Socialism in America

“Trump is the only one who can save us from Socialism…”


There’s nothing to be ‘saved’ from.

If anything we need to be saved form Trumpism.
when leftist are idiots and haven't a clue what AGENDA 21 means...........

nor AGENDA 2030 meanwhile the gawd dam UN HAS IT WRITTEN IN PLAIN VIEW on their site problem is most american are to fkn stupid to decode what it's really saying even though it's in an 7th grade level reading ability.

(NaturalNews) This week, Michael Snyder published an important article entitled The 2030 Agenda: This Month The UN Launches A Blueprint For A New World Order With The Help Of The Pope.

That article references this UN "2030 Agenda" document that pushes a blueprint for so-called "sustainable development" around the world.

This document describes nothing less than a global government takeover of every nation across the planet. The "goals" of this document are nothing more than code words for a corporate-government fascist agenda that will imprison humanity in a devastating cycle of poverty while enriching the world's most powerful globalist corporations like Monsanto and DuPont.

In the interests of helping wake up humanity, I've decided to translate the 17 points of this 2030 agenda so that readers everywhere can understand what this document is really calling for. To perform this translation, you have to understand how globalists disguise their monopolistic agendas in "feel good" language.

Here's the point-by-point translation. Notice carefully that nowhere does this document state that "achieving human freedom" is one of its goals. Nor does it explain HOW these goals are to be achieved. As you'll see here, every single point in this UN agenda is to be achieved through centralized government control and totalitarian mandates that resemble communism.

Translation of the UN's "2030 Agenda blueprint for globalist government" (controlled by corporate interests)
Goal 1) End poverty in all its forms everywhere

Translation: Put everyone on government welfare, food stamps, housing subsidies and handouts that make them obedient slaves to global government. Never allow people upward mobility to help themselves. Instead, teach mass victimization and obedience to a government that provides monthly "allowance" money for basic essentials like food and medicine. Label it "ending poverty."
The United Nations 2030 Agenda decoded: It's a blueprint for the global enslavement of humanity under the boot of corporate masters

Is it possible? Will the democratic party go all out socialist?
No and no. Socialism as a system is the government owning the resources and the means of production. Any talk that this country is anywhere near socialism or that any significant political force is pushing it that way are utterly absurd. We might very well be the least socialist country on the planet.
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"The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule."
-H.L. Mencken
We have a Constitution.

There it is, communist in chief of the board.
it takes morals to faithfully execute our supreme law of the land.

Left has no morals.

Left literally reject the Constitution they swore on.
Talk, is what the right wing is best at. We have a general welfare clause not a general warfare clause.
“Trump is the only one who can save us from Socialism…”


There’s nothing to be ‘saved’ from.

If anything we need to be saved form Trumpism.
Not even the pie in the sky morons in Congress who have signed on to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's socialist suicide pact?
“Trump is the only one who can save us from Socialism…”


There’s nothing to be ‘saved’ from.

If anything we need to be saved form Trumpism.
Not even the pie in the sky morons in Congress who have signed on to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's socialist suicide pact?
nothing but appeals to emotional fallacies.
Ok, thanks. And when OSC and others talk about Democratic Socialism, what does that mean?
You really don't know?

Okay, well, it means a level of government involvement, cost and scope that exists further along towards the left of the continuum than we are now. This is where counties like Sweden, Finland, Canada, Germany, France and England are - more government (the socialist element), but also a strong component of free market capitalism, personal freedom and private property (the democratic element). Quite unlike actual socialist countries like Venezuela and Cuba.

The distinction should be clear, but it appears to completely flummox our conservative Right, at least in the conservative Right's present condition. Somehow the thought of a continuum of government involvement just doesn't appear to register. For them, this complex, dynamic continuum appears to be reduced to some kind of simplistic on/off switch that requires virtually no intellectual elasticity.

How a person can not see a distinction between the latter two countries and the former six countries is a mystery, although I do have my suspicions.

Okay! I hope that helps!
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nothing but appeals to emotional fallacies.
That's just idiocy. AOC's Green New Deal is a dangerous horribly naive mistake and just on the most basic level it's a suicide pact for any nation dumb enough to engage in it. No emotional fallacies there.

Have you ever posted anything of worth? No.
Ok, thanks. And when OSC and others talk about Democratic Socialism, what does that mean?
You really don't know?

Well, I go by the standard dictionary definition, or the description on wikipedia. But every time I try to talk about socialism, everyone tells me I don't know what it means, so I wanted to clarify. For example, this:

Okay, well, it means a level of government involvement, cost and scope that exists further along towards the left of the continuum than we are now. This is where counties like Sweden, Finland, Canada, Germany, France and England are - more government (the socialist element), but also a strong component of free market capitalism, personal freedom and private property (the democratic element). Quite unlike actual socialist countries like Venezuela and Cuba.

... is significantly different than various dictionary definitions or wikipedia.

The distinction should be clear, but it appears to completely flummox our conservative Right, at least in the conservative Right's present condition. Somehow the thought of a continuum of government involvement just doesn't appear to register. For them, this complex, dynamic continuum appears to be reduced to some kind of simplistic on/off switch that requires virtually no intellectual elasticity.

