
MOSCOW — The Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr. during the presidential campaign denied in an exclusive interview with NBC News that she had any connection to the Kremlin and insists she met with President Donald Trump’s son to press her client’s interest in the Magnitsky Act — not to hand over information about Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

“I never had any damaging or sensitive information about Hillary Clinton. It was never my intention to have that,” Natalia Veselnitskaya said.
“It is quite possible that maybe they were longing for such an information. They wanted it so badly that they could only hear the thought that they wanted.”

:dunno: guess they better make that email public :lol:
trump jr listens to someone speak and people go fucking crazy
The fbi is willing to use tax payer money for a trump dossier and nobody says a damn thing
People act like private meetings for campaign competition is something new.. what about team clinton meeting with Sergey?
you people are fucking idiots
If trump colluded, i want his ass punished. But making shit up(cause there has been some real doosies) and disingenuous outrage, is stupid.

When you go fishing, if you don't catch a fish after your first cast do you pack up and go home?

No but if I continue to fish for 6 months, swearing any minute now I am getting the big one...while catching minnows the whole time - then I would be an idiot
Just how do you know what is the status of this investigation?
cite the law please. Cause you retards also say a foreign govt staying in a trump hotel breaks the emoluments clause...
But this was in regards to the ELECTION. ALL this is about the ELECTION.
I didnt list any "doosies." Listed above was for POV. Im, not blasting what they did, im blasting how you partisan assholes ignore it when a certain side does it.
Do i really need to list all the fake news about trump/russia/election? AGAIN? There are 150K threads.

11 CFR 110.20 (g)

Foreign governments staying at Trump hotels that he has not divested from does violate the emoluments clause. It's one of the main reasons the Ethics Chief quit.

There are more "nothing to see here" threads...and we know damn good and well that there is plenty to see.
how does section g apply to the trump hotel?
Solicitation, acceptance, or receipt of contributions and donations from foreign nationals. No person shall knowingly solicit, accept, or receive from a foreign national any contribution or donation prohibited by paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section.
(b)Contributions and donations by foreign nationals in connection with elections. A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value, or expressly or impliedly promise to make a contribution or a donation, in connection with any Federal, State, or local election.

(c)Contributions and donations by foreign nationals to political committees and organizations of political parties. A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or donation to:

(1) A political committee of a political party, including a national party committee, a national congressional campaign committee, or a State, district, or local party committee, including a non-Federal account of a State, district, or local party committee, or

(2) An organization of a political party whether or not the organization is a political committee under 11 CFR 100.5.

(d)Contributions and donations by foreign nationals for office buildings. A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party for the purchase or construction of an office building. See11 CFR 300.10 and300.35.

Still waiting on the law JR broke

That's not the Emoluments Clause. That's the law against collusion with foreign governments.
How do you prove that what they talked about contributed?
He didnt break that law.
It woudl seem the FBI would be closer to breaking that law than JR. Dont we have proof the FBI tried to buy the dossier from an Englishman?

No we don't have proof the FBI tried to buy it from an Englishman. The dossier was paid for by a Republican donor, and it was given to the FBI.

Trump Jr. didn't report the communication when it first occurred, and then he lied about it on his security clearance form. He most certainly broke the law as far as that is concerned.
FBI made deal with ex-spy Christopher Steele for Trump dossier
trump jr listens to someone speak and people go fucking crazy
The fbi is willing to use tax payer money for a trump dossier and nobody says a damn thing
People act like private meetings for campaign competition is something new.. what about team clinton meeting with Sergey?
you people are fucking idiots
If trump colluded, i want his ass punished. But making shit up(cause there has been some real doosies) and disingenuous outrage, is stupid.

When you go fishing, if you don't catch a fish after your first cast do you pack up and go home?
excellent analogy, lew. Fucking fishing. GREAT
You have no idea just what evidence the special prosecutor has against trump and his cronies.
I do. They don't have jack shit or it would have been leaked long ago.

The point is you leftists have nothing and pretend Trump has to prove his innocence and that day will never come because accusations are easy to make. That's why we as a democracy value innocence until proven guilty.

