So which is it, Donnie? Legal or not legal to appt. Special Counsel???

oh for fucks sake. you are too dim witted to follow the bouncing ball anyway. it's multi layered & you can research it or stay as dumb as the rest of the deplorables. & you think it's about taxes??????????? LOL!!!!!!!!!! oh how much fun is it gonna be when he goes to trial.... that is if he doesn't flip first.

Paul Manafort

Russian Oligarch Sues Manafort and Gates
You're dancing and weaseling. "Multilayered" means your trying to spin the facts to mean what they don't mean.

You're a lying dumbass snowflake.

tick tock little home schooled reject.
Oh I cant wait for the trials.....Mueller is shitting his pants because the Russians he indicted WANT to go to he wants to delay it......
bring on the trials....lets find out more babout the dossier, who wrote it, why they wrote it, who paid for it.

And I cant wait for the FBI rank and file to testify as well....the DOJ (aka Rosenstein) is preventing them from going to congress.......

Trump will crush you all like he always does........and we're gonna see how DC really works......he was elected to expose and eradicate the elites in DC and they are unknowingly helping him do it....this whole stuff is gonna be fun......

bring It on.....cant wait to see the rats flee.......I hope its televised

What's the crime that deserved the Special Counsel?

My guess after it's all over? Treason.

Oh fucking bite me


.Before posting shit like this read the legal definition of treason so you don't make a bloody fool of yourself again Maxine Tumblin Tumbleweed.

Please. I wouldn't touch you with Orange Virus' tiny penis attached to a 10-foot pole, deplorable.

noun: treason; noun: high treason; plural noun: high treasons
  1. the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.
    "they were convicted of treason"
    synonyms: treachery, disloyalty, betrayal, faithlessness; More
    sedition, subversion, mutiny, rebellion;
    high treason, lèse-majesté;
    "the treason of Benedict Arnold will be recounted for centuries"
    antonyms: allegiance, loyalty
oh for fucks sake. you are too dim witted to follow the bouncing ball anyway. it's multi layered & you can research it or stay as dumb as the rest of the deplorables. & you think it's about taxes??????????? LOL!!!!!!!!!! oh how much fun is it gonna be when he goes to trial.... that is if he doesn't flip first.

Paul Manafort

Russian Oligarch Sues Manafort and Gates
You're dancing and weaseling. "Multilayered" means your trying to spin the facts to mean what they don't mean.

You're a lying dumbass snowflake.

tick tock little home schooled reject.
Oh I cant wait for the trials.....Mueller is shitting his pants because the Russians he indicted WANT to go to he wants to delay it......
bring on the trials....lets find out more babout the dossier, who wrote it, why they wrote it, who paid for it.

And I cant wait for the FBI rank and file to testify as well....the DOJ (aka Rosenstein) is preventing them from going to congress.......

Trump will crush you all like he always does........and we're gonna see how DC really works......he was elected to expose and eradicate the elites in DC and they are unknowingly helping him do it....this whole stuff is gonna be fun......

bring It on.....cant wait to see the rats flee.......I hope its televised

Mueller hits Paul Manafort with new charges, indicts Russian associate

What's the crime that deserved the Special Counsel?

My guess after it's all over? Treason.

Oh fucking bite me


.Before posting shit like this read the legal definition of treason so you don't make a bloody fool of yourself again Maxine Tumblin Tumbleweed.

Please. I wouldn't touch you with Orange Virus' tiny penis attached to a 10-foot pole, deplorable.

noun: treason; noun: high treason; plural noun: high treasons
  1. the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.
    "they were convicted of treason"
    synonyms: treachery, disloyalty, betrayal, faithlessness; More
    sedition, subversion, mutiny, rebellion;
    high treason, lèse-majesté;
    "the treason of Benedict Arnold will be recounted for centuries"
    antonyms: allegiance, loyalty

This is how the Constitution defines it, and that's the only definition that counts:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court."
You have to a complete imbecile to believe anyone is going to be prosecuted for treason.
What's the crime that deserved the Special Counsel?

My guess after it's all over? Treason.

Oh fucking bite me


.Before posting shit like this read the legal definition of treason so you don't make a bloody fool of yourself again Maxine Tumblin Tumbleweed.

