Socialism is evil

The good news about socialism is that it needs no leaders, it doesn't require promotion.

All intelligent society will come to it.

As a socialist, I find threads like this absolutely hilarious. Like chickens clucking in a pen.

As resources continue to dwindle .. guess what .. greater expressions of socialism are inevitable.

As the capitalist model continues to fail .. guess what .. greater expressions of socialism.

Socialism, like democracy, comes in varying forms. I'm a democratic socialist and I feel no need to argue or debate socialism with people that don't have a fucking clue what socialism is. Totally unnecessary.

Scream, whine, holler ... it makes no difference.

ALL intelligent society will come to it.
Public power is inexorably tied to private property rights.
Without the right to own property, we are nothing.
BTW, any attempt by any of you class any lilly livered libs to take what is mine will be dispatched swiftly with extreme prejudice.

What property are we talking about here? Government can take anything you think you own now, and at best rent it to your use. When you don't pay the tax-rent, your ass is out and your property is on the public auction block, along with the Title. Does that make you nothing?:eusa_angel:

maybe government can take YOUR property without due process and just compensation, but where I live, that is just not the case.
You are so focused on government being in total control of your life, you've convinced yourself you must comply and succumb. In your mind, you are already a "subject".
Ef that.....Come get ya some.

Well of course government gives you due process to try and save your property they already decided they own. YOU LOSE!!! You think you stand a snowballs chance in hell of beating the government if they want your property?? LMAO!! If they decide they want a right away through your front door, your ass it out Dude! Christ! Due process!!! LOL!!:lol:
umm, the military is 100% socialist.

So are public schools. 100% socialist

It's a socialist nation. The rightwingers lost. Get over it! :lol::lol::lol:
You have no clue do you? Leftwingers lost the last election.

And you lost the election before that one, so I guess your days are numbered, huh? LMAO!!
Leave it to you lefties to consider a loss as a win. Unreal.
The nation rejected Obama and the far left swing the Congress had taken. The people rejected the Congress for not considering the will of the people.
If this Congress pulls the same shit, it will be dispatched as well.
We're going to stop until we get the government back in line and under our thumb. The way the Framers intended.
What property are we talking about here? Government can take anything you think you own now, and at best rent it to your use. When you don't pay the tax-rent, your ass is out and your property is on the public auction block, along with the Title. Does that make you nothing?:eusa_angel:

maybe government can take YOUR property without due process and just compensation, but where I live, that is just not the case.
You are so focused on government being in total control of your life, you've convinced yourself you must comply and succumb. In your mind, you are already a "subject".
Ef that.....Come get ya some.

Every year the govt takes your money. No due process and no compensation, just or unjust.

And just try to not pay your taxes, and see where your property ends up :lol:

I tried to tell the fool! The government is judge & jury in his supposed due process, and he can' be that fucking dumb not to know that. They can hound his ass in court until he doesn't have a dime, and then take his property when he can't pay the taxes.:lol::lol:
Well, according to the OP, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton and of course, the worst, Thomas Paine were theives.

You don't like paying taxes, huh? Motivated by single-minded greed?

You live in a soceity, and everything that you own is because of the hardwork and sacrifices of the people in that soceity and only in accordance with that soceity's rules. One of which is: you have to pay taxes.

If you don't like it, you are free to move into the deep amazon or perhaps to Antartica. Let's see how much wealth you accumulate there!

Wake up an smell the reality, idiot!

:eusa_whistle: our taxes are supposed to be used to fund the essental functions of government not to fund all these liberal social programs, thats not supposed to be the role of OUR Federal government.

Too bad!! We socialists have won, and we're going to use YOUR MONEY to build our socialist paradise. :lol::lol::lol:

Won what? You are living in a parallel universe there sunshine.
There is no such thing nor will there ever be a "socialist paradise".....
I think you are here simply to pull everyone's chain.
Your posts make no sense, have no basis in logic.
-Education is a public good, in today's terms. Therefore not Socialist, the Free market allows for public goods and gov't. Gov'ts build roads as well, that does not make it "socialist"

You're an idiot. Is universal government funded healthcare a public good? And therefore not Socialist?


