Socialism is evil

And you lost the election before that one, so I guess your days are numbered, huh? LMAO!!
Leave it to you lefties to consider a loss as a win. Unreal.
The nation rejected Obama and the far left swing the Congress had taken. The people rejected the Congress for not considering the will of the people.
If this Congress pulls the same shit, it will be dispatched as well.
We're going to stop until we get the government back in line and under our thumb. The way the Framers intended.

Repeal of DADT
Signing of START
Fair Pay Act
Two nominees to SCOTUS
Obama just made a bunch of recess appts
auto bailout
gay marriage in several states, and coming to you soon
medical marijuana
Yeah, we lost :lol::lol::lol:

None of which the an overwhelming majority wanted.
If you think this is over, you're on crack.
The president cannot pass state laws. So that's out.
Which states? Four> California( that one's in court) Mass, VT, NJ.....And none of which will be accepted by the general public.
Fair Pay Act? HA!!! What's that, some kind of joke?...It's not law....Pay-Discrimination Bill Opposed by Business Fails in Senate Vote - Bloomberg...
This nonsense is a path to create litigation. It is on it's face a violation of due process. It unlawfully places the burden of proof on the defendant. meaning, the mere charge of pay discrimination will result in a company having to defend itself against an unproved allegation. No wonder why the thing was blocked in the Senate.
Medical MJ is of no consequence in that each State is to decide on the issue. No federal involvement whatsoever.
The sitting President gets to nominate SC associate justices. So what.
Obama and START...What a genius. All he did was weaken a country..OURS.
There was no auto bailout. That was a payoff to the UAW, period.
Stimulus...Produced NOTHING....Obama admitted there were no "shovel ready projects"...
Once again, the voters rejected Obama's left wing ideology.
More is to come. 23 Senate seats held by democrats are considered vulnerable in 2012.
These are being targeted by conservatives and we will win some if not all of them.
Recess appointments....The priveledge enjoyed by the President to appoint federal judges when Congress is in recess. This is how the President can avoid Senate scrutiny.
It's bad government. It is what it is.....The people reject this, but it is the law.
Politically Obama will catch hell for all of this stuff.
There were over 70 now former members of Congress who already have.
Who "won"?....You lefties live in fantasy land.
Oh, nice try.....Obama made a total of a whopping SIX recess appointments.....Big fuckin deal.
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Those who want Capitalism want a free ride off the backs of the worker, and are miserable blood suckers worried about their next meal, willing to work for pesos, and let corporations run their lives into the ground. You are a weak, unorganized, greedy blood sucker. And shouldn't exist.

:cuckoo: The United States is the most innovative country in the world no other even comes close. How do you explain that? Have you ever heard the quote "a rising tide lifts all Boats”? Socialist are miserable people generally you fit the bill perfectly, You people won't be happy untill we are all as miserable as you.
How many times are you going to try to hide behind that bullshit.

The mindfuck call for "civility" did not come from the left .. did not come from me .. it came from democrats .. which is not the left, which is not me.

I am not a democrat, don't follow their lead, don't look to them for strategy. I couldn't care less about illusions of civility.

Additionally, any screaming about me being a racist that comes from right-wingers, including any that come from you, are going to be met with "fuck you."

You knuckleheads not only have a long and undeniable shitstain history of racism in this country, you're also dumb enough to believe that you, the racists, get to call anyone who doesn't listen to your lobotomized thought, a racist.

Too damn dumb to actually challenge what is said.

Go play with someone else junior .. I don't suffer fools.

Nice try, Elroy..There is racism everywhere practiced by every cultural and racial group in the world.

You believe you can label all whites as racist just because they are white. THAT is racist!
People of minority races and cultures believe they are immune from criticism and thus can practice racism with impunity.
No more. You people do not get a hall pass on hate. We're all in the same boat on this one, sunshine. And when you use racist buzzwords or imply racism, you'll get called on it and you'll live with it. You can try to hide behind your skin color in an attempt to shut down debate. Not on my watch. Equality cuts both ways.
So use your brain and put away the race card. It is no longer a viable weapon for your side.

