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So why is Obama insulting 96.5% of Americans...

Conservatives might well pay a heavy price at the polls, but it would be because the nation as a whole is moving toward depravity and degeneracy. Decency is not tolerated in such a toxic atmosphere.

The problem for conservatives is that the "God hates fags" crowd is losing influence. More people meet gays in their daily lives and do not consider them to be evil
More and more Americans look at it as an issue of fairness

Which is why Obama supports fair and equal rights for gays--because that is what the majority of Americans want. He isn't 'courting' the gay vote, he is doing what the majority of Americans want.


Most states with gay marriage on the ballot voted it down.
It has worked quite well in Scandanavia which has had same sex marriage for a long time now.

Stanley Kurtz on Gay Marriage on National Review Online

The End of Marriage in Scandinavia | The Weekly Standard

MARRIAGE IS SLOWLY DYING IN SCANDINAVIA. A majority of children in Sweden and Norway are born out of wedlock. Sixty percent of first-born children in Denmark have unmarried parents. Not coincidentally, these countries have had something close to full gay marriage for a decade or more. Same-sex marriage has locked in and reinforced an existing Scandinavian trend toward the separation of marriage and parenthood. The Nordic family pattern--including gay marriage--is spreading across Europe. And by looking closely at it we can answer the key empirical question underlying the gay marriage debate. Will same-sex marriage undermine the institution of marriage? It already has.

More precisely, it has further undermined the institution. The separation of marriage from parenthood was increasing; gay marriage has widened the separation. Out-of-wedlock birthrates were rising; gay marriage has added to the factors pushing those rates higher. Instead of encouraging a society-wide return to marriage, Scandinavian gay marriage has driven home the message that marriage itself is outdated, and that virtually any family form, including out-of-wedlock parenthood, is acceptable.
Conservatives might well pay a heavy price at the polls, but it would be because the nation as a whole is moving toward depravity and degeneracy. Decency is not tolerated in such a toxic atmosphere.

The problem for conservatives is that the "God hates fags" crowd is losing influence. More people meet gays in their daily lives and do not consider them to be evil
More and more Americans look at it as an issue of fairness

Which is why Obama supports fair and equal rights for gays--because that is what the majority of Americans want. He isn't 'courting' the gay vote, he is doing what the majority of Americans want.

If that is what the majority of Americans want, put it to a vote. So far, out of nine states that have legalized same sex marriage only two have voted on it. The other seven have had it imposed either judicially or legislatively. See if that's what the majority wants. Put it to a vote.
The problem for conservatives is that the "God hates fags" crowd is losing influence. More people meet gays in their daily lives and do not consider them to be evil
More and more Americans look at it as an issue of fairness

Which is why Obama supports fair and equal rights for gays--because that is what the majority of Americans want. He isn't 'courting' the gay vote, he is doing what the majority of Americans want.

If that is what the majority of Americans want, put it to a vote. So far, out of nine states that have legalized same sex marriage only two have voted on it. The other seven have had it imposed either judicially or legislatively. See if that's what the majority wants. Put it to a vote.

Same with abortion?
Or do you just favor voting when you think you will win?
while courting 3.5% of Americans???

According to a Williams Institute review conducted in April 2011, approximately 3.5% of American adults identify themselves as lesbian, gay or bisexual, while 0.3% are transgender—which would correspond to approximately 11.7 million Americans as of the 2010 Census.
LGBT demographics of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If Obama is so smart why other then campaign donations payback is this attention to gay issues?

Because gay people deserve equal treatment....:eusa_eh:

Doesn't matter what % of the population a group is, if they are being mistreated then the issue deserves the attention. It's really just that simple.

OK... in that vein..why can't the following become recognized as equal rights under the law??

The authors review 122 cases (88 from the world literature and 34 unpublished cases) manifesting necrophilic acts or fantasies.
Necrophilia was considered by the Catholic Church to be neither whoring ("fornicatio") nor bestiality, but "pollution with a tendency to whoring

These people need to be recognized as well as gays!

As do these people.. even though gays are trying to distance themselves...

Throughout the ages, bestiality has always been unacceptable in the eyes of society. But as society is becoming more tolerant in the realm of sex and the internet is giving more exposure to "fringe" cultures, some people who are sexually attracted to animals are hoping that one day bestiality will be a sexual rights movement. Although "zoophiles" may hope to follow the path of acceptance that homosexuals have paved, they shouldn't count on any support from the gay community, which has distanced itself from bestiality.
Will bestiality ever become socially acceptable?