So that leads to the bigger issue. You leftists are not a friend to the United States. You are the enemy within. You oppose everything this great nation stands for, including the election process.
cite the law please. Cause you retards also say a foreign govt staying in a trump hotel breaks the emoluments clause...
But this was in regards to the ELECTION. ALL this is about the ELECTION.
I didnt list any "doosies." Listed above was for POV. Im, not blasting what they did, im blasting how you partisan assholes ignore it when a certain side does it.
Do i really need to list all the fake news about trump/russia/election? AGAIN? There are 150K threads.

11 CFR 110.20 (g)

Foreign governments staying at Trump hotels that he has not divested from does violate the emoluments clause. It's one of the main reasons the Ethics Chief quit.

There are more "nothing to see here" threads...and we know damn good and well that there is plenty to see.
how does section g apply to the trump hotel?
Solicitation, acceptance, or receipt of contributions and donations from foreign nationals. No person shall knowingly solicit, accept, or receive from a foreign national any contribution or donation prohibited by paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section.
(b)Contributions and donations by foreign nationals in connection with elections. A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value, or expressly or impliedly promise to make a contribution or a donation, in connection with any Federal, State, or local election.

(c)Contributions and donations by foreign nationals to political committees and organizations of political parties. A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or donation to:

(1) A political committee of a political party, including a national party committee, a national congressional campaign committee, or a State, district, or local party committee, including a non-Federal account of a State, district, or local party committee, or

(2) An organization of a political party whether or not the organization is a political committee under 11 CFR 100.5.

(d)Contributions and donations by foreign nationals for office buildings. A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party for the purchase or construction of an office building. See11 CFR 300.10 and300.35.

Still waiting on the law JR broke

That's not the Emoluments Clause. That's the law against collusion with foreign governments.
How do you prove that what they talked about contributed?
He didnt break that law.
It woudl seem the FBI would be closer to breaking that law than JR. Dont we have proof the FBI tried to buy the dossier from an Englishman?

No we don't have proof the FBI tried to buy it from an Englishman. The dossier was paid for by a Republican donor, and it was given to the FBI.

Trump Jr. didn't report the communication when it first occurred, and then he lied about it on his security clearance form. He most certainly broke the law as far as that is concerned.
report communication to a russian citizen?
trump jr listens to someone speak and people go fucking crazy
The fbi is willing to use tax payer money for a trump dossier and nobody says a damn thing
People act like private meetings for campaign competition is something new.. what about team clinton meeting with Sergey?
you people are fucking idiots
If trump colluded, i want his ass punished. But making shit up(cause there has been some real doosies) and disingenuous outrage, is stupid.

When you go fishing, if you don't catch a fish after your first cast do you pack up and go home?
excellent analogy, lew. Fucking fishing. GREAT
You have no idea just what evidence the special prosecutor has against trump and his cronies.
neither do you. but you assholes act like you personally saw trump sticking his cheetoh pecker in putins mouth
Unlike you and your kind, I am waiting for the special prosecutor to hand down his indictments. I don't spend every phyucking day posting that there is no evidence again Trump.

No you just assume there will be indictments and pretend there is evidence that doesn't exist
trump jr listens to someone speak and people go fucking crazy
The fbi is willing to use tax payer money for a trump dossier and nobody says a damn thing
People act like private meetings for campaign competition is something new.. what about team clinton meeting with Sergey?
you people are fucking idiots
If trump colluded, i want his ass punished. But making shit up(cause there has been some real doosies) and disingenuous outrage, is stupid.

When you go fishing, if you don't catch a fish after your first cast do you pack up and go home?

No but if I continue to fish for 6 months, swearing any minute now I am getting the big one...while catching minnows the whole time - then I would be an idiot
Just how do you know what is the status of this investigation?
It will be ongoing as long as a democrat senator is alive.
Sounds like Obama's and Hillary's campaign. Did you ever take notice then? Naw. They aren't associated with the GOP.
trump jr listens to someone speak and people go fucking crazy
The fbi is willing to use tax payer money for a trump dossier and nobody says a damn thing
People act like private meetings for campaign competition is something new.. what about team clinton meeting with Sergey?
you people are fucking idiots
If trump colluded, i want his ass punished. But making shit up(cause there has been some real doosies) and disingenuous outrage, is stupid.