He didn't say that all white people are racist.

Just you.

Gee I'm crushed...And No that's a lie...because "black" made his racist statement BEFORE I commented on his original statement....test tube baby.
BTW "black" made a blanket general statement about all white people having a history of racism.
Facts, ass sniff. Facts.
We have a socialized retirement system (Social Security), school system, transportation system (highways, roads, airports, trains, buses, subways, ferries, etc), electrical grid, nuclear energy, food supply (with massive govt subsidies), water supply, housing market (highly regulated and subsidized), post office, and on and on

Keep thinking you won while out nation becomes more and more socialist. We even got a socialized prescription drug program from bush* and the republicans in congress. The jokes on you

Even when we lose, we win!!! :lol::lol::lol:

Once again you are misrepresenting what socialism really is

Based on your past performance, you would do best to not try this route
Of course, using your "logic":
'Look how good a job the gov't does running the Post Office and Education, just think what we can do for your health care'
Thanks for proving my point that many in the US have little understanding of the means.

You do indeed put new meaning to Lenin's term "useful idiot"

But if it makes you feel better or smarter then you can just call me a "wingnut"

This seems to be your favorite way to "prove" your point

To be fair, most in the US do not understand the means- they just want the stated goals.

For the ones that do understand and still want socialism's goals but not necessarily full blown socialism,
they believe that they can limit and control the power of the state to not over ride individual rights

Yeah good luck with that one....

For the rest who want the goals but do not understand the means, I dare say a lot of them would be
more apprehensive if they understood the means better.

blah, blah

Another wingnut can't explain how this so called "center-right nation" ended up with so much socialism. The wingnut is so befuddled, he can't decide if the nation is awash in socialism, or if there is no socialism at all.

That's because what you think is socialism is not.
The good news about socialism is that it needs no leaders, it doesn't require promotion.

All intelligent society will come to it.

As a socialist, I find threads like this absolutely hilarious. Like chickens clucking in a pen.

As resources continue to dwindle .. guess what .. greater expressions of socialism are inevitable.

As the capitalist model continues to fail .. guess what .. greater expressions of socialism.

Socialism, like democracy, comes in varying forms. I'm a democratic socialist and I feel no need to argue or debate socialism with people that don't have a fucking clue what socialism is. Totally unnecessary.

Scream, whine, holler ... it makes no difference.

ALL intelligent society will come to it.

Yeah, right. That's why millions of people are coming to the US to escape socialism.

This is why western European nations are going broke due to the high cost of social safety nets. Newsflash...socialism in UNSUSTAINABLE....
Socialism breeds complacency, greed and laziness. Socialism creates an environment where everyone under the system is equally miserable.

Invariably, the producers are driven to their knees with confiscatory taxation to supplly funding for social safety nets. As more people decide it is no longer profitable to work or own businesses, they drop out of producing and creating. They join the ranks of the takers. The slugs. The drones of society.


Those who long for socialism are lazy good for nothing slobs who don't have within their miserable bodies an ounce of integrity or gumption. Socialists exist to have other provide them with a living. If you are a socialist, you are nothing. You exist. You are a parasite.

Those who want Capitalism want a free ride off the backs of the worker, and are miserable blood suckers worried about their next meal, willing to work for pesos, and let corporations run their lives into the ground. You are a weak, unorganized, greedy blood sucker. And shouldn't exist.

You are so absent of ideas you have to plagiarize other's posts.
Your argument in support of socialism is moot.
We will never allow it. Never. Freedom is much to dear to our hearts and much too important to surrender.
The reason people work IS capitalism. Working allows us to earn a living and hopefully come out better than the previous generation. Capitalism allows us the freedom to build and invest. Socialism prohibits this.
And please spare me the socialist worker party pro union speech. It doesn't wash.
Unions would still be viable today if their leadership had not gotten greedy.
In fact socialism is based on the premise that what others have or earn belongs to everyone. That is greed. Socialists are greedy.
They lack the desire to earn their own way. So they use the power of government to take from the producers and let the government give to THEM....
Socialism is an utter FAIL...Discussion over.
The good news about socialism is that it needs no leaders, it doesn't require promotion.