AND those biased, old fashioned GAYS are really distancing themselves from this group.. AND WHY??? WHY are the men of North American Man/Boy Love Association
NAMBLA discriminated against by our country???

Man/Boy Love: Propaganda versus reality
To explain man/boy love today, one must first explain what it is not: It is not what you view on television or read in newspapers. It’s not what you hear on Oprah or Geraldo, nor is it the propaganda put out by police and politicians.
It’s the love of a man for a boy, and of a boy for a man. Enjoyable, consensual, beautiful.
NAMBLA homepage

Why stop at Gays? We need our whole country/government/Constitution to totally accept without ANY discrimination:
Necrophiliacs.. they are people just like you and me and have a right to be accepted!
Bestiality lovers... I mean why should any of society come between the love of a girl and her horse?
NAMBLA: I mean if the NYC School Board accepted NAMBLA personnel KNOWINGLY 20 years ago... why are WE holding them back??

AND REMEMBER all of the above groups have as YOU said:
"Doesn't matter what % of the population a group is, if they are being mistreated then the issue deserves the attention. It's really just that simple."

SO we need to consider ALL of these groups including gays and other deviant that are being mistreated..even the gays that are "distancing from bestiality".. how dare they!
while courting 3.5% of Americans???

According to a Williams Institute review conducted in April 2011, approximately 3.5% of American adults identify themselves as lesbian, gay or bisexual, while 0.3% are transgender—which would correspond to approximately 11.7 million Americans as of the 2010 Census.
LGBT demographics of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If Obama is so smart why other then campaign donations payback is this attention to gay issues?

Because gay people deserve equal treatment....:eusa_eh:

Doesn't matter what % of the population a group is, if they are being mistreated then the issue deserves the attention. It's really just that simple.

OK... in that vein..why can't the following become recognized as equal rights under the law??

The authors review 122 cases (88 from the world literature and 34 unpublished cases) manifesting necrophilic acts or fantasies.
Necrophilia was considered by the Catholic Church to be neither whoring ("fornicatio") nor bestiality, but "pollution with a tendency to whoring

These people need to be recognized as well as gays!

As do these people.. even though gays are trying to distance themselves...

Throughout the ages, bestiality has always been unacceptable in the eyes of society. But as society is becoming more tolerant in the realm of sex and the internet is giving more exposure to "fringe" cultures, some people who are sexually attracted to animals are hoping that one day bestiality will be a sexual rights movement. Although "zoophiles" may hope to follow the path of acceptance that homosexuals have paved, they shouldn't count on any support from the gay community, which has distanced itself from bestiality.
Will bestiality ever become socially acceptable?

AND those biased, old fashioned GAYS are really distancing themselves from this group.. AND WHY??? WHY are the men of North American Man/Boy Love Association
NAMBLA discriminated against by our country???

Man/Boy Love: Propaganda versus reality
To explain man/boy love today, one must first explain what it is not: It is not what you view on television or read in newspapers. It’s not what you hear on Oprah or Geraldo, nor is it the propaganda put out by police and politicians.
It’s the love of a man for a boy, and of a boy for a man. Enjoyable, consensual, beautiful.
NAMBLA homepage

Why stop at Gays? We need our whole country/government/Constitution to totally accept without ANY discrimination:
Necrophiliacs.. they are people just like you and me and have a right to be accepted!
Bestiality lovers... I mean why should any of society come between the love of a girl and her horse?
NAMBLA: I mean if the NYC School Board accepted NAMBLA personnel KNOWINGLY 20 years ago... why are WE holding them back??

AND REMEMBER all of the above groups have as YOU said:
"Doesn't matter what % of the population a group is, if they are being mistreated then the issue deserves the attention. It's really just that simple."

SO we need to consider ALL of these groups including gays and other deviant that are being mistreated..even the gays that are "distancing from bestiality".. how dare they!

If you can't tell the difference between acts that involve two consenting adults and acts that do not, then you probably can't tell the difference between driving and speeding.

Allowing people to drive doesn't mean " next we'll be doing away with speed limits"

It's a stupid argument - you have better arguments at your disposal, I'd suggest you stick to those.
Conservatives might well pay a heavy price at the polls, but it would be because the nation as a whole is moving toward depravity and degeneracy. Decency is not tolerated in such a toxic atmosphere.