Please. I wouldn't touch you with Orange Virus' tiny penis attached to a 10-foot pole, deplorable.

noun: treason; noun: high treason; plural noun: high treasons
  1. the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.
    "they were convicted of treason"
    synonyms: treachery, disloyalty, betrayal, faithlessness; More
    sedition, subversion, mutiny, rebellion;
    high treason, lèse-majesté;
    "the treason of Benedict Arnold will be recounted for centuries"
    antonyms: allegiance, loyalty

This is how the Constitution defines it, and that's the only definition that counts:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court."
You have to a complete imbecile to believe anyone is going to be prosecuted for treason.

Aww. You want a tissue, snowflake?
What's the crime that deserved the Special Counsel?

My guess after it's all over? Treason.

Oh fucking bite me


.Before posting shit like this read the legal definition of treason so you don't make a bloody fool of yourself again Maxine Tumblin Tumbleweed.

Please. I wouldn't touch you with Orange Virus' tiny penis attached to a 10-foot pole, deplorable.

noun: treason; noun: high treason; plural noun: high treasons
  1. the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.
    "they were convicted of treason"
    synonyms: treachery, disloyalty, betrayal, faithlessness; More
    sedition, subversion, mutiny, rebellion;
    high treason, lèse-majesté;
    "the treason of Benedict Arnold will be recounted for centuries"
    antonyms: allegiance, loyalty

This is how the Constitution defines it, and that's the only definition that counts:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court."
You have to a complete imbecile to believe anyone is going to be prosecuted for treason.

Aww. You want a tissue, snowflake?
That's the best comeback you got?
Once again the big orange-faced grifter contradicts himself.

Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump 7h7 hours ago
The appointment of the Special Counsel is totally UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Despite that, we play the game because I, unlike the Democrats, have done nothing wrong!

22,280 replies12,499 retweets50,327 likes

.....Trump is so fucking stupid.

View attachment 196693

Holy fuck but you're stupid.

It's why you're a Stalinist.

The appointment of Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada is unconstitutional because NO CRIME was identified. Instead you traitors set the Inquisition up with the charge that Trump is guilty, Torquemada is to find what he is guilty of.

BTW, turns out Torquemada is a crook and conspired on the Uranium One deal, as did Rosenstein.

How Much Did Mueller and Rosenstein Know about Uranium One?
Once again the big orange-faced grifter contradicts himself.

Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump 7h7 hours ago
The appointment of the Special Counsel is totally UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Despite that, we play the game because I, unlike the Democrats, have done nothing wrong!

22,280 replies12,499 retweets50,327 likes

.....Trump is so fucking stupid.

View attachment 196693
The appointment of a special prosecutor requires a crime...not maybe a crime or we want to look for a crime there must be a law that has been this case there was not...only assumptions....

Fuckwad2020 is too stupid to grasp that.

Stupidity is the root cause of Stalinism.
um, no. trump STILL has the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. mueller is a prosecutor.

he's counsel.

he's NOT a judge nor a jury. that happens when a crime(s) have been believed to have been committed- but mueller has no power to sentence anybody.

Mewler-Torquemada is the Grand Inquisitor. He follows no law nor standard of justice. Torquemada has the guilty party and is desperately seeking the crime to pin on him.

The Inquisition is a witch hunt, not a legal proceeding, moron.
um, no. trump STILL has the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. mueller is a prosecutor.

he's counsel.

he's NOT a judge nor a jury. that happens when a crime(s) have been believed to have been committed- but mueller has no power to sentence anybody.

Mewler-Torquemada is the Grand Inquisitor. He follows no law nor standard of justice. Torquemada has the guilty party and is desperately seeking the crime to pin on him.

The Inquisition is a witch hunt, not a legal proceeding, moron.
Mewler's big mistake is that he's used to employing his KGB tactics out of the limelight. He could get away with this kind of horseshit when the media wasn't reporting every single thing he did. Now the public can seen how he operates, and they are horrified.
My guess after it's all over? Treason.

Oh fucking bite me


.Before posting shit like this read the legal definition of treason so you don't make a bloody fool of yourself again Maxine Tumblin Tumbleweed.

Please. I wouldn't touch you with Orange Virus' tiny penis attached to a 10-foot pole, deplorable.

noun: treason; noun: high treason; plural noun: high treasons
  1. the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.
    "they were convicted of treason"
    synonyms: treachery, disloyalty, betrayal, faithlessness; More
    sedition, subversion, mutiny, rebellion;
    high treason, lèse-majesté;
    "the treason of Benedict Arnold will be recounted for centuries"
    antonyms: allegiance, loyalty

This is how the Constitution defines it, and that's the only definition that counts:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court."
You have to a complete imbecile to believe anyone is going to be prosecuted for treason.

