So you want better paying jobs?

, they don't have to pay their labor. .
1) Chinese flock to the cities in the 100's of millions to get the high paying jobs
2) Chinese jobs pay higher than in dozens of countries
3) even if they didn't pay that is huge plus for American consumers who are getting rich thanks to low prices. Workers are not more important to consumers.
4) Americans have huge advantages in technology and education,( not an even playing field at all) but this does mean that those nations who can't compete should not trade with us.

I suggest you do a little reading and try to figure out why most economists on both sides support free trade among the states of the United States and among the countries of the world.

I have no problem with free trade. But free trade and free market are two entirely different things. Free trade between states is fine, we're all in a free market system. Free trade with other free market economies is also fine, we're all in the same free market system. The problem is, trying to have a free market trade with a country who isn't a free market system, like China. Our companies cannot compete with the labor costs.

The thread OP is about better paying jobs. The only way to create better paying jobs is to increase the demand for labor and/or decrease the supply. There is no other way. If our trade policies are resulting in fewer jobs, it doesn't matter what the economists say, it doesn't matter who has the greater philosophical point or political view. It doesn't matter if unions are good or bad... if free trade is good or bad... none of this matters if the result is fewer jobs.
As far as FoxConn abuse...YOU'RE ON THE INTERNET!!! GOOGLE IT!!!

too stupid the world Googled it a long time ago and learned suicide rate there was less than at many American colleges.

Does the genius liberal want to bet???? or run away again with your liberal tail between your legs.
Our companies cannot compete with the labor costs.

dear we cant compete with SA on cost of Bananas either. So what???????????? You trade with who has the best cheapest stuff not who has the worst most expensive. Does China not buy our airplanes because they can't compete with us???????
Comparative Advantage is NOT a situation of forced cheap labor by gun point.

if I said it was I'll pay you $10,000. Bet???

Let's keep know...realistic...$1.00 a day for life for working an average "professional day" of about 35 hours.

liberal running away with his tail between his legs because he cant support what he said!!

The truth is...a LIE?
You are a Nazi!!!

You're too INCOMPETENT to open a new tab and Google something?
You ARE an idiot pretending to be an intellectual.
Comparative Advantage is NOT a situation of forced cheap labor by gun point.

if I said it was I'll pay you $10,000. Bet???

Let's keep know...realistic...$1.00 a day for life for working an average "professional day" of about 35 hours.

liberal running away with his tail between his legs because he cant support what he said!!

The truth is...a LIE?
You are a Nazi!!!

You're too INCOMPETENT to open a new tab and Google something?
You ARE an idiot pretending to be an intellectual.

dear you said suicides were high at Foxx conn prisons but have now learned you were mistaken in your rush to be a liberal fool. HOw do you feel?
As far as FoxConn abuse...YOU'RE ON THE INTERNET!!! GOOGLE IT!!!

too stupid the world Googled it a long time ago and learned suicide rate there was less than at many American colleges.

Does the genius liberal want to bet???? or run away again with your liberal tail between your legs.

It's called SAFETY NETS outside the windows.
But, of course, you didn't know that, did you.
I wish upon your progeny a future EXACTLY like that of those permanently housed at FoxConn working 35 hours at a clip.
I also wish that you lose every penny you have and can no longer spread your Fascist crap on a message board.
. The only way to create better paying jobs is to increase the demand for labor and/or decrease the supply..

100% stupid wages go up and we all get richer when new stuff is invented. How did you think we got from the stone age to here???
Our companies cannot compete with the labor costs.

dear we cant compete with SA on cost of Bananas either. So what???????????? You trade with who has the best cheapest stuff not who has the worst most expensive. Does China not buy our airplanes because they can't compete with us???????

We buy from China because Wall Street brokers and Traders with no intrinsic skills can make money off of fools who don't
. The only way to create better paying jobs is to increase the demand for labor and/or decrease the supply..

100% stupid wages go up and we all get richer when new stuff is invented. How did you think we got from the stone age to here???

We ALL get richer? Another tired argument of the snobs who brag that the poorest of Americans are wealthier than the average person globally.
First off, there is no real proof of that statement unless we move to those other nations and live as they live.
But most of all, our poor are doing well because the MIDDLE CLASS is taxed to pay for their gas bills, electric bills, Medicaid, Smart Phones.
If those paying the bills of the poor had their way, the poor would be totally cut off, but we already learned that lesson from the French Revolution.
It's called SAFETY NETS outside the windows.
But, of course, you didn't know that, did you.

dear the world googled it years ago and found suicide rate was higher on American college campuses. How do you feel now???

You are comparing Apples to Oranges.
What does the US Campus SUCCESSFUL suicide rate have to do with Totalitarianism in China.
Students have social issues; sometimes WAY too much freedom.
We are not handling depression.
Our students are also facing a future of joblessness due to your much beloved Free Market,
We buy from China because Wall Street brokers and Traders with no intrinsic skills can make money off of fools who don't

100% stupid as always. We buy from China because free people go into Walmart and want to enrich themselves with all the relatively cheap high quality stuff!!
Our students are also facing a future of joblessness due to your much beloved Free Market,

dear if we had a free market with no liberal unions liberal deficits or liberal corporate taxes we'd have 40 million new jobs tomorrow and huge upward pressure on wages.

Do you have the IQ to understand?
You are comparing Apples to Oranges.

dear you said suicide rate was high in China among workers but then you learned that it was no higher than workers in the USA? Does the liberal fool now admit he was duped?

My bad..."ATTEMPTED" suicide.
You're right!
You're still a Nazi bastard overall, but you're right in THAT particular phrase.

You know full well why US workers are becoming more depressed; it's Portfolio Conservative scum like you who have rendered them helpless as you continuously vote for candidates who promise to make your short life pleasurable whilst they destroy the US in the not too long term.
Our students are also facing a future of joblessness due to your much beloved Free Market,

dear if we had a free market with no liberal unions liberal deficits or liberal corporate taxes we'd have 40 million new jobs tomorrow and huge upward pressure on wages.

Do you have the IQ to understand?

I believe I already mentioned the misery of the workforce before unions.
Do you have dementia or an attention deficit?
Foolish could I forget that ANOTHER component of Comparative Advantage is being loyal to, and helping to build up economically, your nation of birth.
Try THAT component at the next Heritage Foundation meeting without getting booed off the stage.
My bad..."ATTEMPTED" suicide.

oh so the stupid liberal admits he was wrong all along!! Also, dear, attempted suicides are less in China than in the USA. Do you have any conclusions remaining or are you still filled with hated depite your only example being a total lie???

Slow liberal or what???
My bad..."ATTEMPTED" suicide.

oh so the stupid liberal admits he was wrong all along!! Also, dear, attempted suicides are less in China than in the USA. Do you have any conclusions remaining or are you still filled with hated depite your only example being a total lie???

Slow liberal or what???

Ad hominem, mixed with a bit of Strawman.
You toss aside a blackboard of logic because a word, which, when inserted, ENHANCES my argument, was omitted.
You completely ignore the fact that FoxConn imprisons over 500,000 people who work 35 hours at a time for $1.00 a day; as long as it enhances your Portfolio.
You are a Nazi and Trump will win because people besides your own greedy self want jobs.

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