So wtf do these college kids produce?

it may be because he made poor choices regarding education?

NO, I simply no longer wanted to be a teacher in the public school system. I've still made wonderful use of both degrees. As I said, I'm having my Pipe Organ music played in North Carolina and my mathematical skills have allowed engineer specialized trusses and arches --- made of wood --- to support unusually distributed loads.

The next I return to college it will be for engineering and architecture. But I'll still have at least one of my jobs, and possibly children by the time.

What I don't think you understand is that I am content with my own life.

I am appalled of how many "kids" in my generation haven't even got their feet wet in the real world --- and are proud of it --- or at this point in their life --- completely oblivious to what a waste on society they are. I'd be so ashamed.
For many, that getting real world experience beyond asking if they want fries, happens AFTER they get out of college. I don't really have a problem with kids in college spending the time studying and balling their way through four years or more.

I have a problem with them not wanting to get educated in fields that will allow them to support themselves.
You work two jobs because you have a bachelors in music.

Maybe if you had decided to do a degree in business or technology?

I'm not even sure why you posted this. You have some kind of resentment about having to write persuasive essays that teach people how to form a premise and then make an argument for that premise?

What is being productive these days? We just had the 50th anniversary of the Mustang. I have not been to an auto show in 30+ years. If any auto company made what I regarded as a good car today I would want to know why they could not have made it 20 years ago?

I am typing this on a 6-year old dual-core mini-tower. What do I need with a quad-core? Intel moth-balled a new $5 billion chip fab.

Intel shelves cutting-edge Arizona chip factory | Reuters

I think we should have had a 3-day work week by 1990 and the economics profession is composed of morons and liars. 19th century ideas about work and productivity have been obsolete since the 50s. But the people at the top get super rich faster if the peons still believe the nonsense. Why wasn't double-entry accounting required in your schools? You have to manage money no matter what job you get.

Look at the upside.

All your peers with expensive, yet useless, liberal arts degrees will spend the rest of their lives in indentured servitude to the State trying to pay off student loans which cannot be dismissed in bankruptcy.


Music major

I doubt a student loan was involved. Maybe we should ask.

Doesn't matter

He went to college for four years to get a degree in music. You would be better off playing at a local bar
it may be because he made poor choices regarding education?

NO, I simply no longer wanted to be a teacher in the public school system. I've still made wonderful use of both degrees. As I said, I'm having my Pipe Organ music played in North Carolina and my mathematical skills have allowed engineer specialized trusses and arches --- made of wood --- to support unusually distributed loads.

The next I return to college it will be for engineering and architecture. But I'll still have at least one of my jobs, and possibly children by the time.

What I don't think you understand is that I am content with my own life.

I am appalled of how many "kids" in my generation haven't even got their feet wet in the real world --- and are proud of it --- or at this point in their life --- completely oblivious to what a waste on society they are. I'd be so ashamed.
For many, that getting real world experience beyond asking if they want fries, happens AFTER they get out of college. I don't really have a problem with kids in college spending the time studying and balling their way through four years or more.

I have a problem with them not wanting to get educated in fields that will allow them to support themselves.

My advice to young people:

Determine what you love. Do that.
You work two jobs because you have a bachelors in music.

Maybe if you had decided to do a degree in business or technology?

I'm not even sure why you posted this. You have some kind of resentment about having to write persuasive essays that teach people how to form a premise and then make an argument for that premise?

What is being productive these days? We just had the 50th anniversary of the Mustang. I have not been to an auto show in 30+ years. If any auto company made what I regarded as a good car today I would want to know why they could not have made it 20 years ago?

I am typing this on a 6-year old dual-core mini-tower. What do I need with a quad-core? Intel moth-balled a new $5 billion chip fab.

Intel shelves cutting-edge Arizona chip factory | Reuters

I think we should have had a 3-day work week by 1990 and the economics profession is composed of morons and liars. 19th century ideas about work and productivity have been obsolete since the 50s. But the people at the top get super rich faster if the peons still believe the nonsense. Why wasn't double-entry accounting required in your schools? You have to manage money no matter what job you get.

