Social justice warriors want universities to ban veterans

From Alex Jones? Probably some right wingers trying to start sh!t. Didn't work.

IT IS NOT FROM ALEX JONES ASSHOLE PUT ON GLASSES JACKASS GAWD DAM IS THERE A FULL MOON OR ARE FKRS THIS GAWD DAMN STUPID really are quite the little idiot aren't you Mind Whore? You are saying that it's NOT from Alex Jones, yet your own link in the original post links to Info Wars, which is a site that not only is Alex Jones the reporter for (therefore it IS from Alex Jones), but Alex Jones is ALSO the owner of.

If it's not from Alex Jones, then who is it from?

Kinda funny to watch you call other people stupid when you display your idiocy in bright neon lights.
From Alex Jones? Probably some right wingers trying to start sh!t. Didn't work.

IT IS NOT FROM ALEX JONES ASSHOLE PUT ON GLASSES JACKASS GAWD DAM IS THERE A FULL MOON OR ARE FKRS THIS GAWD DAMN STUPID really are quite the little idiot aren't you Mind Whore? You are saying that it's NOT from Alex Jones, yet your own link in the original post links to Info Wars, which is a site that not only is Alex Jones the reporter for (therefore it IS from Alex Jones), but Alex Jones is ALSO the owner of.

If it's not from Alex Jones, then who is it from?

Kinda funny to watch you call other people stupid when you display your idiocy in bright neon lights.
From Alex Jones? Probably some right wingers trying to start sh!t. Didn't work.

IT IS NOT FROM ALEX JONES ASSHOLE PUT ON GLASSES JACKASS GAWD DAM IS THERE A FULL MOON OR ARE FKRS THIS GAWD DAMN STUPID really are quite the little idiot aren't you Mind Whore? You are saying that it's NOT from Alex Jones, yet your own link in the original post links to Info Wars, which is a site that not only is Alex Jones the reporter for (therefore it IS from Alex Jones), but Alex Jones is ALSO the owner of.

If it's not from Alex Jones, then who is it from?

Kinda funny to watch you call other people stupid when you display your idiocy in bright neon lights.

Just what I thought, when you get slammed for being wrong, you ignore it and run away. Sorry Mind Whore (yeah, you really do let Alex Jones slam your brain like an old screen door), but you are looking stupider and stupider day by day.

Keep it up though, sometimes it's entertaining.
A flyer recently appeared at the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs (UCCS) declaring that “in order to protect our academic institutions we must ban veterans from four-year universities.”

Social justice warriors want universities to ‘ban veterans’

View attachment 146459

Social justice warriors want universities to 'ban veterans'

HOPEFULLY soldiers will see this and millions of them, hopefully they choose NOT to go to these colleges who continue to strip ppl's free speech, who create their own segregation , hopefully they don't go and these pos schools will lose millions.

Eating their own alive lmao..
First, the only places talking about this alleged "newsletter" are the rightwing blog sites. This Social Justice Collective Weekly doesn't seem to actually exist. Do you know what Social Justice organisation is claiming responsibility, or affiliation with this flyer? I know for a fact that is isn't Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center. They issued this statement about the flyer:

The recent Social Justice Collective Weekly newsletter that is currently circulating the media is NOT affiliated with the Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center's Social Justice Collective. RMPJC supports inclusivity and equality;*we find the content of the newsletter*offensive and absurd. *While*we are anti-war, that does not equate with being anti-veteran.* Check out what we're doing at SJC to PROMOTE social justice!

So, who exactly is claiming to have put out this flyer? Do you know? Or are you just assuming that it is legitimate?

Second, the chancellor of the University of Colorado had this to say regarding the flyer:

Aug. 25, 2017

Dear Campus Community:

I write this morning in response to a flyer posted yesterday on the UCCS campus by a non-UCCS group. The flyer references veterans studying at institutions of higher education. UCCS does not endorse and vigorously rejects the offensive viewpoints expressed in the flyer.

This flyer stands at the intersection of two core values for UCCS and higher education.

On the one hand, we recognize the right of people to express their viewpoints, even when those viewpoints are offensive to many in our community. The University of Colorado system adheres to the freedoms embodied in the United States Constitution, which include the freedom of speech contained in the First Amendment.

In doing so, we draw guidance from the words of the United States Supreme Court, which recently reaffirmed that speech touching on social and political matters is within the bounds of constitutional protection. When speech is a matter of public concern, even though it is racist or sexist, it “cannot be restricted simply because it is upsetting or arouses contempt” and we “must tolerate insulting, and even outrageous, speech in order to provide adequate ‘breathing space’ to the freedoms protected by the First Amendment.” I reject the notion that we should censor those who denigrate others, as censorship would have silenced many voices over the decades who needed to be heard.

