So...your girlfriend is being raped by 4 thugs, good thing you don't have a gun...right?

I saw this linked through extranosalley...I like to credit sources...who links to it through instapundit.....where we finally end up with the story from the Boston Herald.....

4 thugs attack a couple and begin to rape the girlfriend...they beat up the boyfriend as the rape is happening.....neither one of the couple is armed with anything but good intentions....and they manage to escape....

This goes to the opening of my new school of anti gun nut self defense....which is based on the following techniques for surviving a violent criminal assault....

1) When attacked by 4 thugs, who are raping your girlfriend and beating you up...hope they have good intentions.

2) When attacked by 4 thugs, who are raping your girlfriend and beating you up...hope they are incompetent.

3) When attacked by 4 thugs, who are raping your girlfriend and beating you up....hope that pure, dumb, luck saves the day.

I believe that if you master these 3 simple anti gun nut self defense techniques you will be as prepared as the typical anti gunner should you ever encounter an actual, real encounter with a violent sociopath....

Here is what happened to this couple...

Illegals held in vicious Framingham rape

Federal immigration officials are requesting detainers on four illegal aliens accused of a heinous attack on a Framingham couple in which the woman was raped and her boyfriend was beaten and threatened with death, the Herald has learned.


In the Framingham case, the victim’s boyfriend was beaten while his girlfriend was held down on a bed and raped Sunday evening, authorities say.

The still-shaken boyfriend told the Herald yesterday that he and his girlfriend have not yet come to terms with the horrific assault.

“I thought we were going to die. I really did. And I didn’t care if I died as long as I could save her and get her out of there, that’s all I cared about,” said the 
boyfriend, whose name the Herald is withholding.

“I’ve lived (in Framingham) my whole life and I never imagined anything like this could happen just walking down the street,” he said. “The worst part was I felt like I couldn’t do anything.”

According to authorities, he and his girlfriend were out walking and enjoying an unseasonably warm evening when they were approached by a man carrying beer, police said. The man appeared friendly and offered them a drink, then three more men emerged, police said.

One produced a condom and indicated he wanted the man’s girlfriend. One grabbed his girlfriend by the hood of her sweatshirt, dragging her away, while the biggest of the group kept her boyfriend back, police said.

“They brought her into the building on the corner into the apartment,” police said. “They pulled a dresser or table across the door of the room so she could not leave … (They) were trying to climb on her while the others were groping her.”

Her boyfriend managed to force his way into the apartment and was calling 911 when two of the men broke away to handle him, 
police said.

Police said Ariel Diaz head-butted the man several times and then grabbed a large chef’s knife and tried slashing him, but Jarquin-Felipe pushed the knife-wielder back, stopping him from stabbing the man.

You really get off on this stuff, don't you?
I saw this linked through extranosalley...I like to credit sources...who links to it through instapundit.....where we finally end up with the story from the Boston Herald.....

4 thugs attack a couple and begin to rape the girlfriend...they beat up the boyfriend as the rape is happening.....neither one of the couple is armed with anything but good intentions....and they manage to escape....

This goes to the opening of my new school of anti gun nut self defense....which is based on the following techniques for surviving a violent criminal assault....

1) When attacked by 4 thugs, who are raping your girlfriend and beating you up...hope they have good intentions.

2) When attacked by 4 thugs, who are raping your girlfriend and beating you up...hope they are incompetent.

3) When attacked by 4 thugs, who are raping your girlfriend and beating you up....hope that pure, dumb, luck saves the day.

I believe that if you master these 3 simple anti gun nut self defense techniques you will be as prepared as the typical anti gunner should you ever encounter an actual, real encounter with a violent sociopath....

Here is what happened to this couple...

Illegals held in vicious Framingham rape

Federal immigration officials are requesting detainers on four illegal aliens accused of a heinous attack on a Framingham couple in which the woman was raped and her boyfriend was beaten and threatened with death, the Herald has learned.


In the Framingham case, the victim’s boyfriend was beaten while his girlfriend was held down on a bed and raped Sunday evening, authorities say.

The still-shaken boyfriend told the Herald yesterday that he and his girlfriend have not yet come to terms with the horrific assault.

“I thought we were going to die. I really did. And I didn’t care if I died as long as I could save her and get her out of there, that’s all I cared about,” said the 
boyfriend, whose name the Herald is withholding.

“I’ve lived (in Framingham) my whole life and I never imagined anything like this could happen just walking down the street,” he said. “The worst part was I felt like I couldn’t do anything.”

According to authorities, he and his girlfriend were out walking and enjoying an unseasonably warm evening when they were approached by a man carrying beer, police said. The man appeared friendly and offered them a drink, then three more men emerged, police said.

One produced a condom and indicated he wanted the man’s girlfriend. One grabbed his girlfriend by the hood of her sweatshirt, dragging her away, while the biggest of the group kept her boyfriend back, police said.

“They brought her into the building on the corner into the apartment,” police said. “They pulled a dresser or table across the door of the room so she could not leave … (They) were trying to climb on her while the others were groping her.”

Her boyfriend managed to force his way into the apartment and was calling 911 when two of the men broke away to handle him, 
police said.

Police said Ariel Diaz head-butted the man several times and then grabbed a large chef’s knife and tried slashing him, but Jarquin-Felipe pushed the knife-wielder back, stopping him from stabbing the man.

You really get off on this stuff, don't you?

Nope...I enjoy fighting to protect the right to keep our families safe..........
It was more stressful for that couple to NOT be armed, and to be horrible assaulted.

I feel good about being prepared to protect myself and my family if there is danger.

Run and hide coward.

I will not be brave with the well being of my family.