Universal or single payer is defined as "socialized medicine"....What is it you want now?

They are two different things, moron
You have no clue do you? Leftwingers lost the last election.

And you lost the election before that one, so I guess your days are numbered, huh? LMAO!!
Leave it to you lefties to consider a loss as a win. Unreal.
The nation rejected Obama and the far left swing the Congress had taken. The people rejected the Congress for not considering the will of the people.
If this Congress pulls the same shit, it will be dispatched as well.
We're going to stop until we get the government back in line and under our thumb. The way the Framers intended.

Repeal of DADT
Signing of START
Fair Pay Act
Two nominees to SCOTUS
Obama just made a bunch of recess appts
auto bailout
gay marriage in several states, and coming to you soon
medical marijuana
Yeah, we lost :lol::lol::lol:
your post has no no point. it is angry racist rhetoric. I dismiss it out of hand.
Come back when you've calmed down. And leave the racist commentary at the door.

Fuck you. Come back to what?

Sorry. I'm immune to your ignorance.

I you had a brain you would have attempted to refute what I said .. but you don't.


"Fuck you"?.....I win!
I hit a nerve. You know you are wrong here and so you lash out with an obscenity.
No class.
I do not have to "refute"anything. I am not going to waste our time attempting to prove a negative.
You made the claims. You back them up with facts.
You have your assignment. Get to work or remain outside.
"Fuck you"....Yeah, who is the ignorant one?.....Sheesh. This is much too easy.
Oh, spare me the racist clap trap.

Here .. you "win" again.


No you don't have to refute anything and I never claimed you had the intelligence to do so. I merely pointed out the obvious, that you don't have the intelligence to refute anything.

Facts? :lol::lol::lol:

What in the hell would you know about facts? I posted lots of facts.

I posted the fact that there were more African-American legislators in congress in 1970 that republicans have had COLLECTIVELY since 1970.

That's a fact. I even posted a picture from 1970 as a visual for those of you on the right who have difficulty with words.

Most Black Republicans Since Reconstruction Run for Congress
Most Black Republicans Since Reconstruction Run for Congress | The Atlantic Wire

Of course, for racists, ANY comment that comes from anyone black who is not their puppet has to be "racist" :lol:

Unless you're capable of civil debate, don't expect it from me. I'll just simply play with you and have fun.
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maybe government can take YOUR property without due process and just compensation, but where I live, that is just not the case.
You are so focused on government being in total control of your life, you've convinced yourself you must comply and succumb. In your mind, you are already a "subject".
Ef that.....Come get ya some.

Every year the govt takes your money. No due process and no compensation, just or unjust.

And just try to not pay your taxes, and see where your property ends up :lol:

I tried to tell the fool! The government is judge & jury in his supposed due process, and he can' be that fucking dumb not to know that. They can hound his ass in court until he doesn't have a dime, and then take his property when he can't pay the taxes.:lol::lol:

Like most wingnuts, he likes to talk tough on the Internet. It's called "Ten feet tall in ASCII, two inches IRL"

But when the Fed govt uses its immense resources against him to take his property, he wil curl up into a little ball and cry about the big bad gubmint :lol:
:eusa_whistle: our taxes are supposed to be used to fund the essental functions of government not to fund all these liberal social programs, thats not supposed to be the role of OUR Federal government.

Too bad!! We socialists have won, and we're going to use YOUR MONEY to build our socialist paradise. :lol::lol::lol:

Won what? You are living in a parallel universe there sunshine.
There is no such thing nor will there ever be a "socialist paradise".....
I think you are here simply to pull everyone's chain.
Your posts make no sense, have no basis in logic.