The problem for conservatives is that the "God hates fags" crowd is losing influence. More people meet gays in their daily lives and do not consider them to be evil
More and more Americans look at it as an issue of fairness

It has nothing to do with God. Liberals must say so because the argument allows them to avoid the truth. The nation is becoming more depraved and degenerate daily. Common decency is now overtly religious and must be rejected as just more church doctrine.

The only objection to gays comes from the religious right. That is where the moral judgements come from. Most Americans are looking at homosexuality as something that causes no harm and think that Homosexuals should be allowed to marry the person they love

What I find interesting is that as Homosexuals are openly accepted in America, the God Hates Fags faction are becoming social outcasts
Conservatives underestimate the impact of the gay vote.
Gays may be 3.5% of the population, but they have family, friends, neighbors and coworkers who look at them and say .......He or she is a good person....why can't they marry the person they love?

Conservatives are coming off as petty and cruel on this issue and they will pay a price at the polls

Actually, I think that progressives overestimate the gay vote, not everyone with gay family members sees marriage as an issue that affects their family, and not every LGBT thinks that their life is defined by marriage. Personally, I find it strange that a group that fought for years to stigmatize marriage suddenly supports it, makes me wonder what their real agenda is.

The Pearcey Report

Masha Gessen, a lesbian and a journalist, spoke frankly about this at a conference in Sydney, Australia, last summer. “It’s a no-brainer that we should have the right to marry,” she said. “But I also think equally that it’s a no-brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist.”

This admission “causes my brain some trouble,” Gessen says, “and part of why it causes me trouble is that fighting for gay marriage generally involves lying about what we are going to do with marriage when we get there -- because we lie that the institution of marriage is not going to change, and that is a lie.”

How will it change? Gessen explains: “I have three kids who have five parents, more or less. . . . I would like to live in a legal system that is capable of reflecting that reality. And I don’t think that’s compatible with the institution of marriage.”

“Marriage equality” becomes “marriage elasticity,” with the ultimate goal of “marriage extinction.”

Does that explain it sufficiently?

One persons opinion?
Actually, I think that progressives overestimate the gay vote, not everyone with gay family members sees marriage as an issue that affects their family, and not every LGBT thinks that their life is defined by marriage. Personally, I find it strange that a group that fought for years to stigmatize marriage suddenly supports it, makes me wonder what their real agenda is.

The Pearcey Report

Masha Gessen, a lesbian and a journalist, spoke frankly about this at a conference in Sydney, Australia, last summer. “It’s a no-brainer that we should have the right to marry,” she said. “But I also think equally that it’s a no-brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist.”

This admission “causes my brain some trouble,” Gessen says, “and part of why it causes me trouble is that fighting for gay marriage generally involves lying about what we are going to do with marriage when we get there -- because we lie that the institution of marriage is not going to change, and that is a lie.”

How will it change? Gessen explains: “I have three kids who have five parents, more or less. . . . I would like to live in a legal system that is capable of reflecting that reality. And I don’t think that’s compatible with the institution of marriage.”

“Marriage equality” becomes “marriage elasticity,” with the ultimate goal of “marriage extinction.”

Does that explain it sufficiently?

One persons opinion?

Truth be told, it's my opinion too - sort of.
I don't think the government ought to be in the business of sanctioning marriages. Any marriages. If they want to offer benefits and enforcement of domestic contracts - fine. Do it and do it for all consenting adults equally.

But "marriage" has always been a sacriment of the church. It should remain in the church's domain. The seperation of church and state should dictate that the state stays out of it.

So in THAT regard, I favor the end to state sanctioned marriage.

just MHO.
while courting 3.5% of Americans???

According to a Williams Institute review conducted in April 2011, approximately 3.5% of American adults identify themselves as lesbian, gay or bisexual, while 0.3% are transgender—which would correspond to approximately 11.7 million Americans as of the 2010 Census.
LGBT demographics of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If Obama is so smart why other then campaign donations payback is this attention to gay issues?

OK, I see that. Since reactionaries make up about 12% of the American public, out of the mainstream, to boot, then they should be ignored as well.