Was that man brave when he went for a walk with his girlfriend and was unable to protect her?

YOur words are the words of the foolhardy, not the brave.


Being prepared is not an Act of Cowardice.

Pretending the danger is not real, is the act of a fool and a coward.
Fear undergirds you life. Fear of random violence. Fear of Muslims. Fear of the undocumented immigrant. Fear of the American Left.

Carrying a gun for 'personal protection' is a grave and potentially life changing decision.

Mt contention is feeling the need, the absolute need to put another gun on the street is driven by fear. Has your life ever been threatened and the only solution was a gun? If so, I apologize. That reality and the emotional crisis that follows a near death at the hands of a madman must be one of the great weights of life.

But if carrying a gun will make some people believe they can be the hero gunslinger. And that's not the role to be cast with lots of deliberation.

Personally, I know with a capital K that, God forbid, my poise and marksmanship would like nor'easter rather than dissuade and becalm a violent situation. My sense of responsible lay does not vanish due to the possible being seen as the probable.

All these 'LOOK WHAT A GUN DID' or, in this case, 'LOOK WHAT A GUN COULD HAVE DONE' threads are to sell me on the preposterous notion that violent criminals are about to kill me and it will happen soon. Maybe you live on Chicago's south side. Maybe you live in inner city Detroit. But I don't.

I feel safe here. I would have to be afraid, very afraid to forget my reality and limitation and become the fearful and armed.

And here you are...actual research into the effectiveness of guns at stopping rape........

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.
I saw this linked through extranosalley...I like to credit sources...who links to it through instapundit.....where we finally end up with the story from the Boston Herald.....

4 thugs attack a couple and begin to rape the girlfriend...they beat up the boyfriend as the rape is happening.....neither one of the couple is armed with anything but good intentions....and they manage to escape....

This goes to the opening of my new school of anti gun nut self defense....which is based on the following techniques for surviving a violent criminal assault....

1) When attacked by 4 thugs, who are raping your girlfriend and beating you up...hope they have good intentions.

2) When attacked by 4 thugs, who are raping your girlfriend and beating you up...hope they are incompetent.

3) When attacked by 4 thugs, who are raping your girlfriend and beating you up....hope that pure, dumb, luck saves the day.

I believe that if you master these 3 simple anti gun nut self defense techniques you will be as prepared as the typical anti gunner should you ever encounter an actual, real encounter with a violent sociopath....

Here is what happened to this couple...

Illegals held in vicious Framingham rape

Federal immigration officials are requesting detainers on four illegal aliens accused of a heinous attack on a Framingham couple in which the woman was raped and her boyfriend was beaten and threatened with death, the Herald has learned.


In the Framingham case, the victim’s boyfriend was beaten while his girlfriend was held down on a bed and raped Sunday evening, authorities say.

The still-shaken boyfriend told the Herald yesterday that he and his girlfriend have not yet come to terms with the horrific assault.

“I thought we were going to die. I really did. And I didn’t care if I died as long as I could save her and get her out of there, that’s all I cared about,” said the 
boyfriend, whose name the Herald is withholding.

“I’ve lived (in Framingham) my whole life and I never imagined anything like this could happen just walking down the street,” he said. “The worst part was I felt like I couldn’t do anything.”

According to authorities, he and his girlfriend were out walking and enjoying an unseasonably warm evening when they were approached by a man carrying beer, police said. The man appeared friendly and offered them a drink, then three more men emerged, police said.

One produced a condom and indicated he wanted the man’s girlfriend. One grabbed his girlfriend by the hood of her sweatshirt, dragging her away, while the biggest of the group kept her boyfriend back, police said.

“They brought her into the building on the corner into the apartment,” police said. “They pulled a dresser or table across the door of the room so she could not leave … (They) were trying to climb on her while the others were groping her.”

Her boyfriend managed to force his way into the apartment and was calling 911 when two of the men broke away to handle him, 
police said.

Police said Ariel Diaz head-butted the man several times and then grabbed a large chef’s knife and tried slashing him, but Jarquin-Felipe pushed the knife-wielder back, stopping him from stabbing the man.

You really get off on this stuff, don't you? an anti gun nut......if you could go back in time and give this couple a pair of stop the rape and the beating...would you?

or would you let the rape happen?
I saw this linked through extranosalley...I like to credit sources...who links to it through instapundit.....where we finally end up with the story from the Boston Herald.....

4 thugs attack a couple and begin to rape the girlfriend...they beat up the boyfriend as the rape is happening.....neither one of the couple is armed with anything but good intentions....and they manage to escape....

This goes to the opening of my new school of anti gun nut self defense....which is based on the following techniques for surviving a violent criminal assault....

1) When attacked by 4 thugs, who are raping your girlfriend and beating you up...hope they have good intentions.

2) When attacked by 4 thugs, who are raping your girlfriend and beating you up...hope they are incompetent.

3) When attacked by 4 thugs, who are raping your girlfriend and beating you up....hope that pure, dumb, luck saves the day.

I believe that if you master these 3 simple anti gun nut self defense techniques you will be as prepared as the typical anti gunner should you ever encounter an actual, real encounter with a violent sociopath....

Here is what happened to this couple...

Illegals held in vicious Framingham rape

Federal immigration officials are requesting detainers on four illegal aliens accused of a heinous attack on a Framingham couple in which the woman was raped and her boyfriend was beaten and threatened with death, the Herald has learned.


In the Framingham case, the victim’s boyfriend was beaten while his girlfriend was held down on a bed and raped Sunday evening, authorities say.

The still-shaken boyfriend told the Herald yesterday that he and his girlfriend have not yet come to terms with the horrific assault.

