how stupid kids acted, or if they're racist, it's not illegal to harbor racist thought or even to espouse them. It's illegal to actually act on those thoughts in many respects, for example you can't refuse to hire someone based on race, or refuse to rent or sell a home based on race, or conspire to commit violence based on race. Thinking, or saying racist things, regardless how ridiculous and stupid they are, is not a crime itself. Racism is wrong, but because speech is protected, it's not illegal.
Even if it isn't illegal, it can lead to activity that is illegal and that right there is the reason why the people in charge of the school responded to what already took place the way that they decided to respond to it.

People can say whatever the hell they want to.
Yes they can, but if people have the right to respond to whatever they hear the way that they choose to respond to whatever they hear, is saying whatever you want to really a smart move to make? In other words, maybe the best thing to do is remain quiet until you are willing to deal with whatever takes place after you put out there whatever is on your mind.

God bless you always!!!

People yes, government no.

Kids did not break any law. And if they're not breaking the law, what they do in their free time, it's of nobody's concern, especially not concern of the government, or a school.

Government have no right to respond to your free speech. There is no law against being a jerk, racists, or simply stupid.
This could be debatable. Back when I was still in high school, a girl in my class wasn't calling who she was talking to any bad names, but what she did choose to say in the presence of the teacher is what got her sent to the principal's office as well as the threatening delivery of her word choice. She had her head down on her desk and when the boy next to her placed his hand on her to wake her up, she got mad and said what she put out there for the whole class to hear, so in other words, it isn't just about what is said. How something is said is what makes a world of difference.

God bless you always!!!

Apple and oranges. This is public school. It's not school's job to police kids when they're not in school.
Misbehaving in school, and not following school rules is one thing. What kids are doing, or saying, outside of school is not their business.
If what they do outside the school can eventually have a negative impact on what goes on inside the school, then what is done is the school's business and sadly what the guys are guilty of can have a negative impact on what goes on inside. Do I think that they should've been booted from the school if words are the only thing that they are guilty of? No, but because of what their feelings can lead up to later on, some form of restraint/separation may be needed.

God bless you always!!!

It's not school business to monitor and judge what kids do outside of the school. That's not school purpose, but to educate them. If kids didn't break any laws, it's not school responsibility to find them "guilty" of anything, and to punish them for it. We have a legal system for that.
It may not be the school's responsibility to find students guilty of anything, but it is the school's responsibility to maintain a safe facility for the students to have anything to do with and when students choose to be guilty of belligerent behavior that can lead to life threatening situations, something is to be done right then instead of waiting for a life altering move to happen first. Is removing racist people from the picture in such a way the right move to make? To me, the kids in question should be allowed to finish up their education, but if they can't co-exist in a civil manner with whoever they have an issue with, their education should be completed somewhere else.

God bless you and everyone involved always!!!

You're talking about school safety?

Okay, when we're gonna start removing socialists teachers from schools? How about kids who play violent games at home?

You want safe schools, start there.
Actually to me, a violent video game for example is the better place for anyone to express whatever negative feelings it is that they may have for another person. If a person doesn't have something like that in their lives to take their frustrations out on, something or someone real is what they may use instead which is what does not need to happen more than it already has.

God bless you always!!!

"Actually to me"

To you!

You have one opinion, I have another.

Constitution have no opinions, and neither do laws. They're suppose to be equal for everybody. Either, you break the law, or you don't.

Did these kids do inside of school? No. Did they break any law? No. School have no power over their rights.
The rights of the kids who were expelled do not over ride the rights of everyone else at the school and since everyone else at the school outnumber those who were expelled, everyone else at the school are who do not have to pack up and leave.

God bless you and them always!!!


Kids were deprived of their graduation because school overstep their authority. What about their rights?
If they didn't want to lose their right/privilege to attend graduation, they shouldn't have done or said wrong whatever they said or done wrong and at the end of the day, why should their rights be more important compared to the rights of everyone else in the picture especially when everyone else in the picture doesn't have a thing to do with whatever questionable activity took place? To me, those who were removed should just be glad that more rights/privileges weren't ripped away from them. What they lost is something that plenty of other kids may not be getting either due to the Covid 19 issue and so why is this the big deal that some people have turned this matter into?

God bless you and the innocent people who are punished anyways always!!!

