So Why Will Our Liberal Leaders Refuse To Televise Donald Trump? What Facts Could He Possibly Bring Up For The World To See?

If Trump was a narcissistic dictator he'd still be in office or removed by force.
You missed the point completely. He tried to install himself as that but was defeated. Every dictator over throws democracy like he tried. He failed which is why he is not there. You’re wrong.
Neither of those events occurred. Therefore, you're wrong. Keep going.

So the j6 riots didn’t happen? He never stood at a rally and encouraged the ratbags to attend the capitol on that day and said “it is going to be wild “?

Is that what your saying.

If that’s the best denial and lies you have is there any point continuing?
You live in a trump induced coma.
You missed the point completely. He tried to install himself as that but was defeated. Every dictator over throws democracy like he tried. He failed which is why he is not there. You’re wrong.

So the j6 riots didn’t happen? He never stood at a rally and encouraged the ratbags to attend the capitol on that day and said “it is going to be wild “?

Is that what your saying.

If that’s the best denial and lies you have is there any point continuing?
You live in a trump induced coma.
You swung and missed. If Trump was a dictator he would not have left office even being defeated. You're not making sense now. Didn't take long for reality to destroy your mindless fantasy.
You swung and missed. If Trump was a dictator he would not have left office even being defeated. You're not making sense now. Didn't take long for reality to destroy your mindless fantasy.
I don't think these libtards believe their own bullshit.

I think they're just a bunch of evil assholes.
I don't think these libtards believe their own bullshit.

I think they're just a bunch of evil assholes.
They're stupid propaganda parrots. They watch some propaganda parrot on TV and think they're so damn smart. They forget to think and check out the information. They're products of government indoctrination.
They're stupid propaganda parrots. They watch some propaganda parrot on TV and think they're so damn smart. They forget to think and check out the information. They're products of government indoctrination.
But... but... no one can possibly be that stupid. :p
You swung and missed. If Trump was a dictator he would not have left office even being defeated. You're not making sense now. Didn't take long for reality to destroy your mindless fantasy.
Trump did not become a dictator in his four years.

To become one, the inssurection would have had to have succeeded. The ballots stolen or destroyed.
He would have called for Marshall Law, as it has been confirmed that he and others were talking about before the election took place.
The Congress would have never Certified Joe Biden as the winner of the election, due to the ballots being taken.

THAT is when he would have become a dictator, as so many others around the world have. In Iran and other places. Coups happen in order to overturn a legally won election.

In other words, he was a Dictator in training, walking over every constitutional law he could and demeaning every Government organization he could, the FBI, the CIA, and also the media, so that the media would not be believed by his followers if he ever went against the Rule of Law all Americans are meant to follow, especially the President of the United States.

A Dictator wanna be. Mainly because he needed to remain President as there were so many criminal law suits against him, or going to be due to some of his actions. Remaining President would have kept him safe from prosecution .

If any one of you understands this, it will be a blessing.

Winning an election fairly is one thing. To refuse the results long before the election happens and continue to say that it was stolen afterwards, is another no other candidate has ever attempted to do, as Trump continues to this day to do.
Oh bullshit.

The agenda was to prevent Trump from running in '24.

And it failed. Badly. The leftards have egg dripping from every little nook and cranny of their lying commie faces.

Actually he does.

He's the first US president in EIGHTY YEARS who didn't start a foreign war.

Peace used to mean something to you libtards.

Doesn't matter what they are.

They place personality above capability.

It's the same as placing race above capability.

Or money above capability.

Or family name above capability.

Plenty of people misread the political winds. Maybe Barr is one of them.

Your devotion and worship of the worst President in American history is duly noted but Trump’s “reputation” was never good.

A self admitted sexual predator, failed businessman, all round asshole. That’s Trump’s reputation and that was his reputation before he ever became president. Nothing he did as president made him look anything more than criminal and stupid.

Trump’s reputation

I didn't say there were, the other people I referring to are trumps lawyers and other witnesses that they call.

This isn't a trial. The purpose isn't to apportion blame, but to find out what happened and how.
Speaking of Trump's reputation, it is only getting worse, from someone who worked with/for him:

Trump, Trump and Trump. The people are going to send you losers a loud message soon.

