'Socialism': The GOP's Forever Bogeyman

Socialism is not a boogeyman, it is a terrorist threat to destroy America piece by piece. It is the ugliest form of Fascism, and must be fought against like Radical Islam.

I'd rank it right up there with Nazism and Communism for it's ability to inflict pain on innocent people!

Look at how it has destroyed 50 Million Lives of African Americans and The Poor at Planned Parenthood extermination camps.

Look at how it put America $23 Trillion in Debt with the Fake Socialist "War on Poverty" that only enriched the lives of corrupt Leftist Politicians and Bureaucrats.

Look at how Socialist Plan on Completely Financially Crippling and Bankrupting America with $100 Trillion in planned spending on Free Education, Guaranteed Income, Free Healthcare, and The Green New Scam.

Look at how it's destroyed The Family Unit, Patriotism, The Work Ethic, and just plain Common Sense!

Look at how it's destroyed our American Liberties and Rights, eroding them bit by bit, day by day!

Look at how it's Globalist Business Practices, and Environmental Radicalism has destroyed American Businesses and Manufacturing!

Socialism is an Evil Whore standing on the Corner offering you a deal for easy Sex but giving you something you cannot get rid of and have to live with until the day you die.

Socialism is worse than cancer. It is an all world consuming, insatiable monster who's appetite for wealth and power can never be satiated.

Socialism is A Nation Killer!

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Cons cant even explain what democrat socialism is .

LOL - sure man. See, the definition of socialism is a closely guarded secret. You can read the dictionary definition, but that's just a trick. Only Democrats know the real definition of socialism. You have to sign up before you privy to it though. "We have to pass it to find out what is in it."
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Democratic Socialists are, essentially, totalitarians. They want government running everything. They think totalitarian government is all good as long as we vote first.
Socialism': The GOP's Forever Bogeyman

Another stupid,moronic, ignorant post by CrackHota. Socialism is the destroyer of economies and nations! The Nazis were socialists. The Soviet Union were economic socialists. Venezuela, Greece, etc.. ...all fail because of socialist policies. Bernie is an ignoramus toad who wants to drag America down to 3rd world status with his socialism.

Socialism is not a boogyman, it is an evil system which grants government totya control of business and peoples' live. A person would have to be a braindead idiot, totally ignorant of history, to embrace socialism.

Politics is all about the hyperbole. Democrats label the GOP as racist, while the GOP labels the Democrats socialist or communist.

Makes for great campaign rhetoric...

Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

From FDR to Barack Obama to Bernie Sanders, conservatives are reading from the same playbook.

Republicans believe they have hit on a bold, brand new line of attack that is sure to doom Democrats heading into the 2020 elections. President Donald Trump made it a central point of his State of the Union. Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), head of the National Republican Congressional Committee, promises to bring this fresh hit in his party’s effort to regain control of the House.

The big plan is to ― wait for it ― attack Democrats as socialists.

“Socialism is the greatest vulnerability by far that the House Democrats have,” Emmer told the New York Times.

As any American who has developed to the stage of object permanence can tell you, this isn’t a new plan. It is, in fact, the oldest trick in the book.

Every single political actor since the late 19th century advocating for some form progressive social change ― whether it be economic reform, challenging America’s racial caste system or advocating for women’s rights or LGBT rights ― has been tarred as a socialist or a communist bent on destroying the American Free Enterprise System.

Contemporary political conservatism has been focused on blocking social change that challenges existing hierarchies of class, race and sex since its founding in response to the French Revolution. Socialism emerged as the biggest threat to class hierarchies in due time and conservatives have called everything they don’t like socialism ever since.

More: Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

Once again, it's the same ole socialism bogeyman. Hopefully most voters are smart enough to see through this GOP bogeyman. Socialism is a major part of our society - and has been for a long time. It makes our lives much better - each and every day. Socialism comes in various forms - it isn't one size fits all.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America

The article is total bullshit.

