Socialism is an A+ plan

I am not a registered Republican. However, I am a Trump supporter because of assholes like you, who disparage anyone who may disagree with your political views. I consider you to be an ignoramus and a parasite and precisely what is wrong with America these days. We are at an impasse.
Actually I always wanted a smart businessman to be president. Too bad Trump is only good at conning the American public by parroting garbage GOP propaganda to the brainwashed. I wish him luck with his trade Wars and confrontational diplomacy Tom, but the truth is there is no reason to believe he knows what he's doing at all, especially with nut jobs like Bolton and Abrams.

I disagree. And that in your world makes me a moron. Yet, I believe people should be able to disagree in a free country.
90% of the world thinks you are a brainwashed functional moron--actually a lot of them don't know about fox and Rush etc etc so they just think you are a total idiot, gives all Americans a bad rep. All respected journalists newspapers and media and law enforcement also. Trump was a crappy businessman who lost all his father's money--his success in business was after that when he allowed people to use his name on their buildings --and only got saved by being an actor--

We'll see what happens with his seemingly crazy foreign policy and international economic ideas. The smart money is that he will be revealed to be a total screw-up.

I disagree that 90% of the world disagrees but even if they did, IDC. I am my own person. I have my beliefs. I am a son of immigrants, who came here with nothing. No one ever gave me anything. Everything I have was earned. I find people like you abhorrent. I support Trump because:

#1) Business Friendly POTUS
#2) Moved embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing as the true capital of Israel.
#3) He is cracking down on illegal immigration. My parents came here legally. Have since paid back HIAS 20x more than they got. I am all for immigration but it must be done legally.
#4) I am against biological males who identify as females playing sports against biological females. That is a Democrat bullshit stance.
#5) I find statements such as white privilege extremely offensive and simply untrue.
#6) I hate the Democrat victim mentality and their oppression Olympics.
#7) I find the PC nature of the party ridiculous.
#8) I find their crybaby stance because Trump won ridiculous.
#9) Their support of violence from groups like Antifa and BLM is insanity personified.
#10) Their lack of logic when it comes to Universal Healthcare is laughable. Other countries don't allow you to become a citizen just because you're born here and tuition for MDs is fairly inexpensive. You need to fix that prior to arguing for Universal Healthcare. But idiots like you who were history majors cannot do basic math and do not understand economics.

Enjoy. Parasite.
The wall will do nothing it's stupid un American and useless. All we need is an ID card like every other rich country with this problem. Your intolerance and ignorance is noted. We used to have a GOP scam health system that was 100% more expensive than other countries who covered everyone. We need more regulation and of course cheaper University. All examples of cuts in services for regular people under the Reagan doctrine of giveaway to the rich. What you don't even know about. This is a GOP mess we have here inequality and lack of opportunity. But the major problem is we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes and a give away to the rich.

You talk you don’t listen. Typical Leftist. I agree sort off on the tax system. I pay gas, cell phone, property and excise tax. True tax rate under Reagan didn’t change. Rich still paid around 40%. Reagan took away a bunch of loopholes. Revenue is one issue but expenses is another. Especially with parasites like you collecting a public pension for doing nothing. Thanks for that. And the rich aren’t the problem it’s
The scam artists and the fraud and frivolous spending.
I am not a registered Republican. However, I am a Trump supporter because of assholes like you, who disparage anyone who may disagree with your political views. I consider you to be an ignoramus and a parasite and precisely what is wrong with America these days. We are at an impasse.
Actually I always wanted a smart businessman to be president. Too bad Trump is only good at conning the American public by parroting garbage GOP propaganda to the brainwashed. I wish him luck with his trade Wars and confrontational diplomacy Tom, but the truth is there is no reason to believe he knows what he's doing at all, especially with nut jobs like Bolton and Abrams.

I disagree. And that in your world makes me a moron. Yet, I believe people should be able to disagree in a free country.
90% of the world thinks you are a brainwashed functional moron--actually a lot of them don't know about fox and Rush etc etc so they just think you are a total idiot, gives all Americans a bad rep. All respected journalists newspapers and media and law enforcement also. Trump was a crappy businessman who lost all his father's money--his success in business was after that when he allowed people to use his name on their buildings --and only got saved by being an actor--

We'll see what happens with his seemingly crazy foreign policy and international economic ideas. The smart money is that he will be revealed to be a total screw-up.

