
One forgotten meeting would be unbelievable but this many meetings with this many people?
Meetings taken by someone who is "new to politics" would almost be forgivable but what about Sessions and Pence?
One lie is unforgivable but we're up to hundreds of lies.
Why did Little DonDon change his story about this particular meeting?
If this had been an innocent meeting about adopting poor little Russian orphans, the trump klan would have been crowing about it.
This president never ever misses a chance to tell us how wonderful he is. Same with his spawn.
We know that he kept/stole money meant for a children's charity.

Apparently the word "adoption" translates to "sanctions".

Don Jr admitted to collusion but there's not really a law against that.

And this is only one of many meetings they conveniently forgot, not to mention money and other aspects. Every day, there's more and we haven't even seen the results of Mueller's investigation. Just about the time we'rer thinking they might be getting to thee bottom, more info comes out.
What else will be surfacing in the coming days or weeks. Its mind boggling.
Trump Jr. had a responsibility to report any knowledge of Russian interference in the election to the FBI immediately.

Failure to do so makes him a conspirator.
What interference are you speaking of? It's like talking to shadows.
Offering derogatory information on Clinton, and getting back just what from the Trump administration. Do you understand quid pro quo?
Derogatory information? Oh, you mean truth? What was offered that was damaging? And where/why is that illegal? The Trump pussy grabbing tape was illegal? I don't get it. Step out of the shadows and be specific for once.
Honey, no, you read only what you wanted to. NSS Labs had damaging info on their software, which they hired them to rest!

You also ignored they made retractions in other reports they have made.

Just carry on defending the indefensible. You either have skin in the game or you just don't want to believe the facts, since they are harmful to your side on this.
Maybe because you don't question enough?

New questions over claim Russia hacked the election | Daily Mail Online

Well, if there are supposedly 2 other cyber experts that EXAMINED the servers, who are they?

And why does crowdstrike refuse to testify?

What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google | Zero Hedge

CrowdStrike denied bid to block security report in legal challenge against ''subversive'' NSS Labs | ZDNet
(NSS clients are Goldman Sachs, Intel, Vanguard, Novartis to name a few)

On February 10, CrowdStrike appealed to the Delaware courts to lay down a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction which would block the release of the NSS Labs Advanced Endpoint Protection (AEP) group report, due to be showcased at the RSA 2017 conference in San Francisco this week.

According to court documents, the Delaware court disagreed with CrowdStrike's arguments for the restraining order. CrowdStrike said, among other things, that while a public and private test was performed by NSS Labs in a poor fashion, a "negative report shouted from the stage at the RSA Conference would damage" the firm's reputation, which would result in "irreparable harm."

U.S. cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike has revised and retracted statements it used to buttress claims of Russian hacking during last year’s American presidential election campaign. The shift followed a VOA report that the company misrepresented data published by an influential British think tank.

In December, CrowdStrike said it found evidence that Russians hacked into a Ukrainian artillery app, contributing to heavy losses of howitzers in Ukraine’s war with pro-Russian separatists.

VOA reported Tuesday that the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), which publishes an annual reference estimating the strength of world armed forces, disavowed the CrowdStrike report and said it had never been contacted by the company.
"Something Stinks Here" - CrowdStrike Revises, Retracts Parts Of Explosive Russian Hacking Report » The Hagmann Report


An influential British think tank and Ukraine’s military are disputing a report that the U.S. cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike has used to buttress its claims of Russian hacking in the presidential election.

But the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) told VOA that CrowdStrike erroneously used IISS data as proof of the intrusion. IISS disavowed any connection to the CrowdStrike report. Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense also has claimed combat losses and hacking never happened.
Think Tank: Cyber Firm at Center of Russian Hacking Charges Misread Data

We don't even have confirmation any foreign agents did it to the dnc or the Hill. Only the word of a company that has been found in the past , I might add, to give erroneous info, and happens to be a friend of the left. Now, you want it cleared up? Demand they turn over their server to independent forensic analysts that doesn't have skin in the game.
And I notice not one question from you regarding to the 2 I mentioned. Why? Because what they did doesn't bother you.
Sounds like Obama's and Hillary's campaign. Did you ever take notice then? Naw. They aren't associated with the GOP.