All intelligent society will come to it.

As a socialist, I find threads like this absolutely hilarious. Like chickens clucking in a pen.

As resources continue to dwindle .. guess what .. greater expressions of socialism are inevitable.

As the capitalist model continues to fail .. guess what .. greater expressions of socialism.

Socialism, like democracy, comes in varying forms. I'm a democratic socialist and I feel no need to argue or debate socialism with people that don't have a fucking clue what socialism is. Totally unnecessary.

Scream, whine, holler ... it makes no difference.

ALL intelligent society will come to it.

Yeah, right. That's why millions of people are coming to the US to escape socialism. This is why western European nations are going broke due to the high cost of social safety nets. Newsflash...socialism in UNSUSTAINABLE....
Socialism breeds complacency, greed and laziness. Socialism creates an environment where everyone under the system is equally miserable.
Invariably, the producers are driven to their knees with confiscatory taxation to supplly funding for social safety nets. As more people decide it is no longer profitable to work or own businesses, they drop out of producing and creating. They join the ranks of the takers. The slugs. The drones of society.
Those who long for socialism are lazy good for nothing slobs who don't have within their miserable bodies an ounce of integrity or gumption. Socialists exist to have other provide them with a living. If you are a socialist, you are nothing. You exist. You are a parasite.

Umm it's the capitalist nations that are having problems with their economies. Socialist nations, like Canada, had no banking crisis.

Wingnuts just imagine that reality is on their side. :cuckoo:
The good news about socialism is that it needs no leaders, it doesn't require promotion.

All intelligent society will come to it.

As a socialist, I find threads like this absolutely hilarious. Like chickens clucking in a pen.

As resources continue to dwindle .. guess what .. greater expressions of socialism are inevitable.

As the capitalist model continues to fail .. guess what .. greater expressions of socialism.

Socialism, like democracy, comes in varying forms. I'm a democratic socialist and I feel no need to argue or debate socialism with people that don't have a fucking clue what socialism is. Totally unnecessary.

Scream, whine, holler ... it makes no difference.

ALL intelligent society will come to it.

Yeah, right. That's why millions of people are coming to the US to escape socialism.

This is why western European nations are going broke due to the high cost of social safety nets. Newsflash...socialism in UNSUSTAINABLE....
Socialism breeds complacency, greed and laziness. Socialism creates an environment where everyone under the system is equally miserable.

Invariably, the producers are driven to their knees with confiscatory taxation to supplly funding for social safety nets. As more people decide it is no longer profitable to work or own businesses, they drop out of producing and creating. They join the ranks of the takers. The slugs. The drones of society.


Those who long for socialism are lazy good for nothing slobs who don't have within their miserable bodies an ounce of integrity or gumption. Socialists exist to have other provide them with a living. If you are a socialist, you are nothing. You exist. You are a parasite.

Those who want Capitalism want a free ride off the backs of the worker, and are miserable blood suckers worried about their next meal, willing to work for pesos, and let corporations run their lives into the ground. You are a weak, unorganized, greedy blood sucker. And shouldn't exist.

tins is the biggest wussy on USMB. He just makes shit up, and curses when he's challenged. He doesnt have the testicles to back up anything he says
Leave it to you lefties to consider a loss as a win. Unreal.
The nation rejected Obama and the far left swing the Congress had taken. The people rejected the Congress for not considering the will of the people.
If this Congress pulls the same shit, it will be dispatched as well.
We're going to stop until we get the government back in line and under our thumb. The way the Framers intended.

