So...why are Dems so focused on guns and NOT obvious FBI failures??

Read my response and to obtain automatic weapons it is harder than you think. Background checks take longer and it is FBI. People need to research the issue before they tell me that i am for something that is harder to do than they realize.

The reality is you have restrictions on Automatic Weapons already and they are never used because those are weapons of war.

Also did you know they make a combat shotgun?

You need to research the differences.

Now one thing I will admit to is I believe Wal-Mart and stores like that should not be able to sell guns or ammo.

Gun store should be more restricted than what it is here in Texas and too many idiots can buy ammo easily from Wal-Mart.

So there is one thing you should start with first before going for the weapons ban you want.
The difficulty to get an automatic weapon is because of gun control measures. Do you support the automatic weapon restrictions that are in place? I think it is a good thing that people can't go to walmart and buy a machine gun. Whether other semi-auto guns should be on the list or not is a reasonable debate. I dont agree that all should but I think we should be able to have the discussion without the paranoid knee jerk reactions. I agree with you about the easy access at WalMart. There are a lot of common sense gun control measures that have been taken and do help.
An Ar15 is just the sporting rifle. shit for brains fucking kunt
Educate yourself instead of playing Nintendo in your mothers basement

That can kill many people really quickly. What sport is that?
More people fall out of bed and die than are killed by people using a Ar15's. shit for brains
Yes falling out of bed is more dangerous than an ar15. Are you stupid or just dishonest?
Facts are facts...
2016 Real Time Death Statistics in America
The difficulty to get an automatic weapon is because of gun control measures. Do you support the automatic weapon restrictions that are in place? I think it is a good thing that people can't go to walmart and buy a machine gun. Whether other semi-auto guns should be on the list or not is a reasonable debate. I dont agree that all should but I think we should be able to have the discussion without the paranoid knee jerk reactions. I agree with you about the easy access at WalMart. There are a lot of common sense gun control measures that have been taken and do help.
An Ar15 is just the sporting rifle. shit for brains fucking kunt
Educate yourself instead of playing Nintendo in your mothers basement

That can kill many people really quickly. What sport is that?
More people fall out of bed and die than are killed by people using a Ar15's. shit for brains
Yes falling out of bed is more dangerous than an ar15. Are you stupid or just dishonest?
Facts are facts...
2016 Real Time Death Statistics in America
What is the stat for homicides committed by pushing someone out of bed?
More gun control laws is the half assed way in thinking something will work, in reality it will never work…
An Ar15 is just the sporting rifle. shit for brains fucking kunt
Educate yourself instead of playing Nintendo in your mothers basement

That can kill many people really quickly. What sport is that?
More people fall out of bed and die than are killed by people using a Ar15's. shit for brains
Yes falling out of bed is more dangerous than an ar15. Are you stupid or just dishonest?
Facts are facts...
2016 Real Time Death Statistics in America
What is the stat for homicides committed by pushing someone out of bed?
The fact is very few people Are killed by someone using an ar15...
Nice try your deflection did not work
That can kill many people really quickly. What sport is that?
More people fall out of bed and die than are killed by people using a Ar15's. shit for brains
Yes falling out of bed is more dangerous than an ar15. Are you stupid or just dishonest?
Facts are facts...
2016 Real Time Death Statistics in America
What is the stat for homicides committed by pushing someone out of bed?
The fact is very few people Are killed by someone using an ar15...
Nice try your deflection did not work
There are even fewer homicides by pushing someone out of bed.
More people fall out of bed and die than are killed by people using a Ar15's. shit for brains
Yes falling out of bed is more dangerous than an ar15. Are you stupid or just dishonest?
Facts are facts...
2016 Real Time Death Statistics in America
What is the stat for homicides committed by pushing someone out of bed?
The fact is very few people Are killed by someone using an ar15...
Nice try your deflection did not work
There are even fewer homicides by pushing someone out of bed.
Less people are killed by someone using a ar15...
The key phrase, people kill not guns. I've never heard of an AR 15 chasing someone down the street and kill them...
More gun control laws is the half assed way in thinking something will work, in reality it will never work…

Yet many criminals are in jail thanks to gun control.
No, many criminals are in jail thanks to their own behavior… Still blaming the gun instead of the actual criminal. Lol

Felons with guns go to jail, thanks to gun control.
Felons in jail because of their own behavior, not because the gun made them do it. Dumbass
More gun control laws is the half assed way in thinking something will work, in reality it will never work…

Yet many criminals are in jail thanks to gun control.
No, many criminals are in jail thanks to their own behavior… Still blaming the gun instead of the actual criminal. Lol