Did a foreign country hack Trump and release negative information about him or spread fake news stories on a daily basis?

Hmm odd I've never once heard anyone say that Crowdstrike has been proven erroneous or that they have ties to the left. I'd like to see proof of that because last I read, there were two outside independent companies that saw the evidence and confirmed Crowdstrikes' conclusion.

So in one post Crowdstrike didn't want information about testing on a product being developed divulged publicly because it might hurt their reputation? Yeah that's understandable. What company would. It's in development, it's not a finished product.

The other reports? So a foreign government doesn't want it to be known to the world that hack on them made them vulnerable and the information to be used to prove hacks on the U.S.... I could see why they would want to deny that.
Trump Jr. had a responsibility to report any knowledge of Russian interference in the election to the FBI immediately.

Failure to do so makes him a conspirator.
What interference are you speaking of? It's like talking to shadows.
Offering derogatory information on Clinton, and getting back just what from the Trump administration. Do you understand quid pro quo?
Derogatory information? Oh, you mean truth? What was offered that was damaging? And where/why is that illegal? The Trump pussy grabbing tape was illegal? I don't get it. Step out of the shadows and be specific for once.
Lets let the law and the prosecutor take its course. It will be fascinating.
But the lawyer had a Russian sounding name, that must mean something.
According to the latest update, Trump Jr. knew exactly what this meeting was to have been about. There was no surprise
the latest update where the lawyer herself says the whole thing is a bunch of bullshit?
Being summoned to a meeting with representatives of Russia to get information on a political opponent, is a bunch of BS?
Prove that she is a "rep of russia"... she has denied it.
But you will "wait on special prosecutor" LMAO

Yes, we will wait for the investigation to conclude. Sit back, it's going to take a while...there's a lot to look into.

Lawyer Who Met With Trump Jr. Has Ties To Russian Government

Veselnitskaya has a history of advocating for the Russian government. Her clients include "state-owned businesses and a senior government official's son," reports the New York Times.

She also was married to a former deputy transportation minister in the Moscow region.

Veselnitskaya is a Russian lawyer, who, like many involved in the Trump and Russia saga, isn't directly employed by the Russian government but has a number of deeper government ties. The Russian government often operates by using not only its own employees but those with informal or personal relationships to its key leaders.

In the U.S., Veselnitskaya is best known for fighting to repeal sanctions against Russia signed by President Barack Obama in 2012. The law, called the Magnitsky Act, freezes the assets of and denies visas to Russian citizens it says were using the U.S. market to launder money they gained through fraud. As of January, 44 people were subject to the sanctions.

The sanctions spurred a response from the Kremlin that included a similar blacklist in Russia — and also included a provision that bars Americans from adopting Russian children.

Veselnitskaya has worked to fight the law in Washington, but also to discredit the law's namesake, Sergei Magnitsky, who uncovered an alleged $230 million Russian corruption scandal.
Thats where you guys came up with this bullshit? :rofl:
the latest update where the lawyer herself says the whole thing is a bunch of bullshit?
Being summoned to a meeting with representatives of Russia to get information on a political opponent, is a bunch of BS?
Prove that she is a "rep of russia"... she has denied it.
But you will "wait on special prosecutor" LMAO
The meeting was specifically set up that a Russian had information on Hillary Clinton. Now make your own assumptions.
The fucking lawyer is saying its bullshit. Link it up

And a Russian lawyer with deep ties to the Russian government would never lie, right?
the latest update where the lawyer herself says the whole thing is a bunch of bullshit?
Being summoned to a meeting with representatives of Russia to get information on a political opponent, is a bunch of BS?
Prove that she is a "rep of russia"... she has denied it.
But you will "wait on special prosecutor" LMAO
The meeting was specifically set up that a Russian had information on Hillary Clinton. Now make your own assumptions.
The fucking lawyer is saying its bullshit. Link it up