Repeal of DADT
Signing of START
Fair Pay Act
Two nominees to SCOTUS
Obama just made a bunch of recess appts
auto bailout
gay marriage in several states, and coming to you soon
medical marijuana
Yeah, we lost :lol::lol::lol:

None of which the an overwhelming majority wanted.
If you think this is over, you're on crack.

It's done. Despite the POUTRAGE, the wingnuts won't be repealing Obamacare or bringing back DADT, etc. And you're certainly not going to dismantle the socialist SS, roads, bridges, airports, water supply, food supply, etc.

It's done. It's over. The US is a socialist nation where wide swaths of the economy are either owned, controlled, or highly regulated by the govt.
Yes make each parent pay the full cost of their childs education.
Darn evil socialism.
Parents paying for their childrens education should soley be the parents choice. Whenever gov't. dictates that you do something it is socialism, and in this country it is wrong.

See this is the ideal of free market capitalist conservatism -

The quality of your life in every aspect should be based on your ability to pay.

1. those who can't afford school should not get it.
2. those who can't afford healthcare should not get it.
3. those who can't afford food and shelter should not get it.

...any time they do get it, via the government, that is socialism. Socialism educates people who can't otherwise afford to be educated; socialism makes people healthy who otherwise can't afford to be healthy; socialism feeds and houses those who can't afford food and housing.

All of that is anathema to the free market capitalist.

When, for example, sick people of modest means die because they couldn't afford an expensive treatment/operation etc., and there exists no government relief to come to their aid,

they are symbolic of how capitalism - uncontaminated by socialism - is supposed to work.

Poor people are a by-product of a well functioning capitalist economy.
The good news about socialism is that it needs no leaders, it doesn't require promotion.

All intelligent society will come to it.

As a socialist, I find threads like this absolutely hilarious. Like chickens clucking in a pen.

As resources continue to dwindle .. guess what .. greater expressions of socialism are inevitable.

As the capitalist model continues to fail .. guess what .. greater expressions of socialism.

Socialism, like democracy, comes in varying forms. I'm a democratic socialist and I feel no need to argue or debate socialism with people that don't have a fucking clue what socialism is. Totally unnecessary.

Scream, whine, holler ... it makes no difference.

ALL intelligent society will come to it.

Yeah, right. That's why millions of people are coming to the US to escape socialism. This is why western European nations are going broke due to the high cost of social safety nets. Newsflash...socialism in UNSUSTAINABLE....
Socialism breeds complacency, greed and laziness. Socialism creates an environment where everyone under the system is equally miserable.
Invariably, the producers are driven to their knees with confiscatory taxation to supplly funding for social safety nets. As more people decide it is no longer profitable to work or own businesses, they drop out of producing and creating. They join the ranks of the takers. The slugs. The drones of society.
Those who long for socialism are lazy good for nothing slobs who don't have within their miserable bodies an ounce of integrity or gumption. Socialists exist to have other provide them with a living. If you are a socialist, you are nothing. You exist. You are a parasite.

Oh Bullshit.

Europe had the same problem the states had..brilliant greedy mathematicians who made algorithms that they sold as the best money making instrument since sliced bread.

They took big risks, and those "lazy" common folk that get denigrated constantly by the right had to bail out the "producers".
Yes make each parent pay the full cost of their childs education.
Darn evil socialism.
Parents paying for their childrens education should soley be the parents choice. Whenever gov't. dictates that you do something it is socialism, and in this country it is wrong.

See this is the ideal of free market capitalist conservatism -

The quality of your life in every aspect should be based on your ability to pay.

1. those who can't afford school should not get it.
2. those who can't afford healthcare should not get it.
3. those who can't afford food and shelter should not get it.

...any time they do get it, via the government, that is socialism. Socialism educates people who can't otherwise afford to be educated; socialism makes people healthy who otherwise can't afford to be healthy; socialism feeds and houses those who can't afford food and housing.

All of that is anathema to the free market capitalist.

When, for example, sick people of modest means die because they couldn't afford an expensive treatment/operation etc., and there exists no government relief to come to their aid,

they are symbolic of how capitalism - uncontaminated by socialism - is supposed to work.