Felons with guns go to jail, thanks to gun control.
Felons in jail because of their own behavior, not because the gun made them do it. Dumbass
They are not in jail without gun control.
Yes falling out of bed is more dangerous than an ar15. Are you stupid or just dishonest?
Facts are facts...
2016 Real Time Death Statistics in America
What is the stat for homicides committed by pushing someone out of bed?
The fact is very few people Are killed by someone using an ar15...
Nice try your deflection did not work
There are even fewer homicides by pushing someone out of bed.
Less people are killed by someone using a ar15...
The key phrase, people kill not guns. I've never heard of an AR 15 chasing someone down the street and kill them...
I've never heard of anyone trying not to kill someone by pushing them out of bed. Your gun sales must be aweful. You spend all day on a message board.
More gun control laws is the half assed way in thinking something will work, in reality it will never work…

Yet many criminals are in jail thanks to gun control.
No, many criminals are in jail thanks to their own behavior… Still blaming the gun instead of the actual criminal. Lol

Felons with guns go to jail, thanks to gun control.
Felons in jail because of their own behavior, not because the gun made them do it. Dumbass
They are not in jail without gun control.
They are not in jail without bad behavior
What is the stat for homicides committed by pushing someone out of bed?
The fact is very few people Are killed by someone using an ar15...
Nice try your deflection did not work
There are even fewer homicides by pushing someone out of bed.
Less people are killed by someone using a ar15...
The key phrase, people kill not guns. I've never heard of an AR 15 chasing someone down the street and kill them...
I've never heard of anyone trying not to kill someone by pushing them out of bed. Your gun sales must be aweful. You spend all day on a message board.
Firearm sell themselves… Because
Remember when Democrats RIPPED into the intelligence community?? Oh I do. CIA. FBI. All of em. Especially with the WMD fiasco.

Well....honestly...the FBI dropped the ball big time. It's obvious.

Why aren't Dems knocking them again??? ALL they do is mention guns now. Not a peep about obvious Intel failures.

Because....they really really REALLY don't want to upset the FBI right now...
I think people just want to do something other than bitch and complain. I don't think a gun law is going to make a huge difference but it is something that could make it harder for sketchy people to get a gun, and we could be smarter about selling weapons that can do a large amount of damage. Everything that is being discussed is pretty common sense and it shows our government responding and taking action. It is also a very valid discussion to explore what was missed in the FBI investigation.

A sketchy person, to use your term, broke into my vehicle a few years ago and stole a gun from it. The vehicle was locked and on private property. The location of the gun was according to State law while sitting in my driveway. I broke absolutely no laws in the manner in which I kept the gun. The thief broke three. He entered my locked vehicle without a key, he came on private property without my permission, and he took something that didn't belong to him.

Tell me what law that could be put in place would have kept him from doing what he did or when he did it, doing a background check on him in order to determine whether or not he should possess it. You do know there are already laws in place that say he shouldn't have done what he did yet he still did it. Help me here. I'm trying to understand how more laws are going to prevent this type of situation where a sketchy person got a gun.
No law would have prevented that. Thanks to laws that prevented him from going to the nearest sporting goods store and buying the gun, he had to take the hard road and try to steal one. Too bad he didn't get caught.

You said that you didn't think a gun law is going to make a big difference but seems to also say that it is something that could make it harder for sketchy people to get a gun. I gave you an example that is played on more than you realize where laws in place don't keep sketchy people from getting guns. You admitted the laws saying the thief shouldn't have stolen it can't prevent sketchy people from getting guns.

How do you know any law prevented him from going to the nearest store and buying the gun? You have nothing but speculation. While whoever it was is a thief based on their actions, they may have never been caught or have a record that would prevent them from going to said store and buying one. In other words, you don't know why he stole you just want more gun laws that you can prove was the reason why he stole it. He could have as easily been taking the easy road instead of having to go through the process at the store.

On the part of too bad he didn't get caught, we can agree. It's lucky for him. His 2nd biggest mistake would have been to assume that it was the only one I own.
What machine gun are you talking about,there wasn't a machine gun used.
A shot gun is just as deadly. No
I'm talking about the machine gun that Bruce thinks should be legally sold and not banned. He makes a case that banning weapons makes no difference and I just think that is BS. Yes, murders will still happen, but why legally and easily sell weapons that can inflict a massive amount of damage in short periods of time. There is no point.

Right there you are lying!

I never wrote anything about automatic weapons and it is you switching to that debate because some are already outlawed and you can not buy an Uzi.

You need to read the ban list and discover certain weapons can not be obtained here in the states already and what the discussion is about is Assault Weapon Ban which will mean Semi-Automatic weapons and not Automatic weapons!
You are right, you never said automatics and I apologize for putting words in your mouth. But let me ask, do you support the ban on automatic weapons? Given your most recent statements it sounds like you're against it but I'll let you speak for yourself.

