So yet another homosexual condones sex with under age boys. This time it's Milo

Yeah and in certain parts of the world pre-teens can get married, sometimes to adult men, does that make it right? Good fucking grief... and intelligence has nothing to do with someone''s maturity level and ability to make correct decisions.
It definitely does.

The more intelligence you have, the more opportunity you have to mature faster.

The only reason why stupid people become mature is because they literally exhaust all the bad options until only the good ones remain.

No, no it doesn't. IQ does not equate to a person's maturity level... pick up a book every once in awhile.
IQ is one of the reasons why kids pick up books(and comprehend them) at earlier ages.

You shot yourself in the foot on that one.

I told YOU to pick up a book... because you don't know what you are talking about. Adolescent IQ has nothing to do with maturity.
And why are you telling me to pick up a book and not a teenager?

How can a 13 year old not have the ability to thoroughly research what sex is, ask their (older)friends about it, and maybe their parents?

Maturity has almost everything to do with IQ.

It is not about maturity in all actuality, it is all about the power that the adult has or should have in that situation that the teenager can't have.

Dumbass...maturity isn't learned from books. Maturity has NOTHING to do with intelligence. Holy shit balls. Emotional maturity has to do with brain development, and hormonal development... it doesn't have to do with IQ.
He was quoted out of context? Did you watch the video with Joe Rogan? Sorry but those weren't quotes... that is straight out of his mouth.

he was clearly trying to rattle the interviewer; his comment about "giving better head" because of his molestation was said for shock value

this is a non story
Milo did not condone pedophilia. I hate you Gramps for jumping the gun. Milo was talking about how hard it was for him to come out and that having an older man in his life helped him.

Any conservative who goes against Milo now I will hate for the rest of my life. Because it means you did not read the whole story behind it.
Why would you even bother defending that pathetic douche whether or not he is a pedophile?
You're a sick individual.

There are men that rape women. Guess we just have to settle for it as a fact of life eh?

Yep, it's ok because the men want it.


You are fucking defending a man that thinks it is ok to be a sexual predator.

He have never seen a 15 year old and thought she was hot. He says.........when I was 15 but then said he has seen 15 year olds and thought they would be hot when they were older. Joe said, I'm not a creeper like you. Milo said, Hey, don't be laying that on me I don't like 14 year olds. And before he talks about the HOLLYWOOD PARTY WHAT DOES HE SAY?

Milo advocates having sex with teenagers and you argue for pages and pages about it... and Milo admits he watched Hollywood people have sex with young boys and didn't report it, and protects them, WHAT DOES THAT SAY? Seriously, you need fucking help as much as Milo does.
MIlo also admitted to outting several known pedophile's as a journalist. And being against the practice as well as a victim of child sex abuse himself.
Milo's definition of a pedophile differs from our common definition. Commonly anybody is a pedo who engages in sexual relations with somebody under the age of consent (18 in most places, but I do believe that, given certain age restrictions on the older perp, 16 is "acceptable" in some states). So, he has outted known pedophiles and actively works against pedophilia using his understanding of the term.

The issue is that his understanding of the term does not match our common understanding of the term. This all started when he was on a Drunken Peasants podcast and stated that the difference actually was of pre-pubescent and one who has started to undergo puberty. In his specific example, he would consider somebody a pedophile to want to engage or engage in sexual actions with a pre-pubescent 13 year old. However, if the 13-year old was not pre-pubescent (had started / went through puberty), then he saw that as okay.

THAT IS A HUGE ISSUE! In my mind that is highly immoral. Now, you can debate about its morality all you want, as that is subjective. What is not subjective is that fact that it is HIGHLY ILLEGAL. Let's get the facts straight here.

Milo's definition is the same definition found in the DSM-5. You do not get to make up definitions.
It definitely does.

The more intelligence you have, the more opportunity you have to mature faster.

The only reason why stupid people become mature is because they literally exhaust all the bad options until only the good ones remain.

No, no it doesn't. IQ does not equate to a person's maturity level... pick up a book every once in awhile.
IQ is one of the reasons why kids pick up books(and comprehend them) at earlier ages.