Poor people are a by-product of a well functioning capitalist economy.

and poor people with no individual rights are a by-product of a well functioning Socialist economy

Do you really believe all Cubans are equal?
Do you really believe that in Socialism you and political leaders will have the same doctor?

Socialism only guarantees to spread misery equally (except for inner party members and their associates)

The only system that exist to create the most wealth for the most people is the free market

To be fair, most in the US do not understand the means- they just want the stated goals.

For the ones that do understand and still want socialism's goals but not necessarily full blown socialism,
they believe that they can limit and control the power of the state to not over ride individual rights

Yeah good luck with that one....

For the rest who want the goals but do not understand the means, I dare say a lot of them would be more apprehensive if they understood the means better.

Really when does it stop

What limits do you want to impose?
How much of the economy should the gov't run, 20 30 70 100 percent?

What limits do you want on individual rights?

Please tell us about this dream utopia that you want
Sure, it sounds good to say "I care" but have you really thought it out?

or you haven't thought it out this far?
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Leave it to you lefties to consider a loss as a win. Unreal.
The nation rejected Obama and the far left swing the Congress had taken. The people rejected the Congress for not considering the will of the people.
If this Congress pulls the same shit, it will be dispatched as well.
We're going to stop until we get the government back in line and under our thumb. The way the Framers intended.

Repeal of DADT
Signing of START
Fair Pay Act
Two nominees to SCOTUS
Obama just made a bunch of recess appts
auto bailout
gay marriage in several states, and coming to you soon
medical marijuana
Yeah, we lost :lol::lol::lol:

None of which the an overwhelming majority wanted.
If you think this is over, you're on crack.
The president cannot pass state laws. So that's out.
Which states? Four> California( that one's in court) Mass, VT, NJ.....And none of which will be accepted by the general public.
Fair Pay Act? HA!!! What's that, some kind of joke?...It's not law....Pay-Discrimination Bill Opposed by Business Fails in Senate Vote - Bloomberg...
This nonsense is a path to create litigation. It is on it's face a violation of due process. It unlawfully places the burden of proof on the defendant. meaning, the mere charge of pay discrimination will result in a company having to defend itself against an unproved allegation. No wonder why the thing was blocked in the Senate.
Medical MJ is of no consequence in that each State is to decide on the issue. No federal involvement whatsoever.
The sitting President gets to nominate SC associate justices. So what.
Obama and START...What a genius. All he did was weaken a country..OURS.
There was no auto bailout. That was a payoff to the UAW, period.
Stimulus...Produced NOTHING....Obama admitted there were no "shovel ready projects"...
Once again, the voters rejected Obama's left wing ideology.
More is to come. 23 Senate seats held by democrats are considered vulnerable in 2012.
These are being targeted by conservatives and we will win some if not all of them.
Recess appointments....The priveledge enjoyed by the President to appoint federal judges when Congress is in recess. This is how the President can avoid Senate scrutiny.
It's bad government. It is what it is.....The people reject this, but it is the law.
Politically Obama will catch hell for all of this stuff.
There were over 70 now former members of Congress who already have.
Who "won"?....You lefties live in fantasy land.
Oh, nice try.....Obama made a total of a whopping SIX recess appointments.....Big fuckin deal.

You sound desperate to me~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:lol::lol:

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and poor people with no individual rights are a by-product of a well functioning Socialist economy

I love these weak capitalist arguments <<<< Trillions in debt. LMAO!!! Does he type with a straight face?? :lol:

Do you really believe all Cubans are equal?
Do you really believe that in Socialism you and political leaders will have the same doctor?

Are you saying we won't? And in capitalism, do you & political leaders have the same doctor? Hmmm? :lol:

Socialism only guarantees to spread misery equally (except for inner party members and their associates)

And Capitalism only guarantees to leave millions in poverty while a few select rake in all the wealth and live like kings. :lol:

The only system that exist to create the most wealth for the most people is the free market

Oh come now!!! Only 10% are making out like bandits in capitalism. He just can't help but go fantasy on us. :)

To be fair, most in the US do not understand the means- they just want the stated goals.

