Soap, Lampshades, Gas Chambers Disguised as Shower Rooms?

What are you talking about you nut?

That is her comment, her comment is her comment, its not a distortion.

I'm not a Nazi, I don't know any Nazi sites you complete loon :rolleyes:

You are lying, NaziBoy. That was not her comment but rather two separate comments unrelated to each other, combined to in order to mislead.
You're busted

You're the NaziBoy not me.

You're talking thru your hole, that is her comment, she knows Wiesenthal lied and Wiesenthal has admitted he lied, there were no 5 million gentile holocaust victims.
That's fiction:
Deborah Lipstadt writes: ... I gave them the example of how the late Simon Wiesenthal invented, without any basis in fact, the notion that the Holocaust constitutes the murder of 6 million Jews and 5 million non-Jews.”

Typical Nazi distortion of Lipstadt's comments. She was complaining that Wiesenthal invented the 5 million non-Jewish victims because he believed the world would not care about the EXTERMINATION of 6 million Jews at the hands of your Nazi forebears. BTW, your link does not take you to Lipstadt's comments, so tell me ... at which of your favorite Nazi websites did you glean your "knowledge?"

What are you talking about you nut?

That is her comment, her comment is her comment, its not a distortion.

I'm not a Nazi, I don't know any Nazi sites you complete loon :rolleyes:

it is a distortion taken out of context---she USED the same SHIT MOUTH NAZI TALKING POINTS that Nazi scum like you use to note the reaction to the same shit you eat by OTHER shit eaters. OH---you have no source at all--
What are you talking about you nut?

That is her comment, her comment is her comment, its not a distortion.

I'm not a Nazi, I don't know any Nazi sites you complete loon :rolleyes:

You are lying, NaziBoy. That was not her comment but rather two separate comments unrelated to each other, combined to in order to mislead.
You're busted

You're the NaziBoy not me.

You're talking thru your hole, that is her comment, she knows Wiesenthal lied and Wiesenthal has admitted he lied, there were no 5 million gentile holocaust victims.

there were several hundred million and you are one of them
Oh boy, anyone who has a brain knows the holocaust is greatly exaggerated and is Shoah business. :banana:
Oh boy, anyone who has a brain knows the holocaust is greatly exaggerated and is Shoah business. :banana:

you are not alone-----millions of islamo Nazi pigs claim
to be in possession of a brain. Very few people who harbor
delusions within their diseased brains have insight into the
fact of their sickness. -----a few do-----but not many. Their
insights manifest as fleeting lucid moments
some people believe fallen angels raped human women and they gave birth to giants
or that aliens landed and taught us how to stack stones and then left to never return

doesn't mean they are right since they have no proof, while there's a shit ton of irrefutable proof of the holocaust

Let's hear some of your proof then ;)
get a passport
buy a plane ticket to Germany
sign up for the tour of jew ovens

then take a moment and think; "Damn, I'm one evil dumb fuck, I should apologize to the world by doing something to make amends."
it is a distortion taken out of context---she USED the same SHIT MOUTH NAZI TALKING POINTS that Nazi scum like you use to note the reaction to the same shit you eat by OTHER shit eaters. OH---you have no source at all--

You're not arguing with me at all, you need to take your objections to Deb Lipstadt, she said Wiesenthal was lying and Wiesenthal admitted it.

It's not my problem it's yours, so chill out and try and live with reality ;)

Deborah Lipstadt s Participation in Forwarding the Myth of Simon Wiesenthal
it is a distortion taken out of context---she USED the same SHIT MOUTH NAZI TALKING POINTS that Nazi scum like you use to note the reaction to the same shit you eat by OTHER shit eaters. OH---you have no source at all--

You're not arguing with me at all, you need to take your objections to Deb Lipstadt, she said Wiesenthal was lying and Wiesenthal admitted it.

It's not my problem it's yours, so chill out and try and live with reality ;)

Deborah Lipstadt s Participation in Forwarding the Myth of Simon Wiesenthal

you link does not work for me, Nazi pig----it is a fake
What are you talking about you nut?

That is her comment, her comment is her comment, its not a distortion.