“I thought we were going to die. I really did. And I didn’t care if I died as long as I could save her and get her out of there, that’s all I cared about,” said the 
boyfriend, whose name the Herald is withholding.

“I’ve lived (in Framingham) my whole life and I never imagined anything like this could happen just walking down the street,” he said. “The worst part was I felt like I couldn’t do anything.”

According to authorities, he and his girlfriend were out walking and enjoying an unseasonably warm evening when they were approached by a man carrying beer, police said. The man appeared friendly and offered them a drink, then three more men emerged, police said.

One produced a condom and indicated he wanted the man’s girlfriend. One grabbed his girlfriend by the hood of her sweatshirt, dragging her away, while the biggest of the group kept her boyfriend back, police said.

“They brought her into the building on the corner into the apartment,” police said. “They pulled a dresser or table across the door of the room so she could not leave … (They) were trying to climb on her while the others were groping her.”

Her boyfriend managed to force his way into the apartment and was calling 911 when two of the men broke away to handle him, 
police said.

Police said Ariel Diaz head-butted the man several times and then grabbed a large chef’s knife and tried slashing him, but Jarquin-Felipe pushed the knife-wielder back, stopping him from stabbing the man.

Must be four Hispanics. After all, Republicans believe Hispanics are rapists.
Dumb ass. How are you going to know if a stranger is a convicted felon?

When he is arrrested by the police for breaking the law, or during any encounter with the police where they find he has a gun in his possession, they run a felony check on him and find that he is a felon in possession of a gun....these are already covered under existing law.

Normal people are not cops...they do not have to investigate other citizens to determine their legal status.

If someone is selling guns knowingly to felons...when you catch one of his felon customers, you get him to rat the seller out and do an undercover sting...just like you do for every other crime.....

I have listed many arrests of illegal gun runners. Not one of them was caught because someone did a background check...they were all caught because someone snitched on them, then the police set up a sting and caught them.....then, of course, the prosecutors and judges gave them light sentences......which is the real problem.

Right. After he has broken the law again. You still haven't shown me how or why anyone would legally be obligated to even care if they were selling to a felon. The crook isn't going to tell the seller, and the seller is under no obligation to check. Why do you want to arm all those people who aren't supposed to have guns? Why do you encourage more crime?

Because......individual sellers are not the problem...never were. And if you insist on background checks for private sales, you are infringing on the right of people to the 2nd Amendment increases the burden on exercising the right....just like a Poll Tax does for voting.

Felons use people with clean records to buy their guns for them...right now...from licensed gun if you require a background check for an individual sale....they will just use straw buyers for that too....twit.

you achieve nothing.

Right now, illegal gun sellers are captured by other criminals giving them up to police....they do not get caught because we have background check laws......

Existing laws are more than enough to catch and jail criminals who use guns illegally....not one additiaonal law you support can name them...but then you can't explain how they will stop criminals from getting guns......

And on top of that....citizens are not is not their job to investigate other citizens to determine their legal status for the sale of legal products.....the criminal already knows they cannot own or buy the gun......and when they get caught, they can be arrested under existing law....

but what burns your can't touch the normal gun owner who may have sold one gun to a guy he thought was you want to create a legal morass that they have to when they make a simple , innocent mistake you can destroy them will take their jobs, their homes, their money, make them a felon and put them in jail....

That is what make you could care less about stopping the actual violent criminal.

You're full of shit. Any time a gun is sold to a felon so he can commit another crime, it's a problem. You made it clear that crooks don't obey the laws. Laws are in place to keep the honest people from doing bad things. Selling yet another gun to a felon is a bad thing, but you don't think so. What else could be expected from a coward who is afraid of the world without being armed 24/7? Coward.

Asswipe.......all you have to do is arrest the felon. It is that easy. He cannot own the gun.....he cannot carry the gun...catch him with the gun and he goes to jail.....

A normal person who is required to do a background check for a gun sale is being over burdened for no good reason. If you require background checks on private sales.....the felons will simply send their straw buyer to buy it, making your background check fucking pointless...the same way it is pointless at a gun store or a gun show.....the straw buyer has a clean record, they buy the gun and pass the background check...because they have a clean insistence on a background check for every single sale is dumb since the only one who will suffer is the law abiding gun owner who now has to pay for a background check for someone who will already pass it.....

You are a useful parrot whatever the anti gun nut leadership tells you you should say....because they already know that universal background checks are stupid and will not keep criminals or mass shooters from getting guns...

Why do they support it? Because it gives them the reason for universal gun registration......their real can't have universal background checks without universal registration...which will be the very next thing the demand when universal background checks fail.......

you are a useful idiot...

Right. You want to make sure he is able to get the gun, and you think we have the man power to monitor every felon we have to know immediately when they get a gun. Should we pat down each and every one of them every day? Would weekly or monthly be often enough? Of course,if we wait till he commits another crime with the gun you want him to have, he might not get caught with the gun at all. I'm sure thugs all over the country are grateful for your help.
We got some really tough keyboard warriors on this site who claim that a real man doesn't need a firearm. Four thugs should be meat for these hand to hand hero's.

When I was a kid our next door neighbor was some degree black belt and he could fight he had all the moves. He mistakenly tired that crap on my dad and dad wipe the floor with him.

Word of advice for those who think they are so tough they don't need a firearm. There are always going to be people tougher than you. Thugs don't fight under gentlemanly fisticuffs rules and there won't always be just one attacker.

Last if you bring your fist to a knife or gun fight your a freaking moron.
I saw this linked through extranosalley...I like to credit sources...who links to it through instapundit.....where we finally end up with the story from the Boston Herald.....

