So why do Dems need 60 votes and the GOP only needs 50 + VP?

Like Ted Cruz said when he was contemplating his side only needing 51 votes for confirmation of Trump's cabinet nominees: "Every morning I thank Harry Reid for setting the precedence for the nuclear option". Enjoy Dims. :biggrin:
ACA repeal, Trumpcare need 51 votes to pass, but GOP filibustered everything Obama wanted. Please explain.
It's because of the way the budget resolution process works.

51 votes is easier.

It must have a fiscal impact however.

And it automatically terminates after 10 years and goes back to the way it (the law) was before.
Like Ted Cruz said when he was contemplating his side only needing 51 votes for confirmation of Trump's cabinet nominees: "Every morning I thank Harry Reid for setting the precedence for the nuclear option". Enjoy Dims. :biggrin:
This is something totally different though.

If used it would eliminate the Senate filibuster forever.

Be careful what you wish for or else you might get it.
None of you dupes know anything, except fake news. There were 200+ GOP filibusters Obama's first 2 years, when you jackasses believe Obama had total control and passed all those policies that wrecked the economy lol...

Random numbers are great. You should have said 400 since you are making things up. Fake news lover.
Hundreds, dupe.
The Cost To Our Economy From Republican Obstruction And Sabotage

Wow! That random post of an article from a psychotic looking nobody really changed my mind. Congrats. You are the first person on here to ever change anybody's mind.
We don't have a propaganda machine like yours, so Dems have to be intelligent and KNOW things, dupe. lol. Over 200 the first 2 years. The articles have faded from the internet.
Repealing a bill doesn't require as many votes as passing a new bill .
They're passing Trumpcare unless 51 vote against it...

Trumpcare sucks. It's just Obamacare.
Not so- Does away with mandate, taxes on the rich to pay for it, tax credits for poor workers won't help, etc.

Yeah it sucks like Obamacare
2 steps forward, one step back lol. Of course, it has to pass first- many really conservative GOPers don't want ANY help for the poor or poor workers. I've seen talking heads saying this will do away with Medicaid for the poorest AND insurance for poorer workers...great job!
The Rs filibustered everything Big Ears wanted....really? Who knew?
None of you dupes know anything, except fake news. There were 200+ GOP filibusters Obama's first 2 years, when you jackasses believe Obama had total control and passed all those policies that wrecked the economy lol...

Random numbers are great. You should have said 400 since you are making things up. Fake news lover.
Hundreds, dupe.
The Cost To Our Economy From Republican Obstruction And Sabotage

Wow! That random post of an article from a psychotic looking nobody really changed my mind. Congrats. You are the first person on here to ever change anybody's mind.
We don't have a propaganda machine like yours, so Dems have to be intelligent and KNOW things, dupe. lol. Over 200 the first 2 years. The articles have faded from the internet.
Your accusations only prove you are being duped by a radical left wing media. Don't feel bad, it is very common with lefties.

Now for the truth...and this from the hard left news outlet Wapo (owned by a crony billionaire left wing capitalist nut job) you even know his name?

Four Pinocchios for Obama’s claim that Republicans have ‘filibustered about 500 pieces of legislation’
The Facts
First, some definitions: A filibuster generally refers to extended debate that delays a vote on a pending matter, while cloture is a device to end debate. Filibusters are used by opponents of a nominee or legislation, while cloture is filed by supporters.

Since 2007, there have been 527 cloture motions that have been filed, according to Senate statistics. This is apparently where Obama got his figure. But this tells only part of the story, as many of those cloture motions were simply dropped, never actually voted on, or “vitiated” in the senatorial nomenclature.

Indeed, when you go through the numbers, there have just been 133 successful filibusters — meaning a final vote could not take place — since 2007.

Obama’s count also includes at least a half-dozen instances when Republicans were blocked by Democrats through use of the filibuster. In fact, in the biggest oddity, the president reached back to 2007 in making his claim, so he includes two years when he was still a senator. On eight occasions, he voted against ending debate — the very thing he decried in his remarks.

We realize that Senate rules are complex and difficult to understand, but the president did serve in the Senate and should be familiar with its terms and procedures. Looking at the numbers, he might have been able to make a case that Republicans have blocked about 50 bills that he had wanted passed, such as an increase in the minimum wage. But instead, he inflated the numbers to such an extent that he even included votes in which he, as senator, supported a filibuster.
Four Pinocchios for Obama’s claim that Republicans have ‘filibustered about 500 pieces of legislation’

STOP being a dupe for the radical left.
None of you dupes know anything, except fake news. There were 200+ GOP filibusters Obama's first 2 years, when you jackasses believe Obama had total control and passed all those policies that wrecked the economy lol...

Random numbers are great. You should have said 400 since you are making things up. Fake news lover.
Hundreds, dupe.
The Cost To Our Economy From Republican Obstruction And Sabotage

Wow! That random post of an article from a psychotic looking nobody really changed my mind. Congrats. You are the first person on here to ever change anybody's mind.
We don't have a propaganda machine like yours, so Dems have to be intelligent and KNOW things, dupe. lol. Over 200 the first 2 years. The articles have faded from the internet.
Your accusations only prove you are being duped by a radical left wing media. Don't feel bad, it is very common with lefties.

Now for the truth...and this from the hard left news outlet Wapo (owned by a crony billionaire left wing capitalist nut job) you even know his name?

Four Pinocchios for Obama’s claim that Republicans have ‘filibustered about 500 pieces of legislation’
The Facts
First, some definitions: A filibuster generally refers to extended debate that delays a vote on a pending matter, while cloture is a device to end debate. Filibusters are used by opponents of a nominee or legislation, while cloture is filed by supporters.

Since 2007, there have been 527 cloture motions that have been filed, according to Senate statistics. This is apparently where Obama got his figure. But this tells only part of the story, as many of those cloture motions were simply dropped, never actually voted on, or “vitiated” in the senatorial nomenclature.

Indeed, when you go through the numbers, there have just been 133 successful filibusters — meaning a final vote could not take place — since 2007.

Obama’s count also includes at least a half-dozen instances when Republicans were blocked by Democrats through use of the filibuster. In fact, in the biggest oddity, the president reached back to 2007 in making his claim, so he includes two years when he was still a senator. On eight occasions, he voted against ending debate — the very thing he decried in his remarks.

We realize that Senate rules are complex and difficult to understand, but the president did serve in the Senate and should be familiar with its terms and procedures. Looking at the numbers, he might have been able to make a case that Republicans have blocked about 50 bills that he had wanted passed, such as an increase in the minimum wage. But instead, he inflated the numbers to such an extent that he even included votes in which he, as senator, supported a filibuster.
Four Pinocchios for Obama’s claim that Republicans have ‘filibustered about 500 pieces of legislation’

STOP being a dupe for the radical left.
They blocked everything, dupe. Or showed they would have. Dems don't like wasting time for propaganda purposes like the GOP- They don't have a propaganda machine. These fact checkers bend over backwards to appear neutral. But reality is liberal.

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