The people sent Trump a loud message in 2020 but Trump refused to listen. Trump's continuing insistence that he won the election, and the dwindling numbers that show up for his rallies are indications that the Republican Party is the one being sent the message.

Republicans SHOULD have had an easy time at the mid-terms, but Trump's candidates are all as whacko as he is.
The agenda was to find out what happened. How it was planned and who was involved. And how to prevent it from ever happening again.
We will never know how it was planned and who was involved until the FBI gives us a full and honest accounting of their involvment and planning. But here is the answers they keep giving to the representatives of we the people:

The secret service driver quit the secret service rather than coming in to testify. He went to work for Donald Trump. But he did not ever publically contradict that story.

Trump doesn't have a reputation to "tarnish" other than as a liar, an incompetent, and financial wrecking ball.

Wow. A talking head on a radio show, whose name you don't remember, is believed.

Trump accusers aren't Democrats. They're all Republicans and they're all people he hired. Most of them quit in disgust after January 6th. Even Bill Barr, who sucked up to Trump and carried out every sleazy corrupt order Trump gave, quit over Trump's refusal to transfer power.
Lots of Trump supporters are concerned about Trump's actions that day. But until you get the FBI to explain exactly what their role was on Jan 6th, there is no way I can get on the bandwagon of a "Trump-led insurrection."
We will never know how it was planned and who was involved until the FBI gives us a full and honest accounting of their involvment and planning. But here is the answers they keep giving to the representatives of we the people:

Lots of Trump supporters are concerned about Trump's actions that day. But until you get the FBI to explain exactly what their role was on Jan 6th, there is no way I can get on the bandwagon of a "Trump-led insurrection."

I really don't care what YOU can get on board with. Just the fact that you're trying to blame the FBI for this shows what a gullible and stupid fool you are. The FBI wasn't running around the country saying that if Trump lost it was all rigged.
I really don't care what YOU can get on board with. Just the fact that you're trying to blame the FBI for this shows what a gullible and stupid fool you are. The FBI wasn't running around the country saying that if Trump lost it was all rigged.
if you dont' care, you needn't bother trying so hard to convince me. I'm only asking the questions, and so are the Senators.

The simple answer should be "Senator, of course the FBI did not have its agents and informants mixed in with the January 6th rioters, encouraging them to riot. The FBI does not do such things, and never have in our proud history! If people working for us had been there, they would have been admonishing those rioters to stop."

That's the anwer one would expect from the world's premiere law enforcement agency. They couldn't say that for one reason: they were under oath.
Trump will never testify under oath
The loser will persist in gratuitously blowing gas at his grievance jamborees and in other such propaganda venues, but flailing the same airy-fairy victim cards under oath would have consequences.

Ih the real world, the loser-in-denial would be expected to provide supportive evidence for his delusions, and they are not obviously calculated with that in mind.
The simple answer should be "Senator, of course the FBI did not have its agents and informants mixed in with the January 6th rioters, encouraging them to riot. The FBI does not do such things, and never have in our proud history! If people working for us had been there, they would have been admonishing those rioters to stop."


It wasn’t us…..It was Antifa!
No, No……It was BLM
No, I mean it was FBI Infiltrators

But it wasn’t Republicans attacking our Capitol
Republicans were just tourists
to the OP, Democrats and liberals are scared shitless of Trump because they know that he will expose their lying and corruption.
The simple answer should be "Senator, of course the FBI did not have its agents and informants mixed in with the January 6th rioters, encouraging them to riot."
I wish the Loser's paranoidal excuse-contrivers had not abandoned their "Ray Epps: The Man Who Controls Weak Minds!" confection to explain why Trump's goons attacked the Congress and outnumbered police defending democracy to prevent the peaceful transfer of power following the certification of the election by all fifty states.

That one was hilarious, but not one of the Trump goons who were identified, apprehended, and prosecuted wanted to mount the defense of mental feebleness.

Screen Shot 2022-06-21 at 5.42.26 PM.png

"Savage outnumbered police, and poop in the Capitol!
Your master is now pleasuring himself by watching you on tv!"

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