Police are not the product of socialism.

John Jay said it in the Federalist Papers (I doubt you have a fucking clue as to what they are)...

Nothing is more certain than the indispensable necessity of government, and it is equally undeniable, that whenever and however it is instituted, the people must cede to it some of their natural rights in order to vest it with requisite powers.

Which simply means people have government.

That does not make public programs socialism.
the thing you miss in that little explanation is that people dictate what they want, not the politician dictating what we need. So your premise is wrong. I will agree that law must be protected and that the security of the citizens is the governments first role.

Now with that, how does open borders fall under that umbrella?

how does the new green deal fall under that umbrella?

How does healthcare fall under that umbrella?

The reaction to this post I will receive from lefties will be bubkas. They are for total government control. Free people have free minds, don't forget it. Someone telling you to believe or support or anything they're telling you, they are taking your freedom.

Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

From FDR to Barack Obama to Bernie Sanders, conservatives are reading from the same playbook.

Republicans believe they have hit on a bold, brand new line of attack that is sure to doom Democrats heading into the 2020 elections. President Donald Trump made it a central point of his State of the Union. Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), head of the National Republican Congressional Committee, promises to bring this fresh hit in his party’s effort to regain control of the House.

The big plan is to ― wait for it ― attack Democrats as socialists.

“Socialism is the greatest vulnerability by far that the House Democrats have,” Emmer told the New York Times.

As any American who has developed to the stage of object permanence can tell you, this isn’t a new plan. It is, in fact, the oldest trick in the book.

Every single political actor since the late 19th century advocating for some form progressive social change ― whether it be economic reform, challenging America’s racial caste system or advocating for women’s rights or LGBT rights ― has been tarred as a socialist or a communist bent on destroying the American Free Enterprise System.

Contemporary political conservatism has been focused on blocking social change that challenges existing hierarchies of class, race and sex since its founding in response to the French Revolution. Socialism emerged as the biggest threat to class hierarchies in due time and conservatives have called everything they don’t like socialism ever since.

More: Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

Once again, it's the same ole socialism bogeyman. Hopefully most voters are smart enough to see through this GOP bogeyman. Socialism is a major part of our society - and has been for a long time. It makes our lives much better - each and every day. Socialism comes in various forms - it isn't one size fits all.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America

The article is total bullshit.

Police are not the product of socialism.

John Jay said it in the Federalist Papers (I doubt you have a fucking clue as to what they are)...

Nothing is more certain than the indispensable necessity of government, and it is equally undeniable, that whenever and however it is instituted, the people must cede to it some of their natural rights in order to vest it with requisite powers.

Which simply means people have government.

That does not make public programs socialism.
the thing you miss in that little explanation is that people dictate what they want, not the politician dictating what we need. So your premise is wrong. I will agree that law must be protected and that the security of the citizens is the governments first role.

Now with that, how does open borders fall under that umbrella?

how does the new green deal fall under that umbrella?

How does healthcare fall under that umbrella?

The reaction to this post I will receive from lefties will be bubkas. They are for total government control. Free people have free minds, don't forget it. Someone telling you to believe or support or anything they're telling you, they are taking your freedom.

"Open borders" isnt a real thing, dupe.

Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

From FDR to Barack Obama to Bernie Sanders, conservatives are reading from the same playbook.

Republicans believe they have hit on a bold, brand new line of attack that is sure to doom Democrats heading into the 2020 elections. President Donald Trump made it a central point of his State of the Union. Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), head of the National Republican Congressional Committee, promises to bring this fresh hit in his party’s effort to regain control of the House.

The big plan is to ― wait for it ― attack Democrats as socialists.

“Socialism is the greatest vulnerability by far that the House Democrats have,” Emmer told the New York Times.

As any American who has developed to the stage of object permanence can tell you, this isn’t a new plan. It is, in fact, the oldest trick in the book.

