'Socialism': The GOP's Forever Bogeyman

Americans had better be concerned. We have yet to see a USMB prisoner comment on the Impossible Trident that symbolically relates to Bernie Sanders' ambiguous democratic stance. Symbolism is not just a catholic trick.
Impossible Trident
Impossible trident - Wikipedia

'If the ghost gives its form, that is to say, its body, to the ideologem, then it is the essential feature (le propre), so to speak, of the religious, according to Marx, that is missed when one effaces the semantics or the lexicon of the spectre, as translations often do, with values deemed to be more or less equivalent (fantasmagorical, hallucinatory, fantastic, imaginary, and so on). The mystical character of the fetish, in the mark it leaves on the experience of the religious, is first of all a ghostly character,'
(Derrida, Specters of Marx)
America has probably had socialism even before the Constitution was ratified and has continued to add programs.
America has probably had socialism even before the Constitution was ratified and has continued to add programs.
This is just scum of the Earth dimocrap FILTH attempting their usual incrementalism by trying to tell you that socialism already exists in this Country.

Wow...there's a "reasoned" argument huh?

It's obvious that I am correct. Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid and the VA and 40 hour work weeks and paid vacation (and much more) absolutely is "socialism" and that seems to make these right wing loons absolutely apoplectic

Obviously we have a blend of socialism and capitalism already...and that absolutely necessary...and totally popular...when you actually look at what this "socialism" is.

Republicans ALWAYS attack vague concepts that when examined are not only necessary but very popular. Obama care is an example.

They attacked "Obamacare" and as long as people just saw the name...they hated it. As soon as people realized what it was...its popularity climbed rapidly

You're so full of it, it must dribble out of your ears.

Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

From FDR to Barack Obama to Bernie Sanders, conservatives are reading from the same playbook.

Republicans believe they have hit on a bold, brand new line of attack that is sure to doom Democrats heading into the 2020 elections. President Donald Trump made it a central point of his State of the Union. Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), head of the National Republican Congressional Committee, promises to bring this fresh hit in his party’s effort to regain control of the House.

The big plan is to ― wait for it ― attack Democrats as socialists.

“Socialism is the greatest vulnerability by far that the House Democrats have,” Emmer told the New York Times.

As any American who has developed to the stage of object permanence can tell you, this isn’t a new plan. It is, in fact, the oldest trick in the book.

Every single political actor since the late 19th century advocating for some form progressive social change ― whether it be economic reform, challenging America’s racial caste system or advocating for women’s rights or LGBT rights ― has been tarred as a socialist or a communist bent on destroying the American Free Enterprise System.

Contemporary political conservatism has been focused on blocking social change that challenges existing hierarchies of class, race and sex since its founding in response to the French Revolution. Socialism emerged as the biggest threat to class hierarchies in due time and conservatives have called everything they don’t like socialism ever since.

More: Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

Once again, it's the same ole socialism bogeyman. Hopefully most voters are smart enough to see through this GOP bogeyman. Socialism is a major part of our society - and has been for a long time. It makes our lives much better - each and every day. Socialism comes in various forms - it isn't one size fits all.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America

The article is total bullshit.

Police are not the product of socialism.

John Jay said it in the Federalist Papers (I doubt you have a fucking clue as to what they are)...

Nothing is more certain than the indispensable necessity of government, and it is equally undeniable, that whenever and however it is instituted, the people must cede to it some of their natural rights in order to vest it with requisite powers.

Which simply means people have government.

That does not make public programs socialism.
Cons cant even explain what democrat socialism is .
Or they know exactly what it is – particularly that it has nothing to do with Democrats or the Democratic Party, and that Democrats in no manner advocate for ‘socialism.’

Yet conservatives will continue to propagate their lies regardless.

Are you still alive ?

How totally disappointing.

Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

From FDR to Barack Obama to Bernie Sanders, conservatives are reading from the same playbook.

Republicans believe they have hit on a bold, brand new line of attack that is sure to doom Democrats heading into the 2020 elections. President Donald Trump made it a central point of his State of the Union. Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), head of the National Republican Congressional Committee, promises to bring this fresh hit in his party’s effort to regain control of the House.

The big plan is to ― wait for it ― attack Democrats as socialists.

“Socialism is the greatest vulnerability by far that the House Democrats have,” Emmer told the New York Times.

As any American who has developed to the stage of object permanence can tell you, this isn’t a new plan. It is, in fact, the oldest trick in the book.

Every single political actor since the late 19th century advocating for some form progressive social change ― whether it be economic reform, challenging America’s racial caste system or advocating for women’s rights or LGBT rights ― has been tarred as a socialist or a communist bent on destroying the American Free Enterprise System.

Contemporary political conservatism has been focused on blocking social change that challenges existing hierarchies of class, race and sex since its founding in response to the French Revolution. Socialism emerged as the biggest threat to class hierarchies in due time and conservatives have called everything they don’t like socialism ever since.

