
Jr released the emails. They look pretty bad
yes. It seems it was sanctioned by the russian federation and he knew what was going prior to the meeting.
People are cliaming this proves the NYT lied? Im not sure about what though.

Stocks have been falling since jr released the emails. The emails show him coordinating efforts with someone he believed represented the Russian government. I don't see how this isn't what the NYT was claiming.
The emails even stated it was from the russian govt..
oh boy.
This has got me thinking man..
Think this:

1. Who give as crap? Obama in his run up to the election went and campaigned in a foreign country.

2. Maybe it is time that the US and Russia might actually be able to work together. Instead of BS reset buttons that did nothing and the left now wishing to apparently bomb Russia into submission. Funny how the left seems concerned that cooperation means that Russia is pulling the strings. I don't think that the left wing trusts anyone, especially themselves.
Jr released the emails. They look pretty bad
yes. It seems it was sanctioned by the russian federation and he knew what was going prior to the meeting.
People are cliaming this proves the NYT lied? Im not sure about what though.

Stocks have been falling since jr released the emails. The emails show him coordinating efforts with someone he believed represented the Russian government. I don't see how this isn't what the NYT was claiming.
The emails even stated it was from the russian govt..
oh boy.
This has got me thinking man..
Think this:

1. Who give as crap? Obama in his run up to the election went and campaigned in a foreign country.

2. Maybe it is time that the US and Russia might actually be able to work together. Instead of BS reset buttons that did nothing and the left now wishing to apparently bomb Russia into submission. Funny how the left seems concerned that cooperation means that Russia is pulling the strings. I don't think that the left wing trusts anyone, especially themselves.
well, it is against the law. Hell, i dont want corporations in our elections, why would i want foreign govts?
What obama did is irrelevant. Tradition doesnt make it OK
If Trump had a brain he'd resign before things got any uglier. He can count on a pardon from Pence.
trump jr listens to someone speak and people go fucking crazy
The fbi is willing to use tax payer money for a trump dossier and nobody says a damn thing
People act like private meetings for campaign competition is something new.. what about team clinton meeting with Sergey?
you people are fucking idiots
If trump colluded, i want his ass punished. But making shit up(cause there has been some real doosies) and disingenuous outrage, is stupid.

When you go fishing, if you don't catch a fish after your first cast do you pack up and go home?
excellent analogy, lew. Fucking fishing. GREAT

I forgot who it was being interviewed about this, but there was a good interview about this on NPR (I know, right?) Anyway, the way things went down according to that interview was completely different than the way the libtardz are skewing it.

Can't wait to see them all lose again.
trump jr listens to someone speak and people go fucking crazy
The fbi is willing to use tax payer money for a trump dossier and nobody says a damn thing
People act like private meetings for campaign competition is something new.. what about team clinton meeting with Sergey?
you people are fucking idiots
If trump colluded, i want his ass punished. But making shit up(cause there has been some real doosies) and disingenuous outrage, is stupid.

When you go fishing, if you don't catch a fish after your first cast do you pack up and go home?
excellent analogy, lew. Fucking fishing. GREAT

I forgot who it was being interviewed about this, but there was a good interview about this on NPR (I know, right?) Anyway, the way things went down according to that interview was completely different than the way the libtardz are skewing it.

Can't wait to see them all lose again.
are you talking about the lawyer?
IDK man.. those emails dont look good. Seems the NYT had it right, as crazy as that is..
trump jr listens to someone speak and people go fucking crazy
The fbi is willing to use tax payer money for a trump dossier and nobody says a damn thing
People act like private meetings for campaign competition is something new.. what about team clinton meeting with Sergey?
you people are fucking idiots
If trump colluded, i want his ass punished. But making shit up(cause there has been some real doosies) and disingenuous outrage, is stupid.

When you go fishing, if you don't catch a fish after your first cast do you pack up and go home?
excellent analogy, lew. Fucking fishing. GREAT

I forgot who it was being interviewed about this, but there was a good interview about this on NPR (I know, right?) Anyway, the way things went down according to that interview was completely different than the way the libtardz are skewing it.

Can't wait to see them all lose again.
are you talking about the lawyer?
IDK man.. those emails dont look good. Seems the NYT had it right, as crazy as that is..

It's a weak case at best. He was approached with the proposition. . . he didn't "shop" for the information, etc.

Kudos to Trump JR for the total transparency.
trump jr listens to someone speak and people go fucking crazy
The fbi is willing to use tax payer money for a trump dossier and nobody says a damn thing
People act like private meetings for campaign competition is something new.. what about team clinton meeting with Sergey?
you people are fucking idiots
If trump colluded, i want his ass punished. But making shit up(cause there has been some real doosies) and disingenuous outrage, is stupid.

When you go fishing, if you don't catch a fish after your first cast do you pack up and go home?
excellent analogy, lew. Fucking fishing. GREAT

I forgot who it was being interviewed about this, but there was a good interview about this on NPR (I know, right?) Anyway, the way things went down according to that interview was completely different than the way the libtardz are skewing it.