I disagree that 90% of the world disagrees but even if they did, IDC. I am my own person. I have my beliefs. I am a son of immigrants, who came here with nothing. No one ever gave me anything. Everything I have was earned. I find people like you abhorrent. I support Trump because:

#1) Business Friendly POTUS
#2) Moved embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing as the true capital of Israel.
#3) He is cracking down on illegal immigration. My parents came here legally. Have since paid back HIAS 20x more than they got. I am all for immigration but it must be done legally.
#4) I am against biological males who identify as females playing sports against biological females. That is a Democrat bullshit stance.
#5) I find statements such as white privilege extremely offensive and simply untrue.
#6) I hate the Democrat victim mentality and their oppression Olympics.
#7) I find the PC nature of the party ridiculous.
#8) I find their crybaby stance because Trump won ridiculous.
#9) Their support of violence from groups like Antifa and BLM is insanity personified.
#10) Their lack of logic when it comes to Universal Healthcare is laughable. Other countries don't allow you to become a citizen just because you're born here and tuition for MDs is fairly inexpensive. You need to fix that prior to arguing for Universal Healthcare. But idiots like you who were history majors cannot do basic math and do not understand economics.

Enjoy. Parasite.
You know, you do get to retire, you young pipsqueak. LOL. Stop listening to hate propaganda for crying out loud.

I agree. You do. My dad is retired but his pension is from a private entity, where he worked for 30+ yrs. Not from the Govt. He still works part time to keep sane. He was a lifelong Democrat until the party in his POV turned on him and fellow Jews.
Actually I always wanted a smart businessman to be president. Too bad Trump is only good at conning the American public by parroting garbage GOP propaganda to the brainwashed. I wish him luck with his trade Wars and confrontational diplomacy Tom, but the truth is there is no reason to believe he knows what he's doing at all, especially with nut jobs like Bolton and Abrams.

I disagree. And that in your world makes me a moron. Yet, I believe people should be able to disagree in a free country.
90% of the world thinks you are a brainwashed functional moron--actually a lot of them don't know about fox and Rush etc etc so they just think you are a total idiot, gives all Americans a bad rep. All respected journalists newspapers and media and law enforcement also. Trump was a crappy businessman who lost all his father's money--his success in business was after that when he allowed people to use his name on their buildings --and only got saved by being an actor--

We'll see what happens with his seemingly crazy foreign policy and international economic ideas. The smart money is that he will be revealed to be a total screw-up.

I disagree that 90% of the world disagrees but even if they did, IDC. I am my own person. I have my beliefs. I am a son of immigrants, who came here with nothing. No one ever gave me anything. Everything I have was earned. I find people like you abhorrent. I support Trump because:

#1) Business Friendly POTUS
#2) Moved embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing as the true capital of Israel.
#3) He is cracking down on illegal immigration. My parents came here legally. Have since paid back HIAS 20x more than they got. I am all for immigration but it must be done legally.
#4) I am against biological males who identify as females playing sports against biological females. That is a Democrat bullshit stance.
#5) I find statements such as white privilege extremely offensive and simply untrue.
#6) I hate the Democrat victim mentality and their oppression Olympics.
#7) I find the PC nature of the party ridiculous.
#8) I find their crybaby stance because Trump won ridiculous.
#9) Their support of violence from groups like Antifa and BLM is insanity personified.
#10) Their lack of logic when it comes to Universal Healthcare is laughable. Other countries don't allow you to become a citizen just because you're born here and tuition for MDs is fairly inexpensive. You need to fix that prior to arguing for Universal Healthcare. But idiots like you who were history majors cannot do basic math and do not understand economics.

Enjoy. Parasite.
The wall will do nothing it's stupid un American and useless. All we need is an ID card like every other rich country with this problem. Your intolerance and ignorance is noted. We used to have a GOP scam health system that was 100% more expensive than other countries who covered everyone. We need more regulation and of course cheaper University. All examples of cuts in services for regular people under the Reagan doctrine of giveaway to the rich. What you don't even know about. This is a GOP mess we have here inequality and lack of opportunity. But the major problem is we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes and a give away to the rich.

You talk you don’t listen. Typical Leftist. I agree sort off on the tax system. I pay gas, cell phone, property and excise tax. True tax rate under Reagan didn’t change. Rich still paid around 40%. Reagan took away a bunch of loopholes. Revenue is one issue but expenses is another. Especially with parasites like you collecting a public pension for doing nothing. Thanks for that. And the rich aren’t the problem it’s
The scam artists and the fraud and frivolous spending.
the actual rates they rich paid went from 42% to 28% under Reagan and goodbye services for everyone else including cheap college and training and infrastructure. The bosses and the rich are taking advantage of you sonny. Not the government or the poor...