4 thugs attack a couple and begin to rape the girlfriend...they beat up the boyfriend as the rape is happening.....neither one of the couple is armed with anything but good intentions....and they manage to escape....

This goes to the opening of my new school of anti gun nut self defense....which is based on the following techniques for surviving a violent criminal assault....

1) When attacked by 4 thugs, who are raping your girlfriend and beating you up...hope they have good intentions.

2) When attacked by 4 thugs, who are raping your girlfriend and beating you up...hope they are incompetent.

3) When attacked by 4 thugs, who are raping your girlfriend and beating you up....hope that pure, dumb, luck saves the day.

I believe that if you master these 3 simple anti gun nut self defense techniques you will be as prepared as the typical anti gunner should you ever encounter an actual, real encounter with a violent sociopath....

Here is what happened to this couple...

Illegals held in vicious Framingham rape

Federal immigration officials are requesting detainers on four illegal aliens accused of a heinous attack on a Framingham couple in which the woman was raped and her boyfriend was beaten and threatened with death, the Herald has learned.


In the Framingham case, the victim’s boyfriend was beaten while his girlfriend was held down on a bed and raped Sunday evening, authorities say.

The still-shaken boyfriend told the Herald yesterday that he and his girlfriend have not yet come to terms with the horrific assault.

“I thought we were going to die. I really did. And I didn’t care if I died as long as I could save her and get her out of there, that’s all I cared about,” said the 
boyfriend, whose name the Herald is withholding.

“I’ve lived (in Framingham) my whole life and I never imagined anything like this could happen just walking down the street,” he said. “The worst part was I felt like I couldn’t do anything.”

According to authorities, he and his girlfriend were out walking and enjoying an unseasonably warm evening when they were approached by a man carrying beer, police said. The man appeared friendly and offered them a drink, then three more men emerged, police said.

One produced a condom and indicated he wanted the man’s girlfriend. One grabbed his girlfriend by the hood of her sweatshirt, dragging her away, while the biggest of the group kept her boyfriend back, police said.

“They brought her into the building on the corner into the apartment,” police said. “They pulled a dresser or table across the door of the room so she could not leave … (They) were trying to climb on her while the others were groping her.”

Her boyfriend managed to force his way into the apartment and was calling 911 when two of the men broke away to handle him, 
police said.

Police said Ariel Diaz head-butted the man several times and then grabbed a large chef’s knife and tried slashing him, but Jarquin-Felipe pushed the knife-wielder back, stopping him from stabbing the man.

Must be four Hispanics. After all, Republicans believe Hispanics are rapists.
Yep. Four Hispanics here illegally from Guatemala. See. Even you're getting it.
Dumb ass. How are you going to know if a stranger is a convicted felon?

When he is arrrested by the police for breaking the law, or during any encounter with the police where they find he has a gun in his possession, they run a felony check on him and find that he is a felon in possession of a gun....these are already covered under existing law.

Normal people are not cops...they do not have to investigate other citizens to determine their legal status.

If someone is selling guns knowingly to felons...when you catch one of his felon customers, you get him to rat the seller out and do an undercover sting...just like you do for every other crime.....

I have listed many arrests of illegal gun runners. Not one of them was caught because someone did a background check...they were all caught because someone snitched on them, then the police set up a sting and caught them.....then, of course, the prosecutors and judges gave them light sentences......which is the real problem.

Right. After he has broken the law again. You still haven't shown me how or why anyone would legally be obligated to even care if they were selling to a felon. The crook isn't going to tell the seller, and the seller is under no obligation to check. Why do you want to arm all those people who aren't supposed to have guns? Why do you encourage more crime?

Because......individual sellers are not the problem...never were. And if you insist on background checks for private sales, you are infringing on the right of people to the 2nd Amendment increases the burden on exercising the right....just like a Poll Tax does for voting.

Felons use people with clean records to buy their guns for them...right now...from licensed gun if you require a background check for an individual sale....they will just use straw buyers for that too....twit.

you achieve nothing.

Right now, illegal gun sellers are captured by other criminals giving them up to police....they do not get caught because we have background check laws......

Existing laws are more than enough to catch and jail criminals who use guns illegally....not one additiaonal law you support can name them...but then you can't explain how they will stop criminals from getting guns......

And on top of that....citizens are not is not their job to investigate other citizens to determine their legal status for the sale of legal products.....the criminal already knows they cannot own or buy the gun......and when they get caught, they can be arrested under existing law....

but what burns your can't touch the normal gun owner who may have sold one gun to a guy he thought was you want to create a legal morass that they have to when they make a simple , innocent mistake you can destroy them will take their jobs, their homes, their money, make them a felon and put them in jail....

That is what make you could care less about stopping the actual violent criminal.

You're full of shit. Any time a gun is sold to a felon so he can commit another crime, it's a problem. You made it clear that crooks don't obey the laws. Laws are in place to keep the honest people from doing bad things. Selling yet another gun to a felon is a bad thing, but you don't think so. What else could be expected from a coward who is afraid of the world without being armed 24/7? Coward.

Dipshit......if you could go back in time and give that couple a pair of guns, one for her, one for him....would you? Or would you let the rape happen?

Show us that you aren't a coward and answer the question.

That incident was tragic, but nobody prevented them from having guns. That was their choice. Preventing thugs from easily getting guns is my main concern.
I saw this linked through extranosalley...I like to credit sources...who links to it through instapundit.....where we finally end up with the story from the Boston Herald.....

4 thugs attack a couple and begin to rape the girlfriend...they beat up the boyfriend as the rape is happening.....neither one of the couple is armed with anything but good intentions....and they manage to escape....

