So wtf do these college kids produce?

Sorry, but I still have friends my age (23) who are STILL in college, writing essays and getting drunk at parties in between --- and never had a job.

I got my bachelors in music and associates in mathematics. I work two jobs (catering and home depot), I'm a master woodworkers who builds custom furniture and I do small car repair jobs in my neighborhood, as well as electrical installation and basic plumbing. I'm also going into North Carolina to have my Pipe Organ music performed in October.

Why are there so many kids my age leeching the system dry producing nothing and going to graduate with worthless degrees anyway.

Wtf is this shit? They're all effing liberal too. I've noticed each and every one of the few that left nursery school (college) and entered the workforce became conservative within a year.

Seriously I saw "Omg can't wait to get home and write 4 more essays" and they're all like "yeah I know, mine are terrible" "omg fuck finalz"

Get out of nursery school kids.

How did you manage to get through college and be so utterly ignorant and closed minded by such an early age?

Really, that's downright scary.
Until you are supporting yourself with your music, you are only a clerk at Home Depot and a guy in the neighborhood who repairs cars in his home because he can't get a real job as a mechanic.

Woah now, I'm a matridee at a catering hall, I work int he lumber and power tool section (and soon sales division) at Home Depot --- and, I've never aspired to be a mechanic. Not now, now before, not ever. I just do it for friends and locals in my immediate neighborhood for some extra cash --- and I do it well enough for them to come back and recommend to others. I make it pretty clear what I do NOT do (brake lines for instance, since I don't want to be responsible fora break failure, even though brake lines are also relatively easy with a flare tool).

I'd also argue that basic mechanic skills are necessary on Long Island (Suffolk County) where there is no other form of transportation other than your own car. I'm amazed at how many people are willing to pay $30 just to put antifreeze in their car and give them an oil change.

I agree but did they discontinue the bus service out there?
Until you are supporting yourself with your music, you are only a clerk at Home Depot and a guy in the neighborhood who repairs cars in his home because he can't get a real job as a mechanic.

Woah now, I'm a matridee at a catering hall, I work int he lumber and power tool section (and soon sales division) at Home Depot --- and, I've never aspired to be a mechanic. Not now, now before, not ever. I just do it for friends and locals in my immediate neighborhood for some extra cash --- and I do it well enough for them to come back and recommend to others. I make it pretty clear what I do NOT do (brake lines for instance, since I don't want to be responsible fora break failure, even though brake lines are also relatively easy with a flare tool).

I'd also argue that basic mechanic skills are necessary on Long Island (Suffolk County) where there is no other form of transportation other than your own car. I'm amazed at how many people are willing to pay $30 just to put antifreeze in their car and give them an oil change.

Suffolk County?

Did you go to Suffolk U?

He probably went to SUNY Stony Brook (my alma mater).
Nice cherry pick...but a failed one.

You advised that they should do what they love. It is inadequate because it fails to take into account that doing what you love may not provide you with an income that will support your life style. An example. Basket weaving.

A person can love basket weaving and take that as a liberal arts major in college. There is, however, little to no demand for basket weavers. So, following what you love out of college would be stupid. Taking up engineering in gas fired generation plants, however; would be a great choice in education and provide a means of good support.

Now, a person who is a power generation engineer can take basket weaving (as a passion) and turn it into a hobby that later allows them to sell their baskets to hospitals that need hobbies for the insane. You could say that they'd be basket weaving for basket cases.

Over time, this can and might even turn into a lucrative business that would allow the person to chase their passion


Do you see the difference yet? I'm thinking, no.

Your advice was just to take up the basket weaving and to hell with everything else.

I kill two birds with a single stone and you....well, just get stoned.

Have a nice day.

Nope. You inferred all of that. You have you reacted like a douche and did not bother to consider my intent. Now you are acting the nutter and claiming an empty victory. It's what you do. It soothes the pain from the stupid.
I'm not claiming any victory. I'm stating a truth.

All I said is that was bad advice, and the reason I stated it is because it is inadequate to reality.

You haven't refuted a thing I've said. Just admit that you didn't go far enough in your advice and tell people that they should follow their passions when they can afford to do so.

Sheesh....but you people will deny anything....

What have I denied? It is you who are denying that you inferred shit that I did not say. Not once did I say that anyone should forego earning a living in favor of doing what they love.

What should I refute? You agreed with me. You advised young people to find what they love and do it. Just as I did.

