So you want better paying jobs?

You completely ignore the fact that FoxConn imprisons over 500,000 people.

100% stupid as always since hundreds of millions have voluntarily left their farms for the far higher paying manufacturing jobs in the big cities.

Do you have the IQ to understand??
FoxConn imprisons over 500,000 people who work 35 hours at a time for $1.00 a day;.

stupid liberal liar. Foxconn pays 20 times that much. Want to bet or must you run away with your liberal tail between your legs once again.

Wow! Bad press = FoxConn imprisons over 500,000 people who work 35 hours at a time for $20.00 a day.
I'd bet a Nazi like you would take a job there in the blink of a Nazi's eye.
I AM glad they get paid more now.

As far as leaving their farms?
Not quite so voluntarily.
There is a Chinese restaurant in town; the owner goes every year to bribe the government to allow their family to stay on the farm.
Nobody wants to live in a prison.
I bet not even you.
[QUOTE="Indeependent, post: 12450365, member: 46133"F] being loyal to, and helping to build up economically, your nation of birth.
and conservative policies would do that very quickly by instantly creating 40 million new jobs and huge upward pressure on wages, Here's how:

1) eliminate liberal unions deficits and taxes
2) close the borders to illegals
3) end the war on families and schools

Do you have the IQ to understand??
FoxComm pays about $13.00/day...You're not just a Nazi, you're a lying, scumbag, f'in Nazi.
[QUOTE="Indeependent, post: 12450365, member: 46133"F] being loyal to, and helping to build up economically, your nation of birth.
and conservative policies would do that very quickly by instantly creating 40 million new jobs and huge upward pressure on wages, Here's how:

1) eliminate liberal unions deficits and taxes
2) close the borders to illegals
3) end the war on families and schools

Do you have the IQ to understand??[/QUOTE]

Pay attention, retard...
1) two centuries of horrendous working conditions BEFORE unions. Unions aren't perfect; neither is tyranny.
2) Conservatives stop the influx of cheap labor? Ever hear of the pre-union Industrial Revolution?
3) Poverty and suppression of wages by Conservatives CAUSES this.

You are such an idiot it's beyond belief.
Stay away from Fox for a week and clear the cobwebs out of your non-function cerebellum.
Nobody wants to live in a prison.
I bet not even you.

why be stupid?? on the farm they earned less that $1.00 a day and 60 million slowly starved to death. Now they are getting rich and even buying more cars than we do in the USA!!

Do you get it now??.
Nobody wants to live in a prison.
I bet not even you.

why be stupid?? on the farm they earned less that $1.00 a day and 60 million slowly starved to death. Now they are getting rich and even buying more cars than we do in the USA!!

Do you get it now??.

Having a lifetime sentence in a building is becoming rich?
The elites of Shanghai are buying more cars whilst their fellow citizens are in a de facto prison; you're giving me a warm and fuzzy picture of what a Nazi you are.
You do realize your idiotic comments are preserved on every server that communicates between us and whoever else looks at these posts.
You are some racist mo'fo.
3) Poverty and suppression of wages by Conservatives CAUSES this.

dear conservatives want capitalism which forces the best jobs and products as a matter of survival.

Do you grasp the logic???
Give me 10 concrete example of how the Global (Err, make that ASIAN) economy has caused US (Err, PRIOR US) corporations to improve their service(s)/product(s).
FoxComm pays about $13.00/day...You're not just a Nazi, you're a lying, scumbag, f'in Nazi.

dear you said $1.00/a day, now you switch to $13 and call me a liar.

See why are positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

2012 Foxconn
they may have worked 36 hours of overtime — or more.

Now, let’s go to Foxconn. A typical Foxconn employee on the assembly line makes anywhere from 1,500 renminbi to 2,200 renminbi a month, based on 160 hours of work. At that salary, the wage ranges between $1.50 and $2.20 an hour, based on the exchange rate of 6.3 renminbi to the dollar.

in 2012 it was $18 a day base plus 8 overtime at $
3.25 so thats $44/day not $1.00/day as you said??

Feel stupid and liberal yet??
3) Poverty and suppression of wages by Conservatives CAUSES this.

dear conservatives want capitalism which forces the best jobs and products as a matter of survival.

Do you grasp the logic???
Give me 10 concrete example of how the Global (Err, make that ASIAN) economy has caused US (Err, PRIOR US) corporations to improve their service(s)/product(s).

why be stupid??? Its far far harder to compete against the world
than to compete against just your own country!! Cars got far better after Japan came in and now they are far better still, obviously!!

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