So Why Will Our Liberal Leaders Refuse To Televise Donald Trump? What Facts Could He Possibly Bring Up For The World To See?

What does Kenosha have to do with Jan 6 attack on the capital? Nothing. That's what. This thread is about Donny possibly testifying, as he has supposedly said he would like to if televised.
Why don't you start your own thread if you want to discuss how the locals handle the riots in Kenosha? Don't try to derail this one on the OP's topic.
I dunno, you brought it up. You wrote: "Did somebody say burning businesses in cities was mostly peaceful?" Somebody DID say that......I posted the proof. Try to keep up with what you yourself posted.
The subpoena was issued. It is his turn to respond if he is going to honor the subpoena or ignore it.
I'll give you that one.

Wait until he makes the offer officially, and I'll ask again.

The Sunday shows will have to ask Democrats about the supposed willingness to testify live. It did come from "sources," so it is entirely credible with that crowd.

I'm sure they have the predictible dodges already well-rehearsed.
What does any of that have to do with Trump supposedly offering to testify if it is televised and if the committee is willing to televise it (as is the subject of this thread)? Nothing. That's what. If that is what you want to talk about, go start your own thread. Don't attempt to derail this one.
You're the one derailing here. You asked a question about burning cities. Did you expect not to be challenged?
Trump would be a complete idiot to go behind closed doors with that stacked deck Kangaroo Court of theirs. I take it you would be very interested in and seeing the Democrats take Trump up on his offer so it will be exposed as a fake offer? When do you think that will happen?
Not behind closed doors. Please pay attention, eh?
Thank you for your kind words. It’s not propaganda. It’s fact and you will eventually be forced to agree.

Not according to those people who testified there and confirmed the truth.

No. Trump and his attempted fascist takeover is the problem and by supporting him, you are a fascist also.

With your ignorant hate filled belching of bile, I can safely assume that audience is exactly what I thought. At least you’re naive.
You're a typical leftist pawn and propaganda parrot. Stick around. I'm gonna have some fun with you.
I dunno, you brought it up. You wrote: "Did somebody say burning businesses in cities was mostly peaceful?" Somebody DID say that......I posted the proof. Try to keep up with what you yourself posted.
You and Scruffy brought it up. I just responded to Scruffy's post #223, where Scruffy said "Dude - if burning cities are "mostly peaceful" then J6 was a fucking birthday party. Come on, man. I thought you had a brain. No American can stand by while they accuse Trump who didn't even participate but is merely accused of incitements, while Maxine Waters and a HUNDRED other Democrats who did the exact same thing during the riots aren't bring charged with the same crimes. Everyone saw those cities burning too. Everyone heard Maxine too
To which I responded "Did somebody say burning businesses in cities was mostly peaceful? That is a laugh. If you watched the hearings, and heard his own people testify, it is pretty easy to accuse Donny. I never have been able to understand how you guys relate local rioting inside cities, basically allowed by local elected governments to run their course, to Anti-Americans invited to Washington by Team Trump and sent to march on our seat of our national government to stop an election being recorded (in an effort to keep the loser in power), after the election had been decided by all the states, and the people that voted in them. It really wasn't a liquor store, auto parts store or pawn shop they were attacking in order to steal stuff. What kind of idiot would think it is the same thing? Notice, I answered but stayed with the thread topic.

I had to leave for a while to watch Tennessee beat Alabama, at Knoxville in a history win, here in Tennessee and just now getting back to the thread.
The Subject being

So Why Will Our Liberal Leaders Refuse To Televise Donald Trump? What Facts Could He Possibly Bring Up For The World To See?​

You go right ahead son. You’ll leave before me. You’re just another low iq republican.
Oh I'll never leave. I want to watch you box yourself in and avoid the hard questions when reality smacks you upside the head. You don't know me, but you're gonna hate me like you hate reality. You consider yourself to be a pretty smart one, huh.
You and Scruffy brought it up. I just responded to Scruffy's post #223, where Scruffy said "Dude - if burning cities are "mostly peaceful" then J6 was a fucking birthday party. Come on, man. I thought you had a brain. No American can stand by while they accuse Trump who didn't even participate but is merely accused of incitements, while Maxine Waters and a HUNDRED other Democrats who did the exact same thing during the riots aren't bring charged with the same crimes. Everyone saw those cities burning too. Everyone heard Maxine too
To which I responded "Did somebody say burning businesses in cities was mostly peaceful? That is a laugh. If you watched the hearings, and heard his own people testify, it is pretty easy to accuse Donny. I never have been able to understand how you guys relate local rioting inside cities, basically allowed by local elected governments to run their course, to Anti-Americans invited to Washington by Team Trump and sent to march on our seat of our national government to stop an election being recorded (in an effort to keep the loser in power), after the election had been decided by all the states, and the people that voted in them. It really wasn't a liquor store, auto parts store or pawn shop they were attacking in order to steal stuff. What kind of idiot would think it is the same thing? Notice, I answered but stayed with the thread topic.

