Social Engineering

So, poor whites choose to be poor?

Why is the system that was "socially engineered by whites for whites" not working for them?

Poor whites have more opportunities. and since 90 percent of all whites aren't poor and the average white family has 20 times the wealth of blacks, 17 times that of hispanics and more than 20 times more than Native Americans, it is apparent what social engineering has done for whites.
Islamic nations had more black slavery than any other nation. They also castrated the males as those were considered more valuable. The last nation to officially end slavery on paper, was Mauritania, in 1981. In the 19th century, the western nations, including the United States used some of their Naval ships to thwart as much of the shipping of slaves as they could.
We have to remember that it was a more primitive time and thinking, as well as a global phenomenon. Our own Indigenous peoples enslaved those of other tribes and there were also blacks in the United States that had slaves and even sided with the Confederacy.
We are in the 21st century and should be focusing on the future and leaving the world's slavery issue to the realm of the world history classes in school. The topic should not be sugar-coated, but presented as the global phenomenon that it was and how people evolving from a more primitive mentality, ended it. Also, as far as the U.S. is concerned, "no other nation" went to war and sacrificed 360,000 lives to end it.
The victimhood nonsense must end. Everyone involved in slavery has been dead since the early twentieth century. There is

absolutely no occupation in the U.S. that has not had or does not have blacks in it. Blacks are business leaders, politicians, scientists, physicians, nurses, astronauts, you name it.
Are there racists in the U.S.? Of course, but they are individuals, just as there are racist individuals across the globe, from Asia to Europe and in-between. Will individuals be racist here and in other nations way into the future? Probably. We can't police how individuals think.
My belief is to just treat people like I would like to be treated. However, if they start out rude to me, I call them out on it, or turn around and leave, depending upon my mood.
What Muslim countries are you talking about?
Poor whites have more opportunities. and since 90 percent of all whites aren't poor and the average white family has 20 times the wealth of blacks, 17 times that of hispanics and more than 20 times more than Native Americans, it is apparent what social engineering has done for whites.
Stop deflecting from the question I asked.

Are poor whites choosing to be poor?
The facts I presented are what I was referring to and you know it. 1 out of every 12 whites are poor. 1 out of every 4 blacks are. And the system was made so whites could succeed, so you cannot honestly try making such a comparison when you choose to deny racism.
UHH, you are using per capita again. I thought you insisted that only raw numbers are valid.
You're the expert here, I'm waiting.

Those like you are real quick to assign that term to policies designed to fix the damage racism caused but then when it's put on how this country's policies socially engineered things for vwhites, you are now confused?

No, I don't think so.
Stop deflecting from the question I asked.

Are poor whites choosing to be poor?
No deflection. Very few whites in the overall white population are poor. You're being disingenuous to derail.
UHH, you are using per capita again. I thought you insisted that only raw numbers are valid.

Yep, when we assess crime, totals are the only valid number because blacks are being murdered based on per capita.
Those like you are real quick to assign that term to policies designed to fix the damage racism caused but then when it's put on how this country's policies socially engineered things for vwhites, you are now confused?

No, I don't think so.

Even more confusing is the fact that millions of blacks are thriving in a system "engineered for whites" and millions of whites, struggling in the same system.
America is an example of social engineering based on a belief in white supremacy. You know that.

36 Shocking Statistics on Fatherless Homes | Life is Beautiful

#1. 85% of youth who are currently in prison grew up in a fatherless home. (Texas Department of Corrections)

#18. Even when poverty levels are equal, children who come from a two-parent home outperform children who come from a one-parent home. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)
Yep, when we assess crime, totals are the only valid number because blacks are being murdered based on per capita.
SO it's valid when YOU want to use it, but not when anyone else wants to use it.
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White men are the most racist and they break 2 to 3 times the laws of everybody else. Racism to you is black people hold whites accountable for what has been AND CONTINUES TO BE DONE BY THEM. Look, you don't get to play both sides. There are white women in this forum who are legit in their call, but you aren't one of them. You perpetuate racism then want to whine about female victimhood. Fuck you. Because you hurt the efforts of white women who are real.


How do we face being precariously power-adjacent?