You shot yourself in the foot on that one.

I told YOU to pick up a book... because you don't know what you are talking about. Adolescent IQ has nothing to do with maturity.
And why are you telling me to pick up a book and not a teenager?

How can a 13 year old not have the ability to thoroughly research what sex is, ask their (older)friends about it, and maybe their parents?

Maturity has almost everything to do with IQ.

It is not about maturity in all actuality, it is all about the power that the adult has or should have in that situation that the teenager can't have.

Dumbass...maturity isn't learned from books. Maturity has NOTHING to do with intelligence. Holy shit balls. Emotional maturity has to do with brain development, and hormonal development... it doesn't have to do with IQ.
Maturity is most definitely developed through reading books and/or first hand experiences in conjunction with common sense.

I could have easily consented to sex with an adult female at age 13, but I didn't really think that was a sensible or rational thing for me to do. Sex wasn't even an altogether uncommon subject from my 5th grade classmates, much less my much more sexual 6th, 7th and 8th grade classmates.
Last edited:
You're a sick individual.

There are men that rape women. Guess we just have to settle for it as a fact of life eh?

Yep, it's ok because the men want it.


You are fucking defending a man that thinks it is ok to be a sexual predator.

He have never seen a 15 year old and thought she was hot. He says.........when I was 15 but then said he has seen 15 year olds and thought they would be hot when they were older. Joe said, I'm not a creeper like you. Milo said, Hey, don't be laying that on me I don't like 14 year olds. And before he talks about the HOLLYWOOD PARTY WHAT DOES HE SAY?

Milo advocates having sex with teenagers and you argue for pages and pages about it... and Milo admits he watched Hollywood people have sex with young boys and didn't report it, and protects them, WHAT DOES THAT SAY? Seriously, you need fucking help as much as Milo does.
MIlo also admitted to outting several known pedophile's as a journalist. And being against the practice as well as a victim of child sex abuse himself.
Milo's definition of a pedophile differs from our common definition. Commonly anybody is a pedo who engages in sexual relations with somebody under the age of consent (18 in most places, but I do believe that, given certain age restrictions on the older perp, 16 is "acceptable" in some states). So, he has outted known pedophiles and actively works against pedophilia using his understanding of the term.

The issue is that his understanding of the term does not match our common understanding of the term. This all started when he was on a Drunken Peasants podcast and stated that the difference actually was of pre-pubescent and one who has started to undergo puberty. In his specific example, he would consider somebody a pedophile to want to engage or engage in sexual actions with a pre-pubescent 13 year old. However, if the 13-year old was not pre-pubescent (had started / went through puberty), then he saw that as okay.

THAT IS A HUGE ISSUE! In my mind that is highly immoral. Now, you can debate about its morality all you want, as that is subjective. What is not subjective is that fact that it is HIGHLY ILLEGAL. Let's get the facts straight here.
Who is debating the morality? I find the liberals outrage at this questionable since they laud several known pedophiles openly. See Harvey Milk,Lena Dunham,Woody Allen,Roman Polanski to name a few.

I am not getting whipped up into a lynch mob frenzy because a bunch of LWNJ's are on a witch hunt.
Yep, it's ok because the men want it.

You are fucking defending a man that thinks it is ok to be a sexual predator.

He have never seen a 15 year old and thought she was hot. He says.........when I was 15 but then said he has seen 15 year olds and thought they would be hot when they were older. Joe said, I'm not a creeper like you. Milo said, Hey, don't be laying that on me I don't like 14 year olds. And before he talks about the HOLLYWOOD PARTY WHAT DOES HE SAY?

Milo advocates having sex with teenagers and you argue for pages and pages about it... and Milo admits he watched Hollywood people have sex with young boys and didn't report it, and protects them, WHAT DOES THAT SAY? Seriously, you need fucking help as much as Milo does.
MIlo also admitted to outting several known pedophile's as a journalist. And being against the practice as well as a victim of child sex abuse himself.
Milo's definition of a pedophile differs from our common definition. Commonly anybody is a pedo who engages in sexual relations with somebody under the age of consent (18 in most places, but I do believe that, given certain age restrictions on the older perp, 16 is "acceptable" in some states). So, he has outted known pedophiles and actively works against pedophilia using his understanding of the term.