Read my response and to obtain automatic weapons it is harder than you think. Background checks take longer and it is FBI. People need to research the issue before they tell me that i am for something that is harder to do than they realize.

The reality is you have restrictions on Automatic Weapons already and they are never used because those are weapons of war.

Also did you know they make a combat shotgun?

You need to research the differences.

Now one thing I will admit to is I believe Wal-Mart and stores like that should not be able to sell guns or ammo.

Gun store should be more restricted than what it is here in Texas and too many idiots can buy ammo easily from Wal-Mart.

So there is one thing you should start with first before going for the weapons ban you want.
The difficulty to get an automatic weapon is because of gun control measures. Do you support the automatic weapon restrictions that are in place? I think it is a good thing that people can't go to walmart and buy a machine gun. Whether other semi-auto guns should be on the list or not is a reasonable debate. I dont agree that all should but I think we should be able to have the discussion without the paranoid knee jerk reactions. I agree with you about the easy access at WalMart. There are a lot of common sense gun control measures that have been taken and do help.

Knee jerk reactions? That's what the leftist gun haters do each and every time something like Orlando happens. They are quick to blame the gun. When the gun can load itself, walk to where something happens, and shoot itself without any human involvement, I'll be right there with you blaming the gun. In addition, if you can get a video of a gun doing those three, I can make both of us rich beyond imagination.
I've seen countless liberals complain about the supposed "intel failures" that lead to Orlando.

There's no actual evidence of any "intel failures", though.

WTF? You have a 2nd gun dealer that alerted the FBI to this guy trying to purchase 1st rate body armor just 6 weeks before the killing. THAT -- doesn't reopen an FBI terrorist investigation??

His DAD probably should have been under surveillance as well given what we're finding out his Afghan allegiances.
I've seen countless liberals complain about the supposed "intel failures" that lead to Orlando.

There's no actual evidence of any "intel failures", though.

It not the intel failure but the reality they knew the guy was a threat and did not keep him under surveillance or worked on busting him for the threat he was.

They investigated him at least three times, and his statements and pledges made it clear he was unstable and the fact he had contact with a known terrorist made him a possible threat.

When there is smoke there most likely a blaze that could kill many.

The FBI need to do a better job and if the Congress has to allow the FBI to flag those people like the Orlando shooter while making sure the FBI has the resources and trained staff to investigate those like the Orlando shooter.

They investigated him 3 times - but they didn't find anything. Because he hadn't killed anyone yet.

He hadn't broken any laws at all until his first trigger pull.

Never gonna get legally solid evidence in surveillance. Don't NEED that standard of evidence to KEEP surveilling.

Those cases shouldn't just close because of bullshit "deadlines" to make a determination. Let the NSA follow THEM for a couple years. --- Not all of us...

I can't afford to be my normal liberal self on these issues because the government is so funking broken. If the FBI was COMPETENT -- I'd be a hell of a lot more liberal like you............... :biggrin:
I've seen countless liberals complain about the supposed "intel failures" that lead to Orlando.

There's no actual evidence of any "intel failures", though.

It not the intel failure but the reality they knew the guy was a threat and did not keep him under surveillance or worked on busting him for the threat he was.

They investigated him at least three times, and his statements and pledges made it clear he was unstable and the fact he had contact with a known terrorist made him a possible threat.

When there is smoke there most likely a blaze that could kill many.

The FBI need to do a better job and if the Congress has to allow the FBI to flag those people like the Orlando shooter while making sure the FBI has the resources and trained staff to investigate those like the Orlando shooter.

They investigated him 3 times - but they didn't find anything. Because he hadn't killed anyone yet.

He hadn't broken any laws at all until his first trigger pull.

Wrong. He broke his first law when he carried a gun into a "no gun zone" this case the bar.

His 2nd illegal act was pulling the trigger.
I've seen countless liberals complain about the supposed "intel failures" that lead to Orlando.

There's no actual evidence of any "intel failures", though.

It not the intel failure but the reality they knew the guy was a threat and did not keep him under surveillance or worked on busting him for the threat he was.

They investigated him at least three times, and his statements and pledges made it clear he was unstable and the fact he had contact with a known terrorist made him a possible threat.

When there is smoke there most likely a blaze that could kill many.

The FBI need to do a better job and if the Congress has to allow the FBI to flag those people like the Orlando shooter while making sure the FBI has the resources and trained staff to investigate those like the Orlando shooter.

They investigated him 3 times - but they didn't find anything. Because he hadn't killed anyone yet.

He hadn't broken any laws at all until his first trigger pull.

Wrong. He broke his first law when he carried a gun into a "no gun zone" this case the bar.

His 2nd illegal act was pulling the trigger.

He shot the bouncer outside - so your pedantry is actually still wrong.

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