So who is going to be lining up for the CV19 vaccine?

By the way, there is no precedent to assume a vaccine will even be made. I think no coronavirus vaccine has ever been made. They never had one for SARS or MERS after years of research.
I'm going to start with the pneumonia vaccine and work my way up.
I actually DID get a pneumonia vaccine when I was in the hospital almost a couple months ago, when I developed diabetes. They told me my doctor thought it was a good idea, so I said OK. I've had pretty much NO problems breathing since then.

Is it just one dose or four?

My doctor recommended it today.
I'm NOT sure. They didn't tell me what the dosage was. I would assume it's just the one dose, because they didn't mention it again or tell me there would be further dosages.
Used to get flu 'most every year. Since getting the vaccine - not at all.

Since the pneumonia vaccine came along two neighbors have died of it. Neither would vaccinate.

Shingles is fun to watch if you've had the vaccine and others are dancing in pain with it. I've had the shingles vaccine but never shingles.

Yeah, I'll take the vaccine when it's available - even if it means paying out of pocket.

Remember, if it's not FREE liberals won't take it and America will be improved when the second wave hits. It's imperative that the vaccine NOT be given away. A nominal charge like $1 would be enough to cause Liberal pride to prevent their getting any.
Pneumonia is not a viral infection Sherlock.
In all honesty I tell y'all ... I have never in my life have a flu vaccine, and I'll never will.

Loved ones .....some family in my life have the freaking vaccine every year...

But I will never try to convince them, I do what I do....I try to say a few words to them....but never force my opinion to them

It is what it is.
Let's have a roll call. Who is going to get the vaccine for COVID-19 when they roll it out? Come on Libs let's see what you're made of! Surely you guys will be rolling up your sleeves on day one right? Oh BTW no way in hell am I EVER going to get a COVID-19 vaccine. What say you?
After it's been out for a couple of months, count me in. I've taken Flu shot for many years and after turning 65 last year I took the pneumonia shot. Army was big on sticking me in the arm, especially for going overseas. Never hurt me and I don't get sick much.
In my opinion

The less vaccines the longer the life

Again my's only my personal opinion
No way I will be lining for a vaccine.....I don't like vaccines

If I ever get Corona ...this is what I will take, I prefer pills

View attachment 330245

Me take this -

Is it worth the price? If you say 'yes' I'm going to buy a bottle.
Let's have a roll call. Who is going to get the vaccine for COVID-19 when they roll it out? Come on Libs let's see what you're made of! Surely you guys will be rolling up your sleeves on day one right? Oh BTW no way in hell am I EVER going to get a COVID-19 vaccine. What say you?
After it's been out for a couple of months, count me in. I've taken Flu shot for many years and after turning 65 last year I took the pneumonia shot. Army was big on sticking me in the arm, especially for going overseas. Never hurt me and I don't get sick much.
Ah but you are at least going to wait to see what the effects of a hastily concocted vaccine are going to be.
Let's have a roll call. Who is going to get the vaccine for COVID-19 when they roll it out? Come on Libs let's see what you're made of! Surely you guys will be rolling up your sleeves on day one right? Oh BTW no way in hell am I EVER going to get a COVID-19 vaccine. What say you?
After it's been out for a couple of months, count me in. I've taken Flu shot for many years and after turning 65 last year I took the pneumonia shot. Army was big on sticking me in the arm, especially for going overseas. Never hurt me and I don't get sick much.
Ah but you are at least going to wait to see what the effects of a hastily concocted vaccine are going to be.
Yep. Seems prudent. I am sure they will have volunteers for a test group. Never been a volunteer to test a new vaccine. No need to start now and there are no pharmaceutical companies in Jackson, TN so it is not likely to come up. I am not as crazy as some of the anti-vaccine people on here. Vaccines have done and will continue to do a lot of good in this country and around the world, as sound science has led to many positive results. Especially for people not prone to extreme allergies. Obviously some people have a bad reaction to some vaccines. I am not one of them. So, I just get to reap the benefits of medical science, instead of possibly dying an unnecessary death out of abject fear or religious zeal.
No way I will be lining for a vaccine.....I don't like vaccines

If I ever get Corona ...this is what I will take, I prefer pills

View attachment 330245
I'll get the 1.75 litre bottle of NyQuil.....The moonshine of medicine.
The rare times if feel sick, I take a double shot if it and literally sweat the fever and aches away.
Personally I get minor bronchitis in fall during the season change working outside, but it's been years since I had major flu like symptoms. Everyone around me will drop like flies and I always remain symptom free. I went 15 years without a shot, but last couple years I did as it was simply offered with the good health insurance wife carrys.
Not really worried about Wu Flu.
I will let others be the Guinea pigs for any new vaccine, which will take as long to mass produce as to develop, if at all.
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Used to get flu 'most every year. Since getting the vaccine - not at all.

Since the pneumonia vaccine came along two neighbors have died of it. Neither would vaccinate.

Shingles is fun to watch if you've had the vaccine and others are dancing in pain with it. I've had the shingles vaccine but never shingles.

Yeah, I'll take the vaccine when it's available - even if it means paying out of pocket.

Remember, if it's not FREE liberals won't take it and America will be improved when the second wave hits. It's imperative that the vaccine NOT be given away. A nominal charge like $1 would be enough to cause Liberal pride to prevent their getting any.
Pneumonia is not a viral infection Sherlock.
Sometimes it is caused by a viral infection, other times it is caused by bacterial or fungal infections.

The kind of pneumonia that sidelined Crooked Hilary's campaign and put her in the hospital was a type of bacterial pneumonia that commonly afflicts alcoholics.
By the way, there is no precedent to assume a vaccine will even be made. I think no coronavirus vaccine has ever been made. They never had one for SARS or MERS after years of research.
Decisions are being made on the hope of something that may never be developed.
I have said from day one that we are just going to have to learn to exist with this virus. Herd immunity is inevitable regardless of pipe dream "cures".

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