And a Russian lawyer with deep ties to the Russian government would never lie, right?
Deep ties? Lol
the latest update where the lawyer herself says the whole thing is a bunch of bullshit?
Being summoned to a meeting with representatives of Russia to get information on a political opponent, is a bunch of BS?
Prove that she is a "rep of russia"... she has denied it.
But you will "wait on special prosecutor" LMAO
The meeting was specifically set up that a Russian had information on Hillary Clinton. Now make your own assumptions.
The fucking lawyer is saying its bullshit. Link it up
What else is a Russian supposed to say? The point is that Trump Jr. went to that meeting, expecting the Russians to furnish
info on Clinton.
so much for that special prosecutor. Right liar?
According to the latest update, Trump Jr. knew exactly what this meeting was to have been about. There was no surprise
the latest update where the lawyer herself says the whole thing is a bunch of bullshit?
Being summoned to a meeting with representatives of Russia to get information on a political opponent, is a bunch of BS?
Prove that she is a "rep of russia"... she has denied it.
But you will "wait on special prosecutor" LMAO

Yes, we will wait for the investigation to conclude. Sit back, it's going to take a while...there's a lot to look into.

Lawyer Who Met With Trump Jr. Has Ties To Russian Government

Veselnitskaya has a history of advocating for the Russian government. Her clients include "state-owned businesses and a senior government official's son," reports the New York Times.

She also was married to a former deputy transportation minister in the Moscow region.

Veselnitskaya is a Russian lawyer, who, like many involved in the Trump and Russia saga, isn't directly employed by the Russian government but has a number of deeper government ties. The Russian government often operates by using not only its own employees but those with informal or personal relationships to its key leaders.

In the U.S., Veselnitskaya is best known for fighting to repeal sanctions against Russia signed by President Barack Obama in 2012. The law, called the Magnitsky Act, freezes the assets of and denies visas to Russian citizens it says were using the U.S. market to launder money they gained through fraud. As of January, 44 people were subject to the sanctions.

The sanctions spurred a response from the Kremlin that included a similar blacklist in Russia — and also included a provision that bars Americans from adopting Russian children.

Veselnitskaya has worked to fight the law in Washington, but also to discredit the law's namesake, Sergei Magnitsky, who uncovered an alleged $230 million Russian corruption scandal.
Thats where you guys came up with this bullshit? :rofl:
Being summoned to a meeting with representatives of Russia to get information on a political opponent, is a bunch of BS?
Prove that she is a "rep of russia"... she has denied it.
But you will "wait on special prosecutor" LMAO
The meeting was specifically set up that a Russian had information on Hillary Clinton. Now make your own assumptions.
The fucking lawyer is saying its bullshit. Link it up

And a Russian lawyer with deep ties to the Russian government would never lie, right?
Being summoned to a meeting with representatives of Russia to get information on a political opponent, is a bunch of BS?
Prove that she is a "rep of russia"... she has denied it.
But you will "wait on special prosecutor" LMAO
The meeting was specifically set up that a Russian had information on Hillary Clinton. Now make your own assumptions.
The fucking lawyer is saying its bullshit. Link it up

And a Russian lawyer with deep ties to the Russian government would never lie, right?
Deep ties? Lol
Lets assume this was the Obama administration and they were supposed to get damning information from Russia on McCain or Romney. Would you also say that was no big deal? I don't think so.
Being summoned to a meeting with representatives of Russia to get information on a political opponent, is a bunch of BS?
Prove that she is a "rep of russia"... she has denied it.
But you will "wait on special prosecutor" LMAO
The meeting was specifically set up that a Russian had information on Hillary Clinton. Now make your own assumptions.
The fucking lawyer is saying its bullshit. Link it up
What else is a Russian supposed to say? The point is that Trump Jr. went to that meeting, expecting the Russians to furnish
info on Clinton.
so much for that special prosecutor. Right liar?
Why am I a liar, fruit loop?
Trump Jr. had a responsibility to report any knowledge of Russian interference in the election to the FBI immediately.