This goes to the opening of my new school of anti gun nut self defense....which is based on the following techniques for surviving a violent criminal assault....

1) When attacked by 4 thugs, who are raping your girlfriend and beating you up...hope they have good intentions.

2) When attacked by 4 thugs, who are raping your girlfriend and beating you up...hope they are incompetent.

3) When attacked by 4 thugs, who are raping your girlfriend and beating you up....hope that pure, dumb, luck saves the day.

I believe that if you master these 3 simple anti gun nut self defense techniques you will be as prepared as the typical anti gunner should you ever encounter an actual, real encounter with a violent sociopath....

Here is what happened to this couple...

Illegals held in vicious Framingham rape

Federal immigration officials are requesting detainers on four illegal aliens accused of a heinous attack on a Framingham couple in which the woman was raped and her boyfriend was beaten and threatened with death, the Herald has learned.


In the Framingham case, the victim’s boyfriend was beaten while his girlfriend was held down on a bed and raped Sunday evening, authorities say.

The still-shaken boyfriend told the Herald yesterday that he and his girlfriend have not yet come to terms with the horrific assault.

“I thought we were going to die. I really did. And I didn’t care if I died as long as I could save her and get her out of there, that’s all I cared about,” said the 
boyfriend, whose name the Herald is withholding.

“I’ve lived (in Framingham) my whole life and I never imagined anything like this could happen just walking down the street,” he said. “The worst part was I felt like I couldn’t do anything.”

According to authorities, he and his girlfriend were out walking and enjoying an unseasonably warm evening when they were approached by a man carrying beer, police said. The man appeared friendly and offered them a drink, then three more men emerged, police said.

One produced a condom and indicated he wanted the man’s girlfriend. One grabbed his girlfriend by the hood of her sweatshirt, dragging her away, while the biggest of the group kept her boyfriend back, police said.

“They brought her into the building on the corner into the apartment,” police said. “They pulled a dresser or table across the door of the room so she could not leave … (They) were trying to climb on her while the others were groping her.”

Her boyfriend managed to force his way into the apartment and was calling 911 when two of the men broke away to handle him, 
police said.

Police said Ariel Diaz head-butted the man several times and then grabbed a large chef’s knife and tried slashing him, but Jarquin-Felipe pushed the knife-wielder back, stopping him from stabbing the man.

Unless you walk around with your gun drawn at all times its difficult to imagine you'd be able to keep 4 "thugs" with any skills at planning an attack at all from gaining the advantage on you. Then they take your gun and beat you with it. You really are a lunatic.
Do you think there are any thugs who should be denied a gun, or do you want all of them to have all they want? I don't want to hear all your usual misdirection, just answer the question. Yes or no?

I don't know anyone who believes convicted felons should be allowed to own guns. That's a straw man.
Do you think there are any thugs who should be denied a gun, or do you want all of them to have all they want? I don't want to hear all your usual misdirection, just answer the question. Yes or no?

Anyone convicted of a felony should be prevented from owning guns.
No they shouldn't. Some felonies aren't violent crimes some don't even go to prison....
Most people convicted of felonies have already received reduced sentences for previous crimes.
I saw this linked through extranosalley...I like to credit sources...who links to it through instapundit.....where we finally end up with the story from the Boston Herald.....

4 thugs attack a couple and begin to rape the girlfriend...they beat up the boyfriend as the rape is happening.....neither one of the couple is armed with anything but good intentions....and they manage to escape....

This goes to the opening of my new school of anti gun nut self defense....which is based on the following techniques for surviving a violent criminal assault....

1) When attacked by 4 thugs, who are raping your girlfriend and beating you up...hope they have good intentions.

2) When attacked by 4 thugs, who are raping your girlfriend and beating you up...hope they are incompetent.

3) When attacked by 4 thugs, who are raping your girlfriend and beating you up....hope that pure, dumb, luck saves the day.

I believe that if you master these 3 simple anti gun nut self defense techniques you will be as prepared as the typical anti gunner should you ever encounter an actual, real encounter with a violent sociopath....

Here is what happened to this couple...

Illegals held in vicious Framingham rape

Federal immigration officials are requesting detainers on four illegal aliens accused of a heinous attack on a Framingham couple in which the woman was raped and her boyfriend was beaten and threatened with death, the Herald has learned.


In the Framingham case, the victim’s boyfriend was beaten while his girlfriend was held down on a bed and raped Sunday evening, authorities say.

The still-shaken boyfriend told the Herald yesterday that he and his girlfriend have not yet come to terms with the horrific assault.

“I thought we were going to die. I really did. And I didn’t care if I died as long as I could save her and get her out of there, that’s all I cared about,” said the 
boyfriend, whose name the Herald is withholding.

“I’ve lived (in Framingham) my whole life and I never imagined anything like this could happen just walking down the street,” he said. “The worst part was I felt like I couldn’t do anything.”

According to authorities, he and his girlfriend were out walking and enjoying an unseasonably warm evening when they were approached by a man carrying beer, police said. The man appeared friendly and offered them a drink, then three more men emerged, police said.

One produced a condom and indicated he wanted the man’s girlfriend. One grabbed his girlfriend by the hood of her sweatshirt, dragging her away, while the biggest of the group kept her boyfriend back, police said.

“They brought her into the building on the corner into the apartment,” police said. “They pulled a dresser or table across the door of the room so she could not leave … (They) were trying to climb on her while the others were groping her.”

Her boyfriend managed to force his way into the apartment and was calling 911 when two of the men broke away to handle him, 
police said.

Police said Ariel Diaz head-butted the man several times and then grabbed a large chef’s knife and tried slashing him, but Jarquin-Felipe pushed the knife-wielder back, stopping him from stabbing the man.

