Social Security is ours not Congress

Why do you think you should not pay into SS, boyos?

We have from the mid thirties, and now you want an exemption.

Does not work that way.
We paid in. We will be taken care of by SS. There will be no changes.

Paul Ryan on Social Security -
Feb 27, 2016 - Paul Ryan on Social Security; House of Representatives issue stances; Tired of media ... And then the kinds of the changes we're talking about for younger people like .... By 2017 Social Security will start running cash deficits.
Proposals to change Social Security
February 10, 2016, FY2017 Budget, Estimates of the Financial Effects on Social ... Changes to the WEP and GPO Proposed in the President's Fiscal Year 2017 Budget, .... May 21, 2008, Ryan, Estimated Financial Effects of the "Social Security ...
Social Security | Paul Ryan › issues
Jan 27, 2015 - Overview; Social Security is Going Broke; The Need for Reform; The ... increased by a total of $484 million over the FY 2017 – 2020 period.
Kiss It Goodbye: Social Security Benefits Will Be Cut In 2017 |
Kiss It Goodbye: Social Security Benefits Will Be Cut In 2017 ... Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., previously proposed to bolster Social Security's minimum .... Now nobody wants it. .... Need a hearing aid, new hip, knees, kidney, lungs, sex change, or heart?
Trump and Ryan Agree: Let's Dismantle Social Security | The ...
May 16, 2016 - Paul Ryan and his zeal for cutting Social Security is in line with his Party's .... People Are Predicting The News Headlines Of 2017, And They're ...
We paid in. We will be taken care of by SS. There will be no changes.

Paul Ryan on Social Security -
Feb 27, 2016 - Paul Ryan on Social Security; House of Representatives issue stances; Tired of media ... And then the kinds of the changes we're talking about for younger people like .... By 2017 Social Security will start running cash deficits.
Proposals to change Social Security
February 10, 2016, FY2017 Budget, Estimates of the Financial Effects on Social ... Changes to the WEP and GPO Proposed in the President's Fiscal Year 2017 Budget, .... May 21, 2008, Ryan, Estimated Financial Effects of the "Social Security ...
Social Security | Paul Ryan › issues
Jan 27, 2015 - Overview; Social Security is Going Broke; The Need for Reform; The ... increased by a total of $484 million over the FY 2017 – 2020 period.
Kiss It Goodbye: Social Security Benefits Will Be Cut In 2017 |
Kiss It Goodbye: Social Security Benefits Will Be Cut In 2017 ... Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., previously proposed to bolster Social Security's minimum .... Now nobody wants it. .... Need a hearing aid, new hip, knees, kidney, lungs, sex change, or heart?
Trump and Ryan Agree: Let's Dismantle Social Security | The ...
May 16, 2016 - Paul Ryan and his zeal for cutting Social Security is in line with his Party's .... People Are Predicting The News Headlines Of 2017, And They're ...

Jakey, where does the money taken in for SS currently go?
grizz simply does not want to work for a living: tough.

Simply tax on the earned income and cap it at a million a year.

Poor grizz grizz, now a bear rug in front of my fire place at the lodge.
Take some out of d military budget. We have an excess of enlistees and plenty in the pot. Perhaps its time for them to trim all the fat.
grizz simply does not want to work for a living: tough.

Simply tax on the earned income and cap it at a million a year.

Poor grizz grizz, now a bear rug in front of my fire place at the lodge.[/QUOTE
grizz simply does not want to work for a living: tough.

Simply tax on the earned income and cap it at a million a year.

Poor grizz grizz, now a bear rug in front of my fire place at the lodge.

Jakey, where does the money taken in for SS currently go?
Why are you afraid to answer this Jake?
It's very straight forward.

Jakey, where does the money taken in for SS currently go?
Why are you afraid to answer this Jake?
It's very straight forward.
Take some out of d military budget. We have an excess of enlistees and plenty in the pot. Perhaps its time for them to trim all the fat.
Absolutely. Cap the limit at one million earned income per year. No problem in fixing it.

Of course, that will force the takers like grizz to work.
I suppise SS has helpoed nobody...except hundreds of millions of retirees....that makes it terrible.
Grizz, you are merely flaming. You have been answered. We are not going to fight.

I won't allow it.
Grizz, you are merely flaming. You have been answered. We are not going to fight.

I won't allow it.

Jake, where does the money I pay into to SS go?
Jakey asking you t answer the question is not fighting.
Why are you being a coward?
One ofdofd the best things america has ever done is SS. Why is helping people such a bad thing in a narption founded on judeo christian values?
grizz and swimfrog don't want to pay their share, initforme.

They know they argument "why" but reject it.

I believe the bible preaches avbout helping the least of doesn't preach about becoming wealthy.....unless my pastors have had it all wrong all these years.

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