Failure to do so makes him a conspirator.
What interference are you speaking of? It's like talking to shadows.
Offering derogatory information on Clinton, and getting back just what from the Trump administration. Do you understand quid pro quo?
Derogatory information? Oh, you mean truth? What was offered that was damaging? And where/why is that illegal? The Trump pussy grabbing tape was illegal? I don't get it. Step out of the shadows and be specific for once.
Lets let the law and the prosecutor take its course. It will be fascinating.
Of course, let's give Trump a fair trial then string him up.
I read it. They agreed to pay some expenses he had incurred-

An official familiar with the discussions said the FBI didn't hire Steele as an informant, but that the arrangement instead allowed for expenses to be paid. It couldn't be learned how much he was paid and for how long.
FBI reimbursed some expenses of dossier author -

How do you prove that what they talked about contributed?
He didnt break that law.
It woudl seem the FBI would be closer to breaking that law than JR. Dont we have proof the FBI tried to buy the dossier from an Englishman?

No we don't have proof the FBI tried to buy it from an Englishman. The dossier was paid for by a Republican donor, and it was given to the FBI.

Trump Jr. didn't report the communication when it first occurred, and then he lied about it on his security clearance form. He most certainly broke the law as far as that is concerned.
FBI made deal with ex-spy Christopher Steele for Trump dossier

They weren't paying for the dossier. They already had it. They wanted to pay him to continue getting information from him.

Did you actually read the article or just read the headline and cut and paste it?
Trump Jr. had a responsibility to report any knowledge of Russian interference in the election to the FBI immediately.

Failure to do so makes him a conspirator.
What interference are you speaking of? It's like talking to shadows.
Offering derogatory information on Clinton, and getting back just what from the Trump administration. Do you understand quid pro quo?
Derogatory information? Oh, you mean truth? What was offered that was damaging? And where/why is that illegal? The Trump pussy grabbing tape was illegal? I don't get it. Step out of the shadows and be specific for once.
Lets let the law and the prosecutor take its course. It will be fascinating.
Of course, let's give Trump a fair trial then string him up.
Personally, I am only offering my opinion, but where there is smoke there is fire. Surely you would also be as casual about a foreign governments actions in out election had it been the Obama administration.
trump jr listens to someone speak and people go fucking crazy
The fbi is willing to use tax payer money for a trump dossier and nobody says a damn thing
People act like private meetings for campaign competition is something new.. what about team clinton meeting with Sergey?
you people are fucking idiots
If trump colluded, i want his ass punished. But making shit up(cause there has been some real doosies) and disingenuous outrage, is stupid.

When you go fishing, if you don't catch a fish after your first cast do you pack up and go home?
All the right wing has is Red Herrings.
According to the latest update, Trump Jr. knew exactly what this meeting was to have been about. There was no surprise
the latest update where the lawyer herself says the whole thing is a bunch of bullshit?
Being summoned to a meeting with representatives of Russia to get information on a political opponent, is a bunch of BS?
Prove that she is a "rep of russia"... she has denied it.
But you will "wait on special prosecutor" LMAO

Yes, we will wait for the investigation to conclude. Sit back, it's going to take a while...there's a lot to look into.

Lawyer Who Met With Trump Jr. Has Ties To Russian Government

Veselnitskaya has a history of advocating for the Russian government. Her clients include "state-owned businesses and a senior government official's son," reports the New York Times.

She also was married to a former deputy transportation minister in the Moscow region.

Veselnitskaya is a Russian lawyer, who, like many involved in the Trump and Russia saga, isn't directly employed by the Russian government but has a number of deeper government ties. The Russian government often operates by using not only its own employees but those with informal or personal relationships to its key leaders.

In the U.S., Veselnitskaya is best known for fighting to repeal sanctions against Russia signed by President Barack Obama in 2012. The law, called the Magnitsky Act, freezes the assets of and denies visas to Russian citizens it says were using the U.S. market to launder money they gained through fraud. As of January, 44 people were subject to the sanctions.

