Social Security is ours not Congress

Many younger Americans, initforme, want to scam the system.

They will not be permitted to do so.
Congress sucks. And I HATE IT when they call it an "entitlement"
SS is not an entitlement. Nor is it "old age pension" as some refer to it.
Social Security stopped being a benefit during the Carter Admin when the funds were commingled with the general fund. At that point it became a TAX....
Social Security as it exists now, is merely a supplement. And a bad one at that.
The system is crap.
We should get back ALL of our money. But we won't.
SS one of the greatest things america has ever done.

I agree, but do you know where the money goes when it is collected?
It's treated like a slush fund.

What Jake is afraid to tell you is that since the 60's the money has been used t buy Treasuries.
The moment is buys a "Treasury" it goes into the General Fund.
What would happen in a National Emergency?
If the Treasuries were called in the Gov would have to PRINT the money to pay them.
Jake is a liar and a fraud.
Sure, right wing morons, lets give social security funds to Wall Street gamblers and see what could possibly go wrong.

Picture yourself as a 90 year old in a nursing home getting a letter from some WS bank stating, "sorry, we gambled and lost your money......have a nice time out on the street."
Hey moron....Do you really believe all that money taxed from the employed here just sits in some bank collecting dust?
I suppose you believe public and private sector pension funds have the same fate...
Cut the class envy "wall street is evil" horse shit. Nobody cares to hear that stupid rhetoric.
BTW sunshine, the reason why SS is so broken is because the government you worship as your mommy and daddy are solely responsible to breaking it.
If the Republicans fuck with Social Security they'll find out what Hillary Clinton found out when she pissed off labor.
Oh please.
Yeah, you'd rather have a broken toilet in your home that flushes once in a while but wastes water and drives up your monthly bill than buy a new toilet that doesn't leak and works every time it is used....
Fuck with SS. Please.
Look, your side has no say in the matter. So as you had us in this position for the past 8 years( we're in control, shut up and deal with it) now the shoe is on the other foot.
Only this time, the difference is, everyone will be included, and everyone will prosper.
Sure, right wing morons, lets give social security funds to Wall Street gamblers and see what could possibly go wrong.

Picture yourself as a 90 year old in a nursing home getting a letter from some WS bank stating, "sorry, we gambled and lost your money......have a nice time out on the street."
Seems to me Nitwit49.00 that before the elections you were hailing the stock market was going great while Obama was in office. Now you are saying that it isn't? Why the sudden change Nitwit? You do realize that Obama has been in office almost 8 years now, and still has 3 months left to go. Is Obama going to do something to Social Security that would be typical of a liberal and to rob more of the working peoples money?
Of course. The typically liberal double standard.
For the next 4 years libs will curse anything having to do with success, wealth and achievement. They will claim oil and gas prices are low because the marketplace decides the price structure and has nothing to do with the sitting POTUS......Blah blah blah....
All the shit Obama for which Obama was given credit by his sycophants will now be labeled as something else.
Yup...everyone will prosper...cough wheez I mean the rich....god if you can't see that Hillary nor trump is going to do a dang thing to help working folk. Its all about the you are dumber than dumb.
Congress sucks. And I HATE IT when they call it an "entitlement"

I hated it when Obama threatened retired people while the debt ceiling debate was on. He told them that if the debt ceiling wasn't raised, they might not get their checks. Sheer scare tactics. The money is supposed to be in a trust fund and spent only for the people who earned it.

Like every other thing, politicians see slush funds when there are piles of money. Nothing is safe from their grubby paws. They've even eyed people's retirement accounts. Libs want to confiscate them and then dole the money out. It's sickening.

Of course, SS was originally promised to be voluntary and no more than 3% of earnings. When they saw that wasn't enough money, they made it mandatory and kept increasing the amount they took from people. Now it's in trouble because they stole from it and gave it to illegals and legal immigrants who never paid into it.

Future generations will have to rely on millennials to fund their retirement. I sure hope those paid protesters are having taxes taken out of the checks Soros writing to them. And others will have to eventually come out of their safe spaces to work. With so many on welfare, where will the money come from? Pyramid schemes don't deliver as promised.
Big Ears cut Social Security and you libs were fine with it.

