So who is going to be lining up for the CV19 vaccine?

Just got a tetanus no point in skipping this one. Plus when I enlisted and deployed they topped me off with God only knows what...too late to be picky.
Nope. I have a very strong immune system. I've had one flu shot in my lifetime and it gave me the damned flu.
You can't get the flu from the flu shot because it isn't made from a live virus.

Some people suffer side effects from the shot such as a low-grade fever or muscle aches and think it gave them the flu even though it didn't.
I'm going to start with the pneumonia vaccine and work my way up.
I actually DID get a pneumonia vaccine when I was in the hospital almost a couple months ago, when I developed diabetes. They told me my doctor thought it was a good idea, so I said OK. I've had pretty much NO problems breathing since then.

Is it just one dose or four?

My doctor recommended it today.
Prevnar 13.....Pneumococcol 13-valent Conjugate Vaccine
If we had a Democrat in the (once) White House you can be sure there were no attempts at finding a vaccine. A pandemic is far to useful in keeping a boot on the neck of ordinary people to waste.

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