So...why are Dems so focused on guns and NOT obvious FBI failures??

The FBI dropped the ball in the Boston Marathon bombing, allegedly they were accomplices in the debacle of "operation Fast/Furious. They stopped investigating the Orlando shooter and took him off the no fly list and they didn't get the word that a gun store owner reported an attempted purchase of a large lot of ammo and a bullet proof vest. Why can't we talk about the FBI?

We should.. Any of number of tip-offs would have come from continuing to watch this guy. You don't need legal burden of evidence to surveil. Had he been given to NSA or NatCounterIntelCenter NCTC everyone would have known that he was going operational when he deeded his house to his relatives for $10 before the shooting. Or had him placed in that gun shop trying to buy body armor.

Too many moving parts. And the FBI farts around finding vulnerable sad sack wannabee terrorists and entrapping them with elaborate giant schemes giving them the money, the plan, and the weapons and then publicly bragging about stopping another attack. One of these marks was so mentally disabled his relatives said he couldn't plot a trip to the mall without help..

How do you ignore Russian Intelligence that the older Tzarnyev bro was a problem? Why wasn't NSA bugging every facet of his existence for 5 years instead of mine and yours?

We're not talking about sufficient evidence to prosecute. We are talking about probable cause or likelihoods here. And it's based on evidence -- not profiling. Get the FBI out of the way. Comey just RECENTLY commissioned an "Intelligence Wing" of the FBI. Why was that not IMMEDIATE after 9-11?

And why does the FBI NEED an intelligence wing anyway? Isn't that what NCTCenter was designed for?
Remember when Democrats RIPPED into the intelligence community?? Oh I do. CIA. FBI. All of em. Especially with the WMD fiasco.

Well....honestly...the FBI dropped the ball big time. It's obvious.

Why aren't Dems knocking them again??? ALL they do is mention guns now. Not a peep about obvious Intel failures.

Because....they really really REALLY don't want to upset the FBI right now...

another reason to laugh at you. We’ll add it to the multitude….
The FBI didn’t drop the ball; they followed our flawed laws that virtually allow anyone to buy as many weapons as they or their ISIS handlers can afford.

The reason for focusing on guns is simple.

We have disgruntled white folks who shoot up black churches, who blow up buildings, blow up abortion clinics, drive their trucks into hotels, shoot clerks at the Waffle House for doing nothing at all.

We have disgruntled people of middle eastern lineage who shoot up night clubs, community centers, and hijack planes into buildings.

If you take guns away from those who shoot but black churches, shoot up clerks, shoot up night clubs, or community centers…then you just have disgruntled people who may or may not escalate to higher body counts. Most often though…they simply put their hands into their pocket and walk by the church, by the night club, by the community center, by the Planned Parenthood site, by the theater etc…

Nothing will prevent all rampage shootings or killings.

You are obviously confused about a couple of things. The Orlando perp was NOT on the terrorist list. They closed him out 2 or 3 times and without any further surveillance. So "the laws" haven't put guns into terrorist hands. Not even in the San Bernadino case since that was an illegal transfer.
I never said they did. I agree with you. He wasn't on the list. And he was allowed to go on his merry way. If you're questioned twice (I heard 3 times) by the FBI, there should be some sort of probable cause to have increased scrutiny of that individual in my opinion. Therefore I called our laws "flawed".

Secondly -- most of the incidents you mentioned are CRIMES -- not terrorism. Funny that leftists who like to believe they can just sniff out HATE crimes --- seem to have proclivities for separating radical Islamic terrorism from crime,.
I'm sure the victims are appreciating the difference. To quote Sun Tzu, "Kill one, terrorize a thousand". You don't think the movie goers in Colorado, church goers in SC, or those who went to UT after Whitman did his thing from the tower were not terrorized--regardless of the goal of Root, Whitman (or the guy in Colorado whose name escapes me at this point in time)?

I agree with you on "hate" crimes. If there is a murder, there shouldn't be any sort of "hate crime" designation. What does it mater? However, I think victims of crimes that have less than mortal wounds benefit from enhanced persecution in some cases.

The FBI has dropped the ball REPEATEDLY on terrorism attacks. Like Boston or Orlando.. Ft Hood should not have been a surprise if political correctness didn't run amok in the Army. And if you are closing interesting FBI cases because of "time limits" instead of continuing to surveill these people, they are gonna continue to miss clues and evidence.
You'd have to support that with evidence to convince me.

Maybe it IS a bit weird that we don't get torqued out of shape over "crimes" -- but we do when it's "terrorism". I think we should declare war on Chicago gangs. But that's not in the political cards. It takes more lives in a month than most "muslim terrorists" take in a year. But that would be racist and bigoted also I suppose..

Not sure what any of this has to do with the OP. Any of your crimes/terrorist who used guns would not have been as deadly had they not had access to guns.

Usually the nonsensical answer I get from RWNJs is that "They will just use bombs" as if it was an either/or proposition.

Here is something for you to think about and i doubt you can even understand this but try:

Tim McVeigh used a Truck Bomb during the last time those like you passed a assault weapons bill, so it did not stop him.

Columbine and Jonesboro mass shootings happen during that same period, so again your assault weapon bill did nothing to stop it.

So what make you believe your assault weapon bill would have stopped the Orlando and Californian shootings?

Simple, you're under the illusion that criminals and terrorists obey the laws and believe that more laws will prevent something and refuse to understand even when you had your assault weapon ban it did nothing to stop mass shootings or terrorism.

You wrote that RWNJ's keep on pointing out bombs to you, well remember this cock sucker ( yeah that is what you called me along with a right wing nut job that support Trump and I am still waiting for your evidence on the cock sucker part and supporting Trump and remember I am LIBERTARIAN! ) also has pointed out mass shootings you clearly ignore because you hate the reality your assault weapon ban does nothing to prevent mass shootings.

I can take two pump action shotguns and two .38's caliber handguns and do enough damage that I would not need the Semi-Automatic Weapon like AR-15 or those like that weapon.

Now seeing my weapons of choice is not on your list how did you stop me?

Simple fact you can not stop maniacs from killing and no matter how many laws you pass the terrorist and criminal will be laughing at your stupidity and yes I am writing the assault weapon ban is stupid.

Also Nancy Pelosi has stated trying to get any Assault weapon ban passed in the House is dead and you should pick your fights when you know you can win them and no this wedge issue will not win you votes in November and could hurt you in November but as usual you will ignore the reality and spew the same nonsense the DNC tell you to spew.

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