Trump Jr may have broken campaign finance laws and it certainly looks collusioney.

The FBI pays for foreign intelligence all the time. FBI once planned to pay former British spy who authored controversial Trump dossier

Steele was familiar to the FBI, in part because the bureau had previously hired him to help a U.S. inquiry into alleged corruption in the world soccer organization FIFA. The FBI sometimes pays informants, sources and outside investigators to assist in its work. Steele was known for the quality of his past work and for the knowledge he had developed over nearly 20 years working on Russia-related issues for British intelligence. The Washington Post was not able to determine how much the FBI intended to pay Steele had their relationship remained intact.
You say "there have been some doosies", but what you listed were not "doosies. Try listing some.
cite the law please. Cause you retards also say a foreign govt staying in a trump hotel breaks the emoluments clause...
But this was in regards to the ELECTION. ALL this is about the ELECTION.
I didnt list any "doosies." Listed above was for POV. Im, not blasting what they did, im blasting how you partisan assholes ignore it when a certain side does it.
Do i really need to list all the fake news about trump/russia/election? AGAIN? There are 150K threads.

11 CFR 110.20 - Prohibition on contributions, donations, expenditures, independent expenditures, and disbursements by foreign nationals (52 U.S.C. 30121, 36 U.S.C. 510).

Did a foreign country hack Trump and release negative information about him or spread fake news stories on a daily basis?

No one did that to Hillary either
Sounds like Obama's and Hillary's campaign. Did you ever take notice then? Naw. They aren't associated with the GOP.
trump jr listens to someone speak and people go fucking crazy
The fbi is willing to use tax payer money for a trump dossier and nobody says a damn thing
People act like private meetings for campaign competition is something new.. what about team clinton meeting with Sergey?
you people are fucking idiots
If trump colluded, i want his ass punished. But making shit up(cause there has been some real doosies) and disingenuous outrage, is stupid.

Trump Jr may have broken campaign finance laws and it certainly looks collusioney.

The FBI pays for foreign intelligence all the time. FBI once planned to pay former British spy who authored controversial Trump dossier

Steele was familiar to the FBI, in part because the bureau had previously hired him to help a U.S. inquiry into alleged corruption in the world soccer organization FIFA. The FBI sometimes pays informants, sources and outside investigators to assist in its work. Steele was known for the quality of his past work and for the knowledge he had developed over nearly 20 years working on Russia-related issues for British intelligence. The Washington Post was not able to determine how much the FBI intended to pay Steele had their relationship remained intact.
You say "there have been some doosies", but what you listed were not "doosies. Try listing some.
cite the law please. Cause you retards also say a foreign govt staying in a trump hotel breaks the emoluments clause...
But this was in regards to the ELECTION. ALL this is about the ELECTION.
I didnt list any "doosies." Listed above was for POV. Im, not blasting what they did, im blasting how you partisan assholes ignore it when a certain side does it.
Do i really need to list all the fake news about trump/russia/election? AGAIN? There are 150K threads.

11 CFR 110.20 - Prohibition on contributions, donations, expenditures, independent expenditures, and disbursements by foreign nationals (52 U.S.C. 30121, 36 U.S.C. 510).

Did a foreign country hack Trump and release negative information about him or spread fake news stories on a daily basis?
What fake news? Negative information? LOL, oh you mean the democrat corruption, media collusion and all that mess! So the fault is who spilled the beans? But we already knew what scumbags they are, didn't need a memo for that!
11 CFR 110.20 (g)

Foreign governments staying at Trump hotels that he has not divested from does violate the emoluments clause. It's one of the main reasons the Ethics Chief quit.

There are more "nothing to see here" threads...and we know damn good and well that there is plenty to see.
how does section g apply to the trump hotel?
Solicitation, acceptance, or receipt of contributions and donations from foreign nationals. No person shall knowingly solicit, accept, or receive from a foreign national any contribution or donation prohibited by paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section.
(b)Contributions and donations by foreign nationals in connection with elections. A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value, or expressly or impliedly promise to make a contribution or a donation, in connection with any Federal, State, or local election.