WHEN WATCHING a creative imagining of what feels like your own demise, the last thing you want is for an audience to cheer. But for white women watching Get Out, the record-breaking horror flick from comedy writer Jordan Peele, that’s more or less what happened. It was a revealing moment, to say the least.

Get Out follows black photojournalist Chris, whose white girlfriend Rose invites him home for a weekend. To his terror, Chris slowly realizes that her nice, white, liberal family is masking a deep, violent racism. (“I would have voted for Obama for a third term” is a catchphrase played first as proof of the family’s “colorblindness” and later revealed to be a cover for their fetishization of black bodies.) Rose—a seemingly “woke” white woman, who yells at cops for unfairly profiling her black boyfriend—is, without giving too much away, a less-than-ideal ally.

The film was released one month after Trump’s inauguration, and it was easy to cheer for Chris as he took ownership of his fate and sought vengeance on his captors. In the last year, we’d seen unabashed patriarchal white supremacy pulling the levers in our politics and our churches. But then 52 percent of white women—many of them white Christian women—voted for Trump, and the role of white women in building and perpetuating damaging policies, narratives, and theologies was made more clear. For me, and other white women who raced to see the film, Get Out felt like a chance to atone. White women have too often skated by in larger battles over identity and justice, inside and outside the church, by pointing to others as the problem—let us now give our money to the telling of truth.

To be a white woman in America is to be precariously power-adjacent: Because of our skin, we carry unquestioned privilege in power systems. Because of our gender, that security has a shelf life—we are included only as long as we are able or willing to perform according to those who control the levers.

It’s a dangerous charade, one so deeply internalized it often goes unexamined. Our history indicates that when white women want agency, we often go to white men—even when they are the source of our exclusion, or even if we have to sell out others along the way. In the wake of the 15th Amendment granting black men the right to vote, suffragists including Carrie Chapman Catt, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Laura Clay made their case for the white woman vote by appealing to white supremacy.

We Shouldn’t Be Surprised by White Women’s Complicity​

The damsel in distress so often turns into the damsel in defense of white supremacy

Academic Sara Salem refers to this as “white feminist shock”: a performance of innocence that “demonstrates a detachment from the ways in which race and gender constitute one another in the American imaginary.” In other words, it’s a tool that permits white feminists to claim ignorance of the realities of race and imperialism by hyper-focussing on gender and patriarchy.

I am increasingly of the opinion that patriarchy discourse is obstructing our understanding of how power operates in the West. This will have disastrous consequences if we do not address it now. By isolating sexism as its own system of oppression, “patriarchy” not only neglects issues such as class; it places white women on the same rung as other women and elevates non-white men to the same status as white men. This is simply not an accurate reflection of reality.

Like Salem, as a non-American (albeit one with permanent U.S. residency), I am keen to place U.S. politics in global context. The truth is, as I explain in my book White Tears/Brown Scars, white American women along with their counterparts across the former British Empire have always been heavily invested in maintaining white power structures, even if seemingly to their own detriment.

You aren’t a white woman, you don’t know shit about white women.
SO it's valid when YOU want to use it, but not when anyone else wants to use it.

As long as you guys make excuses for high white crime, and use per capita to justify police killings of blacks, you can GTH. Now when you guys decide that you want to fix white racism in your community instead of multiplying a fraction by a arbitrary number to claim how superior whites are then we can talk about the 97-98,000 out of 100,000 blacks who never commit a crime.
As long as you guys make excuses for high white crime, and use per capita to justify police killings of blacks, you can GTH. Now when you guys decide that you want to fix white racism in your community instead of multiplying a fraction by a arbitrary number to claim how superior whites are then we can talk about the 97-98,000 out of 100,000 blacks who never commit a crime.
You are the one making excuses for black criminals. Most whites don’t make excuses for white criminals, they deserve punishment. You are the one using the word superior. You add shit to change a white posters replies.
What Muslim countries are you talking about?
Sudan, Oman, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, et cetera. China had Chinese slaves. Romans had slaves from Europe, the Middle-East and North Africa, Brazil and other Spanish colonies in South America had slaves, with Brazil taking in the most black slaves. It was a more primitive time and a global phenomenon. Those who strive to make out like the United States was some solitary nation that had slaves, are either ignorant or deliberately ignoring the fact that most nations had the problem.
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