On the other hand, respect for the right of someone to speak should never be taken as endorsing the viewpoints that someone has expressed. The viewpoints that the authors express are against the law. UCCS does not discriminate against veterans. But even more fundamentally, UCCS does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, disability, religion, creed, veteran status, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, political affiliation, or political philosophy. People earn the right to study at UCCS by virtue of hard work and individual effort, and we do not bar the door.

Beyond the fact that the authors’ position is illegal, it is also wrong. We ascribe to The Board of Regents’ Guiding Principle that the University of Colorado shall always strive to “provide an outstanding, respectful, and responsive living, learning, teaching, and working environment.” Veterans are positive and valued members of our academic and campus community. They bring experience and viewpoints that enrich our discussions.

So do many others. We have learned over time that higher education thrives when many voices join in the conversation. Just as I disagree with anyone who says that we should refuse a UCCS education to someone who ascribes to a religious faith, I disagree with anyone who says that we should refuse veterans a UCCS education.

We recognize the pain caused to many in our community. Consequently, I call upon the UCCS community to recognize the value of free and open discourse, while simultaneously standing firm in the inclusive values of our diverse community. If concerns exist about safe expression of ideas, our faculty and staff work diligently and are available to bridge gaps between disparate viewpoints.

We know our student veterans to be high achieving individuals with diverse viewpoints and values, and all of us are enriched by and fortunate to have the military community represented in our classrooms and campus spaces.


Venkat Reddy, Chancellor

UCCS chancellor issues statement in support of veterans ? UCCS Press Releases

So, not only is there no evidence that any actual progressive organisation either authored, or agrees with the absurd sentiments put forth in, that ridiculous flyer, but the college that you attempted to hold responsible for these absurd positions, clearly stated that they do not, in any way, agree with them. By the way, if you are so concerned with colleges encouraging free speech, shouldn't you applaud the UofC for allowing people to post any flyers they like to this wall, regardless of how ignorant, and reprehensible it may be, such as this garbage that was posted?
A flyer recently appeared at the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs (UCCS) declaring that “in order to protect our academic institutions we must ban veterans from four-year universities.”

Social justice warriors want universities to ‘ban veterans’

View attachment 146459

Social justice warriors want universities to 'ban veterans'

HOPEFULLY soldiers will see this and millions of them, hopefully they choose NOT to go to these colleges who continue to strip ppl's free speech, who create their own segregation , hopefully they don't go and these pos schools will lose millions.

Eating their own alive lmao..
First, the only places talking about this alleged "newsletter" are the rightwing blog sites. This Social Justice Collective Weekly doesn't seem to actually exist. Do you know what Social Justice organisation is claiming responsibility, or affiliation with this flyer? I know for a fact that is isn't Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center. They issued this statement about the flyer:

The recent Social Justice Collective Weekly newsletter that is currently circulating the media is NOT affiliated with the Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center's Social Justice Collective. RMPJC supports inclusivity and equality;*we find the content of the newsletter*offensive and absurd. *While*we are anti-war, that does not equate with being anti-veteran.* Check out what we're doing at SJC to PROMOTE social justice!

So, who exactly is claiming to have put out this flyer? Do you know? Or are you just assuming that it is legitimate?

Second, the chancellor of the University of Colorado had this to say regarding the flyer:

Aug. 25, 2017

Dear Campus Community:

I write this morning in response to a flyer posted yesterday on the UCCS campus by a non-UCCS group. The flyer references veterans studying at institutions of higher education. UCCS does not endorse and vigorously rejects the offensive viewpoints expressed in the flyer.

This flyer stands at the intersection of two core values for UCCS and higher education.

On the one hand, we recognize the right of people to express their viewpoints, even when those viewpoints are offensive to many in our community. The University of Colorado system adheres to the freedoms embodied in the United States Constitution, which include the freedom of speech contained in the First Amendment.

In doing so, we draw guidance from the words of the United States Supreme Court, which recently reaffirmed that speech touching on social and political matters is within the bounds of constitutional protection. When speech is a matter of public concern, even though it is racist or sexist, it “cannot be restricted simply because it is upsetting or arouses contempt” and we “must tolerate insulting, and even outrageous, speech in order to provide adequate ‘breathing space’ to the freedoms protected by the First Amendment.” I reject the notion that we should censor those who denigrate others, as censorship would have silenced many voices over the decades who needed to be heard.