Can't wait to see them all lose again.
are you talking about the lawyer?
IDK man.. those emails dont look good. Seems the NYT had it right, as crazy as that is..

It's a weak case at best. He was approached with the proposition. . . he didn't "shop" for the information, etc.

Kudos to Trump JR for the total transparency.
I agree about the transparency part. It probably is weak. The biggest problem i see is people backing away from not believing in the collusion.
Then again, its possible he did break the law.
Lets assume this was the Obama administration and they were supposed to get damning information from Russia on McCain or Romney. Would you also say that was no big deal? I don't think so.
There are reports he tried, actually.
Why are you giving him a free pass? Why you giving the fbi a free pass?
Ever hear of Fusion GPS?
There are no such reports, you are just a pathetic liar.
Fusion GPS - Wikipedia

Is Fusion GPS an agent of a foreign government? Is it run by foreign nationals?
they hired foreign nationals
It is illegal to get contributions from a foreign government. Trump and friends are in deep trouble
trump jr listens to someone speak and people go fucking crazy
The fbi is willing to use tax payer money for a trump dossier and nobody says a damn thing
People act like private meetings for campaign competition is something new.. what about team clinton meeting with Sergey?
you people are fucking idiots
If trump colluded, i want his ass punished. But making shit up(cause there has been some real doosies) and disingenuous outrage, is stupid.

When you go fishing, if you don't catch a fish after your first cast do you pack up and go home?
excellent analogy, lew. Fucking fishing. GREAT

I forgot who it was being interviewed about this, but there was a good interview about this on NPR (I know, right?) Anyway, the way things went down according to that interview was completely different than the way the libtardz are skewing it.

Can't wait to see them all lose again.
are you talking about the lawyer?
IDK man.. those emails dont look good. Seems the NYT had it right, as crazy as that is..

It's a weak case at best. He was approached with the proposition. . . he didn't "shop" for the information, etc.

Kudos to Trump JR for the total transparency.

I can't applaud him for transparency. If he was being transparent he would have releases this info when the Russian investigation began months ago. Not an hour before the NYT releases it.

Before today there was nothing to investigate. These emails are something.
trump jr listens to someone speak and people go fucking crazy
The fbi is willing to use tax payer money for a trump dossier and nobody says a damn thing
People act like private meetings for campaign competition is something new.. what about team clinton meeting with Sergey?
you people are fucking idiots
If trump colluded, i want his ass punished. But making shit up(cause there has been some real doosies) and disingenuous outrage, is stupid.

When you go fishing, if you don't catch a fish after your first cast do you pack up and go home?
excellent analogy, lew. Fucking fishing. GREAT

I forgot who it was being interviewed about this, but there was a good interview about this on NPR (I know, right?) Anyway, the way things went down according to that interview was completely different than the way the libtardz are skewing it.

Can't wait to see them all lose again.
are you talking about the lawyer?
IDK man.. those emails dont look good. Seems the NYT had it right, as crazy as that is..

It's a weak case at best. He was approached with the proposition. . . he didn't "shop" for the information, etc.

Kudos to Trump JR for the total transparency.
Once he was approached, the answer should have been "NO". Now he is in deep trouble.
When you go fishing, if you don't catch a fish after your first cast do you pack up and go home?
excellent analogy, lew. Fucking fishing. GREAT

I forgot who it was being interviewed about this, but there was a good interview about this on NPR (I know, right?) Anyway, the way things went down according to that interview was completely different than the way the libtardz are skewing it.

Can't wait to see them all lose again.
are you talking about the lawyer?
IDK man.. those emails dont look good. Seems the NYT had it right, as crazy as that is..

It's a weak case at best. He was approached with the proposition. . . he didn't "shop" for the information, etc.

Kudos to Trump JR for the total transparency.
I agree about the transparency part. It probably is weak. The biggest problem i see is people backing away from not believing in the collusion.
Then again, its possible he did break the law.

Collusion by definition is a two way street.

Someone approaching you -unsolicited- with potential damaging info on an opponent is not "collusion"

Hell he may have been "set up" by Hitlary's camp itself.
There are reports he tried, actually.
Why are you giving him a free pass? Why you giving the fbi a free pass?
Ever hear of Fusion GPS?
There are no such reports, you are just a pathetic liar.
Fusion GPS - Wikipedia

Is Fusion GPS an agent of a foreign government? Is it run by foreign nationals?
they hired foreign nationals
It is illegal to get contributions from a foreign government. Trump and friends are in deep trouble
oh so now its the govt :lol:
you are so pathetic
There are no such reports, you are just a pathetic liar.
Fusion GPS - Wikipedia

Is Fusion GPS an agent of a foreign government? Is it run by foreign nationals?
they hired foreign nationals
It is illegal to get contributions from a foreign government. Trump and friends are in deep trouble
oh so now its the govt :lol:
you are so pathetic
Read the law, Homer.
When you go fishing, if you don't catch a fish after your first cast do you pack up and go home?
excellent analogy, lew. Fucking fishing. GREAT

I forgot who it was being interviewed about this, but there was a good interview about this on NPR (I know, right?) Anyway, the way things went down according to that interview was completely different than the way the libtardz are skewing it.