Aww. You want a tissue, snowflake?
That's the best comeback you got?

It's all your nonsense is worth.

I mean, you do support the worst person to ever darken the Oval Office, don't you? Worse than Reagan, worse than GWB, Clinton and even Obama. You worship the bottom of the barrel. You rail on Hollywood, but worship and envy reality TV stars. You worship the rich and they laugh in contempt at you. These things are entirely your shortcomings, not those of anyone else. I accept your role in society, why can't you?.

Unrefined, arrogant, historically ignorant, bigoted and petty are really the only terms to define the Orange Virus and his merry band of deplorables. If they don't like shit being thrown at them on the daily, perhaps they should refrain from being turds to society on the daily.

You're funny because you are a minority, just like most of the people you fear and rail upon 24/7. Your party is just as guilty of the very things you accuse the other party of. While the technology we have access to currently is truly awe inspiring, we must also accept it has given a new voice to the fearful and stupid. Your whataboutism (But her emails! Benghazi!) is off the charts. Your side makes up reality (alternative facts) when reality doesn't suit you, then accuse others of 'fake news' - like most six-year-olds. You shun accountability, because you hate being second guessed. Well tough shit, snowflakes. Might as well pick up your bootstraps, rub some dirt on it and walk it off, because the daily shunning ain't ending anytime soon. However, the silver lining is that the majority will tire of you lot eventually, and you will be forced to return to the rock of mediocrity from which you came. Hopefully sooner than later, for the sake of the country.

Why do you believe your opinions deserve anything more than sheer contempt and dismissal? The far left/right aren't acting like Americans anymore, more like toddlers or drunken sports fans. We are all partially responsible for this shit show, so enjoy the 'wins' your 'side' has while it lasts, and keep on truckin. Society will buy your brand of bullshit only for so long.
Oh fucking bite me


.Before posting shit like this read the legal definition of treason so you don't make a bloody fool of yourself again Maxine Tumblin Tumbleweed.

Please. I wouldn't touch you with Orange Virus' tiny penis attached to a 10-foot pole, deplorable.

noun: treason; noun: high treason; plural noun: high treasons
  1. the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.
    "they were convicted of treason"
    synonyms: treachery, disloyalty, betrayal, faithlessness; More
    sedition, subversion, mutiny, rebellion;
    high treason, lèse-majesté;
    "the treason of Benedict Arnold will be recounted for centuries"
    antonyms: allegiance, loyalty

This is how the Constitution defines it, and that's the only definition that counts:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court."
You have to a complete imbecile to believe anyone is going to be prosecuted for treason.

Aww. You want a tissue, snowflake?
That's the best comeback you got?

It's all your nonsense is worth.

I mean, you do support the worst person to ever darken the Oval Office, don't you? Worse than Reagan, worse than GWB, Clinton and even Obama. You worship the bottom of the barrel. You rail on Hollywood, but worship and envy reality TV stars. You worship the rich and they laugh in contempt at you. These things are entirely your shortcomings, not those of anyone else. I accept your role in society, why can't you?.

Unrefined, arrogant, historically ignorant, bigoted and petty are really the only terms to define the Orange Virus and his merry band of deplorables. If they don't like shit being thrown at them on the daily, perhaps they should refrain from being turds to society on the daily.

You're funny because you are a minority, just like most of the people you fear and rail upon 24/7. Your party is just as guilty of the very things you accuse the other party of. While the technology we have access to currently is truly awe inspiring, we must also accept it has given a new voice to the fearful and stupid. Your whataboutism (But her emails! Benghazi!) is off the charts. Your side makes up reality (alternative facts) when reality doesn't suit you, then accuse others of 'fake news' - like most six-year-olds. You shun accountability, because you hate being second guessed. Well tough shit, snowflakes. Might as well pick up your bootstraps, rub some dirt on it and walk it off, because the daily shunning ain't ending anytime soon. However, the silver lining is that the majority will tire of you lot eventually, and you will be forced to return to the rock of mediocrity from which you came. Hopefully sooner than later, for the sake of the country.

