So you want better paying jobs?

Stay away from Fox for a week and clear the cobwebs out of your non-function cerebellum.

dear, our Founders were conservative. Conservatism was invented long before Fox News.

Do you understand??

Our Founders were Patriots; they would never have sold out their fellow colonists to make an extra buck, let alone spread rumors that their fellow colonists were incompetent and needed to be replaced by Indians and have horseshoes imported from China.
You'll never make the connection.
BTW Franklin and Jefferson were normal human beings...brilliant, inventors, womanizers.
And they advocated violence.
Our Founders were Patriots; they would never have sold out their fellow colonists to make an extra buck, .

100% stupid, our Founders were conservatives who believed in free trade and that it had nothing whatsoever to do with selling out. China sells more to Europe than America. Did liberal socialist Europe sell out too, dummy? Free trade makes us rich with low prices and does not cripple our industries by protecting them from competition. Protection makes our goods second rate and then our nation second rate and then we will be conquered. Why not learn my economists on both sides support free trade all over the world, you perfect idiot .
BTW Franklin and Jefferson were normal human beings...brilliant, inventors,

most importantly they supported free trade!! Do you understand??
Ricardo...Comparative Advantage, enriching one's nation as well as one's self.
I recommend you refresh your reading up on the subject.

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John Adams, amongst other FFs was none too fond of watching his fellow citizens stave to death in favor of Free Trade with cheap labor nations.
James there was an a**hole snob who would have fit in perfectly with today's elite.
Well one thing is that we have to first start thinking about creating jobs in the first place before we start paying people who work more money. Hopefully will see a lift in our economy in the future and we won't have to worry about these things. How long that might take I don't know. I wish some one could give me an estimate.
BTW Franklin and Jefferson were normal human beings...brilliant, inventors,

most importantly they supported free trade!! Do you understand??
Ricardo...Comparative Advantage, enriching one's nation as well as one's self.
I recommend you refresh your reading up on the subject.

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John Adams, amongst other FFs was none too fond of watching his fellow citizens stave to death in favor of Free Trade with cheap labor nations.
James there was an a**hole snob who would have fit in perfectly with today's elite.

dear, cut the BS, if you have an argument against free trade please present it or admit with your silence or attempts to change the subject that you are independent of the brains necessary to do it.
Well one thing is that we have to first start thinking about creating jobs.

we could have 40 million new jobs tomorrow by ending liberal unions taxes and deficits. Then we could end the liberal war on the family and schools. Problem solved.

Do you understand??
Our companies cannot compete with the labor costs.

dear we cant compete with SA on cost of Bananas either. So what???????????? You trade with who has the best cheapest stuff not who has the worst most expensive. Does China not buy our airplanes because they can't compete with us???????

Bananas aren't costing us thousands of jobs every year. China buys our airplanes, takes them apart to figure out how we make them, then makes their own knock-off version and sells them to Russia. Meanwhile, they flood our markets with cheap products that aren't worth a crap and we buy it because we're stupid like that.

This is not about trade policy. I have no problem with us trading fairly and competitively with other free market economic systems. We can't compete in a free market with a socialist system... that's not a free market. Not that this is the same thing, but it's like private sector trying to compete with government. The government has an unlimited pocketbook, they can fund years and years of operating in the red. A free market capitalist business can't do that.

Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with my opinion here, the fact remains that what we are currently doing is not producing enough jobs in America to meet the supply of labor. In order to obtain better paying jobs, demand for labor needs to be higher.
Bananas aren't costing us thousands of jobs every year..

dear, there are 1000's of natural resources that other countries have that we don't. We lose millions of jobs here by buying abroad. We could grow bananas here and employ 10's of thousands in greenhouses to grow them at $20.00/lb. Instead we get them almost free where they grow almost naturally!!

Do you understand now??
simply reserving labor at the rock bottom cost of a form of minimum wage could solve this dilemma
You know if some one ever heard you say that and you were in office you would be fired. Your talking about leaving so many people out of work.
whatever can you mean? I am referring to solving for a natural rate of unemployment and simple poverty
If people hear that you want to reserve jobs and hear you talk about paying people rock bottom prices they might not take it the same way. You have to figure out a way to fix the economy and say it in a way that sounds better is what I'm saying.
Bananas aren't costing us thousands of jobs every year..

dear, there are 1000's of natural resources that other countries have that we don't. We lose millions of jobs here by buying abroad. We could grow bananas here and employ 10's of thousands in greenhouses to grow them at $20.00/lb. Instead we get them almost free where they grow almost naturally!!

Do you understand now??

No, you could never employ "tens of thousands" producing bananas at $20/lb. Main reason, no one is going to ever buy bananas at $20/lb. So your business lasts until your first crop spoils on the shelves and you realize no one will pay that much for bananas.

Some things we import are fine, we benefit from it. It doesn't cost us that many jobs... in the case of bananas, it's shit jobs anyway. We need to be creating manufacturing sector jobs.
If people hear that you want to reserve jobs and hear you talk about paying people rock bottom prices they might not take it the same way. You have to figure out a way to fix the economy and say it in a way that sounds better is what I'm saying.
Why not, under Any form of capitalism?

Is the rock bottom cost of a form of minimum wage that simply reserves labor to solve for a natural rate of unemployment and simple poverty not market friendly enough?
I guess. In the mean time I have to think more about the labor demand curve and see if that's relative to how we can fix some of the problems going on with people obtaining jobs.
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What makes it possible to increase demand for labor ?

Well that's the issue we're supposed to be discussing in this thread, actually. I don't have all the answers but I should think a couple of basic and simple principles apply... First, you need to create a shit ton of jobs to satisfy the abundant supply of labor. Second, you can greatly decrease the supply of labor by deporting millions of laborers who are here illegally and stopping the illegal immigration problem.

In order to create this shit ton of jobs we need, we have to come up with incentives and motivation for capitalists to expand here and not overseas. We have to create an environment where capitalists from elsewhere want to come here and open operations. I think we can accomplish this by lowering corporate tax rates, hell I would eliminate them entirely. We can stop outsourcing by making it a less attractive option for the capitalist. We can declare a tax moratorium on repatriated wealth abroad. We're not gaining any benefit from US money sitting in a Swiss bank.

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