The issue is that his understanding of the term does not match our common understanding of the term. This all started when he was on a Drunken Peasants podcast and stated that the difference actually was of pre-pubescent and one who has started to undergo puberty. In his specific example, he would consider somebody a pedophile to want to engage or engage in sexual actions with a pre-pubescent 13 year old. However, if the 13-year old was not pre-pubescent (had started / went through puberty), then he saw that as okay.

THAT IS A HUGE ISSUE! In my mind that is highly immoral. Now, you can debate about its morality all you want, as that is subjective. What is not subjective is that fact that it is HIGHLY ILLEGAL. Let's get the facts straight here.
Who is debating the morality? I find the liberals outrage at this questionable since they laud several known pedophiles openly. See Harvey Milk,Lena Dunham,Woody Allen,Roman Polanski to name a few.

I am not getting whipped up into a lynch mob frenzy because a bunch of LWNJ's are on a witch hunt.
I'm not saying you should...but you should at least watch that podcast, which is the source of this controversy, and make your own judgments. To me, and I'm a fan of Milo (although not his standpoints), I find his standpoint highly objectionable and perhaps a product of events that occurred during his life. However, like I said, I'm not a fan of many of his standpoints anyways, so it doesn't make a big deal to me anyways. I'm more a fan of his blatant trolling of the Regressive left.
He have never seen a 15 year old and thought she was hot. He says.........when I was 15 but then said he has seen 15 year olds and thought they would be hot when they were older. Joe said, I'm not a creeper like you. Milo said, Hey, don't be laying that on me I don't like 14 year olds. And before he talks about the HOLLYWOOD PARTY WHAT DOES HE SAY?

Milo advocates having sex with teenagers and you argue for pages and pages about it... and Milo admits he watched Hollywood people have sex with young boys and didn't report it, and protects them, WHAT DOES THAT SAY? Seriously, you need fucking help as much as Milo does.
MIlo also admitted to outting several known pedophile's as a journalist. And being against the practice as well as a victim of child sex abuse himself.
Milo's definition of a pedophile differs from our common definition. Commonly anybody is a pedo who engages in sexual relations with somebody under the age of consent (18 in most places, but I do believe that, given certain age restrictions on the older perp, 16 is "acceptable" in some states). So, he has outted known pedophiles and actively works against pedophilia using his understanding of the term.

The issue is that his understanding of the term does not match our common understanding of the term. This all started when he was on a Drunken Peasants podcast and stated that the difference actually was of pre-pubescent and one who has started to undergo puberty. In his specific example, he would consider somebody a pedophile to want to engage or engage in sexual actions with a pre-pubescent 13 year old. However, if the 13-year old was not pre-pubescent (had started / went through puberty), then he saw that as okay.

THAT IS A HUGE ISSUE! In my mind that is highly immoral. Now, you can debate about its morality all you want, as that is subjective. What is not subjective is that fact that it is HIGHLY ILLEGAL. Let's get the facts straight here.
Who is debating the morality? I find the liberals outrage at this questionable since they laud several known pedophiles openly. See Harvey Milk,Lena Dunham,Woody Allen,Roman Polanski to name a few.

I am not getting whipped up into a lynch mob frenzy because a bunch of LWNJ's are on a witch hunt.
I'm not saying you should...but you should at least watch that podcast, which is the source of this controversy, and make your own judgments. To me, and I'm a fan of Milo (although not his standpoints), I find his standpoint highly objectionable and perhaps a product of events that occurred during his life. However, like I said, I'm not a fan of many of his standpoints anyways, so it doesn't make a big deal to me anyways. I'm more a fan of his blatant trolling of the Regressive left.
MIlo is a shock jock. Much like Howard Stern. He openly admits to saying outrageous things in the name of free speech. I agree with some things he says and think he goes to far with others. But I'm more fed up with the scorched earth BS of the left wing against anyone they want to silence then anything Milo has to say.
No, no it doesn't. IQ does not equate to a person's maturity level... pick up a book every once in awhile.
IQ is one of the reasons why kids pick up books(and comprehend them) at earlier ages.