Well, I am productive every day of My life, but you seem to have other notions. Why not enlighten us as to your thoughts on productivity and education. Should be interesting.
NO, I simply no longer wanted to be a teacher in the public school system. I've still made wonderful use of both degrees. As I said, I'm having my Pipe Organ music played in North Carolina and my mathematical skills have allowed engineer specialized trusses and arches --- made of wood --- to support unusually distributed loads.

The next I return to college it will be for engineering and architecture. But I'll still have at least one of my jobs, and possibly children by the time.

What I don't think you understand is that I am content with my own life.

I am appalled of how many "kids" in my generation haven't even got their feet wet in the real world --- and are proud of it --- or at this point in their life --- completely oblivious to what a waste on society they are. I'd be so ashamed.
For many, that getting real world experience beyond asking if they want fries, happens AFTER they get out of college. I don't really have a problem with kids in college spending the time studying and balling their way through four years or more.

I have a problem with them not wanting to get educated in fields that will allow them to support themselves.

My advice to young people:

Determine what you love. Do that.
Bad advice.

Do what supports your and your family, and do what you love on the side until it provides more income than what you do for a day job. Then do what you love.
For many, that getting real world experience beyond asking if they want fries, happens AFTER they get out of college. I don't really have a problem with kids in college spending the time studying and balling their way through four years or more.

I have a problem with them not wanting to get educated in fields that will allow them to support themselves.

My advice to young people:

Determine what you love. Do that.
Bad advice.

Do what supports your and your family, and do what you love on the side until it provides more income than what you do for a day job. Then do what you love.

You infer a great deal for a simpleton. Funny, that.

I didn't say that you starve while doing what you love. You inferred that.
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there is no way in hell you are a master craftsman, maybe a journeyman...more like an apprentice..

What? I grew up with my grandfather who was an Ironworker and was also a master woodworker.

Wtf do you know about me punk?

As far as we know you are full of shit.....worry about #1...and not what others are doing...caterer, I was frickin restaurant manager at your age..I ran my own company at 26, had people working for me. Innovated a system that made others think I was crazy for breaking the mold of the status quo..yet I made money...had my own house at 24 which I bought and then bought 43 acres with cash...whoop de do, others have too..
But to be smug and egotistical when you don't even have a house you bought with credit is such a let down, you must be in a nursery..

As far as we know you are full of shit moonie :lol:
My advice to young people:

Determine what you love. Do that.
Bad advice.

Do what supports your and your family, and do what you love on the side until it provides more income than what you do for a day job. Then do what you love.

You infer a great deal for a simpleton. Funny, that.

I didn't say that you starve while doing what you love. You inferred that.
No, I didn't. your advice was inadequate. Not surprising given that you really can't think clearly.

Have a nutter bar and you'll feel more like yourself.
This is hilarious. Right wingers talking about how they imagine college to be. If they had any experience, they would know better. Sure, there may be a few athletes who party. Some girls majoring in home economics.

But for serious students, college is too expensive to fail. Don't they know when they say stupid shit, they look, well, stupid.

The same dumbass ignorant right wingers will call me stupid for saying Republicans held millions of unemployed hostage:

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

Or for saying Republicans blocked this administration from investigating BP:

Senate Republicans block BP investigation

Or for saying Republicans blocked first responders from health care for 10 fucking years:

Republicans Block U.S. Health Aid for 9/11 Workers

They are truly heartless bastards being voted into office by ignorant sheeple.

They can't say I'm wrong. They can only scream and bang their bedpan with a wooden spoon.
it may be because he made poor choices regarding education?

NO, I simply no longer wanted to be a teacher in the public school system. I've still made wonderful use of both degrees. As I said, I'm having my Pipe Organ music played in North Carolina and my mathematical skills have allowed engineer specialized trusses and arches --- made of wood --- to support unusually distributed loads.

The next I return to college it will be for engineering and architecture. But I'll still have at least one of my jobs, and possibly children by the time.

What I don't think you understand is that I am content with my own life.

:doubt:I am appalled of how many "kids" in my generation haven't even got their feet wet in the real world --- and are proud of it --- or at this point in their life --- completely oblivious to what a waste on society they are. I'd be so ashamed.

So basically your entire point is really to fault other people as your excuse to tell us what a super hard-working guy you are.