I had to leave for a while to watch Tennessee beat Alabama, at Knoxville in a history win, here in Tennessee and just now getting back to the thread.
The Subject being

So Why Will Our Liberal Leaders Refuse To Televise Donald Trump? What Facts Could He Possibly Bring Up For The World To See?​

You wrote: "I never have been able to understand how you guys relate local rioting inside cities, basically allowed by local elected governments to run their course, to Anti-Americans invited to Washington by Team Trump and sent to march on our seat of our national government to stop an election being recorded (in an effort to keep the loser in power), after the election had been decided by all the states, and the people that voted in them."

Trump had a rally and told folks to march peacefully and protest which is their right. We know there were instigators like Epps there who was identified by the Trump crowd as a Fed. We see people dressed in military gear confronting the Capitol cops but the Trump crowd looked nothing like that AND Alex Jones is seen with a bullhorn telling people to go to an approved venue instead of being where they were. The Jan 6th committee will look into nothing of this their whole focus is to smear Trump to keep him from running in 2024 because they are scared he will win and really drain the swamp this time. There goes their cush jobs and lifetime political careers. As far as sending them to stop the election, Trump wanted the certification to be delayed. He never asked anyone to commit violence and most did not. Only a few, like I said, that looked more like Antifa, frankly. I know this is heresy according to the Democrat controlled MSM.
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Anti Trump?

Try pro the Constitution of the USA and the Rule of Law, something that Trump and many in Republican congress have chosen to ignore.

Keep assuming everything that you posted above. It makes no difference.

The Committee and most of the USA voting population is out to find out the truth. And it has been in volumes. By the Republicans who worked for Trump himself.

Will you be calling all of them liars when they were all there, and working for him, with him and witnessing what they did?

Republicans who tell the truth are going to continue to be liars if they say something opposite than what Trump said, says, or will say.

That is not Democracy, on the part of Republicans who want to reject what the Committee has found. What the DOJ has found. What the Law has found.

Truth will prevail.
Try pro the Constitution of the USA and the Rule of Law, something that Trump and many in Republican congress have chosen to ignore.

Yes, anti trump. All of those people, even the repubs are all hoping that Trump is prosecuted, goes to prison, and is disqualified from running for president. To seek the truth, you'd have to start from a place of neutrality, but all of them had an agenda from the start.

The Committee and most of the USA voting population is out to find out the truth. And it has been in volumes. By the Republicans who worked for Trump himself.

Perhaps, but we won't know the truth until Trump has had a chance to defend himself. You see, to you guys, the leftys can levy allegations and call all these witnesses and you all say it's the truth, without ever even having heard a word of cross examination.

Tell me, if they had enough evidence to impeach him over J6, then why the 2 year investigation into J6? Seems like this should have already been an open and shut case.

Will you be calling all of them liars when they were all there, and working for him, with him and witnessing what they did?

I won't know that until I hear the other side. Your sides hatred of trump means you don't care about trumps being able to defend himself. You already have him pegged as guilty, and if it were up to you, you'd have him put in prison today, with no trial.

As far as those who were working with Trump testifying against him, again, I want to hear them questioned. It's possible that there were those in the Trump administration who weren't exactly friendly to Trump, or didn't agree with his positions, so they started working against him. That does happen.

Republicans who tell the truth are going to continue to be liars if they say something opposite than what Trump said, says, or will say.

No doubt there are the die hard Trump supporters who will. That's no different than those who defend Biden with every fiber of their being.

By the way, I'm absolutely willing to accept, that after Trump has a chance to defend himself, if they find real evidence, not Democrat supposition or circumstantial, but real evidence, that he should not rum for potus and be subject to whatever punishment the court finds he deserves.