You want some unelected government desk jockeys watching your actions at home to determine what government programs to deny you?
The people in charge of schools or anywhere for that matter have a responsibility to the lives of everyone else in the picture and so because of how far those who got removed are already willing to go, they got removed in the way that the people in charge saw fit. I don't blame the school officials for doing what they can to make sure that things do not escalate on school property.

God bless you two always!!!


P.S. At the end of the day, if you can't serve the time, why do the crime? And if you are not sure if what you are wanting to do or say is a crime or not, right then would be the right time to exercise your freedom of learning by asking questions.

Serious question: Do you want to live in a country where you can be punished for what you "might" do?

No other students rights were violated by what these kids did. You don't have the right to be un-offended. That's literally why the 1st Amendment exists.

Find that obscure section of the Constitution where "High Schools shall make no Law" yet?

Government is forbidden from taking punitive action against citizens for engaging in freedom of speech. Public school is a government institution. This has been explained to you ad nauseum. If you're too stupid to understand it that's on you. Your infantile attempts to distort the law are as pathetic as they are wrong, but par for the course of your typical moronic ramblings.

Once AGAIN --- a high school is not "government". "Government" didn't set up behaviour standards for the high school ---- the school itself did that.
Amazing. A government run school is not government.
OK, time to bring back Bible reading and open prayer in schools.
For as you say, it’s not government.

Government runs Carrollton high school now, does it?

Public schools are government schools, dickhead.

By the way, are you still rooting for COVID-19 record numbers?
^^^ If a fight/shooting were to happen on school property due to the school's decision to not remove the kids in question, what song would you then be singing if your kid(s) were to become victim/witnesses to the fight/shooting? I highly doubt that it would be the song that I am currently getting from you.

God bless you always!!!


False equivalency.

1) Your scenario involves imminent danger to staff and students.
2) Your scenario involves said danger happening ON school property.

2 kids being morons on camera in a private setting, with absolutely no mention of or reference to the school they attend, is not an imminent threat to the school or it's interests. In fact, it has NOTHING to do with them at all.
^^^ If a fight/shooting were to happen on school property due to the school's decision to not remove the kids in question, what song would you then be singing if your kid(s) were to become victim/witnesses to the fight/shooting? I highly doubt that it would be the song that I am currently getting from you.

God bless you always!!!


Let me ask you another question.

I live in the country. I have guns. Suppose I take my son out in the back yard and record him firing off some rounds. He/we share the video online.

Pretty much every school in this country has a "zero tolerance" gun policy. So should his school be able to expel him for it? Because that's what you're advocating for.
^^^ As long as the guns are not on brought onto school property, nothing should be done to your kid until your kid decides to place a threat on other people.

^^^ If a fight/shooting were to happen on school property due to the school's decision to not remove the kids in question, what song would you then be singing if your kid(s) were to become victim/witnesses to the fight/shooting? I highly doubt that it would be the song that I am currently getting from you.

God bless you always!!!


False equivalency.

1) Your scenario involves imminent danger to staff and students.
2) Your scenario involves said danger happening ON school property.

2 kids being morons on camera in a private setting, with absolutely no mention of or reference to the school they attend, is not an imminent threat to the school or it's interests. In fact, it has NOTHING to do with them at all.
Where the activity took place is irrelevant, but because the kids in question went to the school, the school had every right to remove them because of how threatening their attitudes can be to the other students at the school.

God bless you and your boy always!!!

People can say whatever the hell they want to.
Yes they can, but if people have the right to respond to whatever they hear the way that they choose to respond to whatever they hear, is saying whatever you want to really a smart move to make? In other words, maybe the best thing to do is remain quiet until you are willing to deal with whatever takes place after you put out there whatever is on your mind.

God bless you always!!!

People yes, government no.

Kids did not break any law. And if they're not breaking the law, what they do in their free time, it's of nobody's concern, especially not concern of the government, or a school.

Government have no right to respond to your free speech. There is no law against being a jerk, racists, or simply stupid.
This could be debatable. Back when I was still in high school, a girl in my class wasn't calling who she was talking to any bad names, but what she did choose to say in the presence of the teacher is what got her sent to the principal's office as well as the threatening delivery of her word choice. She had her head down on her desk and when the boy next to her placed his hand on her to wake her up, she got mad and said what she put out there for the whole class to hear, so in other words, it isn't just about what is said. How something is said is what makes a world of difference.