Must be four Hispanics. After all, Republicans believe Hispanics are rapists.
Yep. Four Hispanics here illegally from Guatemala. See. Even you're getting it.
For the GOP, what other kind is there?
Dumb ass. How are you going to know if a stranger is a convicted felon?

When he is arrrested by the police for breaking the law, or during any encounter with the police where they find he has a gun in his possession, they run a felony check on him and find that he is a felon in possession of a gun....these are already covered under existing law.

Normal people are not cops...they do not have to investigate other citizens to determine their legal status.

If someone is selling guns knowingly to felons...when you catch one of his felon customers, you get him to rat the seller out and do an undercover sting...just like you do for every other crime.....

I have listed many arrests of illegal gun runners. Not one of them was caught because someone did a background check...they were all caught because someone snitched on them, then the police set up a sting and caught them.....then, of course, the prosecutors and judges gave them light sentences......which is the real problem.

Right. After he has broken the law again. You still haven't shown me how or why anyone would legally be obligated to even care if they were selling to a felon. The crook isn't going to tell the seller, and the seller is under no obligation to check. Why do you want to arm all those people who aren't supposed to have guns? Why do you encourage more crime?

Because......individual sellers are not the problem...never were. And if you insist on background checks for private sales, you are infringing on the right of people to the 2nd Amendment increases the burden on exercising the right....just like a Poll Tax does for voting.

Felons use people with clean records to buy their guns for them...right now...from licensed gun if you require a background check for an individual sale....they will just use straw buyers for that too....twit.

you achieve nothing.

Right now, illegal gun sellers are captured by other criminals giving them up to police....they do not get caught because we have background check laws......

Existing laws are more than enough to catch and jail criminals who use guns illegally....not one additiaonal law you support can name them...but then you can't explain how they will stop criminals from getting guns......

And on top of that....citizens are not is not their job to investigate other citizens to determine their legal status for the sale of legal products.....the criminal already knows they cannot own or buy the gun......and when they get caught, they can be arrested under existing law....

but what burns your can't touch the normal gun owner who may have sold one gun to a guy he thought was you want to create a legal morass that they have to when they make a simple , innocent mistake you can destroy them will take their jobs, their homes, their money, make them a felon and put them in jail....

That is what make you could care less about stopping the actual violent criminal.

You're full of shit. Any time a gun is sold to a felon so he can commit another crime, it's a problem. You made it clear that crooks don't obey the laws. Laws are in place to keep the honest people from doing bad things. Selling yet another gun to a felon is a bad thing, but you don't think so. What else could be expected from a coward who is afraid of the world without being armed 24/7? Coward.

Dipshit......if you could go back in time and give that couple a pair of guns, one for her, one for him....would you? Or would you let the rape happen?

Show us that you aren't a coward and answer the question.


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It was more stressful for that couple to NOT be armed, and to be horrible assaulted.

I feel good about being prepared to protect myself and my family if there is danger.

Run and hide coward.

I will not be brave with the well being of my family.

Was that man brave when he went for a walk with his girlfriend and was unable to protect her?

YOur words are the words of the foolhardy, not the brave.


Being prepared is not an Act of Cowardice.

Pretending the danger is not real, is the act of a fool and a coward.
Fear undergirds your life. Fear of random violence. Fear of Muslims. Fear of the undocumented immigrant. Fear of the American Left.


Responsibility undergirds my life, responsibility for myself, my family and to a lesser extent friends and community.

Your head in sand approach works fine, as long as there are grown ups somewhere doing enough to keep the dangers in check and/or enough other victims around that you can count on the odds that someone else will be the unlucky one(s) that day.

Your hyperbole about "gunslinging heroes" in noted and dismissed as nonsense.
I saw this linked through extranosalley...I like to credit sources...who links to it through instapundit.....where we finally end up with the story from the Boston Herald.....

4 thugs attack a couple and begin to rape the girlfriend...they beat up the boyfriend as the rape is happening.....neither one of the couple is armed with anything but good intentions....and they manage to escape....

This goes to the opening of my new school of anti gun nut self defense....which is based on the following techniques for surviving a violent criminal assault....

1) When attacked by 4 thugs, who are raping your girlfriend and beating you up...hope they have good intentions.

2) When attacked by 4 thugs, who are raping your girlfriend and beating you up...hope they are incompetent.

3) When attacked by 4 thugs, who are raping your girlfriend and beating you up....hope that pure, dumb, luck saves the day.

I believe that if you master these 3 simple anti gun nut self defense techniques you will be as prepared as the typical anti gunner should you ever encounter an actual, real encounter with a violent sociopath....

Here is what happened to this couple...

Illegals held in vicious Framingham rape

Federal immigration officials are requesting detainers on four illegal aliens accused of a heinous attack on a Framingham couple in which the woman was raped and her boyfriend was beaten and threatened with death, the Herald has learned.


In the Framingham case, the victim’s boyfriend was beaten while his girlfriend was held down on a bed and raped Sunday evening, authorities say.

The still-shaken boyfriend told the Herald yesterday that he and his girlfriend have not yet come to terms with the horrific assault.

“I thought we were going to die. I really did. And I didn’t care if I died as long as I could save her and get her out of there, that’s all I cared about,” said the 
boyfriend, whose name the Herald is withholding.

“I’ve lived (in Framingham) my whole life and I never imagined anything like this could happen just walking down the street,” he said. “The worst part was I felt like I couldn’t do anything.”

According to authorities, he and his girlfriend were out walking and enjoying an unseasonably warm evening when they were approached by a man carrying beer, police said. The man appeared friendly and offered them a drink, then three more men emerged, police said.