Every single political actor since the late 19th century advocating for some form progressive social change ― whether it be economic reform, challenging America’s racial caste system or advocating for women’s rights or LGBT rights ― has been tarred as a socialist or a communist bent on destroying the American Free Enterprise System.

Contemporary political conservatism has been focused on blocking social change that challenges existing hierarchies of class, race and sex since its founding in response to the French Revolution. Socialism emerged as the biggest threat to class hierarchies in due time and conservatives have called everything they don’t like socialism ever since.

More: Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

Once again, it's the same ole socialism bogeyman. Hopefully most voters are smart enough to see through this GOP bogeyman. Socialism is a major part of our society - and has been for a long time. It makes our lives much better - each and every day. Socialism comes in various forms - it isn't one size fits all.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America

The article is total bullshit.

Police are not the product of socialism.

John Jay said it in the Federalist Papers (I doubt you have a fucking clue as to what they are)...

Nothing is more certain than the indispensable necessity of government, and it is equally undeniable, that whenever and however it is instituted, the people must cede to it some of their natural rights in order to vest it with requisite powers.

Which simply means people have government.

That does not make public programs socialism.
the thing you miss in that little explanation is that people dictate what they want, not the politician dictating what we need. So your premise is wrong. I will agree that law must be protected and that the security of the citizens is the governments first role.

Now with that, how does open borders fall under that umbrella?

how does the new green deal fall under that umbrella?

How does healthcare fall under that umbrella?

The reaction to this post I will receive from lefties will be bubkas. They are for total government control. Free people have free minds, don't forget it. Someone telling you to believe or support or anything they're telling you, they are taking your freedom.

"Open borders" isnt a real thing, dupe.
my eyes don't lie, I saw every demRat candidate raise their hand on the question of the very first debate. So, go try and pull the wool over someone else's head, My mind id free and I'm allowed to see what I see and report on it.
The OP thinks Socialism is taxes used to build roads.

If they weren't so Effing Stupid.......wait,....never mind....I ask too much
dude, there is no way to discuss how stupid they are. the language won't allow it since they perform outside the boundaries. They don't even believe the sky is color blue.
Socialism raises the question of who should have economic power in society - the people, or the government? That's what it's about - every definition, every variety of socialism, advocates for more government control of our economic decisions. All the shell games, with the shifting definitions and equivocation, are dancing around that aspect.
Socialism raises the question of who should have economic power in society - the people, or the government? That's what it's about - every definition, every variety of socialism, advocates for more government control of our economic decisions. All the shell games, with the shifting definitions and equivocation, are dancing around that aspect.
again, the people are in control of government and dictate what they want. When leaders dictate to the people that is communism. California's governor just showed us he is a communist by telling uber and lyft what they need to make their employees. HUH? What the fk is up with that. I'm sorry folks, but this is what a demoRat really is dictating, what you should do, not asking how to govern.
Socialism raises the question of who should have economic power in society - the people, or the government? That's what it's about - every definition, every variety of socialism, advocates for more government control of our economic decisions. All the shell games, with the shifting definitions and equivocation, are dancing around that aspect.


Only two choices..

Rich politicians


Rich private citizens

Pick one.

Socialism raises the question of who should have economic power in society - the people, or the government? That's what it's about - every definition, every variety of socialism, advocates for more government control of our economic decisions. All the shell games, with the shifting definitions and equivocation, are dancing around that aspect.


Only two choices..

Rich politicians


Rich private citizens

Pick one.

now that is more fking accurate than anything.

Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

From FDR to Barack Obama to Bernie Sanders, conservatives are reading from the same playbook.

Republicans believe they have hit on a bold, brand new line of attack that is sure to doom Democrats heading into the 2020 elections. President Donald Trump made it a central point of his State of the Union. Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), head of the National Republican Congressional Committee, promises to bring this fresh hit in his party’s effort to regain control of the House.