So noted...we're all terribly impressed
Bad advice.

Do what supports your and your family, and do what you love on the side until it provides more income than what you do for a day job. Then do what you love.

You infer a great deal for a simpleton. Funny, that.

I didn't say that you starve while doing what you love. You inferred that.
No, I didn't. your advice was inadequate. Not surprising given that you really can't think clearly.

Have a nutter bar and you'll feel more like yourself.

Of course you did. You are a black/white thinker. You don't consider nuance. My advice is entirely adequate.
You infer a great deal for a simpleton. Funny, that.

I didn't say that you starve while doing what you love. You inferred that.
No, I didn't. your advice was inadequate. Not surprising given that you really can't think clearly.

Have a nutter bar and you'll feel more like yourself.

Of course you did. You are a black/white thinker. You don't consider nuance. My advice is entirely adequate.
LOL...In fact, you are the black and white thinker.

Liberal good, everyone else stupid.

That is your thought process....your advice, like your ability to consider variables, lacks comprehensive analytical skills.

Have a GREAT day!
No, I didn't. your advice was inadequate. Not surprising given that you really can't think clearly.

Have a nutter bar and you'll feel more like yourself.

Of course you did. You are a black/white thinker. You don't consider nuance. My advice is entirely adequate.
LOL...In fact, you are the black and white thinker.

Liberal good, everyone else stupid.

That is your thought process....your advice, like your ability to consider variables, lacks comprehensive analytical skills.

Have a GREAT day!

What was my advice?

"Determine what you love. Do that."

What was your advice?

"Then do what you love."

It seems we gave the same advice. But you wouldn't want that. It would blow your feeble mind. Wouldn't want to agree on something!!

You have a nice day too. If that is possible for someone as negative as you.
Of course you did. You are a black/white thinker. You don't consider nuance. My advice is entirely adequate.
LOL...In fact, you are the black and white thinker.

Liberal good, everyone else stupid.

That is your thought process....your advice, like your ability to consider variables, lacks comprehensive analytical skills.

Have a GREAT day!

What was my advice?

"Determine what you love. Do that."

What was your advice?

"Then do what you love."

It seems we gave the same advice. But you wouldn't want that. It would blow your feeble mind. Wouldn't want to agree on something!!

You have a nice day too. If that is possible for someone as negative as you.
Nice cherry pick...but a failed one.

You advised that they should do what they love. It is inadequate because it fails to take into account that doing what you love may not provide you with an income that will support your life style. An example. Basket weaving.

A person can love basket weaving and take that as a liberal arts major in college. There is, however, little to no demand for basket weavers. So, following what you love out of college would be stupid. Taking up engineering in gas fired generation plants, however; would be a great choice in education and provide a means of good support.

Now, a person who is a power generation engineer can take basket weaving (as a passion) and turn it into a hobby that later allows them to sell their baskets to hospitals that need hobbies for the insane. You could say that they'd be basket weaving for basket cases.

Over time, this can and might even turn into a lucrative business that would allow the person to chase their passion


Do you see the difference yet? I'm thinking, no.

Your advice was just to take up the basket weaving and to hell with everything else.

I kill two birds with a single stone and you....well, just get stoned.

Have a nice day.
LOL...In fact, you are the black and white thinker.

Liberal good, everyone else stupid.

That is your thought process....your advice, like your ability to consider variables, lacks comprehensive analytical skills.

Have a GREAT day!

What was my advice?

"Determine what you love. Do that."

What was your advice?

"Then do what you love."

It seems we gave the same advice. But you wouldn't want that. It would blow your feeble mind. Wouldn't want to agree on something!!

You have a nice day too. If that is possible for someone as negative as you.
Nice cherry pick...but a failed one.

You advised that they should do what they love. It is inadequate because it fails to take into account that doing what you love may not provide you with an income that will support your life style. An example. Basket weaving.

A person can love basket weaving and take that as a liberal arts major in college. There is, however, little to no demand for basket weavers. So, following what you love out of college would be stupid. Taking up engineering in gas fired generation plants, however; would be a great choice in education and provide a means of good support.

Now, a person who is a power generation engineer can take basket weaving (as a passion) and turn it into a hobby that later allows them to sell their baskets to hospitals that need hobbies for the insane. You could say that they'd be basket weaving for basket cases.