One produced a condom and indicated he wanted the man’s girlfriend. One grabbed his girlfriend by the hood of her sweatshirt, dragging her away, while the biggest of the group kept her boyfriend back, police said.

“They brought her into the building on the corner into the apartment,” police said. “They pulled a dresser or table across the door of the room so she could not leave … (They) were trying to climb on her while the others were groping her.”

Her boyfriend managed to force his way into the apartment and was calling 911 when two of the men broke away to handle him, 
police said.

Police said Ariel Diaz head-butted the man several times and then grabbed a large chef’s knife and tried slashing him, but Jarquin-Felipe pushed the knife-wielder back, stopping him from stabbing the man.

Must be four Hispanics. After all, Republicans believe Hispanics are rapists.
Yep. Four Hispanics here illegally from Guatemala. See. Even you're getting it.
I saw this linked through extranosalley...I like to credit sources...who links to it through instapundit.....where we finally end up with the story from the Boston Herald.....

4 thugs attack a couple and begin to rape the girlfriend...they beat up the boyfriend as the rape is happening.....neither one of the couple is armed with anything but good intentions....and they manage to escape....

This goes to the opening of my new school of anti gun nut self defense....which is based on the following techniques for surviving a violent criminal assault....

1) When attacked by 4 thugs, who are raping your girlfriend and beating you up...hope they have good intentions.

2) When attacked by 4 thugs, who are raping your girlfriend and beating you up...hope they are incompetent.

3) When attacked by 4 thugs, who are raping your girlfriend and beating you up....hope that pure, dumb, luck saves the day.

I believe that if you master these 3 simple anti gun nut self defense techniques you will be as prepared as the typical anti gunner should you ever encounter an actual, real encounter with a violent sociopath....

Here is what happened to this couple...

Illegals held in vicious Framingham rape

Federal immigration officials are requesting detainers on four illegal aliens accused of a heinous attack on a Framingham couple in which the woman was raped and her boyfriend was beaten and threatened with death, the Herald has learned.


In the Framingham case, the victim’s boyfriend was beaten while his girlfriend was held down on a bed and raped Sunday evening, authorities say.

The still-shaken boyfriend told the Herald yesterday that he and his girlfriend have not yet come to terms with the horrific assault.

“I thought we were going to die. I really did. And I didn’t care if I died as long as I could save her and get her out of there, that’s all I cared about,” said the 
boyfriend, whose name the Herald is withholding.

“I’ve lived (in Framingham) my whole life and I never imagined anything like this could happen just walking down the street,” he said. “The worst part was I felt like I couldn’t do anything.”

According to authorities, he and his girlfriend were out walking and enjoying an unseasonably warm evening when they were approached by a man carrying beer, police said. The man appeared friendly and offered them a drink, then three more men emerged, police said.

One produced a condom and indicated he wanted the man’s girlfriend. One grabbed his girlfriend by the hood of her sweatshirt, dragging her away, while the biggest of the group kept her boyfriend back, police said.

“They brought her into the building on the corner into the apartment,” police said. “They pulled a dresser or table across the door of the room so she could not leave … (They) were trying to climb on her while the others were groping her.”

Her boyfriend managed to force his way into the apartment and was calling 911 when two of the men broke away to handle him, 
police said.

Police said Ariel Diaz head-butted the man several times and then grabbed a large chef’s knife and tried slashing him, but Jarquin-Felipe pushed the knife-wielder back, stopping him from stabbing the man.

Unless you walk around with your gun drawn at all times its difficult to imagine you'd be able to keep 4 "thugs" with any skills at planning an attack at all from gaining the advantage on you. Then they take your gun and beat you with it. You really are a lunatic.

No, it isn't.

And you're assuming these thugs have skills beyond being able to tell 4 is more than 1.
I saw this linked through extranosalley...I like to credit sources...who links to it through instapundit.....where we finally end up with the story from the Boston Herald.....

4 thugs attack a couple and begin to rape the girlfriend...they beat up the boyfriend as the rape is happening.....neither one of the couple is armed with anything but good intentions....and they manage to escape....

This goes to the opening of my new school of anti gun nut self defense....which is based on the following techniques for surviving a violent criminal assault....

1) When attacked by 4 thugs, who are raping your girlfriend and beating you up...hope they have good intentions.

2) When attacked by 4 thugs, who are raping your girlfriend and beating you up...hope they are incompetent.

3) When attacked by 4 thugs, who are raping your girlfriend and beating you up....hope that pure, dumb, luck saves the day.

I believe that if you master these 3 simple anti gun nut self defense techniques you will be as prepared as the typical anti gunner should you ever encounter an actual, real encounter with a violent sociopath....

Here is what happened to this couple...

Illegals held in vicious Framingham rape

Federal immigration officials are requesting detainers on four illegal aliens accused of a heinous attack on a Framingham couple in which the woman was raped and her boyfriend was beaten and threatened with death, the Herald has learned.


In the Framingham case, the victim’s boyfriend was beaten while his girlfriend was held down on a bed and raped Sunday evening, authorities say.

The still-shaken boyfriend told the Herald yesterday that he and his girlfriend have not yet come to terms with the horrific assault.

“I thought we were going to die. I really did. And I didn’t care if I died as long as I could save her and get her out of there, that’s all I cared about,” said the 
boyfriend, whose name the Herald is withholding.

“I’ve lived (in Framingham) my whole life and I never imagined anything like this could happen just walking down the street,” he said. “The worst part was I felt like I couldn’t do anything.”