We have a socialized retirement system (Social Security), school system, transportation system (highways, roads, airports, trains, buses, subways, ferries, etc), electrical grid, nuclear energy, food supply (with massive govt subsidies), water supply, housing market (highly regulated and subsidized), post office, and on and on

Keep thinking you won while out nation becomes more and more socialist. We even got a socialized prescription drug program from bush* and the republicans in congress. The jokes on you

Even when we lose, we win!!! :lol::lol::lol:
Every year the govt takes your money. No due process and no compensation, just or unjust.

And just try to not pay your taxes, and see where your property ends up :lol:

I tried to tell the fool! The government is judge & jury in his supposed due process, and he can' be that fucking dumb not to know that. They can hound his ass in court until he doesn't have a dime, and then take his property when he can't pay the taxes.:lol::lol:

Like most wingnuts, he likes to talk tough on the Internet. It's called "Ten feet tall in ASCII, two inches IRL"

But when the Fed govt uses its immense resources against him to take his property, he wil curl up into a little ball and cry about the big bad gubmint :lol:

He's going to whip out his gun .. and shoot himself.

So much for Rambo.
Fuck you. Come back to what?

Sorry. I'm immune to your ignorance.

I you had a brain you would have attempted to refute what I said .. but you don't.


As he uses profanity

This is not part of the new "civility" the Left and the MSM is calling for from the people

How many times are you going to try to hide behind that bullshit.

The mindfuck call for "civility" did not come from the left .. did not come from me .. it came from democrats .. which is not the left, which is not me.

I am not a democrat, don't follow their lead, don't look to them for strategy. I couldn't care less about illusions of civility.

Additionally, any screaming about me being a racist that comes from right-wingers, including any that come from you, are going to be met with "fuck you."

You knuckleheads not only have a long and undeniable shitstain history of racism in this country, you're also dumb enough to believe that you, the racists, get to call anyone who doesn't listen to your lobotomized thought, a racist.

Too damn dumb to actually challenge what is said.

Go play with someone else junior .. I don't suffer fools.

Nice try, Elroy..There is racism everywhere practiced by every cultural and racial group in the world.

You believe you can label all whites as racist just because they are white. THAT is racist!
People of minority races and cultures believe they are immune from criticism and thus can practice racism with impunity.
No more. You people do not get a hall pass on hate. We're all in the same boat on this one, sunshine. And when you use racist buzzwords or imply racism, you'll get called on it and you'll live with it. You can try to hide behind your skin color in an attempt to shut down debate. Not on my watch. Equality cuts both ways.
So use your brain and put away the race card. It is no longer a viable weapon for your side.
As he uses profanity

This is not part of the new "civility" the Left and the MSM is calling for from the people

How many times are you going to try to hide behind that bullshit.

The mindfuck call for "civility" did not come from the left .. did not come from me .. it came from democrats .. which is not the left, which is not me.

I am not a democrat, don't follow their lead, don't look to them for strategy. I couldn't care less about illusions of civility.

Additionally, any screaming about me being a racist that comes from right-wingers, including any that come from you, are going to be met with "fuck you."

You knuckleheads not only have a long and undeniable shitstain history of racism in this country, you're also dumb enough to believe that you, the racists, get to call anyone who doesn't listen to your lobotomized thought, a racist.

Too damn dumb to actually challenge what is said.

Go play with someone else junior .. I don't suffer fools.

Nice try, Elroy..There is racism everywhere practiced by every cultural and racial group in the world.

You believe you can label all whites as racist just because they are white. THAT is racist!
People of minority races and cultures believe they are immune from criticism and thus can practice racism with impunity.
No more. You people do not get a hall pass on hate. We're all in the same boat on this one, sunshine. And when you use racist buzzwords or imply racism, you'll get called on it and you'll live with it. You can try to hide behind your skin color in an attempt to shut down debate. Not on my watch. Equality cuts both ways.
So use your brain and put away the race card. It is no longer a viable weapon for your side.

He didn't say that all white people are racist.

