So which is it, Donnie? Legal or not legal to appt. Special Counsel???

not gonna say it again... it's conspiracy. paul manafort was the campaign chairman for trump & in big time debt. it starts there with the connection.

"Conspiricy" to do what? Please quote the charge that has to do with Russian collusion. Conspiracy to evade paying taxes has nothing to do with "collusion," dumbass.

oh for fucks sake. you are too dim witted to follow the bouncing ball anyway. it's multi layered & you can research it or stay as dumb as the rest of the deplorables. & you think it's about taxes??????????? LOL!!!!!!!!!! oh how much fun is it gonna be when he goes to trial.... that is if he doesn't flip first.

Paul Manafort

Russian Oligarch Sues Manafort and Gates

In other words, it has nothing to do with collusion. You could have admitted that using much fewer words.

in other words you are still a dumb fuck who can't understand why manafort is now in jail awaiting 2 trials for conspiracy to defraud the united states & witness tampering among other charges. & you think it's about taxes. lol.....

That's all it's about, dumbass. What did he supposedly defraud the U.S.government out of if not tax money? You insist it's something else, but you never explain. . That's because there's nothing to explain. You hooked on to something that sounds sinister, but it's actually just bullshit.

you'll find out about alllllllllll of it come july AND september little homeschooled reject. have patience.

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