Antifa is a joke punk kids. Speaking of punk kids, people need to retire I'm 68 pipsqueak. LOL
Last edited:
I disagree. And that in your world makes me a moron. Yet, I believe people should be able to disagree in a free country.
90% of the world thinks you are a brainwashed functional moron--actually a lot of them don't know about fox and Rush etc etc so they just think you are a total idiot, gives all Americans a bad rep. All respected journalists newspapers and media and law enforcement also. Trump was a crappy businessman who lost all his father's money--his success in business was after that when he allowed people to use his name on their buildings --and only got saved by being an actor--

We'll see what happens with his seemingly crazy foreign policy and international economic ideas. The smart money is that he will be revealed to be a total screw-up.

I disagree that 90% of the world disagrees but even if they did, IDC. I am my own person. I have my beliefs. I am a son of immigrants, who came here with nothing. No one ever gave me anything. Everything I have was earned. I find people like you abhorrent. I support Trump because:

#1) Business Friendly POTUS
#2) Moved embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing as the true capital of Israel.
#3) He is cracking down on illegal immigration. My parents came here legally. Have since paid back HIAS 20x more than they got. I am all for immigration but it must be done legally.
#4) I am against biological males who identify as females playing sports against biological females. That is a Democrat bullshit stance.
#5) I find statements such as white privilege extremely offensive and simply untrue.
#6) I hate the Democrat victim mentality and their oppression Olympics.
#7) I find the PC nature of the party ridiculous.
#8) I find their crybaby stance because Trump won ridiculous.
#9) Their support of violence from groups like Antifa and BLM is insanity personified.
#10) Their lack of logic when it comes to Universal Healthcare is laughable. Other countries don't allow you to become a citizen just because you're born here and tuition for MDs is fairly inexpensive. You need to fix that prior to arguing for Universal Healthcare. But idiots like you who were history majors cannot do basic math and do not understand economics.

Enjoy. Parasite.
The wall will do nothing it's stupid un American and useless. All we need is an ID card like every other rich country with this problem. Your intolerance and ignorance is noted. We used to have a GOP scam health system that was 100% more expensive than other countries who covered everyone. We need more regulation and of course cheaper University. All examples of cuts in services for regular people under the Reagan doctrine of giveaway to the rich. What you don't even know about. This is a GOP mess we have here inequality and lack of opportunity. But the major problem is we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes and a give away to the rich.

You talk you don’t listen. Typical Leftist. I agree sort off on the tax system. I pay gas, cell phone, property and excise tax. True tax rate under Reagan didn’t change. Rich still paid around 40%. Reagan took away a bunch of loopholes. Revenue is one issue but expenses is another. Especially with parasites like you collecting a public pension for doing nothing. Thanks for that. And the rich aren’t the problem it’s
The scam artists and the fraud and frivolous spending.
the actual rates they rich paid went from 42% to 28% under Reagan and goodbye services for everyone else including cheap college and training and infrastructure. The bosses and the rich are taking advantage of you sonny. Not the government or the poor...
It is not my problem I think I'm going to go retire to the south of France etc
90% of the world thinks you are a brainwashed functional moron--actually a lot of them don't know about fox and Rush etc etc so they just think you are a total idiot, gives all Americans a bad rep. All respected journalists newspapers and media and law enforcement also. Trump was a crappy businessman who lost all his father's money--his success in business was after that when he allowed people to use his name on their buildings --and only got saved by being an actor--

We'll see what happens with his seemingly crazy foreign policy and international economic ideas. The smart money is that he will be revealed to be a total screw-up.

I disagree that 90% of the world disagrees but even if they did, IDC. I am my own person. I have my beliefs. I am a son of immigrants, who came here with nothing. No one ever gave me anything. Everything I have was earned. I find people like you abhorrent. I support Trump because:

#1) Business Friendly POTUS
#2) Moved embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing as the true capital of Israel.
#3) He is cracking down on illegal immigration. My parents came here legally. Have since paid back HIAS 20x more than they got. I am all for immigration but it must be done legally.
#4) I am against biological males who identify as females playing sports against biological females. That is a Democrat bullshit stance.
#5) I find statements such as white privilege extremely offensive and simply untrue.
#6) I hate the Democrat victim mentality and their oppression Olympics.
#7) I find the PC nature of the party ridiculous.
#8) I find their crybaby stance because Trump won ridiculous.
#9) Their support of violence from groups like Antifa and BLM is insanity personified.
#10) Their lack of logic when it comes to Universal Healthcare is laughable. Other countries don't allow you to become a citizen just because you're born here and tuition for MDs is fairly inexpensive. You need to fix that prior to arguing for Universal Healthcare. But idiots like you who were history majors cannot do basic math and do not understand economics.