Either you enjoy lying...or you're just stupid......

Obama proposed to NOT increase the cost of living increases on SS, IF republicans agreed to raise upper class taxes...the so-called Gran Bargain....

Did it EVER happen???? Di FOX lie to you Gip?
s because the government you worship as your mommy and daddy are solely responsible to breaking it.

Well.....nitwit,for a bunch of right wing morons who constantly bash "government," you low-life fight pretty hard to get elected and revel in the fact that its now right wingers who are "running" that evil government.
s because the government you worship as your mommy and daddy are solely responsible to breaking it.

Well.....nitwit,for a bunch of right wing morons who constantly bash "government," you low-life fight pretty hard to get elected and revel in the fact that its now right wingers who are "running" that evil government.
Poor effort.
Whether you like it or not, the voters decided they have had it up to here with it all.
So what you'll see will no longer be "the government".....And to be frank, we're all watching. If they don't do it right, we'll fire their asses too.
Yup...everyone will prosper...cough wheez I mean the rich....god if you can't see that Hillary nor trump is going to do a dang thing to help working folk. Its all about the you are dumber than dumb.
Well, just exclude yourself from the country then.
Here's a newsflash. The campaign is over, The election is decided. So you can shit can the class warfare rhetoric.
In other words, its' time to take down your Christmas decorations.
If the Republicans fuck with Social Security they'll find out what Hillary Clinton found out when she pissed off labor.

Why don't you children show where a Republican Congress took this money out of that vaunted "lock box"?

Why don't you learn to post like an adult?

The Republicans want to let Wall Street get its hands on the Trust Fund. Sane people who are informed on the subject should know better.

Pay attention

1- There is NO trust fund

2- the responsibility to save for your old age is yours not Congress

3- "Many people believe that Social Security is an “earned right.” That is, they think that because they have paid Social Security taxes, they are entitled to receive Social Security benefits. The government encourages that belief by referring to Social Security taxes as “contributions,” as in the Federal Insurance Contribution Act. However, in the 1960 case of Fleming v. Nestor, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that workers have no legally binding contractual rights to their Social Security benefits, and that those benefits can be cut or even eliminated at any time."

Obama cuts social security...
Big Ears cut Social Security and you libs were fine with it.

Either you enjoy lying...or you're just stupid......

Obama proposed to NOT increase the cost of living increases on SS, IF republicans agreed to raise upper class taxes...the so-called Gran Bargain....

Did it EVER happen???? Di FOX lie to you Gip?
You just proved yourself ignorant. This should tell you something, but it probably won't.
Obama cuts social security...
If Christians functioned as Christians should, social programs in general would not need to be taken care of by collective means (government). If the wealthy were concerned about life, peace and the future, they would establish social aid programs. If there were general lack of understanding and compassion, we would have what is in place today.
Sure, right wing morons, lets give social security funds to Wall Street gamblers and see what could possibly go wrong.

Picture yourself as a 90 year old in a nursing home getting a letter from some WS bank stating, "sorry, we gambled and lost your money......have a nice time out on the street."

Here is one looming fact that all of us I think can agree on. No one on this forum is knowledgeable enough to debate this on the merits one way or the other.
And we can all agree that Missourian has no idea of what is being discussed.

One, SS is not an entitlement.

Two, it is an old age insurance program into which we all pay.

Three, it is our money.
Social Security and Medicare are entitlements as people who have worked and put money into them, are entitled too. What is not entitled is the Welfare, Free PHones, housing assistance, Medicaid and anything else the liberals have taken from the workers and given away for future votes. VA benefits are entitlements also, for those who have sacrificed their lives to keep US free. When all those FREE stuff are gone, then people actually have to work, or starve. They will eventually work, and the US economy will prosper.

Put the money back, Congress.


Welcome to govenrment, if you had your own account, this wouldnt happen, but since FICA has been general fund money since the 30s, its gonna happen.

Why is that pensions who do not put money into your own account, and invest in US government securities just like Social Security, not have this problem?

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