You shot yourself in the foot on that one.

I told YOU to pick up a book... because you don't know what you are talking about. Adolescent IQ has nothing to do with maturity.
And why are you telling me to pick up a book and not a teenager?

How can a 13 year old not have the ability to thoroughly research what sex is, ask their (older)friends about it, and maybe their parents?

Maturity has almost everything to do with IQ.

It is not about maturity in all actuality, it is all about the power that the adult has or should have in that situation that the teenager can't have.

Dumbass...maturity isn't learned from books. Maturity has NOTHING to do with intelligence. Holy shit balls. Emotional maturity has to do with brain development, and hormonal development... it doesn't have to do with IQ.
Maturity is most definitely developed through reading books and/or first hand experiences in conjunction with common sense.

I could have easily consented to sex with an adult female at age 13, but I didn't really think that was a sensible or rational thing for me to do. Sex wasn't even an altogether uncommon subject from my 5th grade classmates, much less my much more sexual 6th, 7th and 8th grade classmates.

Your response is beyond hilarious. One day you are going to finally understand how wrong you are and look back and say, "Wow I sure looked like an idiot saying that."

Being attracted to older people as a teenager has NOTHING to do with maturity. Do you even understand what maturity means?
Milo Yiannopoulos’s Pedophilia Comments Cost Him CPAC Role and Book Deal

Book canceled. Cpac appearance canceled.
Sounds as though the dirt bag belongs in prison.

And to think so many of you hoisted this freak to epic levels simply because he was gay & conservative.

Good riddance

And what better way to silence someone. It's so fucking disgusting that you don't even want to figure out what actually was said, innit?


You sure this is the hill you want to die on?

It was a cheap shot and it was taken out of context. You sure you want to defend the cheap shot taken?
Dante? Dot Com? is that you channeling thru Dis r?
Milo Yiannopoulos’s Pedophilia Comments Cost Him CPAC Role and Book Deal

Book canceled. Cpac appearance canceled.
Sounds as though the dirt bag belongs in prison.

And to think so many of you hoisted this freak to epic levels simply because he was gay & conservative.

Good riddance

And what better way to silence someone. It's so fucking disgusting that you don't even want to figure out what actually was said, innit?


You sure this is the hill you want to die on?

It was a cheap shot and it was taken out of context. You sure you want to defend the cheap shot taken?
Dante? Dot Com? is that you channeling thru Dis r?

Try again. If you have something to say, say it.
IQ is one of the reasons why kids pick up books(and comprehend them) at earlier ages.

You shot yourself in the foot on that one.

I told YOU to pick up a book... because you don't know what you are talking about. Adolescent IQ has nothing to do with maturity.
And why are you telling me to pick up a book and not a teenager?

How can a 13 year old not have the ability to thoroughly research what sex is, ask their (older)friends about it, and maybe their parents?

Maturity has almost everything to do with IQ.

It is not about maturity in all actuality, it is all about the power that the adult has or should have in that situation that the teenager can't have.

Dumbass...maturity isn't learned from books. Maturity has NOTHING to do with intelligence. Holy shit balls. Emotional maturity has to do with brain development, and hormonal development... it doesn't have to do with IQ.
Maturity is most definitely developed through reading books and/or first hand experiences in conjunction with common sense.

I could have easily consented to sex with an adult female at age 13, but I didn't really think that was a sensible or rational thing for me to do. Sex wasn't even an altogether uncommon subject from my 5th grade classmates, much less my much more sexual 6th, 7th and 8th grade classmates.

Your response is beyond hilarious. One day you are going to finally understand how wrong you are and look back and say, "Wow I sure looked like an idiot saying that."

Being attracted to older people as a teenager has NOTHING to do with maturity. Do you even understand what maturity means?
That is not what I was talking about.