Enjoy. Parasite.
The wall will do nothing it's stupid un American and useless. All we need is an ID card like every other rich country with this problem. Your intolerance and ignorance is noted. We used to have a GOP scam health system that was 100% more expensive than other countries who covered everyone. We need more regulation and of course cheaper University. All examples of cuts in services for regular people under the Reagan doctrine of giveaway to the rich. What you don't even know about. This is a GOP mess we have here inequality and lack of opportunity. But the major problem is we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes and a give away to the rich.

You talk you don’t listen. Typical Leftist. I agree sort off on the tax system. I pay gas, cell phone, property and excise tax. True tax rate under Reagan didn’t change. Rich still paid around 40%. Reagan took away a bunch of loopholes. Revenue is one issue but expenses is another. Especially with parasites like you collecting a public pension for doing nothing. Thanks for that. And the rich aren’t the problem it’s
The scam artists and the fraud and frivolous spending.
the actual rates they rich paid went from 42% to 28% under Reagan and goodbye services for everyone else including cheap college and training and infrastructure. The bosses and the rich are taking advantage of you sonny. Not the government or the poor...
It is not my problem I think I'm going to go retire to the south of France etc
Franco in my name is from Francophile. They don't take any shit from the rich and their bosses but they have plenty of both. They protect their family farms and work to live not live to work as they say.
Actually I always wanted a smart businessman to be president. Too bad Trump is only good at conning the American public by parroting garbage GOP propaganda to the brainwashed. I wish him luck with his trade Wars and confrontational diplomacy Tom, but the truth is there is no reason to believe he knows what he's doing at all, especially with nut jobs like Bolton and Abrams.

I disagree. And that in your world makes me a moron. Yet, I believe people should be able to disagree in a free country.
90% of the world thinks you are a brainwashed functional moron--actually a lot of them don't know about fox and Rush etc etc so they just think you are a total idiot, gives all Americans a bad rep. All respected journalists newspapers and media and law enforcement also. Trump was a crappy businessman who lost all his father's money--his success in business was after that when he allowed people to use his name on their buildings --and only got saved by being an actor--

We'll see what happens with his seemingly crazy foreign policy and international economic ideas. The smart money is that he will be revealed to be a total screw-up.

I disagree that 90% of the world disagrees but even if they did, IDC. I am my own person. I have my beliefs. I am a son of immigrants, who came here with nothing. No one ever gave me anything. Everything I have was earned. I find people like you abhorrent. I support Trump because:

#1) Business Friendly POTUS
#2) Moved embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing as the true capital of Israel.
#3) He is cracking down on illegal immigration. My parents came here legally. Have since paid back HIAS 20x more than they got. I am all for immigration but it must be done legally.
#4) I am against biological males who identify as females playing sports against biological females. That is a Democrat bullshit stance.
#5) I find statements such as white privilege extremely offensive and simply untrue.
#6) I hate the Democrat victim mentality and their oppression Olympics.
#7) I find the PC nature of the party ridiculous.
#8) I find their crybaby stance because Trump won ridiculous.
#9) Their support of violence from groups like Antifa and BLM is insanity personified.
#10) Their lack of logic when it comes to Universal Healthcare is laughable. Other countries don't allow you to become a citizen just because you're born here and tuition for MDs is fairly inexpensive. You need to fix that prior to arguing for Universal Healthcare. But idiots like you who were history majors cannot do basic math and do not understand economics.

Enjoy. Parasite.
The wall will do nothing it's stupid un American and useless. All we need is an ID card like every other rich country with this problem. Your intolerance and ignorance is noted. We used to have a GOP scam health system that was 100% more expensive than other countries who covered everyone. We need more regulation and of course cheaper University. All examples of cuts in services for regular people under the Reagan doctrine of giveaway to the rich. What you don't even know about. This is a GOP mess we have here inequality and lack of opportunity. But the major problem is we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes and a give away to the rich.