Why do you believe your opinions deserve anything more than sheer contempt and dismissal? The far left/right aren't acting like Americans anymore, more like toddlers or drunken sports fans. We are all partially responsible for this shit show, so enjoy the 'wins' your 'side' has while it lasts, and keep on truckin. Society will buy your brand of bullshit only for so long.
It's all your nonsense is worth.

I mean, you do support the worst person to ever darken the Oval Office, don't you? Worse than Reagan, worse than GWB, Clinton and even Obama. You worship the bottom of the barrel. You rail on Hollywood, but worship and envy reality TV stars. You worship the rich and they laugh in contempt at you. These things are entirely your shortcomings, not those of anyone else. I accept your role in society, why can't you?.

Unrefined, arrogant, historically ignorant, bigoted and petty are really the only terms to define the Orange Virus and his merry band of deplorables. If they don't like shit being thrown at them on the daily, perhaps they should refrain from being turds to society on the daily.

You're funny because you are a minority, just like most of the people you fear and rail upon 24/7. Your party is just as guilty of the very things you accuse the other party of. While the technology we have access to currently is truly awe inspiring, we must also accept it has given a new voice to the fearful and stupid. Your whataboutism (But her emails! Benghazi!) is off the charts. Your side makes up reality (alternative facts) when reality doesn't suit you, then accuse others of 'fake news' - like most six-year-olds. You shun accountability, because you hate being second guessed. Well tough shit, snowflakes. Might as well pick up your bootstraps, rub some dirt on it and walk it off, because the daily shunning ain't ending anytime soon. However, the silver lining is that the majority will tire of you lot eventually, and you will be forced to return to the rock of mediocrity from which you came. Hopefully sooner than later, for the sake of the country.

Why do you believe your opinions deserve anything more than sheer contempt and dismissal? The far left/right aren't acting like Americans anymore, more like toddlers or drunken sports fans. We are all partially responsible for this shit show, so enjoy the 'wins' your 'side' has while it lasts, and keep on truckin. Society will buy your brand of bullshit only for so long.

Please. I wouldn't touch you with Orange Virus' tiny penis attached to a 10-foot pole, deplorable.

noun: treason; noun: high treason; plural noun: high treasons
  1. the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.
    "they were convicted of treason"
    synonyms: treachery, disloyalty, betrayal, faithlessness; More
    sedition, subversion, mutiny, rebellion;
    high treason, lèse-majesté;
    "the treason of Benedict Arnold will be recounted for centuries"
    antonyms: allegiance, loyalty

This is how the Constitution defines it, and that's the only definition that counts:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court."
You have to a complete imbecile to believe anyone is going to be prosecuted for treason.

Aww. You want a tissue, snowflake?
That's the best comeback you got?

It's all your nonsense is worth.

I mean, you do support the worst person to ever darken the Oval Office, don't you? Worse than Reagan, worse than GWB, Clinton and even Obama. You worship the bottom of the barrel. You rail on Hollywood, but worship and envy reality TV stars. You worship the rich and they laugh in contempt at you. These things are entirely your shortcomings, not those of anyone else. I accept your role in society, why can't you?.

Unrefined, arrogant, historically ignorant, bigoted and petty are really the only terms to define the Orange Virus and his merry band of deplorables. If they don't like shit being thrown at them on the daily, perhaps they should refrain from being turds to society on the daily.

You're funny because you are a minority, just like most of the people you fear and rail upon 24/7. Your party is just as guilty of the very things you accuse the other party of. While the technology we have access to currently is truly awe inspiring, we must also accept it has given a new voice to the fearful and stupid. Your whataboutism (But her emails! Benghazi!) is off the charts. Your side makes up reality (alternative facts) when reality doesn't suit you, then accuse others of 'fake news' - like most six-year-olds. You shun accountability, because you hate being second guessed. Well tough shit, snowflakes. Might as well pick up your bootstraps, rub some dirt on it and walk it off, because the daily shunning ain't ending anytime soon. However, the silver lining is that the majority will tire of you lot eventually, and you will be forced to return to the rock of mediocrity from which you came. Hopefully sooner than later, for the sake of the country.

Why do you believe your opinions deserve anything more than sheer contempt and dismissal? The far left/right aren't acting like Americans anymore, more like toddlers or drunken sports fans. We are all partially responsible for this shit show, so enjoy the 'wins' your 'side' has while it lasts, and keep on truckin. Society will buy your brand of bullshit only for so long.