Just you.
As he uses profanity

This is not part of the new "civility" the Left and the MSM is calling for from the people

How many times are you going to try to hide behind that bullshit.

The mindfuck call for "civility" did not come from the left .. did not come from me .. it came from democrats .. which is not the left, which is not me.

I am not a democrat, don't follow their lead, don't look to them for strategy. I couldn't care less about illusions of civility.

Additionally, any screaming about me being a racist that comes from right-wingers, including any that come from you, are going to be met with "fuck you."

You knuckleheads not only have a long and undeniable shitstain history of racism in this country, you're also dumb enough to believe that you, the racists, get to call anyone who doesn't listen to your lobotomized thought, a racist.

Too damn dumb to actually challenge what is said.

Go play with someone else junior .. I don't suffer fools.

Nice try, Elroy..There is racism everywhere practiced by every cultural and racial group in the world.

You believe you can label all whites as racist just because they are white. THAT is racist!
People of minority races and cultures believe they are immune from criticism and thus can practice racism with impunity.
No more. You people do not get a hall pass on hate. We're all in the same boat on this one, sunshine. And when you use racist buzzwords or imply racism, you'll get called on it and you'll live with it. You can try to hide behind your skin color in an attempt to shut down debate. Not on my watch. Equality cuts both ways.
So use your brain and put away the race card. It is no longer a viable weapon for your side.

All white people are right-wingers?

Are you even aware of how ignorant you appear?


You can't because you're a liar .. you can't debate what I actually said .. because you're dumb .. you're scrambling for reason to attack what I said .. because you're a racist. No logic, just your cancerous nature.

I repeat, there should be at least a couple of you racist morons on every message board so intelligent people can see the incredible ignorance of you.


Dude, you and all your hate are laughable. You don't control shit. You're just the lingering smell from a shitstained past. You don't represent white people. Laughing at you doesn't have shit to do with white people .. most of whom couldn't stand your stench any better than I can.

There is no future for you here in my country. :0)


Go away motherfucker .. go away :lol:
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Socialism is evil

Walter E. Williams

What is socialism? We miss the boat if we say it's the agenda of left-wingers and Democrats. According to Marxist doctrine, socialism is a stage of society between capitalism and communism where private ownership and control over property are eliminated. The essence of socialism is the attenuation and ultimate abolition of private property rights. Attacks on private property include, but are not limited to, confiscating the rightful property of one person and giving it to another to whom it doesn't belong. When this is done privately, we call it theft. When it's done collectively, we use euphemisms: income transfers or redistribution. It's not just left-wingers and Democrats who call for and admire socialism but right-wingers and Republicans as well.

Republicans and right-wingers support taking the earnings of one American and giving them to farmers, banks, airlines and other failing businesses. Democrats and left-wingers support taking the earnings of one American and giving them to poor people, cities and artists. Both agree on taking one American's earnings to give to another; they simply differ on the recipients. This kind of congressional activity constitutes at least two-thirds of the federal budget.

Regardless of the purpose, such behavior is immoral. It's a reduced form of slavery. After all, what is the essence of slavery? It's the forceful use of one person to serve the purposes of another person. When Congress, through the tax code, takes the earnings of one person and turns around to give it to another person in the forms of prescription drugs, Social Security, food stamps, farm subsidies or airline bailouts, it is forcibly using one person to serve the purposes of another.

The moral question stands out in starker relief when we acknowledge that those spending programs coming out of Congress do not represent lawmakers reaching into their own pockets and sending out the money. Moreover, there's no tooth fairy or Santa Claus giving them the money. The fact that government has no resources of its very own forces us to acknowledge that the only way government can give one American a dollar is to first -- through intimidation, threats and coercion -- take that dollar from some other American.

Some might rejoin that all of this is a result of a democratic process and it's legal. Legality alone is no guide for a moral people. There are many things in this world that have been, or are, legal but clearly immoral. Slavery was legal. Did that make it moral? South Africa's apartheid, Nazi persecution of Jews, and Stalinist and Maoist purges were all legal, but did that make them moral?