On the other hand, respect for the right of someone to speak should never be taken as endorsing the viewpoints that someone has expressed. The viewpoints that the authors express are against the law. UCCS does not discriminate against veterans. But even more fundamentally, UCCS does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, disability, religion, creed, veteran status, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, political affiliation, or political philosophy. People earn the right to study at UCCS by virtue of hard work and individual effort, and we do not bar the door.

Beyond the fact that the authors’ position is illegal, it is also wrong. We ascribe to The Board of Regents’ Guiding Principle that the University of Colorado shall always strive to “provide an outstanding, respectful, and responsive living, learning, teaching, and working environment.” Veterans are positive and valued members of our academic and campus community. They bring experience and viewpoints that enrich our discussions.

So do many others. We have learned over time that higher education thrives when many voices join in the conversation. Just as I disagree with anyone who says that we should refuse a UCCS education to someone who ascribes to a religious faith, I disagree with anyone who says that we should refuse veterans a UCCS education.

We recognize the pain caused to many in our community. Consequently, I call upon the UCCS community to recognize the value of free and open discourse, while simultaneously standing firm in the inclusive values of our diverse community. If concerns exist about safe expression of ideas, our faculty and staff work diligently and are available to bridge gaps between disparate viewpoints.

We know our student veterans to be high achieving individuals with diverse viewpoints and values, and all of us are enriched by and fortunate to have the military community represented in our classrooms and campus spaces.


Venkat Reddy, Chancellor

UCCS chancellor issues statement in support of veterans ? UCCS Press Releases

So, not only is there no evidence that any actual progressive organisation either authored, or agrees with the absurd sentiments put forth in, that ridiculous flyer, but the college that you attempted to hold responsible for these absurd positions, clearly stated that they do not, in any way, agree with them. By the way, if you are so concerned with colleges encouraging free speech, shouldn't you applaud the UofC for allowing people to post any flyers they like to this wall, regardless of how ignorant, and reprehensible it may be, such as this garbage that was posted?

Well maybe you can call the little phone number on there and get us a personal verification that appease your pathetic brain dead approval.
Call them ..........................:boohoo::asshole::blahblah: :clap:
A flyer recently appeared at the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs (UCCS) declaring that “in order to protect our academic institutions we must ban veterans from four-year universities.”

Social justice warriors want universities to ‘ban veterans’

View attachment 146459

Social justice warriors want universities to 'ban veterans'

HOPEFULLY soldiers will see this and millions of them, hopefully they choose NOT to go to these colleges who continue to strip ppl's free speech, who create their own segregation , hopefully they don't go and these pos schools will lose millions.

Eating their own alive lmao..
First, the only places talking about this alleged "newsletter" are the rightwing blog sites. This Social Justice Collective Weekly doesn't seem to actually exist. Do you know what Social Justice organisation is claiming responsibility, or affiliation with this flyer? I know for a fact that is isn't Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center. They issued this statement about the flyer:

The recent Social Justice Collective Weekly newsletter that is currently circulating the media is NOT affiliated with the Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center's Social Justice Collective. RMPJC supports inclusivity and equality;*we find the content of the newsletter*offensive and absurd. *While*we are anti-war, that does not equate with being anti-veteran.* Check out what we're doing at SJC to PROMOTE social justice!

So, who exactly is claiming to have put out this flyer? Do you know? Or are you just assuming that it is legitimate?

Second, the chancellor of the University of Colorado had this to say regarding the flyer:

Aug. 25, 2017

Dear Campus Community:

I write this morning in response to a flyer posted yesterday on the UCCS campus by a non-UCCS group. The flyer references veterans studying at institutions of higher education. UCCS does not endorse and vigorously rejects the offensive viewpoints expressed in the flyer.

This flyer stands at the intersection of two core values for UCCS and higher education.

On the one hand, we recognize the right of people to express their viewpoints, even when those viewpoints are offensive to many in our community. The University of Colorado system adheres to the freedoms embodied in the United States Constitution, which include the freedom of speech contained in the First Amendment.

In doing so, we draw guidance from the words of the United States Supreme Court, which recently reaffirmed that speech touching on social and political matters is within the bounds of constitutional protection. When speech is a matter of public concern, even though it is racist or sexist, it “cannot be restricted simply because it is upsetting or arouses contempt” and we “must tolerate insulting, and even outrageous, speech in order to provide adequate ‘breathing space’ to the freedoms protected by the First Amendment.” I reject the notion that we should censor those who denigrate others, as censorship would have silenced many voices over the decades who needed to be heard.