(c)Contributions and donations by foreign nationals to political committees and organizations of political parties. A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or donation to:

(1) A political committee of a political party, including a national party committee, a national congressional campaign committee, or a State, district, or local party committee, including a non-Federal account of a State, district, or local party committee, or

(2) An organization of a political party whether or not the organization is a political committee under 11 CFR 100.5.

(d)Contributions and donations by foreign nationals for office buildings. A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party for the purchase or construction of an office building. See11 CFR 300.10 and300.35.

Still waiting on the law JR broke

That's not the Emoluments Clause. That's the law against collusion with foreign governments.
How do you prove that what they talked about contributed?
He didnt break that law.
It woudl seem the FBI would be closer to breaking that law than JR. Dont we have proof the FBI tried to buy the dossier from an Englishman?

No we don't have proof the FBI tried to buy it from an Englishman. The dossier was paid for by a Republican donor, and it was given to the FBI.

Trump Jr. didn't report the communication when it first occurred, and then he lied about it on his security clearance form. He most certainly broke the law as far as that is concerned.
FBI made deal with ex-spy Christopher Steele for Trump dossier
trump jr listens to someone speak and people go fucking crazy
The fbi is willing to use tax payer money for a trump dossier and nobody says a damn thing
People act like private meetings for campaign competition is something new.. what about team clinton meeting with Sergey?
you people are fucking idiots
If trump colluded, i want his ass punished. But making shit up(cause there has been some real doosies) and disingenuous outrage, is stupid.

When you go fishing, if you don't catch a fish after your first cast do you pack up and go home?
excellent analogy, lew. Fucking fishing. GREAT
You have no idea just what evidence the special prosecutor has against trump and his cronies.
I do. They don't have jack shit or it would have been leaked long ago.

The point is you leftists have nothing and pretend Trump has to prove his innocence and that day will never come because accusations are easy to make. That's why we as a democracy value innocence until proven guilty.

So that leads to the bigger issue. You leftists are not a friend to the United States. You are the enemy within. You oppose everything this great nation stands for, including the election process.
Trump is as innocent as can be, until the day comes, very shortly, when the indictments are handed down.
11 CFR 110.20 (g)

Foreign governments staying at Trump hotels that he has not divested from does violate the emoluments clause. It's one of the main reasons the Ethics Chief quit.

There are more "nothing to see here" threads...and we know damn good and well that there is plenty to see.
how does section g apply to the trump hotel?
Solicitation, acceptance, or receipt of contributions and donations from foreign nationals. No person shall knowingly solicit, accept, or receive from a foreign national any contribution or donation prohibited by paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section.
(b)Contributions and donations by foreign nationals in connection with elections. A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value, or expressly or impliedly promise to make a contribution or a donation, in connection with any Federal, State, or local election.

(c)Contributions and donations by foreign nationals to political committees and organizations of political parties. A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or donation to:

(1) A political committee of a political party, including a national party committee, a national congressional campaign committee, or a State, district, or local party committee, including a non-Federal account of a State, district, or local party committee, or

(2) An organization of a political party whether or not the organization is a political committee under 11 CFR 100.5.

(d)Contributions and donations by foreign nationals for office buildings. A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party for the purchase or construction of an office building. See11 CFR 300.10 and300.35.

Still waiting on the law JR broke

That's not the Emoluments Clause. That's the law against collusion with foreign governments.
How do you prove that what they talked about contributed?
He didnt break that law.
It woudl seem the FBI would be closer to breaking that law than JR. Dont we have proof the FBI tried to buy the dossier from an Englishman?

No we don't have proof the FBI tried to buy it from an Englishman. The dossier was paid for by a Republican donor, and it was given to the FBI.

Trump Jr. didn't report the communication when it first occurred, and then he lied about it on his security clearance form. He most certainly broke the law as far as that is concerned.
FBI made deal with ex-spy Christopher Steele for Trump dossier

They weren't paying for the dossier. They already had it. They wanted to pay him to continue getting information from him.
trump jr listens to someone speak and people go fucking crazy
The fbi is willing to use tax payer money for a trump dossier and nobody says a damn thing
People act like private meetings for campaign competition is something new.. what about team clinton meeting with Sergey?
you people are fucking idiots
If trump colluded, i want his ass punished. But making shit up(cause there has been some real doosies) and disingenuous outrage, is stupid.