Can a moral case be made for taking the rightful property of one American and giving it to another to whom it does not belong? I think not. That's why socialism is evil. It uses evil means (coercion) to achieve what are seen as good ends (helping people). We might also note that an act that is inherently evil does not become moral simply because there's a majority consensus.

Socialism is evil

You should check the United States's loaded with all sorts of "Evil" Socialism.

But then again..I am noticing a trend in the right wing to ween themselves off that document and start to pronounce that the "Articles of Confederation" is the most valid construct for American Government.

Everything old is new again.
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Socialism is evil

Walter E. Williams

What is socialism? We miss the boat if we say it's the agenda of left-wingers and Democrats. According to Marxist doctrine, socialism is a stage of society between capitalism and communism where private ownership and control over property are eliminated. The essence of socialism is the attenuation and ultimate abolition of private property rights. Attacks on private property include, but are not limited to, confiscating the rightful property of one person and giving it to another to whom it doesn't belong. When this is done privately, we call it theft. When it's done collectively, we use euphemisms: income transfers or redistribution. It's not just left-wingers and Democrats who call for and admire socialism but right-wingers and Republicans as well.

Republicans and right-wingers support taking the earnings of one American and giving them to farmers, banks, airlines and other failing businesses. Democrats and left-wingers support taking the earnings of one American and giving them to poor people, cities and artists. Both agree on taking one American's earnings to give to another; they simply differ on the recipients. This kind of congressional activity constitutes at least two-thirds of the federal budget.

Regardless of the purpose, such behavior is immoral. It's a reduced form of slavery. After all, what is the essence of slavery? It's the forceful use of one person to serve the purposes of another person. When Congress, through the tax code, takes the earnings of one person and turns around to give it to another person in the forms of prescription drugs, Social Security, food stamps, farm subsidies or airline bailouts, it is forcibly using one person to serve the purposes of another.

The moral question stands out in starker relief when we acknowledge that those spending programs coming out of Congress do not represent lawmakers reaching into their own pockets and sending out the money. Moreover, there's no tooth fairy or Santa Claus giving them the money. The fact that government has no resources of its very own forces us to acknowledge that the only way government can give one American a dollar is to first -- through intimidation, threats and coercion -- take that dollar from some other American.

Some might rejoin that all of this is a result of a democratic process and it's legal. Legality alone is no guide for a moral people. There are many things in this world that have been, or are, legal but clearly immoral. Slavery was legal. Did that make it moral? South Africa's apartheid, Nazi persecution of Jews, and Stalinist and Maoist purges were all legal, but did that make them moral?

Can a moral case be made for taking the rightful property of one American and giving it to another to whom it does not belong? I think not. That's why socialism is evil. It uses evil means (coercion) to achieve what are seen as good ends (helping people). We might also note that an act that is inherently evil does not become moral simply because there's a majority consensus.

Socialism is evil

You should check the United States's loaded with all sorts of "Evil" Socialism.

But then again..I am noticing a trend in the right wing to ween themselves off that document and start to pronounce that the "Articles of Confederation" is the most valid construct for American Government.

Everything old is new again.

Ain't that the truth.
Socialism is evil

Walter E. Williams

What is socialism? We miss the boat if we say it's the agenda of left-wingers and Democrats. According to Marxist doctrine, socialism is a stage of society between capitalism and communism where private ownership and control over property are eliminated. The essence of socialism is the attenuation and ultimate abolition of private property rights. Attacks on private property include, but are not limited to, confiscating the rightful property of one person and giving it to another to whom it doesn't belong. When this is done privately, we call it theft. When it's done collectively, we use euphemisms: income transfers or redistribution. It's not just left-wingers and Democrats who call for and admire socialism but right-wingers and Republicans as well.