Can't wait to see them all lose again.
are you talking about the lawyer?
IDK man.. those emails dont look good. Seems the NYT had it right, as crazy as that is..

It's a weak case at best. He was approached with the proposition. . . he didn't "shop" for the information, etc.

Kudos to Trump JR for the total transparency.
Once he was approached, the answer should have been "NO". Now he is in deep trouble.

In hindsight, I agree that he should have said no. I also think he might have a case for arguing entrapment.

Is Fusion GPS an agent of a foreign government? Is it run by foreign nationals?
they hired foreign nationals
It is illegal to get contributions from a foreign government. Trump and friends are in deep trouble
oh so now its the govt :lol:
you are so pathetic
Read the law, Homer.
i did it says NATIONAL. Do you know what a foreign national is?
When you go fishing, if you don't catch a fish after your first cast do you pack up and go home?
excellent analogy, lew. Fucking fishing. GREAT

I forgot who it was being interviewed about this, but there was a good interview about this on NPR (I know, right?) Anyway, the way things went down according to that interview was completely different than the way the libtardz are skewing it.

Can't wait to see them all lose again.
are you talking about the lawyer?
IDK man.. those emails dont look good. Seems the NYT had it right, as crazy as that is..

It's a weak case at best. He was approached with the proposition. . . he didn't "shop" for the information, etc.

Kudos to Trump JR for the total transparency.

I can't applaud him for transparency. If he was being transparent he would have releases this info when the Russian investigation began months ago. Not an hour before the NYT releases it.

Before today there was nothing to investigate. These emails are something.

Point made.

No doubt they will be investigated and your right, he should have produced them before now. That said, it's still not collusion to be approached by someone unsolicited.

If anything, it's entrapment.
Last edited:
Foreign governments staying at Trump hotels that he has not divested from does violate the emoluments clause. It's one of the main reasons the Ethics Chief quit.

There are more "nothing to see here" threads...and we know damn good and well that there is plenty to see.
Like all progressives - you literally have no idea what the Emoluments Clause actually is. You people are so desperate to “trump” up a charge against President Trump that you’re just throwing shit at the wall and praying that some of it sticks.

Foreign governments staying at the Trump Hotel doesn’t even remotely approach the Emoluments Clause (you’d realize that if you had a clue of what it actually is rather than just latching on to progressive narratives fed to you and then parroting it).

For starters, President Trump had the hotel before becoming President. Second, those “foreign governments” that do stay at the Trump Hotel are staying there by their choice. They are not forced to stay there by anyone.

Violation of the Emoluments Clause is what Hitlery Clinton did as Secretary of State when she received large payments in exchange for favors from her and her office. That is what the Emoluments Clause outlaws - selling your public office. It doesn’t state you can’t own a private business. You can. You just can’t sell your public office. You can’t accept money in exchange for using your office and subsequent power to provide the “buyer” with what they want.

Group That Tried to Sue Trump Over 'Emoluments' Clause Just Got Booted Out of Court
trump jr listens to someone speak and people go fucking crazy
The fbi is willing to use tax payer money for a trump dossier and nobody says a damn thing
People act like private meetings for campaign competition is something new.. what about team clinton meeting with Sergey?
you people are fucking idiots
If trump colluded, i want his ass punished. But making shit up(cause there has been some real doosies) and disingenuous outrage, is stupid.

I'm just waiting for the investigation to be completed before claiming anything.

Why are people trying to prevent that?
trump jr listens to someone speak and people go fucking crazy
The fbi is willing to use tax payer money for a trump dossier and nobody says a damn thing
People act like private meetings for campaign competition is something new.. what about team clinton meeting with Sergey?
you people are fucking idiots
If trump colluded, i want his ass punished. But making shit up(cause there has been some real doosies) and disingenuous outrage, is stupid.

When you go fishing, if you don't catch a fish after your first cast do you pack up and go home?
excellent analogy, lew. Fucking fishing. GREAT

It is what it is. If your buddy calls you up and says hey man I know this pond full of small mouth bass you should try it out!

You take his advice because you really could benefit from a mess of fish for dinner. And you go to the pond and you don't catch a fish on your first cast, are you packing it up and going home?

So you admit it's a fishing expedition?

trump jr listens to someone speak and people go fucking crazy
The fbi is willing to use tax payer money for a trump dossier and nobody says a damn thing
People act like private meetings for campaign competition is something new.. what about team clinton meeting with Sergey?
you people are fucking idiots
If trump colluded, i want his ass punished. But making shit up(cause there has been some real doosies) and disingenuous outrage, is stupid.

The worst part about the Democratic Party's incredible corruption is that the Press protects them

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