When you go fishing, if you don't catch a fish after your first cast do you pack up and go home?

No but if I continue to fish for 6 months, swearing any minute now I am getting the big one...while catching minnows the whole time - then I would be an idiot
Just how do you know what is the status of this investigation?
It will be ongoing as long as a democrat senator is alive.
Republicans control our government, Einstein. Nothing that Democratic senators can do. But then again we wait for the special prosecutor...............
11 CFR 110.20 (g)

Foreign governments staying at Trump hotels that he has not divested from does violate the emoluments clause. It's one of the main reasons the Ethics Chief quit.

There are more "nothing to see here" threads...and we know damn good and well that there is plenty to see.
how does section g apply to the trump hotel?
Solicitation, acceptance, or receipt of contributions and donations from foreign nationals. No person shall knowingly solicit, accept, or receive from a foreign national any contribution or donation prohibited by paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section.
(b)Contributions and donations by foreign nationals in connection with elections. A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value, or expressly or impliedly promise to make a contribution or a donation, in connection with any Federal, State, or local election.

(c)Contributions and donations by foreign nationals to political committees and organizations of political parties. A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or donation to:

(1) A political committee of a political party, including a national party committee, a national congressional campaign committee, or a State, district, or local party committee, including a non-Federal account of a State, district, or local party committee, or

(2) An organization of a political party whether or not the organization is a political committee under 11 CFR 100.5.

(d)Contributions and donations by foreign nationals for office buildings. A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party for the purchase or construction of an office building. See11 CFR 300.10 and300.35.

Still waiting on the law JR broke

That's not the Emoluments Clause. That's the law against collusion with foreign governments.
How do you prove that what they talked about contributed?
He didnt break that law.
It woudl seem the FBI would be closer to breaking that law than JR. Dont we have proof the FBI tried to buy the dossier from an Englishman?

No we don't have proof the FBI tried to buy it from an Englishman. The dossier was paid for by a Republican donor, and it was given to the FBI.

Trump Jr. didn't report the communication when it first occurred, and then he lied about it on his security clearance form. He most certainly broke the law as far as that is concerned.
report communication to a russian citizen?

No, if the email is real the communication said that the RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT wanted to work with them because they wanted to help get his father elected. That's the definition of collusion.
trump jr listens to someone speak and people go fucking crazy
The fbi is willing to use tax payer money for a trump dossier and nobody says a damn thing
People act like private meetings for campaign competition is something new.. what about team clinton meeting with Sergey?
you people are fucking idiots
If trump colluded, i want his ass punished. But making shit up(cause there has been some real doosies) and disingenuous outrage, is stupid.

When you go fishing, if you don't catch a fish after your first cast do you pack up and go home?

No but if I continue to fish for 6 months, swearing any minute now I am getting the big one...while catching minnows the whole time - then I would be an idiot
Just how do you know what is the status of this investigation?
It will be ongoing as long as a democrat senator is alive.
Republicans control our government, Einstein. Nothing that Democratic senators can do. But then again we wait for the special prosecutor...............
So the Democrats are getting paid to just breathe air? Interesting, Einstein.
how does section g apply to the trump hotel?
Solicitation, acceptance, or receipt of contributions and donations from foreign nationals. No person shall knowingly solicit, accept, or receive from a foreign national any contribution or donation prohibited by paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section.
(b)Contributions and donations by foreign nationals in connection with elections. A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value, or expressly or impliedly promise to make a contribution or a donation, in connection with any Federal, State, or local election.

(c)Contributions and donations by foreign nationals to political committees and organizations of political parties. A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or donation to:

(1) A political committee of a political party, including a national party committee, a national congressional campaign committee, or a State, district, or local party committee, including a non-Federal account of a State, district, or local party committee, or

(2) An organization of a political party whether or not the organization is a political committee under 11 CFR 100.5.

(d)Contributions and donations by foreign nationals for office buildings. A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party for the purchase or construction of an office building. See11 CFR 300.10 and300.35.