God bless you always!!!

Apple and oranges. This is public school. It's not school's job to police kids when they're not in school.
Misbehaving in school, and not following school rules is one thing. What kids are doing, or saying, outside of school is not their business.
If what they do outside the school can eventually have a negative impact on what goes on inside the school, then what is done is the school's business and sadly what the guys are guilty of can have a negative impact on what goes on inside. Do I think that they should've been booted from the school if words are the only thing that they are guilty of? No, but because of what their feelings can lead up to later on, some form of restraint/separation may be needed.

God bless you always!!!

It's not school business to monitor and judge what kids do outside of the school. That's not school purpose, but to educate them. If kids didn't break any laws, it's not school responsibility to find them "guilty" of anything, and to punish them for it. We have a legal system for that.
It may not be the school's responsibility to find students guilty of anything, but it is the school's responsibility to maintain a safe facility for the students to have anything to do with and when students choose to be guilty of belligerent behavior that can lead to life threatening situations, something is to be done right then instead of waiting for a life altering move to happen first. Is removing racist people from the picture in such a way the right move to make? To me, the kids in question should be allowed to finish up their education, but if they can't co-exist in a civil manner with whoever they have an issue with, their education should be completed somewhere else.

God bless you and everyone involved always!!!

You're talking about school safety?

Okay, when we're gonna start removing socialists teachers from schools? How about kids who play violent games at home?

You want safe schools, start there.
Actually to me, a violent video game for example is the better place for anyone to express whatever negative feelings it is that they may have for another person. If a person doesn't have something like that in their lives to take their frustrations out on, something or someone real is what they may use instead which is what does not need to happen more than it already has.

God bless you always!!!

"Actually to me"

To you!

You have one opinion, I have another.

Constitution have no opinions, and neither do laws. They're suppose to be equal for everybody. Either, you break the law, or you don't.

Did these kids do inside of school? No. Did they break any law? No. School have no power over their rights.
The rights of the kids who were expelled do not over ride the rights of everyone else at the school and since everyone else at the school outnumber those who were expelled, everyone else at the school are who do not have to pack up and leave.

God bless you and them always!!!


Kids were deprived of their graduation because school overstep their authority. What about their rights?
If they didn't want to lose their right/privilege to attend graduation, they shouldn't have done or said wrong whatever they said or done wrong and at the end of the day, why should their rights be more important compared to the rights of everyone else in the picture especially when everyone else in the picture doesn't have a thing to do with whatever questionable activity took place? To me, those who were removed should just be glad that more rights/privileges weren't ripped away from them. What they lost is something that plenty of other kids may not be getting either due to the Covid 19 issue and so why is this the big deal that some people have turned this matter into?

God bless you and the innocent people who are punished anyways always!!!

You're speaking as a true statist. You can't regulate free speech, otherwise it's not free speech. Constitution prevents that, therefore government, or any of their tentacles cannot limit it. It doesn't matter how stupid kids acted, or if they're racist, it's not illegal to harbor racist thought or even to espouse them. It's illegal to actually act on those thoughts in many respects, for example you can't refuse to hire someone based on race, or refuse to rent or sell a home based on race, or conspire to commit violence based on race. Thinking, or saying racist things, regardless how ridiculous and stupid they are, is not a crime itself. Racism is wrong, but because speech is protected, it's not illegal.
Even if it isn't illegal, it can lead to activity that is illegal and that right there is the reason why the people in charge of the school responded to what already took place the way that they decided to respond to it.

People can say whatever the hell they want to.
Yes they can, but if people have the right to respond to whatever they hear the way that they choose to respond to whatever they hear, is saying whatever you want to really a smart move to make? In other words, maybe the best thing to do is remain quiet until you are willing to deal with whatever takes place after you put out there whatever is on your mind.

God bless you always!!!

People yes, government no.

Kids did not break any law. And if they're not breaking the law, what they do in their free time, it's of nobody's concern, especially not concern of the government, or a school.