I was saying that I could have consented to sex with an adult woman at the age of 13 because I knew full well what that entailed(which was a result of my intelligence at the time), but I also knew that I could not go any further than the sex and that "relationship" would be very short lived(also a result of my intelligence).

Needless to say my parents were years and years late when they finally decided to have "the talk" with me.
It must be easy to run as a democrat when the party makes no claim to family or social or moral values. When former democrat representative Gerry Studds (D-Ma.) admitted to having a sexual relationship with a male underage (17 years old) congressional page he received a slap on the wrist from the democrat controlled ethics committee and retained his seat in the House but lost his committee chairmanship (later restored). Later on he received a standing ovation from his fellow democrat representatives for being such a hero when he revealed that he was homosexual.
I told YOU to pick up a book... because you don't know what you are talking about. Adolescent IQ has nothing to do with maturity.
And why are you telling me to pick up a book and not a teenager?

How can a 13 year old not have the ability to thoroughly research what sex is, ask their (older)friends about it, and maybe their parents?

Maturity has almost everything to do with IQ.

It is not about maturity in all actuality, it is all about the power that the adult has or should have in that situation that the teenager can't have.

Dumbass...maturity isn't learned from books. Maturity has NOTHING to do with intelligence. Holy shit balls. Emotional maturity has to do with brain development, and hormonal development... it doesn't have to do with IQ.
Maturity is most definitely developed through reading books and/or first hand experiences in conjunction with common sense.

I could have easily consented to sex with an adult female at age 13, but I didn't really think that was a sensible or rational thing for me to do. Sex wasn't even an altogether uncommon subject from my 5th grade classmates, much less my much more sexual 6th, 7th and 8th grade classmates.

Your response is beyond hilarious. One day you are going to finally understand how wrong you are and look back and say, "Wow I sure looked like an idiot saying that."

Being attracted to older people as a teenager has NOTHING to do with maturity. Do you even understand what maturity means?
That is not what I was talking about.

I was saying that I could have consented to sex with an adult woman at the age of 13 because I knew full well what that entailed(which was a result of my intelligence at the time), but I also knew that I could not go any further than the sex and that "relationship" would be very short lived(also a result of my intelligence).

Needless to say my parents were years and years late when they finally decided to have "the talk" with me.

Look, you've argued with me over and over that maturity is tied to intelligence and you can learn maturity from books. I'm not trying to be a jerk, I'm not arguing just to argue... I'm telling you once and for all, you are wrong. Do the research. You are wrong. You have no idea what would have happened to your mindset had you actually had sex with your teacher. You think you know it would have just been sex... but talk to kids who have actually had sex with their teachers, and you'll find, most got fucked up because of it because they weren't mature enough to handle it.

Seriously, I'm not going to argue this point any longer, do the research, you're wrong.
Look, you've argued with me over and over that maturity is tied to intelligence and you can learn maturity from books. I'm not trying to be a jerk, I'm not arguing just to argue... I'm telling you once and for all, you are wrong. Do the research. You are wrong. You have no idea what would have happened to your mindset had you actually had sex with your teacher. You think you know it would have just been sex... but talk to kids who have actually had sex with their teachers, and you'll find, most got fucked up because of it because they weren't mature enough to handle it.

Seriously, I'm not going to argue this point any longer, do the research, you're wrong.

sigh - I have to agree with you here

I also agree with PT & recognize that he would intellectually have been able to handle it & would have know what was going on

but the emotional effects are hard to predict & neither maturity nor wisdom is tied to intelligence

a grown woman having sex with a teenager is certain to cause emotional trauma for the kid
And why are you telling me to pick up a book and not a teenager?

How can a 13 year old not have the ability to thoroughly research what sex is, ask their (older)friends about it, and maybe their parents?

Maturity has almost everything to do with IQ.

It is not about maturity in all actuality, it is all about the power that the adult has or should have in that situation that the teenager can't have.

Dumbass...maturity isn't learned from books. Maturity has NOTHING to do with intelligence. Holy shit balls. Emotional maturity has to do with brain development, and hormonal development... it doesn't have to do with IQ.
Maturity is most definitely developed through reading books and/or first hand experiences in conjunction with common sense.

