Socialism Destroyed His Country, Venezuela — Here's His Message to Americans

Totaltarianism ruined his country. You know, the type of thing where one man controls a political party then gets people put in place to control elections so that he wins and that whoever he picks as a sucessor wins. Kinda like what we are seeing the republican party doing right now.
It is amazing the gaslighting you have
haha it’s not the job of anyone ro distribute wealth. Wealth isn’t created by the govt, to distribute

that’s what the leftist tyrants try to sell you though, and you cultist fall for it.
For the sake of having a stable country and economy you can't let too many people get hungry. You either feed people or you end up killing them before they kill you.

Socialism Destroyed His Country, Venezuela — Here's His Message to Americans

10 Dec 2021 ~~ By Douglas Blair

Venezuela used to be a thriving and prosperous Latin American country. Its citizens enjoyed a wonderful quality of life, and immigrants from across the world flocked to its shores to better their situation. All of that changed when socialism took over the Venezuelan government. The once flourishing country quickly became an example for other nations of what happens when socialism is allowed to run rampant. Violent crime skyrocketed, people lost their lives and livelihoods, and neighbors began to view each other as rivals for ever diminishing resources. Venezuela had become hell on earth. Now many Americans, blissfully ignorant of the ravages of socialism, want to bring it to the United States.

Daniel Di Martino is amazing, it's a pleasure to hear such wisdom coming from a young man who has had firsthand experience in such a dystopian world and shows such belief in America. He speaks from firsthand knowledge of what he has seen in a country that was once the jewel of South America.
Venezuela has one of the largest known oil reserves in the world and can’t even get it out of the ground now, let alone refine it. Thanks to Chavez and now Maduro they turned Venezuela into a poverty-stricken country unable to support itself.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists tell us what social programs are implemented. They consider the use of force required to make those who create value to produce for the Collective just as Maduro tells the people of Venezuela.
We see this happening under the 'Bai Dung' administration with every move this administration has made since January 2021.
This is what the PM/DSA Democratic Party wants for America. They think that they will be in power and create their dystopian utopia with no worries with the support of the Quisling Media Complex is backing them.
They continue to refuse to recognize the failures of Marxist Socialism and not having learned from History.
Hugo Chavez was the turning point for Venezuela, he was the 'Trojan Horse' for the easily influenced majority of Venezuela. Is Joey Xi being used as the 'Trojan Horse' of the PM/DSA Democrat Left or is he a willing participant?
Hugo had charisma, intensity and oratory skills, sort of like Castro in Cuba, Mussolini in Italy or Obama in America.

Hugo had the aid of Castro and Cuban agents behind him, as Castro wanted a share of Venezuelan oil profits.
For the sake of having a stable country and economy you can't let too many people get hungry. You either feed people or you end up killing them before they kill you.
and that’s why the socialist utopia in Venezuela…as well as the USSR fell apart

i will admit prior to Hugo the oil industry was corrupt, but that’s because it was nationalized since the 1970s
and that’s why the socialist utopia in Venezuela…as well as the USSR fell apart

i will admit prior to Hugo the oil industry was corrupt, but that’s because it was nationalized since the 1970s

So you are positing that the Soviet in Russia fell apart due to starvation?
Maybe you need to re-check history.
and that’s why the socialist utopia in Venezuela…as well as the USSR fell apart

i will admit prior to Hugo the oil industry was corrupt, but that’s because it was nationalized since the 1970s
If capitalism ever fails it will be because of it's own greed not because a bunch of otherwise prosperous people think socialism is a cool idea. Socialism grows in empty bellies and empty pockets.
Totaltarianism ruined his country. You know, the type of thing where one man controls a political party then gets people put in place to control elections so that he wins and that whoever he picks as a sucessor wins. Kinda like what we are seeing the republican party doing right now.
What you see is contrived in your indoctrinated leftist mind.
Yes. Pure socialism bad.

We all know this.
It's out of the box. It must by its nature expand. Like a vile creature with endless blood sucking tentacles. There are endless people to help that will never end. Endless programs added to programs that seem to help a bit but cause more issues. The value for the dollar spent is not being achieved.
It's out of the box. It must by its nature expand. Like a vile creature with endless blood sucking tentacles. There are endless people to help that will never end. Endless programs added to programs that seem to help a bit but cause more issues. The value for the dollar spent is not being achieved.
The mojority of our dollar is spent on bombs, missiles and bullets that can only be used once, then their replacement costs more money each time they are made. Militarism will be the death of this country.
it was a socialist state, which is both totalitarian and an oligarchy
Bullshit. Besides there are all kinds of socialist democracies on this planet that work very well.
Bullshit. Besides there are all kinds of socialist democracies on this planet that work very well.

Spoken like a true Bidenista, Castronista, Chavezinista, and Sandinista; you black mestizo Commie scumbag!!

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