So you want better paying jobs?

I guess. In the mean time I have to think more about the labor demand curve and see if that's relative to how we can fix some of the problems going on with people obtaining jobs.
Only the right is cognitively dissonant about capitalism's, natural rate of inefficiency.

Still not comprehending much of what you keep trying to say. It's like maybe you are a crude jr. high attempt at a text-based bot program gone bad. The formula needs more work if your bot is to be taken seriously.

There are no inefficient free market capitalists for the same reason there are no greedy free market capitalists. For every one that has ever existed, there is another one less greedy and inefficient who took his business. Because that is how free market capitalism works.
I guess. In the mean time I have to think more about the labor demand curve and see if that's relative to how we can fix some of the problems going on with people obtaining jobs.
Only the right is cognitively dissonant about capitalism's, natural rate of inefficiency.

Still not comprehending much of what you keep trying to say. It's like maybe you are a crude jr. high attempt at a text-based bot program gone bad. The formula needs more work if your bot is to be taken seriously.

There are no inefficient free market capitalists for the same reason there are no greedy free market capitalists. For every one that has ever existed, there is another one less greedy and inefficient who took his business. Because that is how free market capitalism works.
Dear, I am not wrong simply because you not competent enough to understand the concepts. Why not ask more question, instead.
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I'm just basically studying the downward and upward flow of the economy on a graph. As for demand for labor I had an Idea. What if you gave tax breaks to businesses who hired new workers using a certain percentage. Meaning for every business who can only afford to hire one worker and that hires another gets a tax break and a business that can only afford to hire a hundred workers and hires a hundred more also gets a tax break.
The "secret" to getting a better paying job:

-Get a better education
-Learn new skills and/or improve upon your current skills
-Work harder AND smarter (you can't do one without doing the other)
-Start a new business of your own
-Stop blaming others for your lack of success, skills, education, or intelligence
I'm just basically studying the downward and upward flow of the economy on a graph. As for demand for labor I had an Idea. What if you gave tax breaks to businesses who hired new workers using a certain percentage. Meaning for every business who can only afford to hire one worker and that hires another gets a tax break and a business that can only afford to hire a hundred workers and hires a hundred more also gets a tax break.
Why not end the capital gains distinction whenever a firm reports unfilled positions for more than one quarter.
No, you could never employ "tens of thousands" producing bananas at $20/lb. Main reason, no one is going to ever buy bananas at $20/lb.

that's the entire point! Everything becomes much less affordable when you buy from the highest cost producer rather than the lowest!!

Do you understand now????
I'm just basically studying the downward and upward flow of the economy on a graph. As for demand for labor I had an Idea. What if you gave tax breaks to businesses who hired new workers using a certain percentage. Meaning for every business who can only afford to hire one worker and that hires another gets a tax break and a business that can only afford to hire a hundred workers and hires a hundred more also gets a tax break.

dear, the economy grew from the stone age to here because of Republicans supplied new inventions, not because of tax breaks. Now you understand supply side economics. Do you understand??

Welcome to econ 101 class one day one!!
The "secret" to getting a better paying job:

-Get a better education
-Learn new skills and/or improve upon your current skills
-Work harder AND smarter (you can't do one without doing the other)
-Start a new business of your own
-Stop blaming others for your lack of success, skills, education, or intelligence

all very true but taking advantage of more education etc is a lot easier when you end the liberal programs that drove 40 million jobs offshore
I guess. In the mean time I have to think more about the labor demand curve and see if that's relative to how we can fix some of the problems going on with people obtaining jobs.
Only the right is cognitively dissonant about capitalism's, natural rate of inefficiency.
yes capitalism is inefficient when socialism slowly starved 120 million to death! Notice the high quality of liberal thinking!
I guess. In the mean time I have to think more about the labor demand curve and see if that's relative to how we can fix some of the problems going on with people obtaining jobs.
Only the right is cognitively dissonant about capitalism's, natural rate of inefficiency.
yes capitalism is inefficient when socialism slowly starved 120 million to death! Notice the high quality of liberal thinking!
It wasn't socialism but Bad management. The socialism of or War on Poverty, bails out Capitalism, everyday, dear.
. The socialism of or War on Poverty, bails out Capitalism, everyday, dear.

100% stupid and liberal of course. The socialist "War on Poverty" didn't work in the USA while capitalism bailed out socialism in China and prevented another 60 million from slowly starving to death.

See why we say the liberal will be stupid!!
. The socialism of or War on Poverty, bails out Capitalism, everyday, dear.

100% stupid and liberal of course. The socialist "War on Poverty" didn't work in the USA while capitalism bailed out socialism in China and prevented another 60 million from slowly starving to death.

See why we say the liberal will be stupid!!
Only silly alleged conservatives say that, dear. We have some of the richest poor in the world due to socialism, not capitalism.
. The socialism of or War on Poverty, bails out Capitalism, everyday, dear.

100% stupid and liberal of course. The socialist "War on Poverty" didn't work in the USA while capitalism bailed out socialism in China and prevented another 60 million from slowly starving to death.

See why we say the liberal will be stupid!!
Only silly alleged conservatives say that, dear. We have some of the richest poor in the world due to socialism, not capitalism.