Is suggesting that young people find what they love and do it good advice or bad advice?

That is an either or question.
For many, that getting real world experience beyond asking if they want fries, happens AFTER they get out of college. I don't really have a problem with kids in college spending the time studying and balling their way through four years or more.

I have a problem with them not wanting to get educated in fields that will allow them to support themselves.

My advice to young people:

Determine what you love. Do that.
Bad advice.

Do what supports your and your family, and do what you love on the side until it provides more income than what you do for a day job. Then do what you love.

What if someone loves doing construction and they get a job with a construction company and eventually branch out on their own and start their own company? I have a few friends who own their own plumbing company and they started that way. Another friend of mine was always tinkering with cars and the only class he regularly attended was shop class, he also started his own successful business. He is well known out there on Long Island where 2A lives. I think that the essence of what you said was "bad advice" ; was that if one likes or loves what they do for a living, they will probably excel at that job and not see it as a 'drag' to go to work.
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Why wasn't double-entry accounting required in your schools?

....... :rolleyes:

Drawing from your very limited pool of standard comments? Let's see, next you will mention how you read science fiction books as a child and were wicked smart even though you failed all your classes. What else? Oh yeah, all education should be on the internet. Any items left on the list?
Woah now, I'm a matridee at a catering hall, I work int he lumber and power tool section (and soon sales division) at Home Depot --- and, I've never aspired to be a mechanic. Not now, now before, not ever. I just do it for friends and locals in my immediate neighborhood for some extra cash --- and I do it well enough for them to come back and recommend to others. I make it pretty clear what I do NOT do (brake lines for instance, since I don't want to be responsible fora break failure, even though brake lines are also relatively easy with a flare tool).

I'd also argue that basic mechanic skills are necessary on Long Island (Suffolk County) where there is no other form of transportation other than your own car. I'm amazed at how many people are willing to pay $30 just to put antifreeze in their car and give them an oil change.

Suffolk County?

Did you go to Suffolk U?

He probably went to SUNY Stony Brook (my alma mater).

Right over your head
it may be because he made poor choices regarding education?

NO, I simply no longer wanted to be a teacher in the public school system. I've still made wonderful use of both degrees. As I said, I'm having my Pipe Organ music played in North Carolina and my mathematical skills have allowed engineer specialized trusses and arches --- made of wood --- to support unusually distributed loads.

The next I return to college it will be for engineering and architecture. But I'll still have at least one of my jobs, and possibly children by the time.

What I don't think you understand is that I am content with my own life.

I am appalled of how many "kids" in my generation haven't even got their feet wet in the real world --- and are proud of it --- or at this point in their life --- completely oblivious to what a waste on society they are. I'd be so ashamed.

I have two observations to make. First it sounds like you hung out with a bad crowd in college, if all they wanted to do was party. Did you have trouble finding a better group to hang out with, or do you just remember these folks in particular because they get your goat?

Second, to keep grants and loan programs going, you have to make satisfactory progress toward a degree, so the gravy train eventually runs out. I suspect the reason they are still in school is their parents don't know what to do with them and don't want them back home.

BTW oldest granddaughter is 20 and used to hang out with that kind of crowd. You have reason to be incensed. She ditched the friends, got a job, and now has a car and half an apartment. Give her another year and she should be back in school part-time.
Get out of nursery school kids.

you really should stop being resentful of people smarter and more educated than you are.


I have two degrees, they have .... one at most (usually). I can build a house and practically rebuild a car.

What is your definition of "smart" and "educated" because it seems those people have taken over the US Government and mauled this nation.

How can you build a house? With your drum sticks or slide rule?

I certainly hope those kids you're berating for getting an education do a better job at choosing a major than you did.

And I'm positive they'll be better equipped to pay for their own children's education and retirement than you will with your 10 buck an hour Home Depot job.

btw...who paid for your college? Did a get a loan or scholarship? (Don't worry, I don't expect an honest answer from you.)
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Sorry, but I still have friends my age (23) who are STILL in college, writing essays and getting drunk at parties in between --- and never had a job.

I got my bachelors in music and associates in mathematics. I work two jobs (catering and home depot), I'm a master woodworkers who builds custom furniture and I do small car repair jobs in my neighborhood, as well as electrical installation and basic plumbing. I'm also going into North Carolina to have my Pipe Organ music performed in October.

