So wtf do these college kids produce?

As far as we know you are full of shit.....worry about #1...

Boy can you write music like this?

Can you even change an alternator like I did today?

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Sorry, but I still have friends my age (23) who are STILL in college, writing essays and getting drunk at parties in between --- and never had a job.

I got my bachelors in music and associates in mathematics. I work two jobs (catering and home depot), I'm a master woodworkers who builds custom furniture and I do small car repair jobs in my neighborhood, as well as electrical installation and basic plumbing. I'm also going into North Carolina to have my Pipe Organ music performed in October.

Why are there so many kids my age leeching the system dry producing nothing and going to graduate with worthless degrees anyway.

Wtf is this shit? They're all effing liberal too. I've noticed each and every one of the few that left nursery school (college) and entered the workforce became conservative within a year.

Seriously I saw "Omg can't wait to get home and write 4 more essays" and they're all like "yeah I know, mine are terrible" "omg fuck finalz"

Get out of nursery school kids.

Over the many years of employment in my field, my graduate degree has more than paid for itself over and over again. I worked my way through 6 years of university and didn't party or anything, but I loved being in university because of the intellectual stimulation. My graduate degree has in no way been useless. Those who are in school not just to learn a vocation but to learn how to think are the ones you seem most jealous of. It is clear that whatever your college education consisted of, it did not include the ability to do any critical thinking. You are obviously as obtuse as you were the day you entered higher education. But, the reality is that people get out of a university edcuation what they put into it.

That was a mouthful..........of mush.

So is the whole thread.....fuck texass says this okie....
Sorry, but I still have friends my age (23) who are STILL in college, writing essays and getting drunk at parties in between --- and never had a job.

I got my bachelors in music and associates in mathematics. I work two jobs (catering and home depot), I'm a master woodworkers who builds custom furniture and I do small car repair jobs in my neighborhood, as well as electrical installation and basic plumbing. I'm also going into North Carolina to have my Pipe Organ music performed in October.

Why are there so many kids my age leeching the system dry producing nothing and going to graduate with worthless degrees anyway.

Wtf is this shit? They're all effing liberal too. I've noticed each and every one of the few that left nursery school (college) and entered the workforce became conservative within a year.

Seriously I saw "Omg can't wait to get home and write 4 more essays" and they're all like "yeah I know, mine are terrible" "omg fuck finalz"

Get out of nursery school kids.

Those are exceptional skillz.
I do, in my mind...

So back on topic, what do they produce? Why should they feel as if they've been an asset to society?

You have yet to tell us the title of said music, since you're beating your breast with undue self recognition and decrying others that you feel do not live up to your standards, yet several months ago was crying about a lack of work...
I do, in my mind...

So back on topic, what do they produce? Why should they feel as if they've been an asset to society?

You have yet to tell us the title of said music, since you're beating your breast with undue self recognition and decrying others that you feel do not live up to your standards, yet several months ago was crying about a lack of work...


The title is there... Midnight Phantoms and Un Reve Passione...

I linked those because those are the only things I can prove online, you said I was "full of shit". If you'd like to see my woodworking please stop by my house. I also just happened to have a photo of me removing an alternator --- a relatively simple task to be honest --- but my cousin took the pic anyway.

Now that I proved that I wasn't "full of shit" you raised the bar.

get out loon.
So back on topic, what do they produce? Why should they feel as if they've been an asset to society?

You have yet to tell us the title of said music, since you're beating your breast with undue self recognition and decrying others that you feel do not live up to your standards, yet several months ago was crying about a lack of work...


The title is there... Midnight Phantoms and Un Reve Passione...

I linked those because those are the only things I can prove online, you said I was "full of shit". If you'd like to see my woodworking please stop by my house. I also just happened to have a photo of me removing an alternator --- a relatively simple task to be honest --- but my cousin took the pic anyway.

Now that I proved that I wasn't "full of shit" you raised the bar.

get out loon.

depends on which vehicle you remove an alternator from, some are easy some are difficult..My Grand prix is a bitch, and just to change the power steering wheel pulley you must release the motor mounts and pull the engine high enough to get to it. Same with fuel pumps some are easy, some are a pain.. no big deal..Mexicans work on their vehicles all the time...try changing a tire on a rim with a pry bar...
you have yet to tell us what type of music you produced..Most music is denoted by a key or a style, Such as an opus, or in G minor..
So back on topic, what do they produce? Why should they feel as if they've been an asset to society?

You have yet to tell us the title of said music, since you're beating your breast with undue self recognition and decrying others that you feel do not live up to your standards, yet several months ago was crying about a lack of work...


The title is there... Midnight Phantoms and Un Reve Passione...

I linked those because those are the only things I can prove online, you said I was "full of shit". If you'd like to see my woodworking please stop by my house. I also just happened to have a photo of me removing an alternator --- a relatively simple task to be honest --- but my cousin took the pic anyway.

Now that I proved that I wasn't "full of shit" you raised the bar.

get out loon.