I'm not a Nazi, I don't know any Nazi sites you complete loon :rolleyes:

You are lying, NaziBoy. That was not her comment but rather two separate comments unrelated to each other, combined to in order to mislead.
You're busted

You're the NaziBoy not me.

You're talking thru your hole, that is her comment, she knows Wiesenthal lied and Wiesenthal has admitted he lied, there were no 5 million gentile holocaust victims.

now the "lie" refers to gentile victims-----what happened to the islamo Nazi partyline that the "LIE" is the six-million jews you and yours murdered. ?? You are being vague. How do you define "victim of holocaust"???------playing with words ----so typical of islamo Nazi scum------THEY ARE DEAD ----islamo Nazi dog ----along with a few hundred million other victims of islamo Nazi shit-----AND COUNTING
it is a distortion taken out of context---she USED the same SHIT MOUTH NAZI TALKING POINTS that Nazi scum like you use to note the reaction to the same shit you eat by OTHER shit eaters. OH---you have no source at all--

You're not arguing with me at all, you need to take your objections to Deb Lipstadt, she said Wiesenthal was lying and Wiesenthal admitted it.

It's not my problem it's yours, so chill out and try and live with reality ;)

Deborah Lipstadt s Participation in Forwarding the Myth of Simon Wiesenthal

you link does not work for me, Nazi pig----it is a fake

Worked just fine, try again.
it is a distortion taken out of context---she USED the same SHIT MOUTH NAZI TALKING POINTS that Nazi scum like you use to note the reaction to the same shit you eat by OTHER shit eaters. OH---you have no source at all--

You're not arguing with me at all, you need to take your objections to Deb Lipstadt, she said Wiesenthal was lying and Wiesenthal admitted it.

It's not my problem it's yours, so chill out and try and live with reality ;)

Deborah Lipstadt s Participation in Forwarding the Myth of Simon Wiesenthal

Oh----I got it now----completely unsubstantiated BS by a known Nazi pig-------FRIEND OF YOURS?-

the gas chambers are actual land marks that you can visit.

The buildings they say were gas chambers were air raid shelters, they weren't in any way appropriate for gas chambers.
Well, Captain Knowledge, I was stationed in Munich, 13 years after the war and 12 miles Southeast of Dachau. When the wind blew from the Northwest, the stench was terrible. Our Quartermaster laundry was at Dachau and when I caught laundry detail, I would pay someone $25 to take my place. At that time I made $100 a month so it was worth a weeks pay. I have been to Dachau dozens of times and anyone who said ovens were non-existant is a goddamned lying piece of shit.

well lets see were they ovens or gas chambers? As a side note 13 years after the war, I find it very hard to believe burnt to ashes remains would still smell. I imagine the dead were buried and hopefully deep enough. If the bodies were not buried deep enough there may of been a smell yet, but after 13 years?

On a side note the Germans took good care of the people they had in the work and concentration camps, until the end of the war and the bombing form the allies started. Germany really got a bad rap. While some may of been abused, I really believe most were not but died due to starvation and lice.
Riiiiight! The smell of death dissipates quickly and the Jews had a picnic in death camps and extermination camps. Just WTF were millions of innocent civilians doing in camps? There weren't any factories in them and they weren't getting paid unles you count stripping them of clothes, shoes, eyeglasses, hair and their gold teeth as an industry to pay for their maggot infested potato broth.
Riiiiight! The smell of death dissipates quickly and the Jews had a picnic in death camps and extermination camps. Just WTF were millions of innocent civilians doing in camps? There weren't any factories in them and they weren't getting paid unles you count stripping them of clothes, shoes, eyeglasses, hair and their gold teeth as an industry to pay for their maggot infested potato broth.

There were factories, that's why they call it slave labour remember? Monowitz (IG Farben), and Bobrek (Siemens) were both factory subcamps of Auschwitz, free lesson for you :eusa_doh:

And they got paid...