Still waiting on the law JR broke

That's not the Emoluments Clause. That's the law against collusion with foreign governments.
How do you prove that what they talked about contributed?
He didnt break that law.
It woudl seem the FBI would be closer to breaking that law than JR. Dont we have proof the FBI tried to buy the dossier from an Englishman?

No we don't have proof the FBI tried to buy it from an Englishman. The dossier was paid for by a Republican donor, and it was given to the FBI.

Trump Jr. didn't report the communication when it first occurred, and then he lied about it on his security clearance form. He most certainly broke the law as far as that is concerned.
report communication to a russian citizen?

No, if the email is real the communication said that the RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT wanted to work with them because they wanted to help get his father elected. That's the definition of collusion.
Wrong as always. Collusion is two or more parties working together, not wishful thinking.
When you go fishing, if you don't catch a fish after your first cast do you pack up and go home?

No but if I continue to fish for 6 months, swearing any minute now I am getting the big one...while catching minnows the whole time - then I would be an idiot
Just how do you know what is the status of this investigation?
It will be ongoing as long as a democrat senator is alive.
Republicans control our government, Einstein. Nothing that Democratic senators can do. But then again we wait for the special prosecutor...............
So the Democrats are getting paid to just breathe air? Interesting, Einstein.
The will have no effect on the final investigative outcome, honey bunch.
how does section g apply to the trump hotel?
Solicitation, acceptance, or receipt of contributions and donations from foreign nationals. No person shall knowingly solicit, accept, or receive from a foreign national any contribution or donation prohibited by paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section.
(b)Contributions and donations by foreign nationals in connection with elections. A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value, or expressly or impliedly promise to make a contribution or a donation, in connection with any Federal, State, or local election.

(c)Contributions and donations by foreign nationals to political committees and organizations of political parties. A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or donation to:

(1) A political committee of a political party, including a national party committee, a national congressional campaign committee, or a State, district, or local party committee, including a non-Federal account of a State, district, or local party committee, or

(2) An organization of a political party whether or not the organization is a political committee under 11 CFR 100.5.

(d)Contributions and donations by foreign nationals for office buildings. A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party for the purchase or construction of an office building. See11 CFR 300.10 and300.35.

Still waiting on the law JR broke

That's not the Emoluments Clause. That's the law against collusion with foreign governments.
How do you prove that what they talked about contributed?
He didnt break that law.
It woudl seem the FBI would be closer to breaking that law than JR. Dont we have proof the FBI tried to buy the dossier from an Englishman?

No we don't have proof the FBI tried to buy it from an Englishman. The dossier was paid for by a Republican donor, and it was given to the FBI.

Trump Jr. didn't report the communication when it first occurred, and then he lied about it on his security clearance form. He most certainly broke the law as far as that is concerned.
report communication to a russian citizen?

No, if the email is real the communication said that the RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT wanted to work with them because they wanted to help get his father elected. That's the definition of collusion.
That email just came out. This outrage has been going for a few days. The women has stated everything is a bunch of bullshit. Thats why i said they better make that shit public.
trump jr listens to someone speak and people go fucking crazy
The fbi is willing to use tax payer money for a trump dossier and nobody says a damn thing
People act like private meetings for campaign competition is something new.. what about team clinton meeting with Sergey?
you people are fucking idiots
If trump colluded, i want his ass punished. But making shit up(cause there has been some real doosies) and disingenuous outrage, is stupid.
But the lawyer had a Russian sounding name, that must mean something.
Trump Jr. had a responsibility to report any knowledge of Russian interference in the election to the FBI immediately.

Failure to do so makes him a conspirator.
trump jr listens to someone speak and people go fucking crazy
The fbi is willing to use tax payer money for a trump dossier and nobody says a damn thing
People act like private meetings for campaign competition is something new.. what about team clinton meeting with Sergey?
you people are fucking idiots
If trump colluded, i want his ass punished. But making shit up(cause there has been some real doosies) and disingenuous outrage, is stupid.
But the lawyer had a Russian sounding name, that must mean something.
According to the latest update, Trump Jr. knew exactly what this meeting was to have been about. There was no surprise

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