Question though, if after cross examination, they find that he is not guilty and that the dems and those on the committee engaged in smear and attempt to rig an election by disqualifying a potential candidate for purely political reason, will you accept that all of those dems in congress, and on the committee who engaged in false accusations and lies be removed from congress and put on trial for election tampering? You see, I don't care enough about Trump that losing him would affect me, and really, the party as a whole, but losing many members of congress would definitely affect the Democrat party.
Oh I'll never leave. I want to watch you box yourself in and avoid the hard questions when reality smacks you upside the head. You don't know me, but you're gonna hate me like you hate reality. You consider yourself to be a pretty smart one, huh.
Go your hardest son. You’re as ignorant as a row of cats watching tv.
I’ll do you slowly purely to provide entertainment for everyone.

I’ve got one simple attribute you don’t have. I’ve got intelligence. To this point all you have displayed is narcissism and ego and a big mouth.

Have a nice day. I am.
That is an investigative hearing . That is all. There are no questions and answers, as with a hearing for a judge, etc.

That will come with time if he is indicted.
This is not an investigative hearing. This is a witch hunt, as many have said. The purpose of an investigation is to find evidence that points to a truth. These people are not looking for the truth, they are looking for a verdict. It wouldnt surprise me in the least to find out that there are things they've found that were favorable to Trump that they have suppressed.

I hope we have a good trial and finally have some questions asked from other people than those out to sink Trump.
What does any of that have to do with Trump supposedly offering to testify if it is televised and if the committee is willing to televise it (as is the subject of this thread)? Nothing. That's what. If that is what you want to talk about, go start your own thread. Don't attempt to derail this one.
Responding to YOUR dumbassery, Mr Moderator. Look in the mirror.

Typical leftist move. Rules for thee but not for me
You're the one derailing here. You asked a question about burning cities. Did you expect not to be challenged?
And challenged AGAIN, for being a Stalinist hypocrite

These leftards just don't seem to get it.

Eventually that kind of crap is going to result in serious bodily harm.

And "eventually" is getting closer by the minute.

If that shit don't stop in 24 days there's gonna be problems
But the Hearings weren't one-sided at all. The Committee members were mostly Democrats, but virutally ALL of the witnesses who testified and said that Donald Trump planned the whole thing, those people were all REPUBLICANS.

The FBI search of Mar-a-Lago wasn't conducted because the DOJ and the FBI were out to get Trump. It happened because one of Trump's employees informed the FBI that Trump was hiding classified documents in Mar-a-lago.


but virutally ALL of the witnesses who testified and said that Donald Trump planned the whole thing, those people were all REPUBLICANS.

All selected by the committee whose agenda is to hurt trump. I'm sure there are other witnesses who would refute those things. Kinda like the limo drivers that day who trump allegedly lunged at. I've heard they are ready to testify that that didn't happen. Why hasn't the committee called them?
The Committee isn't accusing anyone of anything, they're simply presenting the testimony they received.

The "opposing viewpoints" were the 30 people who took the 5th, which is a public admission of all of Trumps top advisors and staffers that they knew what they were doing was illegal. That hardly seems helpful to Trump's case.
Yep, but none of those witnesses have been cross examined. Let's see if their testimony stands up after someone other than these committee members asks some questions of their own.

And you're right, it does look damning, but thats because you've only been presented one side. You've been spoon fed exactly what that committee wanted you to see. I'm sure there are other witnesses who may...or may not refute them.
All selected by the committee whose agenda is to hurt trump. I'm sure there are other witnesses who would refute those things. Kinda like the limo drivers that day who trump allegedly lunged at. I've heard they are ready to testify that that didn't happen. Why hasn't the committee called them?

Because they're a bunch of Stalinist asswipes on a witch hunt.

We the People should have taken that bullshit apart before it even started.
This is not an investigative hearing. This is a witch hunt, as many have said.

No. That is the silly propaganda you republicans soak up like a sponge.
The purpose of an investigation is to find evidence that points to a truth.
Exactly and that is what they are finding.
These people are not looking for the truth, they are looking for a verdict.
Under the constitution they cannot form a verdict and are obliged to pass the information they have to the doj.
It wouldnt surprise me in the least to find out that there are things they've found that were favorable to Trump that they have suppressed.
Absolutely not. Not one democrat was involved in the riots.
I hope we have a good trial and finally have some questions asked from other people than those out to sink Trump.

There will be no other people on trial. That statement basically confirms it’s not a witch hunt as you said.

Trump orchestrated an attempted takeover of democracy and must be held accountable the same as you would want if he were a democrat. So let’s leave the hypocrisy out of it.
Trumps deeds if proven will sink himself, not the enquiry alone. .

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