The big plan is to ― wait for it ― attack Democrats as socialists.

“Socialism is the greatest vulnerability by far that the House Democrats have,” Emmer told the New York Times.

As any American who has developed to the stage of object permanence can tell you, this isn’t a new plan. It is, in fact, the oldest trick in the book.

Every single political actor since the late 19th century advocating for some form progressive social change ― whether it be economic reform, challenging America’s racial caste system or advocating for women’s rights or LGBT rights ― has been tarred as a socialist or a communist bent on destroying the American Free Enterprise System.

Contemporary political conservatism has been focused on blocking social change that challenges existing hierarchies of class, race and sex since its founding in response to the French Revolution. Socialism emerged as the biggest threat to class hierarchies in due time and conservatives have called everything they don’t like socialism ever since.

More: Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

Once again, it's the same ole socialism bogeyman. Hopefully most voters are smart enough to see through this GOP bogeyman. Socialism is a major part of our society - and has been for a long time. It makes our lives much better - each and every day. Socialism comes in various forms - it isn't one size fits all.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America

The article is total bullshit.

Police are not the product of socialism.

John Jay said it in the Federalist Papers (I doubt you have a fucking clue as to what they are)...

Nothing is more certain than the indispensable necessity of government, and it is equally undeniable, that whenever and however it is instituted, the people must cede to it some of their natural rights in order to vest it with requisite powers.

Which simply means people have government.

That does not make public programs socialism.

As we see constantly...any socialist policies or programs that right wingers like...by (their) definition can't be socialist

And conversely anything they don't like is socialist/communist/fascist...interchangeably with no actual meaning other than "something I do not like"

Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

From FDR to Barack Obama to Bernie Sanders, conservatives are reading from the same playbook.

Republicans believe they have hit on a bold, brand new line of attack that is sure to doom Democrats heading into the 2020 elections. President Donald Trump made it a central point of his State of the Union. Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), head of the National Republican Congressional Committee, promises to bring this fresh hit in his party’s effort to regain control of the House.

The big plan is to ― wait for it ― attack Democrats as socialists.

“Socialism is the greatest vulnerability by far that the House Democrats have,” Emmer told the New York Times.

As any American who has developed to the stage of object permanence can tell you, this isn’t a new plan. It is, in fact, the oldest trick in the book.

Every single political actor since the late 19th century advocating for some form progressive social change ― whether it be economic reform, challenging America’s racial caste system or advocating for women’s rights or LGBT rights ― has been tarred as a socialist or a communist bent on destroying the American Free Enterprise System.

Contemporary political conservatism has been focused on blocking social change that challenges existing hierarchies of class, race and sex since its founding in response to the French Revolution. Socialism emerged as the biggest threat to class hierarchies in due time and conservatives have called everything they don’t like socialism ever since.

More: Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

Once again, it's the same ole socialism bogeyman. Hopefully most voters are smart enough to see through this GOP bogeyman. Socialism is a major part of our society - and has been for a long time. It makes our lives much better - each and every day. Socialism comes in various forms - it isn't one size fits all.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America

The article is total bullshit.

Police are not the product of socialism.

John Jay said it in the Federalist Papers (I doubt you have a fucking clue as to what they are)...

Nothing is more certain than the indispensable necessity of government, and it is equally undeniable, that whenever and however it is instituted, the people must cede to it some of their natural rights in order to vest it with requisite powers.

Which simply means people have government.

That does not make public programs socialism.

As we see constantly...any socialist policies or programs that right wingers like...by (their) definition can't be socialist

And conversely anything they don't like is socialist/communist/fascist...interchangeably with no actual meaning other than "something I do not like"
you're confusing communism with socialism. the socialism we have currently is one step away from communism, the next step allowing government ideas, will swing that tide, like what just happened in California to Uber and Lyft.
The fight against communism began when conservatives discovered some colonies were running Poor Farms and feeding the poor. .

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