You talk you don’t listen. Typical Leftist. I agree sort off on the tax system. I pay gas, cell phone, property and excise tax. True tax rate under Reagan didn’t change. Rich still paid around 40%. Reagan took away a bunch of loopholes. Revenue is one issue but expenses is another. Especially with parasites like you collecting a public pension for doing nothing. Thanks for that. And the rich aren’t the problem it’s
The scam artists and the fraud and frivolous spending.
We should abolish the income tax for real persons; only artificial persons should have to pay income taxes.
90% of the world thinks you are a brainwashed functional moron--actually a lot of them don't know about fox and Rush etc etc so they just think you are a total idiot, gives all Americans a bad rep. All respected journalists newspapers and media and law enforcement also. Trump was a crappy businessman who lost all his father's money--his success in business was after that when he allowed people to use his name on their buildings --and only got saved by being an actor--

We'll see what happens with his seemingly crazy foreign policy and international economic ideas. The smart money is that he will be revealed to be a total screw-up.

I disagree that 90% of the world disagrees but even if they did, IDC. I am my own person. I have my beliefs. I am a son of immigrants, who came here with nothing. No one ever gave me anything. Everything I have was earned. I find people like you abhorrent. I support Trump because:

#1) Business Friendly POTUS
#2) Moved embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing as the true capital of Israel.
#3) He is cracking down on illegal immigration. My parents came here legally. Have since paid back HIAS 20x more than they got. I am all for immigration but it must be done legally.
#4) I am against biological males who identify as females playing sports against biological females. That is a Democrat bullshit stance.
#5) I find statements such as white privilege extremely offensive and simply untrue.
#6) I hate the Democrat victim mentality and their oppression Olympics.
#7) I find the PC nature of the party ridiculous.
#8) I find their crybaby stance because Trump won ridiculous.
#9) Their support of violence from groups like Antifa and BLM is insanity personified.
#10) Their lack of logic when it comes to Universal Healthcare is laughable. Other countries don't allow you to become a citizen just because you're born here and tuition for MDs is fairly inexpensive. You need to fix that prior to arguing for Universal Healthcare. But idiots like you who were history majors cannot do basic math and do not understand economics.

Enjoy. Parasite.
The wall will do nothing it's stupid un American and useless. All we need is an ID card like every other rich country with this problem. Your intolerance and ignorance is noted. We used to have a GOP scam health system that was 100% more expensive than other countries who covered everyone. We need more regulation and of course cheaper University. All examples of cuts in services for regular people under the Reagan doctrine of giveaway to the rich. What you don't even know about. This is a GOP mess we have here inequality and lack of opportunity. But the major problem is we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes and a give away to the rich.

You talk you don’t listen. Typical Leftist. I agree sort off on the tax system. I pay gas, cell phone, property and excise tax. True tax rate under Reagan didn’t change. Rich still paid around 40%. Reagan took away a bunch of loopholes. Revenue is one issue but expenses is another. Especially with parasites like you collecting a public pension for doing nothing. Thanks for that. And the rich aren’t the problem it’s
The scam artists and the fraud and frivolous spending.
the actual rates they rich paid went from 42% to 28% under Reagan and goodbye services for everyone else including cheap college and training and infrastructure. The bosses and the rich are taking advantage of you sonny. Not the government or the poor...
It is not my problem I think I'm going to go retire to the south of France etc

Just don’t draw any anti Muslim cartoons while down there. Btw typical Dem answer “not my problem”.
I disagree that 90% of the world disagrees but even if they did, IDC. I am my own person. I have my beliefs. I am a son of immigrants, who came here with nothing. No one ever gave me anything. Everything I have was earned. I find people like you abhorrent. I support Trump because:

#1) Business Friendly POTUS
#2) Moved embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing as the true capital of Israel.
#3) He is cracking down on illegal immigration. My parents came here legally. Have since paid back HIAS 20x more than they got. I am all for immigration but it must be done legally.
#4) I am against biological males who identify as females playing sports against biological females. That is a Democrat bullshit stance.
#5) I find statements such as white privilege extremely offensive and simply untrue.
#6) I hate the Democrat victim mentality and their oppression Olympics.
#7) I find the PC nature of the party ridiculous.
#8) I find their crybaby stance because Trump won ridiculous.
#9) Their support of violence from groups like Antifa and BLM is insanity personified.
#10) Their lack of logic when it comes to Universal Healthcare is laughable. Other countries don't allow you to become a citizen just because you're born here and tuition for MDs is fairly inexpensive. You need to fix that prior to arguing for Universal Healthcare. But idiots like you who were history majors cannot do basic math and do not understand economics.

Enjoy. Parasite.
The wall will do nothing it's stupid un American and useless. All we need is an ID card like every other rich country with this problem. Your intolerance and ignorance is noted. We used to have a GOP scam health system that was 100% more expensive than other countries who covered everyone. We need more regulation and of course cheaper University. All examples of cuts in services for regular people under the Reagan doctrine of giveaway to the rich. What you don't even know about. This is a GOP mess we have here inequality and lack of opportunity. But the major problem is we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes and a give away to the rich.