Republicans and right-wingers support taking the earnings of one American and giving them to farmers, banks, airlines and other failing businesses. Democrats and left-wingers support taking the earnings of one American and giving them to poor people, cities and artists. Both agree on taking one American's earnings to give to another; they simply differ on the recipients. This kind of congressional activity constitutes at least two-thirds of the federal budget.

Regardless of the purpose, such behavior is immoral. It's a reduced form of slavery. After all, what is the essence of slavery? It's the forceful use of one person to serve the purposes of another person. When Congress, through the tax code, takes the earnings of one person and turns around to give it to another person in the forms of prescription drugs, Social Security, food stamps, farm subsidies or airline bailouts, it is forcibly using one person to serve the purposes of another.

The moral question stands out in starker relief when we acknowledge that those spending programs coming out of Congress do not represent lawmakers reaching into their own pockets and sending out the money. Moreover, there's no tooth fairy or Santa Claus giving them the money. The fact that government has no resources of its very own forces us to acknowledge that the only way government can give one American a dollar is to first -- through intimidation, threats and coercion -- take that dollar from some other American.

Some might rejoin that all of this is a result of a democratic process and it's legal. Legality alone is no guide for a moral people. There are many things in this world that have been, or are, legal but clearly immoral. Slavery was legal. Did that make it moral? South Africa's apartheid, Nazi persecution of Jews, and Stalinist and Maoist purges were all legal, but did that make them moral?

Can a moral case be made for taking the rightful property of one American and giving it to another to whom it does not belong? I think not. That's why socialism is evil. It uses evil means (coercion) to achieve what are seen as good ends (helping people). We might also note that an act that is inherently evil does not become moral simply because there's a majority consensus.

Socialism is evil

You should check the United States's loaded with all sorts of "Evil" Socialism.

But then again..I am noticing a trend in the right wing to ween themselves off that document and start to pronounce that the "Articles of Confederation" is the most valid construct for American Government.

Everything old is new again.

Ain't that the truth.

Old ideas...brought (back) to you by the same people who brought (back) waterboarding
You should check the United States's loaded with all sorts of "Evil" Socialism.

But then again..I am noticing a trend in the right wing to ween themselves off that document and start to pronounce that the "Articles of Confederation" is the most valid construct for American Government.

Everything old is new again.

Ain't that the truth.

Old ideas...brought (back) to you by the same people who brought (back) waterboarding

In 2011, there are Americans arguing FOR torture.

How incredible is that?
Too bad!! We socialists have won, and we're going to use YOUR MONEY to build our socialist paradise. :lol::lol::lol:

Won what? You are living in a parallel universe there sunshine.
There is no such thing nor will there ever be a "socialist paradise".....
I think you are here simply to pull everyone's chain.
Your posts make no sense, have no basis in logic.

We have a socialized retirement system (Social Security), school system, transportation system (highways, roads, airports, trains, buses, subways, ferries, etc), electrical grid, nuclear energy, food supply (with massive govt subsidies), water supply, housing market (highly regulated and subsidized), post office, and on and on

Keep thinking you won while out nation becomes more and more socialist. We even got a socialized prescription drug program from bush* and the republicans in congress. The jokes on you

Even when we lose, we win!!! :lol::lol::lol:

Once again you are misrepresenting what socialism really is

Based on your past performance, you would do best to not try this route
Of course, using your "logic":
'Look how good a job the gov't does running the Post Office and Education, just think what we can do for your health care'
Thanks for proving my point that many in the US have little understanding of the means.

You do indeed put new meaning to Lenin's term "useful idiot"

But if it makes you feel better or smarter then you can just call me a "wingnut"

This seems to be your favorite way to "prove" your point

To be fair, most in the US do not understand the means- they just want the stated goals.

For the ones that do understand and still want socialism's goals but not necessarily full blown socialism,
they believe that they can limit and control the power of the state to not over ride individual rights

Yeah good luck with that one....

For the rest who want the goals but do not understand the means, I dare say a lot of them would be
more apprehensive if they understood the means better.
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