For the ones that do understand and still want socialism's goals but not necessarily full blown socialism,
they believe that they can limit and control the power of the state to not over ride individual rights

Yeah good luck with that one....

For the rest who want the goals but do not understand the means, I dare say a lot of them would be more apprehensive if they understood the means better.

Really when does it stop

What limits do you want to impose?
How much of the economy should the gov't run, 20 30 70 100 percent?

I would say about 60% socialism to 40% capitalism.

What limits do you want on individual rights?

None! Socialism has common equal rights. Capitalism unequal individual rights, where based on wealth determines those rights. :lol:

Please tell us about this dream utopia that you want
Sure, it sounds good to say "I care" but have you really thought it out?

or you haven't thought it out this far?

Socialist dream isn't 14 Trillion in debt and sucking it's citizens into a black hole. The socialist dream doesn't have 4000 dead US Troops, 10000 more maimed with no faces, arms or legs for WMDs. It doesn't have half it's citizens in military uniform stationed all over the globe, torturing, murdering and raping innocent detained and chained women and children for corporations.

No, people work 32 hour weeks and pay the same rate of taxes as Americans, except the socialists get all the benefits and the capitalists in their utopia get nothing.
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They are two different things, moron
They are the one in the same. You Depends sniffing rump wrangler.

No, universal means that everyone is covered. Single payer means the govt pays for it.

Try again. This time, try to not make stuff up
Umm ....there is only one possible provider of universal care...The federal government..Jesus Christ.
Are you really going to sit there and try to convey some nonsense of the private market offering universal care? Really?
First off, no insurer could afford it without jacking up premiums so high only the very well to do could afford it. OR.....Deductibles would be stratospheric. In the first case government would have to step in and subsidize nearly everyone. The inevitability would be a government takeover of health insurance.
The second scenario would leave most uninsured to the level of their deductible. Same difference. The government steps in becomes the insurer. Single payer is achieved. Obama has stated many times his goal is to have a single payer European style system.

Stop the nonsense. The point is moot. The US is not going to be a socialist country. We will not permit it. Not as long as their are free elections. You see, our biggest weapon is the voting booth. We will use this weapon against you. We have used it. We will continue to use the polls to beat back your myth of socialism......
Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.
Here's a novel idea. if you are so interested in becoming more wealthy, instead of wishing the government take wealth from someone else to give it to you( essentially that is socialism) , go out and earn it yourself. Or is that too much to ask?
and poor people with no individual rights are a by-product of a well functioning Socialist economy

I love these weak capitalist arguments <<<< Trillions in debt. LMAO!!! Does he type with a straight face?? :lol:

Do you really believe all Cubans are equal?
Do you really believe that in Socialism you and political leaders will have the same doctor?

Socialism only guarantees to spread misery equally (except for inner party members and their associates)

The only system that exist to create the most wealth for the most people is the free market

To be fair, most in the US do not understand the means- they just want the stated goals.

For the ones that do understand and still want socialism's goals but not necessarily full blown socialism,
they believe that they can limit and control the power of the state to not over ride individual rights

Yeah good luck with that one....

For the rest who want the goals but do not understand the means, I dare say a lot of them would be more apprehensive if they understood the means better.

Really when does it stop

What limits do you want to impose?
How much of the economy should the gov't run, 20 30 70 100 percent?

What limits do you want on individual rights?

None! Socialism has common equal rights. Capitalism unequal individual rights, where based on wealth determines those rights. :lol:

Please tell us about this dream utopia that you want
Sure, it sounds good to say "I care" but have you really thought it out?

or you haven't thought it out this far?