You talk you don’t listen. Typical Leftist. I agree sort off on the tax system. I pay gas, cell phone, property and excise tax. True tax rate under Reagan didn’t change. Rich still paid around 40%. Reagan took away a bunch of loopholes. Revenue is one issue but expenses is another. Especially with parasites like you collecting a public pension for doing nothing. Thanks for that. And the rich aren’t the problem it’s
The scam artists and the fraud and frivolous spending.
the actual rates they rich paid went from 42% to 28% under Reagan and goodbye services for everyone else including cheap college and training and infrastructure. The bosses and the rich are taking advantage of you sonny. Not the government or the poor...
It is not my problem I think I'm going to go retire to the south of France etc
Franco in my name is from Francophile. They don't take any shit from the rich and their bosses but they have plenty of both. They protect their family farms and work to live not live to work as they say.

You’re not the reliever from the Mets?
I disagree that 90% of the world disagrees but even if they did, IDC. I am my own person. I have my beliefs. I am a son of immigrants, who came here with nothing. No one ever gave me anything. Everything I have was earned. I find people like you abhorrent. I support Trump because:

#1) Business Friendly POTUS
#2) Moved embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing as the true capital of Israel.
#3) He is cracking down on illegal immigration. My parents came here legally. Have since paid back HIAS 20x more than they got. I am all for immigration but it must be done legally.
#4) I am against biological males who identify as females playing sports against biological females. That is a Democrat bullshit stance.
#5) I find statements such as white privilege extremely offensive and simply untrue.
#6) I hate the Democrat victim mentality and their oppression Olympics.
#7) I find the PC nature of the party ridiculous.
#8) I find their crybaby stance because Trump won ridiculous.
#9) Their support of violence from groups like Antifa and BLM is insanity personified.
#10) Their lack of logic when it comes to Universal Healthcare is laughable. Other countries don't allow you to become a citizen just because you're born here and tuition for MDs is fairly inexpensive. You need to fix that prior to arguing for Universal Healthcare. But idiots like you who were history majors cannot do basic math and do not understand economics.

Enjoy. Parasite.
The wall will do nothing it's stupid un American and useless. All we need is an ID card like every other rich country with this problem. Your intolerance and ignorance is noted. We used to have a GOP scam health system that was 100% more expensive than other countries who covered everyone. We need more regulation and of course cheaper University. All examples of cuts in services for regular people under the Reagan doctrine of giveaway to the rich. What you don't even know about. This is a GOP mess we have here inequality and lack of opportunity. But the major problem is we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes and a give away to the rich.

You talk you don’t listen. Typical Leftist. I agree sort off on the tax system. I pay gas, cell phone, property and excise tax. True tax rate under Reagan didn’t change. Rich still paid around 40%. Reagan took away a bunch of loopholes. Revenue is one issue but expenses is another. Especially with parasites like you collecting a public pension for doing nothing. Thanks for that. And the rich aren’t the problem it’s
The scam artists and the fraud and frivolous spending.
the actual rates they rich paid went from 42% to 28% under Reagan and goodbye services for everyone else including cheap college and training and infrastructure. The bosses and the rich are taking advantage of you sonny. Not the government or the poor...
It is not my problem I think I'm going to go retire to the south of France etc
Franco in my name is from Francophile. They don't take any shit from the rich and their bosses but they have plenty of both. They protect their family farms and work to live not live to work as they say.
one reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage; depressed wages are detrimental to upward mobility for the Poor.
Actually I always wanted a smart businessman to be president. Too bad Trump is only good at conning the American public by parroting garbage GOP propaganda to the brainwashed. I wish him luck with his trade Wars and confrontational diplomacy Tom, but the truth is there is no reason to believe he knows what he's doing at all, especially with nut jobs like Bolton and Abrams.

I disagree. And that in your world makes me a moron. Yet, I believe people should be able to disagree in a free country.
90% of the world thinks you are a brainwashed functional moron--actually a lot of them don't know about fox and Rush etc etc so they just think you are a total idiot, gives all Americans a bad rep. All respected journalists newspapers and media and law enforcement also. Trump was a crappy businessman who lost all his father's money--his success in business was after that when he allowed people to use his name on their buildings --and only got saved by being an actor--

We'll see what happens with his seemingly crazy foreign policy and international economic ideas. The smart money is that he will be revealed to be a total screw-up.

