Socialism is evil

Won what? You are living in a parallel universe there sunshine.
There is no such thing nor will there ever be a "socialist paradise".....
I think you are here simply to pull everyone's chain.
Your posts make no sense, have no basis in logic.

We have a socialized retirement system (Social Security), school system, transportation system (highways, roads, airports, trains, buses, subways, ferries, etc), electrical grid, nuclear energy, food supply (with massive govt subsidies), water supply, housing market (highly regulated and subsidized), post office, and on and on

Keep thinking you won while out nation becomes more and more socialist. We even got a socialized prescription drug program from bush* and the republicans in congress. The jokes on you

Even when we lose, we win!!! :lol::lol::lol:

Once again you are misrepresenting what socialism really is

Based on your past performance, you would do best to not try this route
Of course, using your "logic":
'Look how good a job the gov't does running the Post Office and Education, just think what we can do for your health care'
Thanks for proving my point that many in the US have little understanding of the means.

You do indeed put new meaning to Lenin's term "useful idiot"

But if it makes you feel better or smarter then you can just call me a "wingnut"

This seems to be your favorite way to "prove" your point

To be fair, most in the US do not understand the means- they just want the stated goals.

For the ones that do understand and still want socialism's goals but not necessarily full blown socialism,
they believe that they can limit and control the power of the state to not over ride individual rights

Yeah good luck with that one....

For the rest who want the goals but do not understand the means, I dare say a lot of them would be
more apprehensive if they understood the means better.

blah, blah

Another wingnut can't explain how this so called "center-right nation" ended up with so much socialism. The wingnut is so befuddled, he can't decide if the nation is awash in socialism, or if there is no socialism at all.
Won what? You are living in a parallel universe there sunshine.
There is no such thing nor will there ever be a "socialist paradise".....
I think you are here simply to pull everyone's chain.
Your posts make no sense, have no basis in logic.

We have a socialized retirement system (Social Security), school system, transportation system (highways, roads, airports, trains, buses, subways, ferries, etc), electrical grid, nuclear energy, food supply (with massive govt subsidies), water supply, housing market (highly regulated and subsidized), post office, and on and on

Keep thinking you won while out nation becomes more and more socialist. We even got a socialized prescription drug program from bush* and the republicans in congress. The jokes on you

Even when we lose, we win!!! :lol::lol::lol:

Once again you are misrepresenting what socialism really is

Based on your past performance, you would do best to not try this route
Of course, using your "logic":
'Look how good a job the gov't does running the Post Office and Education, just think what we can do for your health care'
Thanks for proving my point that many in the US have little understanding of the means.

You do indeed put new meaning to Lenin's term "useful idiot"

But if it makes you feel better or smarter then you can just call me a "wingnut"

This seems to be your favorite way to "prove" your point

To be fair, most in the US do not understand the means- they just want the stated goals.

For the ones that do understand and still want socialism's goals but not necessarily full blown socialism,
they believe that they can limit and control the power of the state to not over ride individual rights

Yeah good luck with that one....

For the rest who want the goals but do not understand the means, I dare say a lot of them would be
more apprehensive if they understood the means better. do prove a point.

You haven't a clue about what you are posting about..

There are very few people in the United States that advocate for "Full Blown Socialism" whatever the heck that is..

It's probably about the same amount of people that want the military to take over.
We have a socialized retirement system (Social Security), school system, transportation system (highways, roads, airports, trains, buses, subways, ferries, etc), electrical grid, nuclear energy, food supply (with massive govt subsidies), water supply, housing market (highly regulated and subsidized), post office, and on and on

Keep thinking you won while out nation becomes more and more socialist. We even got a socialized prescription drug program from bush* and the republicans in congress. The jokes on you

Even when we lose, we win!!! :lol::lol::lol:

Once again you are misrepresenting what socialism really is

Based on your past performance, you would do best to not try this route
Of course, using your "logic":
'Look how good a job the gov't does running the Post Office and Education, just think what we can do for your health care'
Thanks for proving my point that many in the US have little understanding of the means.

You do indeed put new meaning to Lenin's term "useful idiot"

But if it makes you feel better or smarter then you can just call me a "wingnut"

This seems to be your favorite way to "prove" your point

To be fair, most in the US do not understand the means- they just want the stated goals.