According to authorities, he and his girlfriend were out walking and enjoying an unseasonably warm evening when they were approached by a man carrying beer, police said. The man appeared friendly and offered them a drink, then three more men emerged, police said.

One produced a condom and indicated he wanted the man’s girlfriend. One grabbed his girlfriend by the hood of her sweatshirt, dragging her away, while the biggest of the group kept her boyfriend back, police said.

“They brought her into the building on the corner into the apartment,” police said. “They pulled a dresser or table across the door of the room so she could not leave … (They) were trying to climb on her while the others were groping her.”

Her boyfriend managed to force his way into the apartment and was calling 911 when two of the men broke away to handle him, 
police said.

Police said Ariel Diaz head-butted the man several times and then grabbed a large chef’s knife and tried slashing him, but Jarquin-Felipe pushed the knife-wielder back, stopping him from stabbing the man.

Must be four Hispanics. After all, Republicans believe Hispanics are rapists.

You didn't read the link...did you?
When he is arrrested by the police for breaking the law, or during any encounter with the police where they find he has a gun in his possession, they run a felony check on him and find that he is a felon in possession of a gun....these are already covered under existing law.

Normal people are not cops...they do not have to investigate other citizens to determine their legal status.

If someone is selling guns knowingly to felons...when you catch one of his felon customers, you get him to rat the seller out and do an undercover sting...just like you do for every other crime.....

I have listed many arrests of illegal gun runners. Not one of them was caught because someone did a background check...they were all caught because someone snitched on them, then the police set up a sting and caught them.....then, of course, the prosecutors and judges gave them light sentences......which is the real problem.

Right. After he has broken the law again. You still haven't shown me how or why anyone would legally be obligated to even care if they were selling to a felon. The crook isn't going to tell the seller, and the seller is under no obligation to check. Why do you want to arm all those people who aren't supposed to have guns? Why do you encourage more crime?

Because......individual sellers are not the problem...never were. And if you insist on background checks for private sales, you are infringing on the right of people to the 2nd Amendment increases the burden on exercising the right....just like a Poll Tax does for voting.

Felons use people with clean records to buy their guns for them...right now...from licensed gun if you require a background check for an individual sale....they will just use straw buyers for that too....twit.

you achieve nothing.

Right now, illegal gun sellers are captured by other criminals giving them up to police....they do not get caught because we have background check laws......

Existing laws are more than enough to catch and jail criminals who use guns illegally....not one additiaonal law you support can name them...but then you can't explain how they will stop criminals from getting guns......

And on top of that....citizens are not is not their job to investigate other citizens to determine their legal status for the sale of legal products.....the criminal already knows they cannot own or buy the gun......and when they get caught, they can be arrested under existing law....

but what burns your can't touch the normal gun owner who may have sold one gun to a guy he thought was you want to create a legal morass that they have to when they make a simple , innocent mistake you can destroy them will take their jobs, their homes, their money, make them a felon and put them in jail....

That is what make you could care less about stopping the actual violent criminal.

You're full of shit. Any time a gun is sold to a felon so he can commit another crime, it's a problem. You made it clear that crooks don't obey the laws. Laws are in place to keep the honest people from doing bad things. Selling yet another gun to a felon is a bad thing, but you don't think so. What else could be expected from a coward who is afraid of the world without being armed 24/7? Coward.

Asswipe.......all you have to do is arrest the felon. It is that easy. He cannot own the gun.....he cannot carry the gun...catch him with the gun and he goes to jail.....

A normal person who is required to do a background check for a gun sale is being over burdened for no good reason. If you require background checks on private sales.....the felons will simply send their straw buyer to buy it, making your background check fucking pointless...the same way it is pointless at a gun store or a gun show.....the straw buyer has a clean record, they buy the gun and pass the background check...because they have a clean insistence on a background check for every single sale is dumb since the only one who will suffer is the law abiding gun owner who now has to pay for a background check for someone who will already pass it.....

You are a useful parrot whatever the anti gun nut leadership tells you you should say....because they already know that universal background checks are stupid and will not keep criminals or mass shooters from getting guns...

Why do they support it? Because it gives them the reason for universal gun registration......their real can't have universal background checks without universal registration...which will be the very next thing the demand when universal background checks fail.......

you are a useful idiot...

Right. You want to make sure he is able to get the gun, and you think we have the man power to monitor every felon we have to know immediately when they get a gun. Should we pat down each and every one of them every day? Would weekly or monthly be often enough? Of course,if we wait till he commits another crime with the gun you want him to have, he might not get caught with the gun at all. I'm sure thugs all over the country are grateful for your help.

No...twit. But as they use the guns and are caught in arrest them for it. When they are interacting with police and are found to have a arrest them.

What you want to do....would not stop are apparently I will explain how it works...again. Convicted criminals send people with clean backgrounds to buy their weapons...they pass background checks. So for the tiny number of individual sales to possible felons....they will simply send straw buyers to individual sellers when they want to buy those guns......making your whole point stupid.....

What you want to do is create another chance to get a normal gun owner in trouble......if he fails to do a background the woman selling her dead husbands gun to her son.....she is now a felon and so is the just caught two felons selling a gun illegally...twit. will cost more money for the individual to sell a legal gun...he will now have to find a gun store, or try to get the already over worked police to find time to run a background check on his buyer....and pay more for it....which is an infringement on a right...since the seller isn't a criminal to begin with..... are a useful idiot to the anti gun nut leadership. They know all of the above, they know that universal background checks will not stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns....but it gets them to the next step...universal gun registration, because you can't have universal background checks without universal registration....and then later, perhaps 10-15-20 years....when they have the political muscle...they will ban or confiscate those guns with that list.....


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