Social Security Will Be Insolvent in 10 Years

They have 95% of all income,

The source said 52% and they pay 87%.

Sounds more than fair.

And, don't forget to to bring up all the fine deductions they get

The deductions that get them down to 87% of income taxes paid.
Which ones should we get rid of? Be specific.

Another one of your idiot posts. You've never filled out a tax return, have you. Your short form you have H&R Block fill out for you wouldn't have a lot of stuff on it.
You like a socialist program. There for you are a socialist. Republicans hate socialism and social programs.

You are experiencing cognitive dissonance I assume?

You can say the same about the 'limited liabilty' scam for corporations. How many people would stuff their 401K's with stocks if they were to be held personally liable as owners for those companies' debts and criminal acts, for instance?
You mean like when we warned people Republicans were going to make abortion illegal? Are you still lying and saying that's not your ultimate goal?

Trust me, there will come a time when both Democratic and Republican politicians tell us we have to take a 20-30% cut on our social programs in order to "save" them

My only concern is will it happen to me? I'm 52. Hopefully they only fuck over all Americans who are under 50. Plus I'll be 62 when the fund runs out of money. I should be grandfathered in.
Abortion is not illegal, its not a federal matter, I'd say quit lying about that but you will not.
The so-called Rich don't pay as much Income Tax as the clowns would like because they don't have much typical income. They follow existing tax law on other forms of income (Tax Law the DEM Congress has put into place). Their 1yr property tax is more than any DEM pays in lifetime. Again....get them to change the TAX law. They want to spend $2T extra...go find it.

They get such fun stuff as being able to deduct the costs of their new swimming pool, something few others will get to do. They cn also delay paying all kinds of taxes that 'little people will never qualify for. 'Property tax' evaluations are also largely a joke. Most of them set their own tax rates in tiny little gated communities they incorporate as 'towns' and of course pay less than most.
Are you sad that I know your 95% claim was moronic?

Are you sad that you're full of shit and prove it all day every day?

That is the arguments Republicans make. Meanwhile we're broke. And if they pay no taxes than that shifts the burden on to you.

And don't buy that argument Tory. It's a lie. If we don't tax them and they take in more money, they don't lower the price of their product. And they can only raise the price so much before you stop buying it.

Did you see I wrote that CEO has gone up 1322% since 1978? That's where the tax breaks have gone. AND, they passed on those costs to you.

I got news for you admiral. They're already gouging us. Charging as much as they can. This is why stimulus caused inflation and so did Trump's tax breaks to everyone. Give everyone more money the corporations will raise their rates.

Taxing them has little effect on the price of the product.

Holy shit Admiral. That was all just from the hip. Then I looked it up and god damn if I wasn't right

But history doesn't support the notion that higher corporate taxes necessarily lead to higher prices or lower wages. There has been no correlation between inflation and the rate at which companies pay taxes, based on available data back to 1947.

These idiots have never filed a tax return, and probably don't even know what capital gains means nor the tax rates on those, much less the write offs. The top rates on wages are almost twice the top rates for capital gains, and have far fewer deductions to take advantage of.
It doesn't even help your drop out dumb ass.

More projection. You couldn't back up your idiotic '87% of taxes' claim, but suddenly you think they have only 52% of income n stuff'. Keep falling for your echo chamber swill; it's why the GOP can't even beat out loons like AOC and Pelosi. lol
It doesn't even help your drop out dumb ass.

The Peanut Gallery probably noted the chart was for taxes, not incomes, but idiots like you don't have the brains to know the difference. They aren't paying' 52%' of anything, in any case, and certainly not '87%'.
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More projection. You couldn't back up your idiotic '87% of taxes' claim, but suddenly you think they have only 52% of income n stuff'. Keep falling for your echo chamber swill; it's why the GOP can't even beat out loons like AOC and Pelosi. lol

My "87% of all income taxes" backup was much stronger than your "95% of all income" backup.

but suddenly you think they have only 52% of income n stuff'.

If you feel the actual number is different, post your evidence.

Or run away crying again.
My "87% of all income taxes" backup was much stronger than your "95% of all income" backup.

but suddenly you think they have only 52% of income n stuff'.

If you feel the actual number is different, post your evidence.

Or run away crying again.

Already did, dumbass. Like I said, you don't even know what you're talking about most of the time. You didn't back up squat.
The Peanut Gallery probably noted the chart was for taxes, not incomes, but idiots like you don't have the brains to know the difference. They aren't paying' 52%' of anything, in any case.

The Peanut Gallery probably noted the chart was for taxes, not incomes,

They probably noticed your chart didn't help your claim.
But they know you're an idiot, so they expected you to fail.
Thanks for not disappointing them.

They aren't paying' 52%' of anything, in any case.

Obviously. They're paying 87% of all income taxes. Moron.

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