I disagree that 90% of the world disagrees but even if they did, IDC. I am my own person. I have my beliefs. I am a son of immigrants, who came here with nothing. No one ever gave me anything. Everything I have was earned. I find people like you abhorrent. I support Trump because:

#1) Business Friendly POTUS
#2) Moved embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing as the true capital of Israel.
#3) He is cracking down on illegal immigration. My parents came here legally. Have since paid back HIAS 20x more than they got. I am all for immigration but it must be done legally.
#4) I am against biological males who identify as females playing sports against biological females. That is a Democrat bullshit stance.
#5) I find statements such as white privilege extremely offensive and simply untrue.
#6) I hate the Democrat victim mentality and their oppression Olympics.
#7) I find the PC nature of the party ridiculous.
#8) I find their crybaby stance because Trump won ridiculous.
#9) Their support of violence from groups like Antifa and BLM is insanity personified.
#10) Their lack of logic when it comes to Universal Healthcare is laughable. Other countries don't allow you to become a citizen just because you're born here and tuition for MDs is fairly inexpensive. You need to fix that prior to arguing for Universal Healthcare. But idiots like you who were history majors cannot do basic math and do not understand economics.

Enjoy. Parasite.
You know, you do get to retire, you young pipsqueak. LOL. Stop listening to hate propaganda for crying out loud.

I agree. You do. My dad is retired but his pension is from a private entity, where he worked for 30+ yrs. Not from the Govt. He still works part time to keep sane. He was a lifelong Democrat until the party in his POV turned on him and fellow Jews.
I paid for that social security. Please I don't know what's wrong with you on that point but something is.... Two-thirds of the country retires on their social security. And the companies don't have pensions anymore. Seriously lol
The wall will do nothing it's stupid un American and useless. All we need is an ID card like every other rich country with this problem. Your intolerance and ignorance is noted. We used to have a GOP scam health system that was 100% more expensive than other countries who covered everyone. We need more regulation and of course cheaper University. All examples of cuts in services for regular people under the Reagan doctrine of giveaway to the rich. What you don't even know about. This is a GOP mess we have here inequality and lack of opportunity. But the major problem is we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes and a give away to the rich.

You talk you don’t listen. Typical Leftist. I agree sort off on the tax system. I pay gas, cell phone, property and excise tax. True tax rate under Reagan didn’t change. Rich still paid around 40%. Reagan took away a bunch of loopholes. Revenue is one issue but expenses is another. Especially with parasites like you collecting a public pension for doing nothing. Thanks for that. And the rich aren’t the problem it’s
The scam artists and the fraud and frivolous spending.
the actual rates they rich paid went from 42% to 28% under Reagan and goodbye services for everyone else including cheap college and training and infrastructure. The bosses and the rich are taking advantage of you sonny. Not the government or the poor...
It is not my problem I think I'm going to go retire to the south of France etc
Franco in my name is from Francophile. They don't take any shit from the rich and their bosses but they have plenty of both. They protect their family farms and work to live not live to work as they say.
one reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage; depressed wages are detrimental to upward mobility for the Poor.
The Republicans are saying Low income workers incomes are going up. I think it's all the living wage being put in by democrats in their states and cities.
I disagree. And that in your world makes me a moron. Yet, I believe people should be able to disagree in a free country.
90% of the world thinks you are a brainwashed functional moron--actually a lot of them don't know about fox and Rush etc etc so they just think you are a total idiot, gives all Americans a bad rep. All respected journalists newspapers and media and law enforcement also. Trump was a crappy businessman who lost all his father's money--his success in business was after that when he allowed people to use his name on their buildings --and only got saved by being an actor--

We'll see what happens with his seemingly crazy foreign policy and international economic ideas. The smart money is that he will be revealed to be a total screw-up.

I disagree that 90% of the world disagrees but even if they did, IDC. I am my own person. I have my beliefs. I am a son of immigrants, who came here with nothing. No one ever gave me anything. Everything I have was earned. I find people like you abhorrent. I support Trump because:

#1) Business Friendly POTUS
#2) Moved embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing as the true capital of Israel.
#3) He is cracking down on illegal immigration. My parents came here legally. Have since paid back HIAS 20x more than they got. I am all for immigration but it must be done legally.
#4) I am against biological males who identify as females playing sports against biological females. That is a Democrat bullshit stance.
#5) I find statements such as white privilege extremely offensive and simply untrue.
#6) I hate the Democrat victim mentality and their oppression Olympics.
#7) I find the PC nature of the party ridiculous.
#8) I find their crybaby stance because Trump won ridiculous.
#9) Their support of violence from groups like Antifa and BLM is insanity personified.
#10) Their lack of logic when it comes to Universal Healthcare is laughable. Other countries don't allow you to become a citizen just because you're born here and tuition for MDs is fairly inexpensive. You need to fix that prior to arguing for Universal Healthcare. But idiots like you who were history majors cannot do basic math and do not understand economics.