Over time, this can and might even turn into a lucrative business that would allow the person to chase their passion


Do you see the difference yet? I'm thinking, no.

Your advice was just to take up the basket weaving and to hell with everything else.

I kill two birds with a single stone and you....well, just get stoned.

Have a nice day.

Nope. You inferred all of that. You have you reacted like a douche and did not bother to consider my intent. Now you are acting the nutter and claiming an empty victory. It's what you do. It soothes the pain from the stupid.
What was my advice?

"Determine what you love. Do that."

What was your advice?

"Then do what you love."

It seems we gave the same advice. But you wouldn't want that. It would blow your feeble mind. Wouldn't want to agree on something!!

You have a nice day too. If that is possible for someone as negative as you.
Nice cherry pick...but a failed one.

You advised that they should do what they love. It is inadequate because it fails to take into account that doing what you love may not provide you with an income that will support your life style. An example. Basket weaving.

A person can love basket weaving and take that as a liberal arts major in college. There is, however, little to no demand for basket weavers. So, following what you love out of college would be stupid. Taking up engineering in gas fired generation plants, however; would be a great choice in education and provide a means of good support.

Now, a person who is a power generation engineer can take basket weaving (as a passion) and turn it into a hobby that later allows them to sell their baskets to hospitals that need hobbies for the insane. You could say that they'd be basket weaving for basket cases.

Over time, this can and might even turn into a lucrative business that would allow the person to chase their passion


Do you see the difference yet? I'm thinking, no.

Your advice was just to take up the basket weaving and to hell with everything else.

I kill two birds with a single stone and you....well, just get stoned.

Have a nice day.

Nope. You inferred all of that. You have you reacted like a douche and did not bother to consider my intent. Now you are acting the nutter and claiming an empty victory. It's what you do. It soothes the pain from the stupid.
I'm not claiming any victory. I'm stating a truth.

All I said is that was bad advice, and the reason I stated it is because it is inadequate to reality.

You haven't refuted a thing I've said. Just admit that you didn't go far enough in your advice and tell people that they should follow their passions when they can afford to do so.

Sheesh....but you people will deny anything....
Sorry, but I still have friends my age (23) who are STILL in college, writing essays and getting drunk at parties in between --- and never had a job.

I got my bachelors in music and associates in mathematics. I work two jobs (catering and home depot), I'm a master woodworkers who builds custom furniture and I do small car repair jobs in my neighborhood, as well as electrical installation and basic plumbing. I'm also going into North Carolina to have my Pipe Organ music performed in October.

Why are there so many kids my age leeching the system dry producing nothing and going to graduate with worthless degrees anyway.

Wtf is this shit? They're all effing liberal too. I've noticed each and every one of the few that left nursery school (college) and entered the workforce became conservative within a year.

Seriously I saw "Omg can't wait to get home and write 4 more essays" and they're all like "yeah I know, mine are terrible" "omg fuck finalz"

Get out of nursery school kids.

Most of the successful Internet companies and phone apps that make our lives so convenient were founded or developed by recent college grads and many while still in college. Quit whining. :party:
Sorry, but I still have friends my age (23) who are STILL in college, writing essays and getting drunk at parties in between --- and never had a job.

I got my bachelors in music and associates in mathematics. I work two jobs (catering and home depot), I'm a master woodworkers who builds custom furniture and I do small car repair jobs in my neighborhood, as well as electrical installation and basic plumbing. I'm also going into North Carolina to have my Pipe Organ music performed in October.

Why are there so many kids my age leeching the system dry producing nothing and going to graduate with worthless degrees anyway.

Wtf is this shit? They're all effing liberal too. I've noticed each and every one of the few that left nursery school (college) and entered the workforce became conservative within a year.

Seriously I saw "Omg can't wait to get home and write 4 more essays" and they're all like "yeah I know, mine are terrible" "omg fuck finalz"

Get out of nursery school kids.

Most of the successful Internet companies and phone apps that make our lives so convenient were founded or developed by recent college grads and many while still in college. Quit whining. :party:

Developed by multi-culture history majors....with $150,000 of student loans....yup.


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