Spoken like a true coward.
I didn't see the part where President Trump actually said that. It seems to be CNN's interpretation of a Trump tweet.
This is how the Constitution defines it, and that's the only definition that counts:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court."
You have to a complete imbecile to believe anyone is going to be prosecuted for treason.

Aww. You want a tissue, snowflake?
That's the best comeback you got?

It's all your nonsense is worth.

I mean, you do support the worst person to ever darken the Oval Office, don't you? Worse than Reagan, worse than GWB, Clinton and even Obama. You worship the bottom of the barrel. You rail on Hollywood, but worship and envy reality TV stars. You worship the rich and they laugh in contempt at you. These things are entirely your shortcomings, not those of anyone else. I accept your role in society, why can't you?.

Unrefined, arrogant, historically ignorant, bigoted and petty are really the only terms to define the Orange Virus and his merry band of deplorables. If they don't like shit being thrown at them on the daily, perhaps they should refrain from being turds to society on the daily.

You're funny because you are a minority, just like most of the people you fear and rail upon 24/7. Your party is just as guilty of the very things you accuse the other party of. While the technology we have access to currently is truly awe inspiring, we must also accept it has given a new voice to the fearful and stupid. Your whataboutism (But her emails! Benghazi!) is off the charts. Your side makes up reality (alternative facts) when reality doesn't suit you, then accuse others of 'fake news' - like most six-year-olds. You shun accountability, because you hate being second guessed. Well tough shit, snowflakes. Might as well pick up your bootstraps, rub some dirt on it and walk it off, because the daily shunning ain't ending anytime soon. However, the silver lining is that the majority will tire of you lot eventually, and you will be forced to return to the rock of mediocrity from which you came. Hopefully sooner than later, for the sake of the country.

Why do you believe your opinions deserve anything more than sheer contempt and dismissal? The far left/right aren't acting like Americans anymore, more like toddlers or drunken sports fans. We are all partially responsible for this shit show, so enjoy the 'wins' your 'side' has while it lasts, and keep on truckin. Society will buy your brand of bullshit only for so long.

Spoken like a true coward.

It's all your nonsense is worth.
Once again the big orange-faced grifter contradicts himself.

Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump 7h7 hours ago
The appointment of the Special Counsel is totally UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Despite that, we play the game because I, unlike the Democrats, have done nothing wrong!

22,280 replies12,499 retweets50,327 likes

.....Trump is so fucking stupid.

View attachment 196693
The appointment of a special prosecutor requires a crime...not maybe a crime or we want to look for a crime there must be a law that has been this case there was not...only assumptions....

Russia interfering with our elections was a crime.
Aww. You want a tissue, snowflake?
That's the best comeback you got?

It's all your nonsense is worth.

I mean, you do support the worst person to ever darken the Oval Office, don't you? Worse than Reagan, worse than GWB, Clinton and even Obama. You worship the bottom of the barrel. You rail on Hollywood, but worship and envy reality TV stars. You worship the rich and they laugh in contempt at you. These things are entirely your shortcomings, not those of anyone else. I accept your role in society, why can't you?.

Unrefined, arrogant, historically ignorant, bigoted and petty are really the only terms to define the Orange Virus and his merry band of deplorables. If they don't like shit being thrown at them on the daily, perhaps they should refrain from being turds to society on the daily.

You're funny because you are a minority, just like most of the people you fear and rail upon 24/7. Your party is just as guilty of the very things you accuse the other party of. While the technology we have access to currently is truly awe inspiring, we must also accept it has given a new voice to the fearful and stupid. Your whataboutism (But her emails! Benghazi!) is off the charts. Your side makes up reality (alternative facts) when reality doesn't suit you, then accuse others of 'fake news' - like most six-year-olds. You shun accountability, because you hate being second guessed. Well tough shit, snowflakes. Might as well pick up your bootstraps, rub some dirt on it and walk it off, because the daily shunning ain't ending anytime soon. However, the silver lining is that the majority will tire of you lot eventually, and you will be forced to return to the rock of mediocrity from which you came. Hopefully sooner than later, for the sake of the country.

Why do you believe your opinions deserve anything more than sheer contempt and dismissal? The far left/right aren't acting like Americans anymore, more like toddlers or drunken sports fans. We are all partially responsible for this shit show, so enjoy the 'wins' your 'side' has while it lasts, and keep on truckin. Society will buy your brand of bullshit only for so long.

Spoken like a true coward.

It's all your nonsense is worth.

Am I wrong?

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