So you believe mail in ballots are safe

Just because you weren't told how to think and what to think doesn't mean it didn't happen. So dumbass you believe they look through the mail or take all the mail? But then again leftist news would ignore the word mail in ballots at election time.
It’s entirely a product of your own befuddled mind. :cuckoo:

Assume for a minute that someone actually stole ballots from a mailbox. How are you proposing that those ballots would be tampered with or otherwise changed?
So, now the people that spent 6 years telling us polls were fake and could not be trusted all of a sudden think they are 100% proof of fraud.
Do you see above quoted fascist, its not even making an argument, because it cannot, it knows that these elections were stolen, they all know it, everyone of them, so they simply resort to mockery! Lake lead in every poll well outside the margins, this indicates that the mail in ballots were used specifically to get a combination of illegal aliens, and other methods of voter fraud accomplished in a very predictable pattern.

It also explains why Hobbs fled from even the idea of a debate, an act which by itself nullifies and makes mockery of holding an election at all, as it literally compromised the concept of a democratic caucus, and indicates in the most contemptuous of terms, that the outcome was already considered decided by the corrupt relevant national and state mechanisms.

You can observe exactly what really occurred within the electorate by simply observing outcomes in deep blue localities where the steal was not in place because it was not thought necessary, this includes NY-state where republicans crushed democrats in the various house races, and which is reflected in the exit polling from across the nation demonstrating a solid 75% dissatisfaction with Biden and democrat rule, this was nationwide, and the results in NY, FL, CA, and elsewhere clearly reflect this!

Yet somehow, we are to believe this 75% of the electorate voted fascist democrat anyway, in direct opposition to their own best interests??? Not even the above quoted sub-moron is that stupid, what he is however, is absolutely unconcerned with the how it was accomplished, and that mentality shared in common with tens of millions of other such creatures is an untenable arrangement, they would unhesitatingly throw their own mothers into extermination camps if they disagreed with their sociopathic worldview....
It no longer even matters, they have cracked wide open the election stealing fraud nut, and they are now not even seriously trying to hide it! Folks, Kari Lake lead in every single poll by outside the margins of error, every one of them, the closest this Hobbs psycho came in any of them was 4.5 pts behind Lake!

Yet this Hobbs, who did not even campaign, she literally did not campaign, she ran away from every engagement with any media when they asked her a real question, there are videos of her doing this, literally running away, yet were told to believe she was just elected over the best candidate and campaign in decades, who made absolutely no bones about what she stood for, in stark contrast with the national rino leadership who refused to mount a platform, trailing beginning to end of the entire so-called election???

The FBI/CIA did this, it was not a lawful election.....
Boi, lake didn’t lead in every single poll. Are you that much of a sycophant.
Do you see above quoted fascist, its not even making an argument, because it cannot, it knows that these elections were stolen, they all know it, everyone of them, so they simply resort to mockery! Lake lead in every poll well outside the margins, this indicates that the mail in ballots were used specifically to get a combination of illegal aliens, and other methods of voter fraud accomplished in a very predictable pattern.

It also explains why Hobbs fled from even the idea of a debate, an act which by itself nullifies and makes mockery of holding an election at all, as it literally compromised the concept of a democratic caucus, and indicates in the most contemptuous of terms, that the outcome was already considered decided by the corrupt relevant national and state mechanisms.

You can observe exactly what really occurred within the electorate by simply observing outcomes in deep blue localities where the steal was not in place because it was not thought necessary, this includes NY-state where republicans crushed democrats in the various house races, and which is reflected in the exit polling from across the nation demonstrating a solid 75% dissatisfaction with Biden and democrat rule, this was nationwide, and the results in NY, FL, CA, and elsewhere clearly reflect this!

Yet somehow, we are to believe this 75% of the electorate voted fascist democrat anyway, in direct opposition to their own best interests??? Not even the above quoted sub-moron is that stupid, what he is however, is absolutely unconcerned with the how it was accomplished, and that mentality shared in common with tens of millions of other such creatures is an untenable arrangement, they would unhesitatingly throw their own mothers into extermination camps if they disagreed with their sociopathic worldview....


So you believe mail in ballots are safe​

I believe that you have no evidence that they are not.
You would be a fucking idiot....

Another fine example of electioneering...

Republican ballots found alongside a highway in areas that are tightly contested... what could go wrong with mail in ballots? Here is what can go wrong;

Most ballots found on Hwy 17 have been verified and will be included in election results (

And this is why you must have a solid chain of custody of your ballot. You must know how many ballots there are and where they are at all times.

Mail in ballots have no such chain of custody. How important is your vote?


They believe that as many as 1,273 ballots may have gone missing...

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