So why aren't Republicans helping Americans to get health care.

It's not the job of the federal government to "help Americans to get health care". The duty of the federal government was stated in two lines by the Founding Fathers. "To provide for the common defense" "To promote the general welfare". The way to "help Americans to get health care" is to promote private sector wealth and make fossil fuel energy cheaper and cut the insane, often contradictory federal regulations that stifle growth and inhibit wealth.

"To provide for the common defense"

"To promote the general welfare"

Defense only against foreign powers?

And "General Welfare" sounds an awful lot like health care. Think about it.

If you look closely you might see that the Founding Fathers knew the importance of language and the meaning of words. It's ironic that the FF didn't realize that the video game union based education MTV generation of the 21'st century might be more stupid than the relatively uneducated Americans in the 1700's. The federal government must provide for the common defense but the government is only required to promote the general welfare. Are American lefties able to understand the difference between provide and promote? Maybe not.

OMG! This means that we are going to have to tear down the entire hydroelectric system of this country, since those dams were funded with federal money!!!!!
"To provide for the common defense"

"To promote the general welfare"

Defense only against foreign powers?

And "General Welfare" sounds an awful lot like health care. Think about it.

If you look closely you might see that the Founding Fathers knew the importance of language and the meaning of words. It's ironic that the FF didn't realize that the video game union based education MTV generation of the 21'st century might be more stupid than the relatively uneducated Americans in the 1700's. The federal government must provide for the common defense but the government is only required to promote the general welfare. Are American lefties able to understand the difference between provide and promote? Maybe not.

OMG! This means that we are going to have to tear down the entire hydroelectric system of this country, since those dams were funded with federal money!!!!!

I think his point is that the founding fathers meant that advertising agencies are used by the government to promote the general welfare...or something.

I remember the howls of derision when an ad campaign was run to advise people of social security assistance available to them, though.
Nice link...already posted above as to WHO this group is.

The allegations in the Yahoo link:
"Generation Opportunity, a Virginia-based group that is part of a coalition of right-leaning organizations with financial ties to billionaire businessmen and political activists Charles and David Koch"

Have not been proved, and is parroted by MSNBC, Salon, DailyKOS, Rachel Maddow blog, The Daily Beast, Huff-Po...I'm sure you catch the drift here.

Everyone's giving the Koch Brothers the "credit' but cannot and have not backed up their statement with proof.

And if it is backed by the Koch Brothers, SO WHAT?

So what?

So what if they aren't the independent concerned young students that they claim to be?
So what if they're a completely bogus propaganda organisation put together by moneyed self-interest groups?

I guess you're right...that wouldn't be important information to have before you considered their message.

IF is a very big word.
Rdean labeled this group with no facts to back himself up.

You don't think that that would be valuable information when listening to these people?

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