Oh----I got it now----completely unsubstantiated BS by a known Nazi pig-------FRIEND OF YOURS?-

Lol, I see you're completely nuts, still at least you're happy a way :disbelief:

They are Lipstadt's words, that's something you're going to have to learn to live with :night:
Oh----I got it now----completely unsubstantiated BS by a known Nazi pig-------FRIEND OF YOURS?-

Lol, I see you're completely nuts, still at least you're happy a way :disbelief:

They are Lipstadt's words, that's something you're going to have to learn to live with :night:

Her words were taken completely out of context. Lipstradt
does not deny the veracity of the historical account of the
genocide which is YOUR SOURCE of happiness. Her discussion of jerks like you is long. Her writings are extensive------and intelligent---and scholarly. Not for minds
like yours. People like you should also avoid reading any-
thing written by Freud
for those who do not know-----the development of the concentration camps BEGAN somewhere around 1933 and
WERE INDEED ---'work camps' and did have a complexity
something like a small town and even included printed money
and stores and entertainment facilities and hospitals and were
not at that point "death camps for jews" In fact were never
ENTIRELY, "DEATH CAMPS FOR JEWS" Islamo Nazi shit focus on the "town-like" aspect of these camps in support of their obscene denial of the actual murder of millions ------that still delights them and which they NEED to deny ---for the sake of their "holy" creed------islamo Nazism. Auschwitz employed Poles-----of course they paid them----in fact some of the employees were "prisoners"-------and even paid-----like poles 'SENTENCED' to the work camp for this or that. The genocide of Kulaks in
Ukraine could be contested on the same grounds that islamo Nazi shit uses to contest the murder of millions of jews by
their beloved "god" adolf. The shit of TURKEY still contests their murder of Armenians-<<<< same shit-----islamo Nazi shit
Her words were taken completely out of context. Lipstradt
does not deny the veracity of the historical account of the
genocide which is YOUR SOURCE of happiness. Her discussion of jerks like you is long. Her writings are extensive------and intelligent---and scholarly. Not for minds
like yours. People like you should also avoid reading any-
thing written by Freud


There is no other context needed for "Wiesenthal lied about the 5 million, Wiesenthal is a liar...", what other context could there be?
Her words were taken completely out of context. Lipstradt
does not deny the veracity of the historical account of the
genocide which is YOUR SOURCE of happiness. Her discussion of jerks like you is long. Her writings are extensive------and intelligent---and scholarly. Not for minds
like yours. People like you should also avoid reading any-
thing written by Freud


There is no other context needed for "Wiesenthal lied about the 5 million, Wiesenthal is a liar...", what other context could there be?

I can think of many-----when I read her actual writings ----I will let you know. What I do know is that Barbara Lipstadt DOES NOT deny the veracity of the history of the Holocaust---but she likes to PRESENT the "evidence" that islamo Nazi shit like you USE in argument ------it is a form of scholarly examination sometimes called DECONSTRUCTIONISM---
you would not not try-----your head might
I can think of many-----when I read her actual writings ----I will let you know. What I do know is that Barbara Lipstadt DOES NOT deny the veracity of the history of the Holocaust---but she likes to PRESENT the "evidence" that islamo Nazi shit like you USE in argument ------it is a form of scholarly examination sometimes called DECONSTRUCTIONISM---
you would not not try-----your head might

Okay, saying, "Wiesenthal lied about the 5 million, Wiesenthal is a liar...", is deconstructionism, fine, I just call it what it is, lying.

Her name's Deborah btw :eusa_shifty:

It lends nothing to your credibility that you don't even know her name.
I can think of many-----when I read her actual writings ----I will let you know. What I do know is that Barbara Lipstadt DOES NOT deny the veracity of the history of the Holocaust---but she likes to PRESENT the "evidence" that islamo Nazi shit like you USE in argument ------it is a form of scholarly examination sometimes called DECONSTRUCTIONISM---
you would not not try-----your head might

Okay, saying, "Wiesenthal lied about the 5 million, Wiesenthal is a liar...", is deconstructionism, fine, I just call it what it is, lying.

Her name's Deborah btw :eusa_shifty:

It lends nothing to your credibility that you don't even know her name.

typo---idiot Until you get the stuff from something actually published by DEBORAH----you have nothing. You islamo Nazi shit REGULARLY misquote

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