Because of the Constitution, you insensible block of wood, that's why,
Conservatives might well pay a heavy price at the polls, but it would be because the nation as a whole is moving toward depravity and degeneracy. Decency is not tolerated in such a toxic atmosphere.

Decency is in tolerance rather than the depravity and degeneracy of those who bash gays.
The problem for conservatives is that the "God hates fags" crowd is losing influence. More people meet gays in their daily lives and do not consider them to be evil
More and more Americans look at it as an issue of fairness

It has nothing to do with God. Liberals must say so because the argument allows them to avoid the truth. The nation is becoming more depraved and degenerate daily. Common decency is now overtly religious and must be rejected as just more church doctrine.

The only objection to gays comes from the religious right. That is where the moral judgements come from. Most Americans are looking at homosexuality as something that causes no harm and think that Homosexuals should be allowed to marry the person they love

What I find interesting is that as Homosexuals are openly accepted in America, the God Hates Fags faction are becoming social outcasts

So why do gays hate NAMBLA?
Conservatives might well pay a heavy price at the polls, but it would be because the nation as a whole is moving toward depravity and degeneracy. Decency is not tolerated in such a toxic atmosphere.

Decency is in tolerance rather than the depravity and degeneracy of those who bash gays.

What is keeping gays from civil unions? Nothing.
Why do gays want marriage if civil unions meet all their legal needs?
More importantly though why are gays against bestiality,Necrophilia and NAMBLA?
I mean these groups are just as equally discriminated against and I thought gays were open minded?
It has nothing to do with God. Liberals must say so because the argument allows them to avoid the truth. The nation is becoming more depraved and degenerate daily. Common decency is now overtly religious and must be rejected as just more church doctrine.

The only objection to gays comes from the religious right. That is where the moral judgements come from. Most Americans are looking at homosexuality as something that causes no harm and think that Homosexuals should be allowed to marry the person they love

What I find interesting is that as Homosexuals are openly accepted in America, the God Hates Fags faction are becoming social outcasts

So why do gays hate NAMBLA?

Everyone hates NAMBLA

It is because they advocate harmful and illegal activities

What does it have to do with gays?
A Pandora's box is fixing to be opened here. It was brought up that a widowed man could marry his son. So when he died the son wouldn't pay taxes on the estate. It could be done with a mother marrying her daughter. It couldn't fall under incest law, because they couldn't have a child, that's the primary reason incest isn't allowed. See what happens when you start changing the definition of things. It will be funny to see the outrage of the liberals when a billionaire passes billions in money and assests without a dime in taxes being collected, and just think you created the loop hole. Lol
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More importantly though why are gays against bestiality,Necrophilia and NAMBLA?
I mean these groups are just as equally discriminated against and I thought gays were open minded?

What a stupid argument.
I'm wondering ....
Are those of you making the "slippery slope" argument truly stupid enough to believe what you are saying? Or are you just saying it in order to dredge up something to say?
while courting 3.5% of Americans???

According to a Williams Institute review conducted in April 2011, approximately 3.5% of American adults identify themselves as lesbian, gay or bisexual, while 0.3% are transgender—which would correspond to approximately 11.7 million Americans as of the 2010 Census.
LGBT demographics of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If Obama is so smart why other then campaign donations payback is this attention to gay issues?

Because gay people deserve equal treatment....:eusa_eh:

Doesn't matter what % of the population a group is, if they are being mistreated then the issue deserves the attention. It's really just that simple.

This is where you keep losing me. The simple truth is that tax laws are written in such a way that getting married actually has a negative impact on your taxes. That means that married people are treated unfairly because they have to pay higher taxes than two people who are not married. Yet, for some obscure reason, you want me to believe that not allowing people to be legally discriminated against treats them unfairly.

Want to run that one by your logic center again?

You being serious now? I honestly can't tell.
A Pandora's box is fixing to be opened here. It was brought up that a widowed man could marry his son. So when he died the son wouldn't pay taxes on the estate. It could be done with a mother marrying her daughter. It couldn't fall under incest law, because they couldn't have a child, that's the primary reason incest isn't allowed. See what happens when you start changing the definition of things. It will be funny to see the outrage of the liberals when a billionaire passes billions in money and assests without a dime in taxes being collected, and just think you created the loop hole. Lol

Couldn't the same thing happen if a widowed man married his daughter?

I have known many people who married because of financial reasons. It doesn't mean that we should block those who marry for love

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