Socialist dream isn't 14 Trillion in debt and sucking it's citizens into a black hole. The socialist dream doesn't have 4000 dead US Troops, 10000 more maimed with no faces, arms or legs for WMDs. It doesn't have half it's citizens in military uniform stationed all over the globe, torturing, murdering and raping innocent detained and chained women and children for corporations.

No, people work 32 hour weeks and pay the same rate of taxes as Americans, except the socialists get all the benefits and the capitalists in their utopia get nothing.

ANd who is it that got us the 14 trillion in debt.....The Socialist Obama.....
Half of all Americans are in the military? Ok prove that one....
Yes, our military personnel are in the business of raping torturing and the rest. That's all they do,.....You're fucking hysterical making these crazy accusations. You have no argument in logical support of your ideology so you resort to making wild baseless accusations.
32 hour work weeks? Where? France? Who cares. Nothing gets done in Western Europe. These people don't do any work. Their work weeks are too short . Everyone is so busy with their hand stuck put looking for government goodies.
And please ..about the taxes on Euros. You fuckin lefties keep changing your minds about that bullshit. In one thread you bitch and moan that we don't pay enough while the Euros pay much higher taxes then in another thread you claim their taxes are the same as ours. At least if you people are going to make up shit, try being consistent.
You lefties are beating the proverbial dead horse. You will NOT get your precious socialism here. Forget it. It's not happening.
and poor people with no individual rights are a by-product of a well functioning Socialist economy

Do you really believe all Cubans are equal?
Do you really believe that in Socialism you and political leaders will have the same doctor?

Socialism only guarantees to spread misery equally (except for inner party members and their associates)

The only system that exist to create the most wealth for the most people is the free market

To be fair, most in the US do not understand the means- they just want the stated goals.

For the ones that do understand and still want socialism's goals but not necessarily full blown socialism,
they believe that they can limit and control the power of the state to not over ride individual rights

Yeah good luck with that one....

For the rest who want the goals but do not understand the means, I dare say a lot of them would be more apprehensive if they understood the means better.

Really when does it stop

What limits do you want to impose?
How much of the economy should the gov't run, 20 30 70 100 percent?

What limits do you want on individual rights?

Please tell us about this dream utopia that you want
Sure, it sounds good to say "I care" but have you really thought it out?

or you haven't thought it out this far?

Socialist dream isn't 14 Trillion in debt and sucking it's citizens into a black hole. The socialist dream doesn't have 4000 dead US Troops, 10000 more maimed with no faces, arms or legs for WMDs. It doesn't have half it's citizens in military uniform stationed all over the globe, torturing, murdering and raping innocent detained and chained women and children for corporations.

No, people work 32 hour weeks and pay the same rate of taxes as Americans, except the socialists get all the benefits and the capitalists in their utopia get nothing.

ANd who is it that got us the 14 trillion in debt.....The Socialist Obama.....
Half of all Americans are in the military? Ok prove that one....
Yes, our military personnel are in the business of raping torturing and the rest. That's all they do,.....You're fucking hysterical making these crazy accusations. You have no argument in logical support of your ideology so you resort to making wild baseless accusations.
32 hour work weeks? Where? France? Who cares. Nothing gets done in Western Europe. These people don't do any work. Their work weeks are too short . Everyone is so busy with their hand stuck put looking for government goodies.
And please ..about the taxes on Euros. You fuckin lefties keep changing your minds about that bullshit. In one thread you bitch and moan that we don't pay enough while the Euros pay much higher taxes then in another thread you claim their taxes are the same as ours. At least if you people are going to make up shit, try being consistent.
You lefties are beating the proverbial dead horse. You will NOT get your precious socialism here. Forget it. It's not happening.