The sanctions spurred a response from the Kremlin that included a similar blacklist in Russia — and also included a provision that bars Americans from adopting Russian children.

Veselnitskaya has worked to fight the law in Washington, but also to discredit the law's namesake, Sergei Magnitsky, who uncovered an alleged $230 million Russian corruption scandal.
Thats where you guys came up with this bullshit? :rofl:
Being summoned to a meeting with representatives of Russia to get information on a political opponent, is a bunch of BS?
Prove that she is a "rep of russia"... she has denied it.
But you will "wait on special prosecutor" LMAO
The meeting was specifically set up that a Russian had information on Hillary Clinton. Now make your own assumptions.
The fucking lawyer is saying its bullshit. Link it up

And a Russian lawyer with deep ties to the Russian government would never lie, right?
Being summoned to a meeting with representatives of Russia to get information on a political opponent, is a bunch of BS?
Prove that she is a "rep of russia"... she has denied it.
But you will "wait on special prosecutor" LMAO
The meeting was specifically set up that a Russian had information on Hillary Clinton. Now make your own assumptions.
The fucking lawyer is saying its bullshit. Link it up

And a Russian lawyer with deep ties to the Russian government would never lie, right?
Deep ties? Lol

Veselnitskaya has a history of advocating for the Russian government. Her clients include "state-owned businesses and a senior government official's son," reports the New York Times.

She also was married to a former deputy transportation minister in the Moscow region.
Sounds like Obama's and Hillary's campaign. Did you ever take notice then? Naw. They aren't associated with the GOP.
cite the law please. Cause you retards also say a foreign govt staying in a trump hotel breaks the emoluments clause...
But this was in regards to the ELECTION. ALL this is about the ELECTION.
I didnt list any "doosies." Listed above was for POV. Im, not blasting what they did, im blasting how you partisan assholes ignore it when a certain side does it.
Do i really need to list all the fake news about trump/russia/election? AGAIN? There are 150K threads.

11 CFR 110.20 - Prohibition on contributions, donations, expenditures, independent expenditures, and disbursements by foreign nationals (52 U.S.C. 30121, 36 U.S.C. 510).

Did a foreign country hack Trump and release negative information about him or spread fake news stories on a daily basis?

No one did that to Hillary either

Um, yes, yes someone did...that someone was Vladimir Putin.

Key Judgments

Russian efforts to influence the 2016 US presidential election represent the most recent expression of Moscow’s longstanding desire to undermine the US-led liberal democratic order, but these activities demonstrated a significant escalation in directness, level of activity, and scope of effort compared to previous operations. We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election. Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump. We have high confidence in these judgments.

 We also assess Putin and the Russian Government aspired to help President-elect Trump’s election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him. All three agencies agree with this judgment. CIA and FBI have high confidence in this judgment; NSA has moderate confidence.
 Moscow’s approach evolved over the course of the campaign based on Russia’s understanding of the electoral prospects of the two main candidates. When it appeared to Moscow that Secretary Clinton was likely to win the election, the Russian influence campaign began to focus more on undermining her future presidency.
 Further information has come to light since Election Day that, when combined with Russian behavior since early November 2016, increases our confidence in our assessments of Russian motivations and goals. Moscow’s influence campaign followed a Russian messaging strategy that blends covert intelligence operations—such as cyber activity—with overt efforts by Russian Government agencies, state-funded media, third-party intermediaries, and paid social media users or “trolls.”​

Russia, like its Soviet predecessor, has a history of conducting covert influence campaigns focused on US presidential elections that have used intelligence officers and agents and press placements to disparage candidates perceived as hostile to the Kremlin.

