So Why Is Israel Allowed To Possess Chemical And Nuclear Weapons?...

OK Dingle Berry

Name one "crazy islamic nation" which has used Chemical Weapons and Nukes.

Syria and Iraq both used chemical weapons on their own people.
Chemical weapons were also used in the Iran-Iraq War.
I just posted the videos isis used them too
im glad they do. They wont use them either... unlike all the crazy islamic nations that surround them.

Actually, there's only one nation on earth that's ever used such WMD.

Chemical weapons were widely used in WWI, they were also used by Saddam, by Assad in Syria, and by isis against the Kurds. Get your head out of your ass.:slap:

Yo dingle berry

There are three nations vying to acquire Syrian Real State

The US , Saudi Arabia and Israhell . In Syria they use ISIS, which is euphemistically called the "Syrian Resistance" to oppose Assad.

So , stop sucking on Bibi's dick for a second , and produce EVIDENCE that Assad is the one who actually used chemicals .
Israel and the US want's Syrian territory.......? Okie dokie. Have another hit of acid and tell us what else you see.......... :lmao:


the way it works is that you find evidence to refute/rebut my argument.

You couldn't find any so yo posted bullshit propaganda.

Lol pot calling the kettle black! You are quite the mental midget!
Syria and Iraq both used chemical weapons on their own people.
Chemical weapons were also used in the Iran-Iraq War.
I just posted the videos isis used them too
Actually, there's only one nation on earth that's ever used such WMD.

Chemical weapons were widely used in WWI, they were also used by Saddam, by Assad in Syria, and by isis against the Kurds. Get your head out of your ass.:slap:

Yo dingle berry

There are three nations vying to acquire Syrian Real State

The US , Saudi Arabia and Israhell . In Syria they use ISIS, which is euphemistically called the "Syrian Resistance" to oppose Assad.

So , stop sucking on Bibi's dick for a second , and produce EVIDENCE that Assad is the one who actually used chemicals .
Israel and the US want's Syrian territory.......? Okie dokie. Have another hit of acid and tell us what else you see.......... :lmao:


the way it works is that you find evidence to refute/rebut my argument.

You couldn't find any so yo posted bullshit propaganda.

Lol pot calling the kettle black! You are quite the mental midget!
And that's being kind....... :eusa_whistle:
I just posted the videos isis used them too
Chemical weapons were widely used in WWI, they were also used by Saddam, by Assad in Syria, and by isis against the Kurds. Get your head out of your ass.:slap:

Yo dingle berry

There are three nations vying to acquire Syrian Real State

The US , Saudi Arabia and Israhell . In Syria they use ISIS, which is euphemistically called the "Syrian Resistance" to oppose Assad.

So , stop sucking on Bibi's dick for a second , and produce EVIDENCE that Assad is the one who actually used chemicals .
Israel and the US want's Syrian territory.......? Okie dokie. Have another hit of acid and tell us what else you see.......... :lmao:


the way it works is that you find evidence to refute/rebut my argument.

You couldn't find any so yo posted bullshit propaganda.

Yo stupid, you have it backwards. You make the claim, the onus is on you to back it up.
Let me guess, you're typing with your nose while wrapped up in a straight jacket.

You have been a member since 2009.

I have posted the links a million times.

That you are not familiar with Israel and the Golan Heights situation tells me that you are a Hagee follower and not interested in searching the true.

See the Jews are not nearly as stupid as you are fucko! The Golan Height provides a Syrian army the high ground and perfect ability to invade Israel. They did it in '48 and '67. Now that Israel controls if they would be insane to give the Syrians this strategic location back!

Fuck the Syrians and fuck you!
Yo dingle berry

There are three nations vying to acquire Syrian Real State

The US , Saudi Arabia and Israhell . In Syria they use ISIS, which is euphemistically called the "Syrian Resistance" to oppose Assad.

So , stop sucking on Bibi's dick for a second , and produce EVIDENCE that Assad is the one who actually used chemicals .
Israel and the US want's Syrian territory.......? Okie dokie. Have another hit of acid and tell us what else you see.......... :lmao:


the way it works is that you find evidence to refute/rebut my argument.

You couldn't find any so yo posted bullshit propaganda.

Yo stupid, you have it backwards. You make the claim, the onus is on you to back it up.
Let me guess, you're typing with your nose while wrapped up in a straight jacket.

You have been a member since 2009.

I have posted the links a million times.

That you are not familiar with Israel and the Golan Heights situation tells me that you are a Hagee follower and not interested in searching the true.

See the Jews are not nearly as stupid as you are fucko! The Golan Height provides a Syrian army the high ground and perfect ability to invade Israel. They did it in '48 and '67. Now that Israel controls if they would be insane to give the Syrians this strategic location back!