On the other hand, respect for the right of someone to speak should never be taken as endorsing the viewpoints that someone has expressed. The viewpoints that the authors express are against the law. UCCS does not discriminate against veterans. But even more fundamentally, UCCS does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, disability, religion, creed, veteran status, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, political affiliation, or political philosophy. People earn the right to study at UCCS by virtue of hard work and individual effort, and we do not bar the door.

Beyond the fact that the authors’ position is illegal, it is also wrong. We ascribe to The Board of Regents’ Guiding Principle that the University of Colorado shall always strive to “provide an outstanding, respectful, and responsive living, learning, teaching, and working environment.” Veterans are positive and valued members of our academic and campus community. They bring experience and viewpoints that enrich our discussions.

So do many others. We have learned over time that higher education thrives when many voices join in the conversation. Just as I disagree with anyone who says that we should refuse a UCCS education to someone who ascribes to a religious faith, I disagree with anyone who says that we should refuse veterans a UCCS education.

We recognize the pain caused to many in our community. Consequently, I call upon the UCCS community to recognize the value of free and open discourse, while simultaneously standing firm in the inclusive values of our diverse community. If concerns exist about safe expression of ideas, our faculty and staff work diligently and are available to bridge gaps between disparate viewpoints.

We know our student veterans to be high achieving individuals with diverse viewpoints and values, and all of us are enriched by and fortunate to have the military community represented in our classrooms and campus spaces.


Venkat Reddy, Chancellor

UCCS chancellor issues statement in support of veterans ? UCCS Press Releases

So, not only is there no evidence that any actual progressive organisation either authored, or agrees with the absurd sentiments put forth in, that ridiculous flyer, but the college that you attempted to hold responsible for these absurd positions, clearly stated that they do not, in any way, agree with them. By the way, if you are so concerned with colleges encouraging free speech, shouldn't you applaud the UofC for allowing people to post any flyers they like to this wall, regardless of how ignorant, and reprehensible it may be, such as this garbage that was posted?

Well maybe you can call the little phone number on there and get us a personal verification that appease your pathetic brain dead approval.
Call them ..........................:boohoo::asshole::blahblah: :clap:
So, your ignorant assumptions are exposed, and your reaction is insults. How droll...
A flyer recently appeared at the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs (UCCS) declaring that “in order to protect our academic institutions we must ban veterans from four-year universities.”

Social justice warriors want universities to ‘ban veterans’

View attachment 146459

Social justice warriors want universities to 'ban veterans'

HOPEFULLY soldiers will see this and millions of them, hopefully they choose NOT to go to these colleges who continue to strip ppl's free speech, who create their own segregation , hopefully they don't go and these pos schools will lose millions.

Eating their own alive lmao..
First, the only places talking about this alleged "newsletter" are the rightwing blog sites. This Social Justice Collective Weekly doesn't seem to actually exist. Do you know what Social Justice organisation is claiming responsibility, or affiliation with this flyer? I know for a fact that is isn't Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center. They issued this statement about the flyer:

The recent Social Justice Collective Weekly newsletter that is currently circulating the media is NOT affiliated with the Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center's Social Justice Collective. RMPJC supports inclusivity and equality;*we find the content of the newsletter*offensive and absurd. *While*we are anti-war, that does not equate with being anti-veteran.* Check out what we're doing at SJC to PROMOTE social justice!

So, who exactly is claiming to have put out this flyer? Do you know? Or are you just assuming that it is legitimate?

Second, the chancellor of the University of Colorado had this to say regarding the flyer:

Aug. 25, 2017

Dear Campus Community:

I write this morning in response to a flyer posted yesterday on the UCCS campus by a non-UCCS group. The flyer references veterans studying at institutions of higher education. UCCS does not endorse and vigorously rejects the offensive viewpoints expressed in the flyer.

This flyer stands at the intersection of two core values for UCCS and higher education.

On the one hand, we recognize the right of people to express their viewpoints, even when those viewpoints are offensive to many in our community. The University of Colorado system adheres to the freedoms embodied in the United States Constitution, which include the freedom of speech contained in the First Amendment.