 Russia’s intelligence services conducted cyber operations against targets associated with the 2016 US presidential election, including targets associated with both major US political parties.
 We assess with high confidence that Russian military intelligence (General Staff Main Intelligence Directorate or GRU) used the Guccifer 2.0 persona and to release US victim data obtained in cyber operations publicly and in exclusives to media outlets and relayed material to WikiLeaks.
 Russian intelligence obtained and maintained access to elements of multiple US state or local electoral boards. DHS assesses that the types of systems Russian actors targeted or compromised were not involved in vote tallying.
 Russia’s state-run propaganda machine contributed to the influence campaign by serving as a platform for Kremlin messaging to Russian and international audiences. We assess Moscow will apply lessons learned from its Putin-ordered campaign aimed at the US presidential election to future influence efforts worldwide, including against US allies and their election processes.​

1) There is no allegation that Hillary was hacked.
2) There is no fake news that was leaked from any alleged hack. (in fact, the allegation of a hack directly implies that its 100% accurate)
3) nothing occurred daily

I'd like to see this email and know why jr and others lied about the meeting.

No reason reason to conclude collusion
the latest update where the lawyer herself says the whole thing is a bunch of bullshit?
Being summoned to a meeting with representatives of Russia to get information on a political opponent, is a bunch of BS?
Prove that she is a "rep of russia"... she has denied it.
But you will "wait on special prosecutor" LMAO

Yes, we will wait for the investigation to conclude. Sit back, it's going to take a while...there's a lot to look into.

Lawyer Who Met With Trump Jr. Has Ties To Russian Government

Veselnitskaya has a history of advocating for the Russian government. Her clients include "state-owned businesses and a senior government official's son," reports the New York Times.

She also was married to a former deputy transportation minister in the Moscow region.

Veselnitskaya is a Russian lawyer, who, like many involved in the Trump and Russia saga, isn't directly employed by the Russian government but has a number of deeper government ties. The Russian government often operates by using not only its own employees but those with informal or personal relationships to its key leaders.

In the U.S., Veselnitskaya is best known for fighting to repeal sanctions against Russia signed by President Barack Obama in 2012. The law, called the Magnitsky Act, freezes the assets of and denies visas to Russian citizens it says were using the U.S. market to launder money they gained through fraud. As of January, 44 people were subject to the sanctions.

The sanctions spurred a response from the Kremlin that included a similar blacklist in Russia — and also included a provision that bars Americans from adopting Russian children.

Veselnitskaya has worked to fight the law in Washington, but also to discredit the law's namesake, Sergei Magnitsky, who uncovered an alleged $230 million Russian corruption scandal.
Thats where you guys came up with this bullshit? :rofl:
Prove that she is a "rep of russia"... she has denied it.
But you will "wait on special prosecutor" LMAO
The meeting was specifically set up that a Russian had information on Hillary Clinton. Now make your own assumptions.
The fucking lawyer is saying its bullshit. Link it up

And a Russian lawyer with deep ties to the Russian government would never lie, right?
Prove that she is a "rep of russia"... she has denied it.
But you will "wait on special prosecutor" LMAO
The meeting was specifically set up that a Russian had information on Hillary Clinton. Now make your own assumptions.
The fucking lawyer is saying its bullshit. Link it up

And a Russian lawyer with deep ties to the Russian government would never lie, right?
Deep ties? Lol
Lets assume this was the Obama administration and they were supposed to get damning information from Russia on McCain or Romney. Would you also say that was no big deal? I don't think so.
There are reports he tried, actually.
Why are you giving him a free pass? Why you giving the fbi a free pass?
Ever hear of Fusion GPS?
Being summoned to a meeting with representatives of Russia to get information on a political opponent, is a bunch of BS?
Prove that she is a "rep of russia"... she has denied it.
But you will "wait on special prosecutor" LMAO

Yes, we will wait for the investigation to conclude. Sit back, it's going to take a while...there's a lot to look into.

Lawyer Who Met With Trump Jr. Has Ties To Russian Government

Veselnitskaya has a history of advocating for the Russian government. Her clients include "state-owned businesses and a senior government official's son," reports the New York Times.

She also was married to a former deputy transportation minister in the Moscow region.

Veselnitskaya is a Russian lawyer, who, like many involved in the Trump and Russia saga, isn't directly employed by the Russian government but has a number of deeper government ties. The Russian government often operates by using not only its own employees but those with informal or personal relationships to its key leaders.

