So who's the leaker?

Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more
a very young child, especially one newly or recently born.
"his wife's just had a baby"
Legally, the term child may refer to anyone below the age of majority or some other age limit. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child defines child as "a human being below the age of 18 years unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier".
When meet, a zygote is formed and quickly begins dividing to become an embryo. As pregnancy progresses the embryo becomes a fetus. The fetus becomes a neonate or newborn at birth.

Because you have heard much incorrect speech doesn't mean the language has changed. If you apply yourself you too can learn English.
A fetus may also be referred to as "an unborn baby". But it does not actually become a baby until it is born alive. And no, that did not change recently to conform to anyone's agenda. Actually I think it is the anti-abortion folks who are trying to change the language in order to abuse women. I'm all about individual freedom so I think her healthcare should be decided by her and her doctor should she decide to. I have been in healthcare all my adult life until retirement. I don't want my healthcare controlled by government edict whether that government be Fed., State, County, the police or the local school crossing guard.
It's a baby you ignoramus, and a human being.

I don't really give a shit how Cambridge or the UN defines either, they have no force in US law or in the common usage of words in the US.

In the US if you kill or harm a woman who is pregnant resulting in the death of her unborn child you can be charged and convicted of murder or manslaughter for that death.

Murder and manslaughter only apply in cases of the unlawful death of a human being.
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No, all it would take is a simple majority.

It only requires a 2/3 majority to be veto proof or to stop a filibuster.
Still wrong. It takes 60 votes to break a filibuster … not 2/3 of 100.

Which required 10 GOP senators to vote with Dems

Yea… that’s likely
The conservative accomplishment enabled by the Supreme Court which will allow states to criminalize abortion, which some southern states have done already. Some states are considering the possibility of bringing criminal charges against a woman who got an abortion.
Criminalizing abortion, including the patient, has already started.

The Post reports, "Republicans in the Louisiana House advanced a bill Wednesday that would classify abortion as homicide and allow prosecutors to criminally charge patients, with supporters citing a draft opinion leaked this week showing the Supreme Court ready to overturn Roe v. Wade.

"The legislation, which passed through a committee on a 7-to-2 vote, goes one step further than other antiabortion bans that have gained momentum in recent years, which focus on punishing abortion providers and others who help facilitate the procedure. Experts say the bill could also restrict in vitro fertilization and emergency contraception because it would grant constitutional rights to a person “from the moment of fertilization.”

CNN reports, "Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed a bill Thursday criminalizing abortion-inducing drugs that are provided via mail.

"The measure, known as HB2416, establishes criminal penalties for offenders, but would not apply to the patient who was provided the abortion drugs."

Praise the Lord, Tennessee is not charging the patient with a crime.

Are Republicans proud of their accomplishment?

There is a better question. Have Republicans, overcome with religious fanaticism, gone nuts?
You're just making things up again, you have know possible way of knowing that to be the case.
Other than the president saying that explicitly, before he chose them. Other than Mitch McConnell explicitly saying that was his plan. Give me a fucking break. Who do you think you are fooling? I doubt you fool yourself.

The con is up. Everyone knows it now. You can stop, now.
Tell us what legislation has NOT been blocked by filibuster or threat of…
You made the claim it's up to you to provide the evidence to support it.

The very fact that numerous bills get signed into law proves that republicans are not filibustering all of them. IF they did, democrats could not pass them alone without 60 votes in the senate.
You mean women were upset that a rapist was going to be making decisions about their bodily autonomy? Imagine that.
Nobody on the court has ever been convicted or rape nor has their even been a credible charge of rape levied with any evidence to support it.

You wouldn't have to lie if you had a valid argument to make.
And yet here you fuckers are doing just that
Women outnumber men and are able to vote in the US.

Under out constitution, every legally eligible voter has a say as to the laws of our land, blacks don't have the sole purview of "black laws" nor women the sole purview over laws affecting women.

If you had an honest argument to make you wouldn't have to lie.

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