For the ones that do understand and still want socialism's goals but not necessarily full blown socialism,
they believe that they can limit and control the power of the state to not over ride individual rights

Yeah good luck with that one....

For the rest who want the goals but do not understand the means, I dare say a lot of them would be
more apprehensive if they understood the means better. do prove a point.

You haven't a clue about what you are posting about..

There are very few people in the United States that advocate for "Full Blown Socialism" whatever the heck that is..

It's probably about the same amount of people that want the military to take over.

Again thank you for proving my point about not understanding the means

We have a socialized retirement system (Social Security), school system, transportation system (highways, roads, airports, trains, buses, subways, ferries, etc), electrical grid, nuclear energy, food supply (with massive govt subsidies), water supply, housing market (highly regulated and subsidized), post office, and on and on

Keep thinking you won while out nation becomes more and more socialist. We even got a socialized prescription drug program from bush* and the republicans in congress. The jokes on you

Even when we lose, we win!!! :lol::lol::lol:

Once again you are misrepresenting what socialism really is

Based on your past performance, you would do best to not try this route
Of course, using your "logic":
'Look how good a job the gov't does running the Post Office and Education, just think what we can do for your health care'
Thanks for proving my point that many in the US have little understanding of the means.

You do indeed put new meaning to Lenin's term "useful idiot"

But if it makes you feel better or smarter then you can just call me a "wingnut"

This seems to be your favorite way to "prove" your point

To be fair, most in the US do not understand the means- they just want the stated goals.

For the ones that do understand and still want socialism's goals but not necessarily full blown socialism,
they believe that they can limit and control the power of the state to not over ride individual rights

Yeah good luck with that one....

For the rest who want the goals but do not understand the means, I dare say a lot of them would be
more apprehensive if they understood the means better. do prove a point.

You haven't a clue about what you are posting about..

There are very few people in the United States that advocate for "Full Blown Socialism" whatever the heck that is..

It's probably about the same amount of people that want the military to take over.

The wingnuts are so befuddled that they can't decide if socialism is so strong in this country, that it poses a threat (which they say to motivate the base) or is it's so weak, it poses no threat (which is what the wingnuts are arguing in this thread because I pointed out that socialism is not only a threat, it is winning)
Once again you are misrepresenting what socialism really is

Based on your past performance, you would do best to not try this route
Of course, using your "logic":
'Look how good a job the gov't does running the Post Office and Education, just think what we can do for your health care'
Thanks for proving my point that many in the US have little understanding of the means.

You do indeed put new meaning to Lenin's term "useful idiot"

But if it makes you feel better or smarter then you can just call me a "wingnut"

This seems to be your favorite way to "prove" your point

To be fair, most in the US do not understand the means- they just want the stated goals.

For the ones that do understand and still want socialism's goals but not necessarily full blown socialism,
they believe that they can limit and control the power of the state to not over ride individual rights

Yeah good luck with that one....

For the rest who want the goals but do not understand the means, I dare say a lot of them would be
more apprehensive if they understood the means better. do prove a point.

You haven't a clue about what you are posting about..

There are very few people in the United States that advocate for "Full Blown Socialism" whatever the heck that is..

It's probably about the same amount of people that want the military to take over.

The wingnuts are so befuddled that they can't decide if socialism is so strong in this country, that it poses a threat (which they say to motivate the base) or is it's so weak, it poses no threat (which is what the wingnuts are arguing in this thread because I pointed out that socialism is not only a threat, it is winning)

You do know that using "wingnut" does not prove your point.

But it did support mine


Like Lenin said, "useful idiots" from the Left to be found all over here
The wingnuts are so befuddled that they can't decide if socialism is so strong in this country, that it poses a threat (which they say to motivate the base) or is it's so weak, it poses no threat (which is what the wingnuts are arguing in this thread because I pointed out that socialism is not only a threat, it is winning)

Not sure what this means either..but what we have a blended economy. Been that way since the beginning.

When government discovers a deficit in a needful takes over.

Simple as that.
The wingnuts are so befuddled that they can't decide if socialism is so strong in this country, that it poses a threat (which they say to motivate the base) or is it's so weak, it poses no threat (which is what the wingnuts are arguing in this thread because I pointed out that socialism is not only a threat, it is winning)

Not sure what this means either..but what we have a blended economy. Been that way since the beginning.

When government discovers a deficit in a needful takes over.