More: Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

Once again, it's the same ole socialism bogeyman. Hopefully most voters are smart enough to see through this GOP bogeyman. Socialism is a major part of our society - and has been for a long time. It makes our lives much better - each and every day. Socialism comes in various forms - it isn't one size fits all.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
You're an idiot. Democrats have ALWAYS been leading the country into socialism. Woodrow Wilson was a socialist. So was FDR.

It is the nature of the Democrat Party to pressure the country into greater government control. The Democrat Party is all about GODVERNMET solutions.
You republicans are marching us towards totalitarianism and you're too stupid to see it.

Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

From FDR to Barack Obama to Bernie Sanders, conservatives are reading from the same playbook.

Republicans believe they have hit on a bold, brand new line of attack that is sure to doom Democrats heading into the 2020 elections. President Donald Trump made it a central point of his State of the Union. Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), head of the National Republican Congressional Committee, promises to bring this fresh hit in his party’s effort to regain control of the House.

The big plan is to ― wait for it ― attack Democrats as socialists.

“Socialism is the greatest vulnerability by far that the House Democrats have,” Emmer told the New York Times.

As any American who has developed to the stage of object permanence can tell you, this isn’t a new plan. It is, in fact, the oldest trick in the book.

Every single political actor since the late 19th century advocating for some form progressive social change ― whether it be economic reform, challenging America’s racial caste system or advocating for women’s rights or LGBT rights ― has been tarred as a socialist or a communist bent on destroying the American Free Enterprise System.

Contemporary political conservatism has been focused on blocking social change that challenges existing hierarchies of class, race and sex since its founding in response to the French Revolution. Socialism emerged as the biggest threat to class hierarchies in due time and conservatives have called everything they don’t like socialism ever since.

More: Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

Once again, it's the same ole socialism bogeyman. Hopefully most voters are smart enough to see through this GOP bogeyman. Socialism is a major part of our society - and has been for a long time. It makes our lives much better - each and every day. Socialism comes in various forms - it isn't one size fits all.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
You're an idiot. Democrats have ALWAYS been leading the country into socialism. Woodrow Wilson was a socialist. So was FDR.

It is the nature of the Democrat Party to pressure the country into greater government control. The Democrat Party is all about GODVERNMET solutions.
The term has been so over-used now that it means pretty much nothing. Way to go, Trumpsters.

Just say it, though, and the Trumpsters lose their shit.

They still haven't yet figured out that the word doesn't scare anyone any more. Except for them.

Looking over the history of the 20th Century until now, it definitely has meaning. Its record is grim.

It's not a question of fear, but of unconstitutionality.
The term has been so over-used now that it means pretty much nothing. Way to go, Trumpsters.

Just say it, though, and the Trumpsters lose their shit.

They still haven't yet figured out that the word doesn't scare anyone any more. Except for them.

Looking over the history of the 20th Century until now, it definitely has meaning. Its record is grim.

It's not a question of fear, but of unconstitutionality.
Whichever, it no longer works as political rhetoric.
The term has been so over-used now that it means pretty much nothing. Way to go, Trumpsters.

Just say it, though, and the Trumpsters lose their shit.

They still haven't yet figured out that the word doesn't scare anyone any more. Except for them.

Looking over the history of the 20th Century until now, it definitely has meaning. Its record is grim.

It's not a question of fear, but of unconstitutionality.
Whichever, it no longer works as political rhetoric.

How silly. Of course it does.
Cons cant even explain what democrat socialism is .

Neither can Democrats.
why not? its on wikipedia.

Democratic socialism is a term used to refer to the socialist political philosophy which advocates political democracy alongside a socially owned economy,[1] with an emphasis on workers' self-management and democratic control of economic institutions within a market or some form of a decentralised planned socialist economy.[2] Democratic socialists argue that capitalism is inherently incompatible with the values of freedom, equality and solidarity and that these ideals can be achieved only through the realisation of a socialist society. Democratic socialism can support either revolutionary or reformist politics as a means to establish socialism.[3]
Cons cant even explain what democrat socialism is .

Neither can Democrats.
why not? its on wikipedia.

Democratic socialism is a term used to refer to the socialist political philosophy which advocates political democracy alongside a socially owned economy,[1] with an emphasis on workers' self-management and democratic control of economic institutions within a market or some form of a decentralised planned socialist economy.[2] Democratic socialists argue that capitalism is inherently incompatible with the values of freedom, equality and solidarity and that these ideals can be achieved only through the realisation of a socialist society. Democratic socialism can support either revolutionary or reformist politics as a means to establish socialism.[3]

“Democratic Socialism can support either revolutionary or reformist politics as A MEANS TO ESTABLISH SOCIALISM”.

By any other term, it’s socialism. “Democratic” is just a sugarcoat so people don’t initially feel bad about supporting socialism.

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