I could have easily consented to sex with an adult female at age 13, but I didn't really think that was a sensible or rational thing for me to do. Sex wasn't even an altogether uncommon subject from my 5th grade classmates, much less my much more sexual 6th, 7th and 8th grade classmates.

Your response is beyond hilarious. One day you are going to finally understand how wrong you are and look back and say, "Wow I sure looked like an idiot saying that."

Being attracted to older people as a teenager has NOTHING to do with maturity. Do you even understand what maturity means?
That is not what I was talking about.

I was saying that I could have consented to sex with an adult woman at the age of 13 because I knew full well what that entailed(which was a result of my intelligence at the time), but I also knew that I could not go any further than the sex and that "relationship" would be very short lived(also a result of my intelligence).

Needless to say my parents were years and years late when they finally decided to have "the talk" with me.

Look, you've argued with me over and over that maturity is tied to intelligence and you can learn maturity from books. I'm not trying to be a jerk, I'm not arguing just to argue... I'm telling you once and for all, you are wrong. Do the research. You are wrong. You have no idea what would have happened to your mindset had you actually had sex with your teacher. You think you know it would have just been sex... but talk to kids who have actually had sex with their teachers, and you'll find, most got fucked up because of it because they weren't mature enough to handle it.

Seriously, I'm not going to argue this point any longer, do the research, you're wrong.
Those who chose to have sex with their teachers weren't intelligent enough to go beyond the fact that they were attracted to their teacher and have urges to do "things" with them.

Stupid people are always hurt by their stupid decisions.

I could have easily banged my super hot Spanish teacher in 6th grade(petite blue-eyed blonde babe, not "Hispanic" in the least) , but I knew that an adult woman would want more than sex, and I knew that it was ridiculous for a kid to try to take the place that a man should rightfully have.
Dumbass...maturity isn't learned from books. Maturity has NOTHING to do with intelligence. Holy shit balls. Emotional maturity has to do with brain development, and hormonal development... it doesn't have to do with IQ.
Maturity is most definitely developed through reading books and/or first hand experiences in conjunction with common sense.

I could have easily consented to sex with an adult female at age 13, but I didn't really think that was a sensible or rational thing for me to do. Sex wasn't even an altogether uncommon subject from my 5th grade classmates, much less my much more sexual 6th, 7th and 8th grade classmates.

Your response is beyond hilarious. One day you are going to finally understand how wrong you are and look back and say, "Wow I sure looked like an idiot saying that."

Being attracted to older people as a teenager has NOTHING to do with maturity. Do you even understand what maturity means?
That is not what I was talking about.

I was saying that I could have consented to sex with an adult woman at the age of 13 because I knew full well what that entailed(which was a result of my intelligence at the time), but I also knew that I could not go any further than the sex and that "relationship" would be very short lived(also a result of my intelligence).

Needless to say my parents were years and years late when they finally decided to have "the talk" with me.

Look, you've argued with me over and over that maturity is tied to intelligence and you can learn maturity from books. I'm not trying to be a jerk, I'm not arguing just to argue... I'm telling you once and for all, you are wrong. Do the research. You are wrong. You have no idea what would have happened to your mindset had you actually had sex with your teacher. You think you know it would have just been sex... but talk to kids who have actually had sex with their teachers, and you'll find, most got fucked up because of it because they weren't mature enough to handle it.

Seriously, I'm not going to argue this point any longer, do the research, you're wrong.
Those who chose to have sex with their teachers weren't intelligent enough to go beyond the fact that they were attracted to their teacher and have urges to do "things" with them.

Stupid people are always hurt by their stupid decisions.

I could have easily banged my super hot Spanish teacher in 6th grade(petite blue-eyed blonde babe, not "Hispanic" in the least) , but I knew that an adult woman would want more than sex, and I knew that it was ridiculous for a kid to try to take the place that a man should rightfully have.

The fact that even to this day you think you could "have easily banged" your super hot Spanish teacher tells me that not only were you not intelligent then, you are still not intelligent. :lmao:

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