Simple as that.

That's socialism.
The wingnuts are so befuddled that they can't decide if socialism is so strong in this country, that it poses a threat (which they say to motivate the base) or is it's so weak, it poses no threat (which is what the wingnuts are arguing in this thread because I pointed out that socialism is not only a threat, it is winning)

Not sure what this means either..but what we have a blended economy. Been that way since the beginning.

When government discovers a deficit in a needful takes over.

Simple as that.

That's socialism.

Sure it is....

Like I said before:

most in the US do not understand the means- they just want the stated goals.

For the ones that do understand and still want socialism's goals but not necessarily full blown socialism,
they believe that they can limit and control the power of the state to not over ride individual rights

Yeah good luck with that one....

For the rest who want the goals but do not understand the means, I dare say a lot of them would be
more apprehensive if they understood the means better.
What property are we talking about here? Government can take anything you think you own now, and at best rent it to your use. When you don't pay the tax-rent, your ass is out and your property is on the public auction block, along with the Title. Does that make you nothing?:eusa_angel:

maybe government can take YOUR property without due process and just compensation, but where I live, that is just not the case.
You are so focused on government being in total control of your life, you've convinced yourself you must comply and succumb. In your mind, you are already a "subject".
Ef that.....Come get ya some.

Every year the govt takes your money. No due process and no compensation, just or unjust.

And just try to not pay your taxes, and see where your property ends up :lol:

Genius...How many times will you over the course of your tenure on this board will you reference the 16th Amendment....The sixteenth amendment to the constitution of the United States allows for congress to levy an income tax. The text of the amendment:
"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."
Your argument is way off base. You haven't a smidge of a chance in keeping up so you try to apply bullshit to make yourself feel good. Doesn't wash.
You are the one who needs government to be your mommy and daddy. And you expect everyone else to comply. Yeah, that'll happen.
Come with me to skip through time and history.

At one time, nearly ALL African-Americans were republicans. The Republican Party was founded as an anti-slavery party.

At one time the Republican Party sort of made sense .. even up to the day of Dr. King.

One of my civil rights heroes was a conservative Senator from Illinois, Everett Dirksen .. at one time.

But that's all ancient history, altered by Nixon's southern strategy.

We return you now to the present .. where the Republican Party is a mere shadow of its former self.

So MLK was right then but he would be wrong now to be a Republican?

Did you know before 1960 Blacks had a lower illegitimate rate than whites, a higher employment rate than whites and a lower divorce rate than whites

But, yeah sure is a good thing they joined the Democrats

BlackAsCoal is right, I'm amazed at how many so-called Republicans on here know so little about the history of American politics or their very own political party.

"Prior to the formation of the conservative coalition, which helped realign the Democratic and Republican party ideologies in the mid-1960s, the Republican party historically advocated classical liberalism and progressivism."

Republican Party (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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I do not have to "refute"anything.
You can't refute anything. That's why you never do.
Yeah, that's what you libs expect. You throw out all kinds of nonsense. None of which is based in fact. You then expect everyone to fight the battle on your terms.
It doesn't work that way. You don't get to post whatever you want then demand an answer to that. You'll be called on every non factual post you place.
You've been exposed. We're not playing your game.
If you want to discuss issues, at least come to the table with some facts. No one is interested in what you feel or believe. Facts and facts only. Play by these rules or find a hobby.
Old ideas...brought (back) to you by the same people who brought (back) waterboarding

In 2011, there are Americans arguing FOR torture.

How incredible is that?

That was..and is..completely shocking.

It's probably apparent that I don't hold the American conscience in high regard. But DAMN .. even I was shocked to hear PRO-TORTURE coming from Americans in this day and age.

The good news about socialism is that it needs no leaders, it doesn't require promotion.

All intelligent society will come to it.

As a socialist, I find threads like this absolutely hilarious. Like chickens clucking in a pen.

As resources continue to dwindle .. guess what .. greater expressions of socialism are inevitable.

As the capitalist model continues to fail .. guess what .. greater expressions of socialism.

Socialism, like democracy, comes in varying forms. I'm a democratic socialist and I feel no need to argue or debate socialism with people that don't have a fucking clue what socialism is. Totally unnecessary.

Scream, whine, holler ... it makes no difference.

ALL intelligent society will come to it.