Enjoy. Parasite.
You know, you do get to retire, you young pipsqueak. LOL. Stop listening to hate propaganda for crying out loud.

I agree. You do. My dad is retired but his pension is from a private entity, where he worked for 30+ yrs. Not from the Govt. He still works part time to keep sane. He was a lifelong Democrat until the party in his POV turned on him and fellow Jews.
I paid for that social security. Please I don't know what's wrong with you on that point but something is.... Two-thirds of the country retires on their social security. And the companies don't have pensions anymore. Seriously lol

I am discussing your pension not SSI. Do you or do you not collect a Govt pension. Were you not a teacher? And you didn’t pay for it. You paid into it.
You talk you don’t listen. Typical Leftist. I agree sort off on the tax system. I pay gas, cell phone, property and excise tax. True tax rate under Reagan didn’t change. Rich still paid around 40%. Reagan took away a bunch of loopholes. Revenue is one issue but expenses is another. Especially with parasites like you collecting a public pension for doing nothing. Thanks for that. And the rich aren’t the problem it’s
The scam artists and the fraud and frivolous spending.
the actual rates they rich paid went from 42% to 28% under Reagan and goodbye services for everyone else including cheap college and training and infrastructure. The bosses and the rich are taking advantage of you sonny. Not the government or the poor...
It is not my problem I think I'm going to go retire to the south of France etc
Franco in my name is from Francophile. They don't take any shit from the rich and their bosses but they have plenty of both. They protect their family farms and work to live not live to work as they say.
one reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage; depressed wages are detrimental to upward mobility for the Poor.
The Republicans are saying Low income workers incomes are going up. I think it's all the living wage being put in by democrats in their states and cities.

Blue collar workers are indeed making more. In MA we have way more jobs than employees to employers are paying more to retain their employees
90% of the world thinks you are a brainwashed functional moron--actually a lot of them don't know about fox and Rush etc etc so they just think you are a total idiot, gives all Americans a bad rep. All respected journalists newspapers and media and law enforcement also. Trump was a crappy businessman who lost all his father's money--his success in business was after that when he allowed people to use his name on their buildings --and only got saved by being an actor--

We'll see what happens with his seemingly crazy foreign policy and international economic ideas. The smart money is that he will be revealed to be a total screw-up.

I disagree that 90% of the world disagrees but even if they did, IDC. I am my own person. I have my beliefs. I am a son of immigrants, who came here with nothing. No one ever gave me anything. Everything I have was earned. I find people like you abhorrent. I support Trump because:

#1) Business Friendly POTUS
#2) Moved embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing as the true capital of Israel.
#3) He is cracking down on illegal immigration. My parents came here legally. Have since paid back HIAS 20x more than they got. I am all for immigration but it must be done legally.
#4) I am against biological males who identify as females playing sports against biological females. That is a Democrat bullshit stance.
#5) I find statements such as white privilege extremely offensive and simply untrue.
#6) I hate the Democrat victim mentality and their oppression Olympics.
#7) I find the PC nature of the party ridiculous.
#8) I find their crybaby stance because Trump won ridiculous.
#9) Their support of violence from groups like Antifa and BLM is insanity personified.
#10) Their lack of logic when it comes to Universal Healthcare is laughable. Other countries don't allow you to become a citizen just because you're born here and tuition for MDs is fairly inexpensive. You need to fix that prior to arguing for Universal Healthcare. But idiots like you who were history majors cannot do basic math and do not understand economics.

Enjoy. Parasite.
You know, you do get to retire, you young pipsqueak. LOL. Stop listening to hate propaganda for crying out loud.

I agree. You do. My dad is retired but his pension is from a private entity, where he worked for 30+ yrs. Not from the Govt. He still works part time to keep sane. He was a lifelong Democrat until the party in his POV turned on him and fellow Jews.
I paid for that social security. Please I don't know what's wrong with you on that point but something is.... Two-thirds of the country retires on their social security. And the companies don't have pensions anymore. Seriously lol

I am discussing your pension not SSI. Do you or do you not collect a Govt pension. Were you not a teacher? And you didn’t pay for it. You paid into it.
Private school teacher and some college. You should want everyone to have pensions like that instead of going after them bring them down to the misery of the rest of us LOL

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