Socialism Survives In The World Due To American Capitalism

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Face the facts, libtardos.

Socialism in the world can only survive with America's Capitalism and the Military might which protects Socialists in Europe and Canada. Wherever Socialism isn't protected by the United States it fails miserably. Venezuela and Cuba are perfect examples of this failure.

If Socialists had to pay for their defense they'd be Communists in a week. Overrun by Russia or China.

Capitalism is the economic engine which allows Europe to exist as it is. They spend virtually nothing on self defense. We cover them. Allowing them to spend their money on social programs. Which stupid libtardos point to as Utopia.

Consequently, stupid libtardos, socialized medicine and other socialistic programs will only undermine our standard of living. So knock off the socialism nonsense as it will eventually lead to Communism without Capitalism.

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