Oh, Bullshit, Obama has been bailing Bush out.
Half military is just a jab of resentment
Rape, torture & murder is all true, not even an accusation
Germany has 32 hour weeks, but you don't care, you want 90 hour weeks to make ends meet in America.
And the goodie hand is always full for all of the socialist people, but not for the few & you. Why is that? Shouldn't you have twice as many paid holidays, a mandatory 45 day vacation, free cable TV, 200+ super highways & bullet trains? No, capitalists are taught to go without, you don't need them, your afraid to ask for them, or the thought never crosses your mind. Free Health Care while you pay for your own. Full wage retirements, while you scrimp & save all your life, worry about retiring or find that you can't retire. And instead of more wages & benefits going to your family, some capitalist who have never hit a lick or even knows where you slave daily, is raking off the profits for himself at the stock market.
You are overtaxed, underpaid, intimidated, and barely hanging on. You even hate people who make living wages & benefits. You don't even own your own house, and have to pay taxes on it all your life just to have a roof. Poor man, I really feel sorry for Americans. If there is a way to fuck you, the capitalist has done it.
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:cuckoo: Makes you wonder about these people... The people that don't realize how blessed they are too live in this country. I've never really understood the type of people who only see what they perceive has bad with the United States of America, all the wrong this country has done, Pretty sad really. Like I said they are just miserable people in general, in a way I fell sorry for them.
and poor people with no individual rights are a by-product of a well functioning Socialist economy

I love these weak capitalist arguments <<<< Trillions in debt. LMAO!!! Does he type with a straight face?? :lol:
Do you really believe all Cubans are equal?
Do you really believe that in Socialism you and political leaders will have the same doctor?

Socialism only guarantees to spread misery equally (except for inner party members and their associates)

The only system that exist to create the most wealth for the most people is the free market

To be fair, most in the US do not understand the means- they just want the stated goals.

For the ones that do understand and still want socialism's goals but not necessarily full blown socialism,
they believe that they can limit and control the power of the state to not over ride individual rights

Yeah good luck with that one....

For the rest who want the goals but do not understand the means, I dare say a lot of them would be more apprehensive if they understood the means better.

Really when does it stop

What limits do you want to impose?
How much of the economy should the gov't run, 20 30 70 100 percent?

What limits do you want on individual rights?

None! Socialism has common equal rights. Capitalism unequal individual rights, where based on wealth determines those rights. :lol:
Please tell us about this dream utopia that you want
Sure, it sounds good to say "I care" but have you really thought it out?

or you haven't thought it out this far?

Socialist dream isn't 14 Trillion in debt and sucking it's citizens into a black hole. The socialist dream doesn't have 4000 dead US Troops, 10000 more maimed with no faces, arms or legs for WMDs. It doesn't have half it's citizens in military uniform stationed all over the globe, torturing, murdering and raping innocent detained and chained women and children for corporations.

No, people work 32 hour weeks and pay the same rate of taxes as Americans, except the socialists get all the benefits and the capitalists in their utopia get nothing.

Italy, Spain and Greece are socialist and in Debt worse than US as percentage of GDP
As for death, well that could be another whole thread; but, more people (millions more) have been killed
under the name of "Socialism" than any other form of gov't. Stalin's gov't killed more people than Hitler's govt; of course,
something tells me you would not know that fact or understand the real means to achieve a "socialist utopia"

Moody's just warned that the US could lose its AAA rating at the rate we are going.


How would this utopia of yours work?
You can't answer because you have no idea

You just know you want what you believe will be the results.

Sacrifice, confiscating one's property, taking away of individual rights in Socialism is always easier in theory, discussing it and when it is not yours.

So again, what are the means to get to this utopia?
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The wingnuts are so befuddled that they can't decide if socialism is so strong in this country, that it poses a threat (which they say to motivate the base) or is it's so weak, it poses no threat (which is what the wingnuts are arguing in this thread because I pointed out that socialism is not only a threat, it is winning)

Not sure what this means either..but what we have a blended economy. Been that way since the beginning.

When government discovers a deficit in a needful takes over.

Simple as that.

That's socialism.

No, it isn't.

That's a government providing services.

You or I might object and think that those services aren't needed, but that does not mean the government is socialist.

Socialism is the owership and control of a society's means of production by the central government.

Social services are NOT a means of production.
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