Government have no right to respond to your free speech. There is no law against being a jerk, racists, or simply stupid.
This could be debatable. Back when I was still in high school, a girl in my class wasn't calling who she was talking to any bad names, but what she did choose to say in the presence of the teacher is what got her sent to the principal's office as well as the threatening delivery of her word choice. She had her head down on her desk and when the boy next to her placed his hand on her to wake her up, she got mad and said what she put out there for the whole class to hear, so in other words, it isn't just about what is said. How something is said is what makes a world of difference.

God bless you always!!!

Apple and oranges. This is public school. It's not school's job to police kids when they're not in school.
Misbehaving in school, and not following school rules is one thing. What kids are doing, or saying, outside of school is not their business.
If what they do outside the school can eventually have a negative impact on what goes on inside the school, then what is done is the school's business and sadly what the guys are guilty of can have a negative impact on what goes on inside. Do I think that they should've been booted from the school if words are the only thing that they are guilty of? No, but because of what their feelings can lead up to later on, some form of restraint/separation may be needed.

God bless you always!!!

It's not school business to monitor and judge what kids do outside of the school. That's not school purpose, but to educate them. If kids didn't break any laws, it's not school responsibility to find them "guilty" of anything, and to punish them for it. We have a legal system for that.
It may not be the school's responsibility to find students guilty of anything, but it is the school's responsibility to maintain a safe facility for the students to have anything to do with and when students choose to be guilty of belligerent behavior that can lead to life threatening situations, something is to be done right then instead of waiting for a life altering move to happen first. Is removing racist people from the picture in such a way the right move to make? To me, the kids in question should be allowed to finish up their education, but if they can't co-exist in a civil manner with whoever they have an issue with, their education should be completed somewhere else.

God bless you and everyone involved always!!!

You're talking about school safety?

Okay, when we're gonna start removing socialists teachers from schools? How about kids who play violent games at home?

You want safe schools, start there.
Actually to me, a violent video game for example is the better place for anyone to express whatever negative feelings it is that they may have for another person. If a person doesn't have something like that in their lives to take their frustrations out on, something or someone real is what they may use instead which is what does not need to happen more than it already has.

God bless you always!!!

"Actually to me"

To you!

You have one opinion, I have another.

Constitution have no opinions, and neither do laws. They're suppose to be equal for everybody. Either, you break the law, or you don't.

Did these kids do inside of school? No. Did they break any law? No. School have no power over their rights.
The rights of the kids who were expelled do not over ride the rights of everyone else at the school and since everyone else at the school outnumber those who were expelled, everyone else at the school are who do not have to pack up and leave.

God bless you and them always!!!


Kids were deprived of their graduation because school overstep their authority. What about their rights?
If they didn't want to lose their right/privilege to attend graduation, they shouldn't have done or said wrong whatever they said or done wrong and at the end of the day, why should their rights be more important compared to the rights of everyone else in the picture especially when everyone else in the picture doesn't have a thing to do with whatever questionable activity took place? To me, those who were removed should just be glad that more rights/privileges weren't ripped away from them. What they lost is something that plenty of other kids may not be getting either due to the Covid 19 issue and so why is this the big deal that some people have turned this matter into?

God bless you and the innocent people who are punished anyways always!!!

You want some unelected government desk jockeys watching your actions at home to determine what government programs to deny you?
The people in charge of schools or anywhere for that matter have a responsibility to the lives of everyone else in the picture and so because of how far those who got removed are already willing to go, they got removed in the way that the people in charge saw fit. I don't blame the school officials for doing what they can to make sure that things do not escalate on school property.

God bless you two always!!!


P.S. At the end of the day, if you can't serve the time, why do the crime? And if you are not sure if what you are wanting to do or say is a crime or not, right then would be the right time to exercise your freedom of learning by asking questions.

Serious question: Do you want to live in a country where you can be punished for what you "might" do?

No other students rights were violated by what these kids did. You don't have the right to be un-offended. That's literally why the 1st Amendment exists.

Find that obscure section of the Constitution where "High Schools shall make no Law" yet?

Government is forbidden from taking punitive action against citizens for engaging in freedom of speech. Public school is a government institution. This has been explained to you ad nauseum. If you're too stupid to understand it that's on you. Your infantile attempts to distort the law are as pathetic as they are wrong, but par for the course of your typical moronic ramblings.