Fuck the Syrians and fuck you!

I understand that dingle berry

but they belong to Syria

You fuckers thought that by destabilizing Syria that you could them over during the turmoil - thanks to Putin that didn't workout for you sons of bitches.

Israel and the US want's Syrian territory.......? Okie dokie. Have another hit of acid and tell us what else you see.......... :lmao:


the way it works is that you find evidence to refute/rebut my argument.

You couldn't find any so yo posted bullshit propaganda.

Yo stupid, you have it backwards. You make the claim, the onus is on you to back it up.
Let me guess, you're typing with your nose while wrapped up in a straight jacket.

You have been a member since 2009.

I have posted the links a million times.

That you are not familiar with Israel and the Golan Heights situation tells me that you are a Hagee follower and not interested in searching the true.

See the Jews are not nearly as stupid as you are fucko! The Golan Height provides a Syrian army the high ground and perfect ability to invade Israel. They did it in '48 and '67. Now that Israel controls if they would be insane to give the Syrians this strategic location back!

Fuck the Syrians and fuck you!

I understand that dingle berry

but they belong to Syria

You fuckers thought that by destabilizing Syria that you could them over during the turmoil - thanks to Putin that didn't workout for you sons of bitches.

You're blaming Israel for Syria??!!! You're dumber than you look!!!! :lmao:
Get a clue fucko! I know your a delusional dipshit that still follows hypocritical porker Ron Paul, who by his own admission was a failed legislator.

But the US has not fought one war for Israel. In '48 they placed and embargo on the region. The Soviets were arming the Arabs to the teeth, if I wasn't for the UK and France arming the Jews there would have been a second Holocaust.

In '52 the American were part of the conflict but the dictates the terms. The Jews should have remained in control of the Suez Canal, but the Americans were afraid of Soviets. America nor did any foreign army help the Jews in '67, '73 or '82!!! None.

Now since you are a douche bag conspiracy nut you will say we went into to Iraq for Israel. Bullshit. It gave zero strategic value to do that. Sadam was an enemy of Israel, but he was polarizing force to the Persians. We went into Iraq because of our own reasons and it had nothing to do with Israel.

We didn't go to war with Libya because of Israel and we didn't get involved in Syria because of Israel.

So take off your tinfoil hat and realize you worship at best a fraud at worst a nutjob failed politician.

Just stating my opinion. I feel we have ceded too much of our foreign policy decision-making in the Middle East, to Israel. It's become a very chaotic dangerous Entangling Alliance.
It is less about Israel and more about oil. There have been many other conflicts in the ME that have nothing to do with Israel.

YOU are, clearly, not at all familiar with the islamo Nazi literature------ALL CONFICTS in the past 1000 years (at least) have been mediated by
ZIONISTS. In fact there is extensive literature in the islamo Nazi literature which
PROVES that jews created the conflict between American natives and Good White Christians in the Americas. -----because some jews were involved in the
SUGAR BUSINESS------and rum is a byproduct of sugar production AND----jews
induced native americans to become alcoholics---------ALSO blue jeans------
invented by a jewish tailor-------are at the route of lots of conflicts in the americas
every misery happening in world because of zionist .
even my dog is sick because of zionist. even this heavy rain in holiday
. i dont know why or how .but i know it.........:rolleyes:

Lol funny.

There is a great irony in the international community movement against Iran that I will admit to:
(1) Iran is the only place in the Muslim world that protects it's Jews.
(2) It is ruled by some nut cases but it more stable the most in the region.
(3) While Iran supports terrorism and terrorist organizations, America and the west are directly threatened by Sunni terrorist, not Shia terrorist. Hezbollah are some evil guys, but in reality they are no threat to us. Israel maybe, but she can take care of herself.
(4) The Sunnis hate Iran as much as they hate America, Israel and the West.
(5) Isis, Al Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, CAIR, Boko Haram etc are all Sunni org

Iran "protects" it's very few Jews that are still there long as they kiss mullah ass..You give them credit for that...They also make it a point to to target Jews globally...and they are a direct threat to The U.S. globally with their development of missiles and nukes. Your shiite love is laughable actually:slap:

Iran endorses nuclear EMP attack on United States

Iran armed with nuclear missiles poses an unprecedented threat to global civilization.

One nuclear warhead detonated at high-altitude over the United States would blackout the national electric grid and other life sustaining critical infrastructures for months or years by means of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP). A nationwide blackout lasting one year, according to the Congressional EMP Commission, could cause chaos and starvation that leaves 90 percent of Americans dead.