Yeah, right. That's why millions of people are coming to the US to escape socialism. This is why western European nations are going broke due to the high cost of social safety nets. Newsflash...socialism in UNSUSTAINABLE....
Socialism breeds complacency, greed and laziness. Socialism creates an environment where everyone under the system is equally miserable.
Invariably, the producers are driven to their knees with confiscatory taxation to supplly funding for social safety nets. As more people decide it is no longer profitable to work or own businesses, they drop out of producing and creating. They join the ranks of the takers. The slugs. The drones of society.
Those who long for socialism are lazy good for nothing slobs who don't have within their miserable bodies an ounce of integrity or gumption. Socialists exist to have other provide them with a living. If you are a socialist, you are nothing. You exist. You are a parasite.
What property are we talking about here? Government can take anything you think you own now, and at best rent it to your use. When you don't pay the tax-rent, your ass is out and your property is on the public auction block, along with the Title. Does that make you nothing?:eusa_angel:

maybe government can take YOUR property without due process and just compensation, but where I live, that is just not the case.
You are so focused on government being in total control of your life, you've convinced yourself you must comply and succumb. In your mind, you are already a "subject".
Ef that.....Come get ya some.

Well of course government gives you due process to try and save your property they already decided they own. YOU LOSE!!! You think you stand a snowballs chance in hell of beating the government if they want your property?? LMAO!! If they decide they want a right away through your front door, your ass it out Dude! Christ! Due process!!! LOL!!:lol:'re just here to bust balls. You are nothing. Your life is nothing. You have no focus, no honor.
The good news about socialism is that it needs no leaders, it doesn't require promotion.

All intelligent society will come to it.

As a socialist, I find threads like this absolutely hilarious. Like chickens clucking in a pen.

As resources continue to dwindle .. guess what .. greater expressions of socialism are inevitable.

As the capitalist model continues to fail .. guess what .. greater expressions of socialism.

Socialism, like democracy, comes in varying forms. I'm a democratic socialist and I feel no need to argue or debate socialism with people that don't have a fucking clue what socialism is. Totally unnecessary.

Scream, whine, holler ... it makes no difference.

ALL intelligent society will come to it.

Yeah, right. That's why millions of people are coming to the US to escape socialism.


This is why western European nations are going broke due to the high cost of social safety nets. Newsflash...socialism in UNSUSTAINABLE....
Socialism breeds complacency, greed and laziness. Socialism creates an environment where everyone under the system is equally miserable.

And capitalism is UNSUSTAINABLE....., breeds "complacency, greed and laziness," and is a system where the majority are miserable, while a few are happy.

Invariably, the producers are driven to their knees with confiscatory taxation to supplly funding for social safety nets. As more people decide it is no longer profitable to work or own businesses, they drop out of producing and creating. They join the ranks of the takers. The slugs. The drones of society.


Those who long for socialism are lazy good for nothing slobs who don't have within their miserable bodies an ounce of integrity or gumption. Socialists exist to have other provide them with a living. If you are a socialist, you are nothing. You exist. You are a parasite.

Those who want Capitalism want a free ride off the backs of the worker, and are miserable blood suckers worried about their next meal, willing to work for pesos, and let corporations run their lives into the ground. You are a weak, unorganized, greedy blood sucker. And shouldn't exist.
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Come with me to skip through time and history.

At one time, nearly ALL African-Americans were republicans. The Republican Party was founded as an anti-slavery party.

At one time the Republican Party sort of made sense .. even up to the day of Dr. King.

One of my civil rights heroes was a conservative Senator from Illinois, Everett Dirksen .. at one time.

But that's all ancient history, altered by Nixon's southern strategy.

We return you now to the present .. where the Republican Party is a mere shadow of its former self.

So MLK was right then but he would be wrong now to be a Republican?

Did you know before 1960 Blacks had a lower illegitimate rate than whites, a higher employment rate than whites and a lower divorce rate than whites

But, yeah sure is a good thing they joined the Democrats

BlackAsCoal is right, I'm amazed at how many so-called Republicans on here know so little about the history of American politics or their very own political party.

"Prior to the formation of the conservative coalition, which helped realign the Democratic and Republican party ideologies in the mid-1960s, the Republican party historically advocated classical liberalism and progressivism."

Republican Party (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your character is also known as the "Father of Fascism"
I'm surprised you did not know that one Jean
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