So Who's Really Being Intolerant ?

Its is not sentient or enlightened to look down on consenting adults for who they fuck.

It is prehistoric minded, with the inability to discern conscience from cohabitation.

Anti gay people are not as moral or smart as the other 60% of America.

Of all the reasons you can base your opinion on someone, who they love seems almost as trivial as the color of their skin.

Well said, G.T.

It's just a cold hard truth, people who judge people for being gay are busy bodied closed minded idiots. There's not been a single sufficient reason, in all the years of the internet, ever posted to be snubbing your nose at a person because they're attracted to the same sex.

Not one reason that makes it a moral imperative, a natural imperative or a logical imperative.

And so the truth is, arguing with neanderthals is pointless. They cant learn.

This topic, like a couple of others, will be argued to infinity and never change the minds of most of those in the discussion. But there are those who lurk and only read the posts in such discussions. Those people may not understand that much of what is posted is a lie. Pointing out the truth keeps the neanderthals honest and the rest of the people informed.

Some minds are changing. Whether it's through death or rebirth, it's gained in popularity from the 20's as a percent, to the 60's and climbing.

That is EXACTLY right.

What has changed, I believe, is that there are more and more straight people who will not tolerate the abuse of their fellow man. In the past, if someone picked on someone who was gay, the gay person was alone. Not so anymore.
Its is not sentient or enlightened to look down on consenting adults for who they fuck.

It is prehistoric minded, with the inability to discern conscience from cohabitation.

Anti gay people are not as moral or smart as the other 60% of America.

Of all the reasons you can base your opinion on someone, who they love seems almost as trivial as the color of their skin.

Well said, G.T.

It's just a cold hard truth, people who judge people for being gay are busy bodied closed minded idiots. There's not been a single sufficient reason, in all the years of the internet, ever posted to be snubbing your nose at a person because they're attracted to the same sex.

Not one reason that makes it a moral imperative, a natural imperative or a logical imperative.

And so the truth is, arguing with neanderthals is pointless. They cant learn.

This topic, like a couple of others, will be argued to infinity and never change the minds of most of those in the discussion. But there are those who lurk and only read the posts in such discussions. Those people may not understand that much of what is posted is a lie. Pointing out the truth keeps the neanderthals honest and the rest of the people informed.

Some minds are changing. Whether it's through death or rebirth, it's gained in popularity from the 20's as a percent, to the 60's and climbing.

That is EXACTLY right.

What has changed, I believe, is that there are more and more straight people who will not tolerate the abuse of their fellow man. In the past, if someone picked on someone who was gay, the gay person was alone. Not so anymore.

Yes, I think we're becoming a more moral country day by day and those crying that Rome is burning are watching the news, which is ALWAYS just the bad news, WAY too much and not GOING THE FUCK OUTSIDE.

Crime is at an all time low.

Bigotry of all cases and classes is dropping, not without kicking and screaming.

People are tired of fighting ideological wars, militarily. It's not rational.

People are also growing tired of Religion, but that's the lagging factor.

Once religion goes, jihadis are going to have to learn a fucking day job, scummers that they are.
I can't help but agree. People who judge homosexuals for activity that doesn't in any way involve the one doing the judging are busy-bodied idiots who should mind their own business.

Also, people who feel like they have some moral compulsion or right to tell other people which morals they must abide by when running businesses -they- built, are busy-bodied idiots who should mind their own business.
Ok, so what are the chances that these "christian" businesses are following all the rules and laws in Leviticus? Or are they just being another "cafeteria christian" and picking & choosing which rules are important?
The OP speaks of tolerance, not what is in the Bible. Simply, the gays are not tolerating, while claiming they are the victims of intolerance

And you are angry that people are showing that the christians are being intolerant. It wasn't what you wanted the discussion to be about, so you are throsing a tantrum. Typical.
You are angry that a few businesses and their paid off governors are showing that the gays are intolerant. The discussion is supposed to be about the topic. If you can't keep to it get out of here. You;re nothing but a stinking troll anyway and you know it.

Typical. Once again you start getting pissy when the topic doesn't go the way you want.