Iranian military documents describe such a scenario--including a recently translated Iranian military textbook that endorses nuclear EMP attack against the United States.

Thus, Iran with a small number of nuclear missiles can by EMP attack threaten the existence of modernity and be the death knell for Western principles of international law, humanism and freedom. For the first time in history, a failed state like Iran could destroy the most successful societies on Earth and convert an evolving benign world order into world chaos.


Iran endorses nuclear EMP attack on United States
It's widely accepted Israel possesses both Chemical Weapons and Nukes.

im glad they do. They wont use them either... unlike all the crazy islamic nations that surround them.

OK Dingle Berry

Name one "crazy islamic nation" which has used Chemical Weapons and Nukes.

Syria and Iraq both used chemical weapons on their own people.
Chemical weapons were also used in the Iran-Iraq War.
I just posted the videos isis used them too
Prove they have chemical weapons and nukes. No one has proven it yet. :dunno:
(Oh just to make sure, unsubstantiated allegations and flights of fancy do not constitute proof).

It's widely accepted Israel possesses both Chemical Weapons and Nukes.

im glad they do. They wont use them either... unlike all the crazy islamic nations that surround them.

Actually, there's only one nation on earth that's ever used such WMD.

Chemical weapons were widely used in WWI, they were also used by Saddam, by Assad in Syria, and by isis against the Kurds. Get your head out of your ass.:slap:

Yo dingle berry

There are three nations vying to acquire Syrian Real State

The US , Saudi Arabia and Israhell . In Syria they use ISIS, which is euphemistically called the "Syrian Resistance" to oppose Assad.

So , stop sucking on Bibi's dick for a second , and produce EVIDENCE that Assad is the one who actually used chemicals .

Chemical weapons have been used... So why you got a hard on for Assad?:dunno:
im glad they do. They wont use them either... unlike all the crazy islamic nations that surround them.

OK Dingle Berry

Name one "crazy islamic nation" which has used Chemical Weapons and Nukes.

Syria and Iraq both used chemical weapons on their own people.
Chemical weapons were also used in the Iran-Iraq War.
I just posted the videos isis used them too
It's widely accepted Israel possesses both Chemical Weapons and Nukes.

im glad they do. They wont use them either... unlike all the crazy islamic nations that surround them.

Actually, there's only one nation on earth that's ever used such WMD.

Chemical weapons were widely used in WWI, they were also used by Saddam, by Assad in Syria, and by isis against the Kurds. Get your head out of your ass.:slap:

Yo dingle berry

There are three nations vying to acquire Syrian Real State

The US , Saudi Arabia and Israhell . In Syria they use ISIS, which is euphemistically called the "Syrian Resistance" to oppose Assad.

So , stop sucking on Bibi's dick for a second , and produce EVIDENCE that Assad is the one who actually used chemicals .

Chemical weapons have been used... So why you got a hard on for Assad?:dunno:

I believe Israel was the driving force in getting us involved with Syria's Civil War. Syria was absolutely no threat to the U.S.
OK Dingle Berry

Name one "crazy islamic nation" which has used Chemical Weapons and Nukes.

Syria and Iraq both used chemical weapons on their own people.
Chemical weapons were also used in the Iran-Iraq War.
I just posted the videos isis used them too
im glad they do. They wont use them either... unlike all the crazy islamic nations that surround them.

Actually, there's only one nation on earth that's ever used such WMD.

Chemical weapons were widely used in WWI, they were also used by Saddam, by Assad in Syria, and by isis against the Kurds. Get your head out of your ass.:slap:

Yo dingle berry

There are three nations vying to acquire Syrian Real State

The US , Saudi Arabia and Israhell . In Syria they use ISIS, which is euphemistically called the "Syrian Resistance" to oppose Assad.

So , stop sucking on Bibi's dick for a second , and produce EVIDENCE that Assad is the one who actually used chemicals .

Chemical weapons have been used... So why you got a hard on for Assad?:dunno:

I believe Israel was the driving force in getting us involved with Syria's Civil War. Syria was absolutely no threat to the U.S.

The Jews did it!!!:cuckoo:
Syria and Iraq both used chemical weapons on their own people.
Chemical weapons were also used in the Iran-Iraq War.
I just posted the videos isis used them too
Actually, there's only one nation on earth that's ever used such WMD.

Chemical weapons were widely used in WWI, they were also used by Saddam, by Assad in Syria, and by isis against the Kurds. Get your head out of your ass.:slap:

Yo dingle berry

There are three nations vying to acquire Syrian Real State

The US , Saudi Arabia and Israhell . In Syria they use ISIS, which is euphemistically called the "Syrian Resistance" to oppose Assad.