In the U.S., Veselnitskaya is best known for fighting to repeal sanctions against Russia signed by President Barack Obama in 2012. The law, called the Magnitsky Act, freezes the assets of and denies visas to Russian citizens it says were using the U.S. market to launder money they gained through fraud. As of January, 44 people were subject to the sanctions.

The sanctions spurred a response from the Kremlin that included a similar blacklist in Russia — and also included a provision that bars Americans from adopting Russian children.

Veselnitskaya has worked to fight the law in Washington, but also to discredit the law's namesake, Sergei Magnitsky, who uncovered an alleged $230 million Russian corruption scandal.
Thats where you guys came up with this bullshit? :rofl:
The meeting was specifically set up that a Russian had information on Hillary Clinton. Now make your own assumptions.
The fucking lawyer is saying its bullshit. Link it up

And a Russian lawyer with deep ties to the Russian government would never lie, right?
The meeting was specifically set up that a Russian had information on Hillary Clinton. Now make your own assumptions.
The fucking lawyer is saying its bullshit. Link it up

And a Russian lawyer with deep ties to the Russian government would never lie, right?
Deep ties? Lol
Lets assume this was the Obama administration and they were supposed to get damning information from Russia on McCain or Romney. Would you also say that was no big deal? I don't think so.
There are reports he tried, actually.
Why are you giving him a free pass? Why you giving the fbi a free pass?
Ever hear of Fusion GPS?
There are no such reports, you are just a pathetic liar.
What interference are you speaking of? It's like talking to shadows.
Offering derogatory information on Clinton, and getting back just what from the Trump administration. Do you understand quid pro quo?
Derogatory information? Oh, you mean truth? What was offered that was damaging? And where/why is that illegal? The Trump pussy grabbing tape was illegal? I don't get it. Step out of the shadows and be specific for once.
Lets let the law and the prosecutor take its course. It will be fascinating.
Of course, let's give Trump a fair trial then string him up.
Personally, I am only offering my opinion, but where there is smoke there is fire. Surely you would also be as casual about a foreign governments actions in out election had it been the Obama administration.
Unlike yourself I would question the sightings of smoke if I can't see or smell any. Imaginary smoke means imaginary fires. BTW we know foreign governments WERE deeply involved with the Obama administration. Ever heard of The Clinton Foundation?
Offering derogatory information on Clinton, and getting back just what from the Trump administration. Do you understand quid pro quo?
Derogatory information? Oh, you mean truth? What was offered that was damaging? And where/why is that illegal? The Trump pussy grabbing tape was illegal? I don't get it. Step out of the shadows and be specific for once.
Lets let the law and the prosecutor take its course. It will be fascinating.
Of course, let's give Trump a fair trial then string him up.
Personally, I am only offering my opinion, but where there is smoke there is fire. Surely you would also be as casual about a foreign governments actions in out election had it been the Obama administration.
Unlike yourself I would question the sightings of smoke if I can't see or smell any. Imaginary smoke means imaginary fires. BTW we know foreign governments WERE deeply involved with the Obama administration. Ever heard of The Clinton Foundation?
There we no foreign governments involved with the Obama administration in any way attempting to influence an election. You must do better than that bullshyte.
Derogatory information? Oh, you mean truth? What was offered that was damaging? And where/why is that illegal? The Trump pussy grabbing tape was illegal? I don't get it. Step out of the shadows and be specific for once.
Lets let the law and the prosecutor take its course. It will be fascinating.
Of course, let's give Trump a fair trial then string him up.
Personally, I am only offering my opinion, but where there is smoke there is fire. Surely you would also be as casual about a foreign governments actions in out election had it been the Obama administration.
Unlike yourself I would question the sightings of smoke if I can't see or smell any. Imaginary smoke means imaginary fires. BTW we know foreign governments WERE deeply involved with the Obama administration. Ever heard of The Clinton Foundation?
There we no foreign governments involved with the Obama administration in any way attempting to influence an election. You must do better than that bullshyte.
Don't need to. The Clinton Foundation was bullshit. You can polish it all you want but it's still a turd.

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