Not true. Any "socialist" program we have is the direct result of free market capitalist system.

There are countless examples of people who came from abject poverty to be financially successful... not a single example exists of anyone who got there because of welfare handouts.

Chairman Mao Zedong implemented your idea in China... a system devoid of capitalism, devoted to total socialism and communism. In fact, you socialist lefties would have loved it... he rounded up all the "evil greedy capitalists" and executed them. Took their property and wealth and installed his Socialist system. His country withdrew from capitalist trade on the world stage and became isolationists.

If ever there was a time in human history to prove that Socialism was greater, this was it. The results were-- it plunged China into economic darkness for 40 years. Millions upon millions starved to death. As the people who sparked this revolution became more and more frustrated and impatient, they rose up to protest and were also executed. Millions more died and were dumped into mass graves. And it was not until after Mao's death and reformers took over that things for China began to change for the better. This has been 100% due to capitalism.

Meanwhile, during the same 40-year time span, thousands and thousands of people in America went from poor and middle class to wealthy beyond imagination. Thousands upon thousands of millionaires and billionaires were created as a result of a vibrant free market capitalist system.
. The socialism of or War on Poverty, bails out Capitalism, everyday, dear.

100% stupid and liberal of course. The socialist "War on Poverty" didn't work in the USA while capitalism bailed out socialism in China and prevented another 60 million from slowly starving to death.

See why we say the liberal will be stupid!!
Only silly alleged conservatives say that, dear. We have some of the richest poor in the world due to socialism, not capitalism.

Not true. Any "socialist" program we have is the direct result of free market capitalist system.

There are countless examples of people who came from abject poverty to be financially successful... not a single example exists of anyone who got there because of welfare handouts.

Chairman Mao Zedong implemented your idea in China... a system devoid of capitalism, devoted to total socialism and communism. In fact, you socialist lefties would have loved it... he rounded up all the "evil greedy capitalists" and executed them. Took their property and wealth and installed his Socialist system. His country withdrew from capitalist trade on the world stage and became isolationists.

If ever there was a time in human history to prove that Socialism was greater, this was it. The results were-- it plunged China into economic darkness for 40 years. Millions upon millions starved to death. As the people who sparked this revolution became more and more frustrated and impatient, they rose up to protest and were also executed. Millions more died and were dumped into mass graves. And it was not until after Mao's death and reformers took over that things for China began to change for the better. This has been 100% due to capitalism.

Meanwhile, during the same 40-year time span, thousands and thousands of people in America went from poor and middle class to wealthy beyond imagination. Thousands upon thousands of millionaires and billionaires were created as a result of a vibrant free market capitalist system.
Yes dear, it was when capitalism failed us that socialism bailed us out.
We need to bring jobs back to America.

very simple:
end the liberal programs the forced them to leave:

liberal unions deficits and taxes
and then end the liberal war on the family and schools.

Do you understand??

The cheap labor market existed before unions were even a concept.
That's how stuff like the French Revolution came about.

Most nations do not practice Free Trade like the US does, especially with India and China; our businesses and Portfolio Conservatives are whores for selling out their fellow citizens.
We have legislation, written by corporations, that rewards corporations for leaving the US.
Corruption, plain and simple.
Any business that can't profit within the framework of Fair Trade doesn't deserve to exist.
One question: Why the hell do you call yourself "Independent"?
BTW Franklin and Jefferson were normal human beings...brilliant, inventors,

most importantly they supported free trade!! Do you understand??
Ricardo...Comparative Advantage, enriching one's nation as well as one's self.
I recommend you refresh your reading up on the subject.

JSTOR: An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie
John Adams, amongst other FFs was none too fond of watching his fellow citizens stave to death in favor of Free Trade with cheap labor nations.
James there was an a**hole snob who would have fit in perfectly with today's elite.

dear, cut the BS, if you have an argument against free trade please present it or admit with your silence or attempts to change the subject that you are independent of the brains necessary to do it.

There are only 7 conditions to Ricardo's "Free Trade".
2 are being violated.
I presume you can differential between a condition being violated or adhered to.
But then again, you're a Nazi.
We need to bring jobs back to America.

very simple:
end the liberal programs the forced them to leave:

liberal unions deficits and taxes
and then end the liberal war on the family and schools.

Do you understand??

The cheap labor market existed before unions were even a concept.
That's how stuff like the French Revolution came about.

Most nations do not practice Free Trade like the US does, especially with India and China; our businesses and Portfolio Conservatives are whores for selling out their fellow citizens.
We have legislation, written by corporations, that rewards corporations for leaving the US.
Corruption, plain and simple.
Any business that can't profit within the framework of Fair Trade doesn't deserve to exist.
One question: Why the hell do you call yourself "Independent"?

Because both the Democrats and Republicans have to tow their parties lines 100%, which I think is a croc.
I'm not going to be anybody's robot.
There's no thinking involved with ideologues.
I think both parties have good points and bad points, but when I have a discussion with knee-jerk Republicans, they say I'm a Democrat and when I try (notice the work "try") to have a discussion with knee-jerk Democrats, they say I'm a Republican.

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