So , stop sucking on Bibi's dick for a second , and produce EVIDENCE that Assad is the one who actually used chemicals .

Chemical weapons have been used... So why you got a hard on for Assad?:dunno:

I believe Israel was the driving force in getting us involved with Syria's Civil War. Syria was absolutely no threat to the U.S.

The Jews did it!!!:cuckoo:

In some cases they do 'do it'. Israel wanted war with Syria. But we had no reason to get involved with its Civil War.
I just posted the videos isis used them too
Chemical weapons were widely used in WWI, they were also used by Saddam, by Assad in Syria, and by isis against the Kurds. Get your head out of your ass.:slap:

Yo dingle berry

There are three nations vying to acquire Syrian Real State

The US , Saudi Arabia and Israhell . In Syria they use ISIS, which is euphemistically called the "Syrian Resistance" to oppose Assad.

So , stop sucking on Bibi's dick for a second , and produce EVIDENCE that Assad is the one who actually used chemicals .

Chemical weapons have been used... So why you got a hard on for Assad?:dunno:

I believe Israel was the driving force in getting us involved with Syria's Civil War. Syria was absolutely no threat to the U.S.

The Jews did it!!!:cuckoo:

In some cases they do 'do it'. Israel wanted war with Syria. But we had no reason to get involved with its Civil War.

Israel started the Syrian civil war?...You get that from the Ron Paul school of stupidity?:dunno:
Now before some of you brand me an 'Evil Antisemite', just hear me out. This is an issue hardly discussed in the U.S. We all know about the lengths the U.S. and West are going to keep Nukes out of the hands of nations in the Middle East. And that the U.S. was all set to go to war with Syria for possessing chemical weapons.

However, Syria has signed and ratified the Chemical Weapons Ban Treaty. While Israel is actually one of the few nations on earth that hasn't ratified the Treaty. It also hasn't signed on to other Treaties pertaining to arms. So why the double standard U.S. policy in regards to Israel? Just interested in hearing what you all think. Thanks.

We generally support our allies having the same type of weapons as we have. Israel is targeted by many Muslim countries who want to wipe them off the map. Israel needs the ability to defend themselves. In this case, having nukes means no one would be stupid enough to nuke them or they would get the same in return.

The only reason any deals on banning weapons are made is so countries can keep getting money from us. None of them will adhere to the agreements.

The Chemical Weapons ban treaty is just as big of a joke as the Iraq nuke deal. Means nothing. They pretend to go along in exchange for no sanctions. It's a hand shake deal with no way to enforce it. And they know the current wishy washy president isn't going to get tough.
Yo dingle berry

There are three nations vying to acquire Syrian Real State

The US , Saudi Arabia and Israhell . In Syria they use ISIS, which is euphemistically called the "Syrian Resistance" to oppose Assad.

So , stop sucking on Bibi's dick for a second , and produce EVIDENCE that Assad is the one who actually used chemicals .

Chemical weapons have been used... So why you got a hard on for Assad?:dunno:

I believe Israel was the driving force in getting us involved with Syria's Civil War. Syria was absolutely no threat to the U.S.

The Jews did it!!!:cuckoo:

In some cases they do 'do it'. Israel wanted war with Syria. But we had no reason to get involved with its Civil War.

Israel started the Syrian civil war?...You get that from the Ron Paul school of stupidity?:dunno:

It may have played a part in it. It may have even gone as far as supporting ISIS there. But regardless, if Israel wanted war with Syria, than so be it. It doesn't mean we had to go to war.
Chemical weapons have been used... So why you got a hard on for Assad?:dunno:

I believe Israel was the driving force in getting us involved with Syria's Civil War. Syria was absolutely no threat to the U.S.

The Jews did it!!!:cuckoo:

In some cases they do 'do it'. Israel wanted war with Syria. But we had no reason to get involved with its Civil War.

Israel started the Syrian civil war?...You get that from the Ron Paul school of stupidity?:dunno:

It may have played a part in it. It may have even gone as far as supporting ISIS there. But regardless, if Israel wanted war with Syria, than so be it. It doesn't mean we had to go to war.

Israel's at war with Syria?
I believe Israel was the driving force in getting us involved with Syria's Civil War. Syria was absolutely no threat to the U.S.

The Jews did it!!!:cuckoo:

In some cases they do 'do it'. Israel wanted war with Syria. But we had no reason to get involved with its Civil War.

Israel started the Syrian civil war?...You get that from the Ron Paul school of stupidity?:dunno:

It may have played a part in it. It may have even gone as far as supporting ISIS there. But regardless, if Israel wanted war with Syria, than so be it. It doesn't mean we had to go to war.