Once AGAIN --- a high school is not "government". "Government" didn't set up behaviour standards for the high school ---- the school itself did that.
Amazing. A government run school is not government.
OK, time to bring back Bible reading and open prayer in schools.
For as you say, it’s not government.

Government runs Carrollton high school now, does it?

Public schools are government schools, dickhead.

By the way, are you still rooting for COVID-19 record numbers?
No, Pogo is right. That’s why he won’t complain students reading the Bible in class.
"it can lead to activity that is illegal"

So what? You wanna punish people before they actually commit the crime?

You see, in America we all have the right to be stupid. You seem to exercise that right vigorously. Should we charge you with a crime?
You do realize that a lot of illegal activity falls into the stupid category, right? In other words, maybe we don't have the right to be stupid. It may depend on whatever form of stupidity it is that we decide to be guilty of. And to answer what you ask me here, maybe the reason why I haven't been charged yet already is because I am not guilty of something severe enough or should I be saying instead maybe I haven't been charged yet already because I am not guilty of something stupid enough? What got them kids expelled is their choice to go against whatever rules happen to be at the school which are rules that the school has every right to have in place. What school doesn't give their students rules to follow?

It looks like you're trying to make point, but you don't have any. Did you read at all what I posted for you?

"lot of illegal activity falls into the stupid category"

Yet, stupidity itself is not illegal, otherwise we would imprison socialists long time ago. Any attempt to illegalize free speech is akin to prosecuting thoughts. And believe it or not, even stupid people have them. Compared to life in a culture that prohibits political, esthetic or simple preferential dissent, living in a society that legally protects and willingly harbors avowed racists should be paradise.

The free speech right, along with right of free association... dealing with, hiring, interacting, selling to or buying from and mingling with whomever you damn well please is both fundamental and inalienable. Advocating that government have even a shred of control over personal decisions is a slippery slope which America has already skidded well towards the bottom of. Thanks to people like you.
^^^ You make it sound like a person has every right to threaten other people because of this free speech thing that you speak of. I don't think so. Threatening another person is actually what gets a guy put away for 25 years during an episode of Blue Bloods. The guy who ran his mouth had no idea that he was being filmed and that his voice was being recorded too. The season six episode named The Extra Mile I believe is where it all took place.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Like I said in my earlier message, it may all depend on what form of stupidity a person chooses to be guilty of.
^^^ If a fight/shooting were to happen on school property due to the school's decision to not remove the kids in question, what song would you then be singing if your kid(s) were to become victim/witnesses to the fight/shooting? I highly doubt that it would be the song that I am currently getting from you.

God bless you always!!!


Aren't schools gun free zones? You know, there is a law against bringing guns to school grounds.
^^^ They are supposed to be, but of course there are people out there who don't care about laws, rules, regulations, etc.

God bless you always!!!

^^^ They are supposed to be, but of course there are people out there who don't care about laws, rules, regulations, etc.

God bless you always!!!


What you just said has nothing to do with my question.

You claim that school have to prevent shooting, yet saying right after "there are people who don't care about laws, rules, regulations."

If so, please explain, what they have prevented, if people who don't care about laws still bring guns to school?
Where the activity took place is irrelevant, but because the kids in question went to the school, the school had every right to remove them because of how threatening their attitudes can be to the other students at the school.

God bless you and your boy always!!!


^^^ They are supposed to be, but of course there are people out there who don't care about laws, rules, regulations, etc.

God bless you always!!!

What you just said has nothing to do with my question.

You claim that school have to prevent shooting, yet saying right after "there are people who don't care about laws, rules, regulations."

If so, please explain, what they have prevented, if people who don't care about laws still bring guns to school?
They are doing what they can to prevent school shootings.

God bless you always!!!

^^^ They are supposed to be, but of course there are people out there who don't care about laws, rules, regulations, etc.

God bless you always!!!

What you just said has nothing to do with my question.

You claim that school have to prevent shooting, yet saying right after "there are people who don't care about laws, rules, regulations."

If so, please explain, what they have prevented, if people who don't care about laws still bring guns to school?
They are doing what they can to prevent school shootings.

God bless you always!!!


You said that "there are people who don't care about laws, rules, regulations." You think they would not bring guns to school because it's not permitted? Can you tell me how many school shooters actually respected laws, rules, regulations?

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