In doing so, we draw guidance from the words of the United States Supreme Court, which recently reaffirmed that speech touching on social and political matters is within the bounds of constitutional protection. When speech is a matter of public concern, even though it is racist or sexist, it “cannot be restricted simply because it is upsetting or arouses contempt” and we “must tolerate insulting, and even outrageous, speech in order to provide adequate ‘breathing space’ to the freedoms protected by the First Amendment.” I reject the notion that we should censor those who denigrate others, as censorship would have silenced many voices over the decades who needed to be heard.

On the other hand, respect for the right of someone to speak should never be taken as endorsing the viewpoints that someone has expressed. The viewpoints that the authors express are against the law. UCCS does not discriminate against veterans. But even more fundamentally, UCCS does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, disability, religion, creed, veteran status, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, political affiliation, or political philosophy. People earn the right to study at UCCS by virtue of hard work and individual effort, and we do not bar the door.

Beyond the fact that the authors’ position is illegal, it is also wrong. We ascribe to The Board of Regents’ Guiding Principle that the University of Colorado shall always strive to “provide an outstanding, respectful, and responsive living, learning, teaching, and working environment.” Veterans are positive and valued members of our academic and campus community. They bring experience and viewpoints that enrich our discussions.

So do many others. We have learned over time that higher education thrives when many voices join in the conversation. Just as I disagree with anyone who says that we should refuse a UCCS education to someone who ascribes to a religious faith, I disagree with anyone who says that we should refuse veterans a UCCS education.

We recognize the pain caused to many in our community. Consequently, I call upon the UCCS community to recognize the value of free and open discourse, while simultaneously standing firm in the inclusive values of our diverse community. If concerns exist about safe expression of ideas, our faculty and staff work diligently and are available to bridge gaps between disparate viewpoints.

We know our student veterans to be high achieving individuals with diverse viewpoints and values, and all of us are enriched by and fortunate to have the military community represented in our classrooms and campus spaces.


Venkat Reddy, Chancellor

UCCS chancellor issues statement in support of veterans ? UCCS Press Releases

So, not only is there no evidence that any actual progressive organisation either authored, or agrees with the absurd sentiments put forth in, that ridiculous flyer, but the college that you attempted to hold responsible for these absurd positions, clearly stated that they do not, in any way, agree with them. By the way, if you are so concerned with colleges encouraging free speech, shouldn't you applaud the UofC for allowing people to post any flyers they like to this wall, regardless of how ignorant, and reprehensible it may be, such as this garbage that was posted?

Well maybe you can call the little phone number on there and get us a personal verification that appease your pathetic brain dead approval.
Call them ..........................:boohoo::asshole::blahblah: :clap:
So, your ignorant assumptions are exposed, and your reaction is insults. How droll...

For people like you it's a waste of time esp. for an ANTI American asshole who is so stupid you have the nerve to say " fuck the constitution" wtf do you think gives this Country our freedom you ANTI AMERICAN FKN MORON

This is the same level you stoop too little cyka

Based Monitored on Twitter

Actually, the OP's post is half true.

Yes, there is a group at UCCS that is passing out PAMPHLETS advocating for the banning of veterans because they believe that they are tied to white supremacist groups.'s just a pamphlet, and there are no moves to ban any veterans from attending college. If colleges did that, it would be financial suicide, because lots of colleges get money from the military in the form of college assistance that they give veterans to get educations.

Newsletter on UCCS: 'Veterans should be banned from four-year universities'

What's more.................if you were to read the link I posted, you would also see that UCCS had denouced these pamphlets being passed out on their campus.

OP is just doing more fear mongering from her favorite site Info Wars.
Be specific and QUOTE where the op attacked the school or claimed the School was responsible.
Actually, the OP's post is half true.

Yes, there is a group at UCCS that is passing out PAMPHLETS advocating for the banning of veterans because they believe that they are tied to white supremacist groups.'s just a pamphlet, and there are no moves to ban any veterans from attending college. If colleges did that, it would be financial suicide, because lots of colleges get money from the military in the form of college assistance that they give veterans to get educations.

Newsletter on UCCS: 'Veterans should be banned from four-year universities'

What's more.................if you were to read the link I posted, you would also see that UCCS had denouced these pamphlets being passed out on their campus.

OP is just doing more fear mongering from her favorite site Info Wars.

The same applies to you DUMBASS!! Read what I wrote to the other moron your twin.

UCCS chancellor issues statement in support of veterans
View attachment 146514

Yo.........................Mind Whore................if you had bothered to read what I'd posted, you would have seen that in my post I had ALREADY said that UCCS had denounced the PAMPHLET that some idiot group was passing around. UCCS isn't going to ban veterans, and I don't think any other college is going to either.
She never claimed they would dumb ass.

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