You make your living working at Home Depot and repairing your neighbors' cars. You don't even seem to be qualified enough to get a job as a mechanic. You are not earning your living as a musician or any kind of wood craftsman. Yet you look down on others and crow about how wonderful and talented you are. “The smaller the mind, the greater the conceit.” Aesop. Hopefully I don't need to explain this statement or who Aesop is.
Sorry, but I still have friends my age (23) who are STILL in college, writing essays and getting drunk at parties in between --- and never had a job.

I got my bachelors in music and associates in mathematics. I work two jobs (catering and home depot), I'm a master woodworkers who builds custom furniture and I do small car repair jobs in my neighborhood, as well as electrical installation and basic plumbing. I'm also going into North Carolina to have my Pipe Organ music performed in October.

Why are there so many kids my age leeching the system dry producing nothing and going to graduate with worthless degrees anyway.

How do you know which of their degrees will turn out to be "worthless"? You're only 23, practically a baby yourself. Go easy on the "durn whipper-snappers!" talk for a while.

And you got a BA in Music and you are berating others for pursuing "worthless degrees"? Come on, kid...
Sorry, but I still have friends my age (23) who are STILL in college, writing essays and getting drunk at parties in between --- and never had a job.

I got my bachelors in music and associates in mathematics. I work two jobs (catering and home depot), I'm a master woodworkers who builds custom furniture and I do small car repair jobs in my neighborhood, as well as electrical installation and basic plumbing. I'm also going into North Carolina to have my Pipe Organ music performed in October.

Why are there so many kids my age leeching the system dry producing nothing and going to graduate with worthless degrees anyway.

Wtf is this shit? They're all effing liberal too. I've noticed each and every one of the few that left nursery school (college) and entered the workforce became conservative within a year.

Seriously I saw "Omg can't wait to get home and write 4 more essays" and they're all like "yeah I know, mine are terrible" "omg fuck finalz"

Get out of nursery school kids.

Bachelors in music and you aren't liberal? How did you escape that paradigm?

Maybe he went to the Ted Nugent School of Music.
Sorry, but I still have friends my age (23) who are STILL in college, writing essays and getting drunk at parties in between --- and never had a job.

I got my bachelors in music and associates in mathematics. I work two jobs (catering and home depot), I'm a master woodworkers who builds custom furniture and I do small car repair jobs in my neighborhood, as well as electrical installation and basic plumbing. I'm also going into North Carolina to have my Pipe Organ music performed in October.

Why are there so many kids my age leeching the system dry producing nothing and going to graduate with worthless degrees anyway.

Wtf is this shit? They're all effing liberal too. I've noticed each and every one of the few that left nursery school (college) and entered the workforce became conservative within a year.

Seriously I saw "Omg can't wait to get home and write 4 more essays" and they're all like "yeah I know, mine are terrible" "omg fuck finalz"

Get out of nursery school kids.

What? You have a dozen degrees and have to work two jobs? Yea, sure you do.
Sorry, but I still have friends my age (23) who are STILL in college, writing essays and getting drunk at parties in between --- and never had a job.

I got my bachelors in music and associates in mathematics. I work two jobs (catering and home depot), I'm a master woodworkers who builds custom furniture and I do small car repair jobs in my neighborhood, as well as electrical installation and basic plumbing. I'm also going into North Carolina to have my Pipe Organ music performed in October.

Why are there so many kids my age leeching the system dry producing nothing and going to graduate with worthless degrees anyway.

Wtf is this shit? They're all effing liberal too. I've noticed each and every one of the few that left nursery school (college) and entered the workforce became conservative within a year.

Seriously I saw "Omg can't wait to get home and write 4 more essays" and they're all like "yeah I know, mine are terrible" "omg fuck finalz"

Get out of nursery school kids.

Wow a whole 23 years old! And majored in Music!!! How dare they not give you a job as Maestro of the NY philharmonic!!

Since you hate lib's so much , show us what real man you are an join the military.

Change your diaper kid
You make your living working at Home Depot and repairing your neighbors' cars. You don't even seem to be qualified enough to get a job as a mechanic. You are not earning your living as a musician or any kind of wood craftsman. Yet you look down on others and crow about how wonderful and talented you are. “The smaller the mind, the greater the conceit.” Aesop. Hopefully I don't need to explain this statement or who Aesop is.

So if I'm such a lowlife while being so productive, then what does that make the people my age who never even had a job yet?

Can you play an organ like that babe?

Here's the latest piece I recorded:
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Was the whole point of this thread some oddly-ineffective fishing for compliments? If so, you've proven that you are good enough at fucking up to work for the government.
You make your living working at Home Depot and repairing your neighbors' cars. You don't even seem to be qualified enough to get a job as a mechanic. You are not earning your living as a musician or any kind of wood craftsman. Yet you look down on others and crow about how wonderful and talented you are. “The smaller the mind, the greater the conceit.” Aesop. Hopefully I don't need to explain this statement or who Aesop is.

So if I'm such a lowlife while being so productive, then what does that make the people my age who never even had a job yet?

Can you play an organ like that babe?

Here's the latest piece I recorded:

"“The smaller the mind, the greater the conceit.” Aesop. Hopefully I don't need to explain this statement or who Aesop is." Apparently you don't get it. How on Earth did you manage to graduate college? Look it up. Think about it. Grow up.

If you aren't a troll, you should be. That might be your greatest accomplishment to date.
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