So which laws should we eliminate?

Which option do you choose?

  • The laws are valid and reasonable, and tump should accept his responsibility.

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • The laws are unreasonable and should be stricken from the books.

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • The laws are valid and reasonable, but trump shouldn't be required to follow the law.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Jun 3, 2014
The laws that trump was convicted of breaking have been in existence for a long time. They were put into place after it was shown that those bookkeeping practices gave an unfair advantage to those trying to hide the real purpose of expenditures. Trump and his cabal are upset about the outcome of his trial. That leaves us with one of three choices we must make.

1. Those laws are just, and trump should face up to his responsibilities
That would mean the unfairness those laws were enacted to remedy is still valid.
2. Those laws are unjust and should be stricken from the books.
That would make the practices restricted by those laws acceptable for anybody who wanted to choose to use them.
3. Those laws are just, but Trump should be immune from the laws that everybody should abide because trump is who he is, and he's running for president.

Which of the three options would you choose?
I'm fine with what they did to Trump. I'm not fine with how they let the Biden cabal off. I watched those hearings, they were a joke.

Partisans suck.
lol now the degenerates know they're going to lose bigly, so they're suddenly concerned about law n order n stuff. Gosh, too late for that, eh? You've set all kinds of precedents that are going to come back and bite you, and with any luck a Trump admin will double down on prosecutions, especially since Democrats violated so many RICO statutes almost the entire Party leadership will wearing orange jump suits and getting butt raped by their beloved hood rats every day for many years.
Lawyers will file appeal documents to explain how existing Law was peverted in this case.

Maybe the dirty Legislators will clean that section up after?

An Appeals Court will explain how the dirty judge violated the system of Law to target President Trump.
Alan Dershowitz: I want to say right now, I side with President Trump’s assessment of the judicial system more than President Biden’s assessment. I’m a liberal Democrat. I voted for Biden. Biden is dead wrong. We should not respect the legal system that is rigged. In my book, Get Trump, I predicted months before this case ever came to trial that it was a foregone conclusion there’d be a conviction. A biased judge, a biased jury, a biased prosecutor, a man who ran for office on the theory of, let’s find a crime to prosecute Trump for, and they couldn’t find the crime, so they made it up.

We’re now a day after the verdict. I’ve known criminal law. I’ve been involved in criminal law for 60 years. I still don’t know what the crime is. Was he found guilty of intending to violate tax laws, to violate the federal election laws, to defraud voters? I still don’t know. And we’re a day after this. This is the most outrageous case. Everybody knows the quote from Lavrentiy Beria, the head of the KGB under Stalin, when Beria said to Stalin, “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.”
He tried to find the crime, and he couldn’t. So he made up the crime. He took it a step further than Stalin and Lavrentiy Beria. This case will go down in history as one of the most abusive prosecutions since the trial of Aaron Burr back in ’18, whatever. This is a stain on our criminal justice system.
Professor Emeritus Dershowitz says the Supreme Court should overturn this case.

Alan Dershowitz: “Again, he was convicted of things that weren’t crimes… I think there’s a way of expediting the appeal, skipping the appellate division, going right to the Court of Appeals, ask for an expedited appeal with a decision within a month, and then take it to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court should take this case, should reverse the conviction, and let the voters decide who should be president without the thumb of an illegal prosecution on the scales of the election.”
If there is any hope for this country’s future – this abomination must be overturned. And Judge Merchan should be the one heading to prison for corrupting our legal system for personal gain.

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