Why are there so many kids my age leeching the system dry producing nothing and going to graduate with worthless degrees anyway.

Wtf is this shit? They're all effing liberal too. I've noticed each and every one of the few that left nursery school (college) and entered the workforce became conservative within a year.

Seriously I saw "Omg can't wait to get home and write 4 more essays" and they're all like "yeah I know, mine are terrible" "omg fuck finalz"

Get out of nursery school kids.

They've been convinced that it's the governments job to take care of them
Sorry, but I still have friends my age (23) who are STILL in college, writing essays and getting drunk at parties in between --- and never had a job.

I got my bachelors in music and associates in mathematics. I work two jobs (catering and home depot), I'm a master woodworkers who builds custom furniture and I do small car repair jobs in my neighborhood, as well as electrical installation and basic plumbing. I'm also going into North Carolina to have my Pipe Organ music performed in October.

Why are there so many kids my age leeching the system dry producing nothing and going to graduate with worthless degrees anyway.

Wtf is this shit? They're all effing liberal too. I've noticed each and every one of the few that left nursery school (college) and entered the workforce became conservative within a year.

Seriously I saw "Omg can't wait to get home and write 4 more essays" and they're all like "yeah I know, mine are terrible" "omg fuck finalz"

Get out of nursery school kids.

They've been convinced that it's the governments job to take care of them

How is the government taking care of them?
Sorry, but I still have friends my age (23) who are STILL in college, writing essays and getting drunk at parties in between --- and never had a job.

I got my bachelors in music and associates in mathematics. I work two jobs (catering and home depot), I'm a master woodworkers who builds custom furniture and I do small car repair jobs in my neighborhood, as well as electrical installation and basic plumbing. I'm also going into North Carolina to have my Pipe Organ music performed in October.

Why are there so many kids my age leeching the system dry producing nothing and going to graduate with worthless degrees anyway.

Wtf is this shit? They're all effing liberal too. I've noticed each and every one of the few that left nursery school (college) and entered the workforce became conservative within a year.

Seriously I saw "Omg can't wait to get home and write 4 more essays" and they're all like "yeah I know, mine are terrible" "omg fuck finalz"

Get out of nursery school kids.

Don't listen to these guys, Ed, do what you love. If you do that you can't help but be successful.
Sorry, but I still have friends my age (23) who are STILL in college, writing essays and getting drunk at parties in between --- and never had a job.

I got my bachelors in music and associates in mathematics. I work two jobs (catering and home depot), I'm a master woodworkers who builds custom furniture and I do small car repair jobs in my neighborhood, as well as electrical installation and basic plumbing. I'm also going into North Carolina to have my Pipe Organ music performed in October.

Why are there so many kids my age leeching the system dry producing nothing and going to graduate with worthless degrees anyway.

Wtf is this shit? They're all effing liberal too. I've noticed each and every one of the few that left nursery school (college) and entered the workforce became conservative within a year.

Seriously I saw "Omg can't wait to get home and write 4 more essays" and they're all like "yeah I know, mine are terrible" "omg fuck finalz"

Get out of nursery school kids.

OK, kid. So you choose to associate with people that don't do much. You problem, not mine. The kids I see in the science and math classes I attend at the university are real go getters. Many already have a degree in a science, and are working toward another degree in a differant discipline.
Sorry, but I still have friends my age (23) who are STILL in college, writing essays and getting drunk at parties in between --- and never had a job.

I got my bachelors in music and associates in mathematics. I work two jobs (catering and home depot), I'm a master woodworkers who builds custom furniture and I do small car repair jobs in my neighborhood, as well as electrical installation and basic plumbing. I'm also going into North Carolina to have my Pipe Organ music performed in October.

Why are there so many kids my age leeching the system dry producing nothing and going to graduate with worthless degrees anyway.

Wtf is this shit? They're all effing liberal too. I've noticed each and every one of the few that left nursery school (college) and entered the workforce became conservative within a year.

Seriously I saw "Omg can't wait to get home and write 4 more essays" and they're all like "yeah I know, mine are terrible" "omg fuck finalz"

Get out of nursery school kids.

OK, kid. So you choose to associate with people that don't do much. You problem, not mine. The kids I see in the science and math classes I attend at the university are real go getters. Many already have a degree in a science, and are working toward another degree in a differant discipline.

And yet I see "kids" older than myself getting their FIRST job as a waiter at my catering hall, even though they have master degrees --- in mathematics...

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