Israel's at war with Syria?

Yes, it has bombed it several times since the start of its Civil War.
The Jews did it!!!:cuckoo:

In some cases they do 'do it'. Israel wanted war with Syria. But we had no reason to get involved with its Civil War.

Israel started the Syrian civil war?...You get that from the Ron Paul school of stupidity?:dunno:

It may have played a part in it. It may have even gone as far as supporting ISIS there. But regardless, if Israel wanted war with Syria, than so be it. It doesn't mean we had to go to war.

Israel's at war with Syria?

Yes, it has bombed it several times since the start of its Civil War.

Bombed Hezbollah...Try to keep up with the situation ok?
Chemical weapons have been used... So why you got a hard on for Assad?:dunno:

I believe Israel was the driving force in getting us involved with Syria's Civil War. Syria was absolutely no threat to the U.S.

The Jews did it!!!:cuckoo:

In some cases they do 'do it'. Israel wanted war with Syria. But we had no reason to get involved with its Civil War.

Israel started the Syrian civil war?...You get that from the Ron Paul school of stupidity?:dunno:

It may have played a part in it. It may have even gone as far as supporting ISIS there. But regardless, if Israel wanted war with Syria, than so be it. It doesn't mean we had to go to war.

"it may have played a big part...." --- <<< brilliant bit of sophistry, paul----you should become a lawyer
I believe Israel was the driving force in getting us involved with Syria's Civil War. Syria was absolutely no threat to the U.S.

The Jews did it!!!:cuckoo:

In some cases they do 'do it'. Israel wanted war with Syria. But we had no reason to get involved with its Civil War.

Israel started the Syrian civil war?...You get that from the Ron Paul school of stupidity?:dunno:

It may have played a part in it. It may have even gone as far as supporting ISIS there. But regardless, if Israel wanted war with Syria, than so be it. It doesn't mean we had to go to war.

"it may have played a big part...." --- <<< brilliant bit of sophistry, paul----you should become a lawyer

Israel is well known for its elaborate covert operations. It wouldn't suprise me a bit if the Mossad and CIA started the Syrian Civil War. Both have been doing that all around the world for many years. I'm actually kinda surprised you don't know that.
The Jews did it!!!:cuckoo:

In some cases they do 'do it'. Israel wanted war with Syria. But we had no reason to get involved with its Civil War.

Israel started the Syrian civil war?...You get that from the Ron Paul school of stupidity?:dunno:

It may have played a part in it. It may have even gone as far as supporting ISIS there. But regardless, if Israel wanted war with Syria, than so be it. It doesn't mean we had to go to war.

"it may have played a big part...." --- <<< brilliant bit of sophistry, paul----you should become a lawyer

Israel is well known for its elaborate covert operations. It wouldn't suprise me a bit if the Mossad and CIA started the Syrian Civil War. Both have been doing that all around the world for many years. I'm actually kinda surprised you don't know that.

Jews-----in the islamo Nazi propaganda over the past 1000 years------are "WELL KNOWN" for covert operations. DA JOOOOS even CAUSED THE BUBONIC
PLAGUE in the 14th century. See? I am very familiar with your childhood
education------I grew up in WASPSVILLE------and probably spent more sessions
in SUNDAY SCHOOL----than in a synagogue in my early childhood. Later I read
the stories upon which you were suckled and STIL SUCK BTW------Polio still exists in the world because both SALK and SABIN were jews
In some cases they do 'do it'. Israel wanted war with Syria. But we had no reason to get involved with its Civil War.

Israel started the Syrian civil war?...You get that from the Ron Paul school of stupidity?:dunno:

It may have played a part in it. It may have even gone as far as supporting ISIS there. But regardless, if Israel wanted war with Syria, than so be it. It doesn't mean we had to go to war.

"it may have played a big part...." --- <<< brilliant bit of sophistry, paul----you should become a lawyer

Israel is well known for its elaborate covert operations. It wouldn't suprise me a bit if the Mossad and CIA started the Syrian Civil War. Both have been doing that all around the world for many years. I'm actually kinda surprised you don't know that.

Jews-----in the islamo Nazi propaganda over the past 1000 years------are "WELL KNOWN" for covert operations. DA JOOOOS even CAUSED THE BUBONIC
PLAGUE in the 14th century. See? I am very familiar with your childhood
education------I grew up in WASPSVILLE------and probably spent more sessions
in SUNDAY SCHOOL----than in a synagogue in my early childhood. Later I read
the stories upon which you were suckled and STIL SUCK BTW------Polio still exists in the world because both SALK and SABIN were jews

Ok. Calm down.

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