And yes, there is intolerance on both sides of this argument. To claim otherwise is ignorant.
The topic has never deviated from how I want, which is the truth. What angers me it your HARRASSMENT and how the do nothings masquerading as mods, do nothing about it, and let you get away with it. But you'll pay. I promise you that. I'm going to show in all your threads and kick your ass there too. If the mods wont mod, I will.

So you are finished making me pay? lmao You really do take these forums way to seriously.

But do keep trying to kick my ass. I find it all rather amusing.
I can't help but agree. People who judge homosexuals for activity that doesn't in any way involve the one doing the judging are busy-bodied idiots who should mind their own business.

Also, people who feel like they have some moral compulsion or right to tell other people which morals they must abide by when running businesses -they- built, are busy-bodied idiots who should mind their own business.
People with religious beliefs should be left alone to their beliefs if you want the same for gays to believe the way they want. Do not expect anyone to adopt homosexuality as a valid lifestyle if they don't want to. Otherwise those Neanderthals will have a fight on their hands.
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Its is not sentient or enlightened to look down on consenting adults for who they fuck.

It is prehistoric minded, with the inability to discern conscience from cohabitation.

Anti gay people are not as moral or smart as the other 60% of America.

Of all the reasons you can base your opinion on someone, who they love seems almost as trivial as the color of their skin.

Well said, G.T.

It's just a cold hard truth, people who judge people for being gay are busy bodied closed minded idiots. There's not been a single sufficient reason, in all the years of the internet, ever posted to be snubbing your nose at a person because they're attracted to the same sex.

Not one reason that makes it a moral imperative, a natural imperative or a logical imperative.

And so the truth is, arguing with neanderthals is pointless. They cant learn.

This topic, like a couple of others, will be argued to infinity and never change the minds of most of those in the discussion. But there are those who lurk and only read the posts in such discussions. Those people may not understand that much of what is posted is a lie. Pointing out the truth keeps the neanderthals honest and the rest of the people informed.

Some minds are changing. Whether it's through death or rebirth, it's gained in popularity from the 20's as a percent, to the 60's and climbing.

That is EXACTLY right.

What has changed, I believe, is that there are more and more straight people who will not tolerate the abuse of their fellow man. In the past, if someone picked on someone who was gay, the gay person was alone. Not so anymore.
Christians are taught to love the sinner, not the sin. What more do you want?
No they are being forced to cater to a group that in their belief system is an abomination and they wish not to.

It is an "abomination"?? Really?? And how do they determine this?

Lev. 18:22 for starters.

I'm sorry, but you will have to find new testament references calling it an abomination. Since almost all the rest of Leviticus is routinely ignored.

I don't think it's ignored. There are I believe three passages in the NT that basically says homosexuality is a sin.

So it is a sin, but not an abomination?

Ok, then let any baker who is without sin refuse to bake the cake.

Yes it can be viewed as an abomination, same as pedophilia or other detestable acts.
Incorrect. No one is being 'forced' to do anything.Religious beliefs may not be used as an 'excuse' to ignore or violate just, proper, and Constitutional laws, such as public accommodations laws, as the intent of these laws is regulatory, not to disadvantage religion.

It is correct. You are lying. The Christians are being forced to go against their beliefs, and in violation of the law ((RFRA). And a stupid notion like sexual orientation (code word for perversion) may not be used as an 'excuse' to ignore or violate just, proper, and Constitutional laws.

Are the Christians being intolerant of the gays, or are the gays being intolerant of the Christians ? To hear the gays, and their supporters tell it, only the Christians are being intolerant to them. As the Christians say, they aren't being tolerant or intolerant - they are just following their religious rules.

Actually, they are both being intolerant, Perhaps what it really comes down to is who is right to be intolerant to the other, and for whom is it wrong. The gays are demanding that society recognize them as normal, when they are abnormal, sicko, degenerate perverts, who engage in pure looneybird behavior, that's contrary to nature.

The Christians demand that they have the right to choose what to deal with and not deal with, as set up by the religious freedom laws. Looks like an easy choice. The Christians should not only be able to conduct their business their way, without having to participate in crazy homosexual activiites, but those activities themselves ought to be banned, for the betterment of society and to protect children from this lunacy.

Based upon what you just said, I would have to say it is the gays who are right.

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