I don't think that's the issue so much as the desired endgame. It's the direction you want to push things along that continuum that matter. Conservatives and libertarians want less socialism, people who call themselves "democratic socialists", presumably, want more.

But this business where everyone has a different definition of socialism is a copout. For a conversation between the two of us, I'm fine with any definition you want to use, as along as it's clear and we're not equivocating. But other people are more likely to use nominally neutral sources like wikipedia. From the terminology they use there, it sounds like what you're advocating is social democracy, rather than democratic socialism:

Democratic socialism is further distinguished from social democracy on the basis that democratic socialists are committed to systemic transformation of the economy from capitalism to socialism, whereas social democracy is supportive of reforms to capitalism. In contrast to social democrats, democratic socialists believe that reforms aimed at addressing social inequalities and state interventions aimed at suppressing the economic contradictions of capitalism will only see them emerge elsewhere in a different guise. As socialists, democratic socialists believe that the systemic issues of capitalism can only be solved by replacing the capitalist system with a socialist system—i.e. by replacing private ownership with social ownership of the means of production.

Anyway, I realize you're using a different definition, but I don't see how you can shame people for going with wikipedia rather than your version. In the above definition, democratic socialists aren't advocating for a mixed economy. They're straight up socialists, they just want it to be less authoritarian.
Is it possible? Will the democratic party go all out socialist?

Venezuleans have sent us a message...................“people are eating from trash cans in the streets, so how has socialism helped?”

VIDEO: Venezuelan socialism victims send message to American socialists

Trump is the only one who can save us from Socialism....but he needs to regain control of Congress to accomplish that and much more.

His state of the union address was the greatest speech I have ever heard from a American President. He truly understands the importance of Ameica and being many take it granted.
They already have. 2008. Went socialist and racist. White men not welcome.
s it possible? Will the democratic party go all out socialist?

Venezuleans have sent us a message...................“people are eating from trash cans in the streets, so how has socialism helped?
What message is the US sending to Venezuela and the rest of the world?

An Interview the Saker on Venezuela

"The price of the U.S. economic attack on Venezuela is thus to fracture the global monetary system. Maduro’s defensive move is showing other countries the need to protect themselves from becoming 'another Venezuela' by finding a new safe haven and paying agent for their gold, foreign exchange reserves and foreign debt financing, away from the dollar, sterling and euro areas."

'Shelves are fully stocked': Venezuela's 'food crisis' myth revealed --
s it possible? Will the democratic party go all out socialist?

Venezuleans have sent us a message...................“people are eating from trash cans in the streets, so how has socialism helped?
What message is the US sending to Venezuela and the rest of the world?

An Interview the Saker on Venezuela

"The price of the U.S. economic attack on Venezuela is thus to fracture the global monetary system. Maduro’s defensive move is showing other countries the need to protect themselves from becoming 'another Venezuela' by finding a new safe haven and paying agent for their gold, foreign exchange reserves and foreign debt financing, away from the dollar, sterling and euro areas."

'Shelves are fully stocked': Venezuela's 'food crisis' myth revealed --

Oh, a link to an article!
Is it possible? Will the democratic party go all out socialist?

Venezuleans have sent us a message...................“people are eating from trash cans in the streets, so how has socialism helped?”

VIDEO: Venezuelan socialism victims send message to American socialists

Trump is the only one who can save us from Socialism....but he needs to regain control of Congress to accomplish that and much more.

His state of the union address was the greatest speech I have ever heard from a American President. He truly understands the importance of Ameica and being many take it granted.
Oh yea, its so awful that we were eating from trash cans in 1956

(mostly true)
s it possible? Will the democratic party go all out socialist?

Venezuleans have sent us a message...................“people are eating from trash cans in the streets, so how has socialism helped?
What message is the US sending to Venezuela and the rest of the world?

An Interview the Saker on Venezuela

"The price of the U.S. economic attack on Venezuela is thus to fracture the global monetary system. Maduro’s defensive move is showing other countries the need to protect themselves from becoming 'another Venezuela' by finding a new safe haven and paying agent for their gold, foreign exchange reserves and foreign debt financing, away from the dollar, sterling and euro areas."

'Shelves are fully stocked': Venezuela's 'food crisis' myth revealed --

What stupidity.....did you ever think that maybe most folks down there do not have the money to visit these stores?

If you had been around in the 30's you no doubt would have been one of those describing Stalinist Russia as a workers fact you may believe that now.

Telling the Truth about Communism
If anything we need to be saved form Trumpism.
Our wonderful leader Pres.Trump is saving the country from Socialism.

All real American citizens should be grateful. .. :thup: .. :cool:
He closed Fort Bragg ? WTF ?

I have not heard that but the truth of the matter is...we know longer need conventional Airborne Forces.

We need more drone and cruise missles....we should saturate the south pacific with cruise missle bases heavily fortified to be able to resist any sort of attack. A high percentage of these crusis missles should be tipped with neutron bombs.

Key Issues: Nuclear Weapons: The Basics: The Neutron Bomb

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