So who's the leaker?

Why hasnā€™t Joe and the Ds in Congress passed a law codifying abortion? Joe said he would during the campaign. I believe Ears said he would. Yet they havenā€™t. Now we know why.
Because it would take TEN Republican Senators to vote that way
Cruz thinks it was a Sotomayor clerk. "Asked why he says that, Cruz answered ā€œbecause sheā€™s the most partisan of the justices, and so, sheā€™s the most likely to hire wild-eyed partisans as clerks.ā€ He proceeded to admit ā€œI have no evidence of that. Iā€™m just making an inference.ā€"

I think it was a Sotomayor clerk instructed by Sotomayor.


Evidence that Supreme Court leak came from the right laid out by New York magazine columnist​

Republicans have blamed the left for leaking a draft opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade, but a New Yorker columnist says the evidence points toward an abortion opponent on the right.

Jonathan Chait appeared Friday on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" to discuss his latest column, which theorizes that someone who wants the 5-4 decision banning abortion to stand, based on another leak a few days prior to Politico's bombshell report on Justice Samuel Alito's draft opinion.

For centuries the unborn have been called babies and children.

I don't remember ever hearing anyone ask a pregnant woman "how'd your fetus today".

What I've heard innumerable times, is "How's the baby" or "She's with Child".

It's the pro abortionists that have tried to coopt the language to dehumanize the unborn so as to make it easier for a woman to kill her unborn child without guilt or remorse.What legally defines a child?

Definitions from Oxford Languages Ā· Learn more
a very young child, especially one newly or recently born.
"his wife's just had a baby"
Legally, the term child may refer to anyone below the age of majority or some other age limit. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child defines child as "a human being below the age of 18 years unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier".
When meet, a zygote is formed and quickly begins dividing to become an embryo. As pregnancy progresses the embryo becomes a fetus. The fetus becomes a neonate or newborn at birth.

Because you have heard much incorrect speech doesn't mean the language has changed. If you apply yourself you too can learn English.
A fetus may also be referred to as "an unborn baby". But it does not actually become a baby until it is born alive. And no, that did not change recently to conform to anyone's agenda. Actually I think it is the anti-abortion folks who are trying to change the language in order to abuse women. I'm all about individual freedom so I think her healthcare should be decided by her and her doctor should she decide to. I have been in healthcare all my adult life until retirement. I don't want my healthcare controlled by government edict whether that government be Fed., State, County, the police or the local school crossing guard.
Many Mothers abort babies spontaneously. Waay more spontaneous abortions happen than deliberate ones. Would you make well meaning law abiding women criminals also?
A bill is presented and voted on. A majority is required for it to pass and become law. Youā€™re confused.
And you need 60 votes to overcome the inevitable filibuster

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