'Socialism': The GOP's Forever Bogeyman

1. All the stuff you listed can easily be dealt with at the State level whole taxing the State Population accordingly.

Pigs "could" fly...but they don't. NONE of that happens in a purely capitalist economy

2. Have you forgotten how the EPA failed the States of Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico when they allow that toxic leak from that mine in Colorado to pollute that river that ran through Navajo Territory?

Perfection isn't a measure of necessity

3. You are no better than those you whine about and you are nothing but a stooge for the DNC!

I guess you ran out of stupid shit to say...
It's a social program, funded by the capitalist system.

And "social programs" are socialist..hence the name

Here is the reality and that is what Sanders and Cortez are is in fact Democratic Socialists and they do not deny it!

In the link I provided you it stated those that are from this school of thought are anti-capitalist and anti-private business, so why do you deny this?

Simple, you are told not to believe what you read and they will tell you what to think!

The Federal Government should have little to say in our daily lives and everything from Schools to Road systems can be regulated at the State level where it should be.

Why you do not want this?

Simple, you fear if people have a choice in another state to send their kids to private school, have lower taxes and live where they can have their own little business then no one will want what you are selling when it come to Democratic Socialism!

So which of us is avoiding the reality here?

It is you!
America began with some socialism, and since that time it has been expanded. If the trend continues we will likely see more. Perhaps the answer is to make all Americans wealthy?
You're being unreasonable and seem a little unhinged

Unhinged...are the right wingers screaming about EVIL SOCIALISTS

Ok, first of all you can search my entire post history and never find one instance of me acting all hysterical about socialism. Besides, the left/right paradigm is false, there's a lot more nuance to politics than that. You really need to calm the fuck down and stop dehumanizing people who don't agree with you on every single thing.
You're being unreasonable and seem a little unhinged

Unhinged...are the right wingers screaming about EVIL SOCIALISTS

Ok, first of all you can search my entire post history and never find one instance of me acting all hysterical about socialism. Besides, the left/right paradigm is false, there's a lot more nuance to politics than that. You really need to calm the fuck down and stop dehumanizing people who don't agree with you on every single thing.
You've called ME out as being "unhinged" and ignored ALL of the hyperbolic idiocy of those you appear to agree with.

That's how you get included in the royal "you".

But fine. Show us what you think socialism is ( despite all of the times I have posted definitions and examples) and explain to us that it ISN'T a necessary and existing part of our system.I welcome a sane discussion. I haven't seen one on this thread
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America began with some socialism, and since that time it has been expanded. If the trend continues we will likely see more. Perhaps the answer is to make all Americans wealthy?
How do you that? By magic.
Nope go for it, you said social programs = socialism....

I just have to shake my head

I could hear the rocks rattle.

Care to explain how social security isn't socialism?

What part of free market economics includes social security?
Nope go for it, you said social programs = socialism....

I just have to shake my head

I could hear the rocks rattle.

Care to explain how social security isn't socialism?

What part of free market economics includes social security?
Social security is not a factor of production. It is a safety net designed to backstop capitalism.

Socialism is the way in which a society organizes its productive forces.

You are conflating Socialism with social democracy.
Shame on all those socialist farmers. I wonder how many of them are Republican Trump supporters...

I think for Republicans, socialism is the new gay.

Don’t get me wrong, they still hate gays, but socialism is an easier sell to frighten the American people these days than those scary gays who are recruiting your children.

If Republicans don’t have something to scare people into voting for them, then they have nothing at all.

They make it a binary choice. Who would you vote for, Democrats who want to do this or that or us who are already a known quantity.

Considering what Republicans have done so far, I would say ask Donald Trump’s question, what do you have to lose?

Could democrats really be any worse than screwing over your entire life, ending your health care, sending your jobs overseas, ruining your kids lives with no education and destroying the environment?

What a bunch of hogwash on your part!

1. All the stuff you listed can easily be dealt with at the State level while taxing the State Population accordingly.

2. Have you forgotten how the EPA failed the States of Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico when they allow that toxic leak from that mine in Colorado to pollute that river that ran through Navajo Territory?

3. You are no better than those you whine about and you are nothing but a stooge for the DNC!

Hate to break it to you but the EPA came through in Colorado and got it cleaned up with the help of the state. It was you Capitalists that wrote the laws that allowed that to happen in the first place. There was no one that could be held accountable and no one that could do the cleanup except for the "Socialist" Government that you hate so much. But it got cleaned up. It took a couple of weeks to get the job done and today, there is no hint that it ever happened.
Shame on all those socialist farmers. I wonder how many of them are Republican Trump supporters...

Again not socialism, you people need to learn basic definitions

So wait, instead of a free market where companies success and failures are based on their own merit, the government takes the wealth that successful private companies and people are making and then redistributes that wealth to the companies that they decide need it.

AND we have the federal USDA redistributing the wealth of Americans by using their wealth to purchase tens of millions of dollars of milk products to redistribute among those they deem needy. And their quoted reason was it was "with the purpose to encourage the continued domestic consumption of these products by diverting them from the normal channels of trade and commerce.” by what the federal government calls itself "securing the dairy market" with their welfare state provision.

The funniest part of that is that it was the government influence and federal regulation on the economy taking away free trade that got them there in the first place... in their attempt to force China's government to get it's companies to purchase more products of certain origin. Literally them saying "we are going to have you build here and sell here" and using their powers to ensure that happens instead of free trade and open markets because the government needs to regulate the economy in the general interest of the people.

Kiinda literally what a social democracy is defined as their bub. If that's the goal of the government, Bernie already won.
Nope go for it, you said social programs = socialism....

I just have to shake my head

I could hear the rocks rattle.

Care to explain how social security isn't socialism?

What part of free market economics includes social security?

if you removed private retirement plans, it would be socialism

So wait, the government intervening and taking away a persons wealth in the general interest of the people (not allowing them to put that money into their own private retirement), saying the people will not use that money in a free market properly, and instead collecting it to redistribute at a later date in a welfare provision program isn't socialism?
Shame on all those socialist farmers. I wonder how many of them are Republican Trump supporters...

Again not socialism, you people need to learn basic definitions

So wait, instead of a free market where companies success and failures are based on their own merit, the government takes the wealth that successful private companies and people are making and then redistributes that wealth to the companies that they decide need it.

AND we have the federal USDA redistributing the wealth of Americans by using their wealth to purchase tens of millions of dollars of milk products to redistribute among those they deem needy. And their quoted reason was it was "with the purpose to encourage the continued domestic consumption of these products by diverting them from the normal channels of trade and commerce.” by what the federal government calls itself "securing the dairy market" with their welfare state provision.

The funniest part of that is that it was the government influence and federal regulation on the economy taking away free trade that got them there in the first place... in their attempt to force China's government to get it's companies to purchase more products of certain origin. Literally them saying "we are going to have you build here and sell here" and using their powers to ensure that happens instead of free trade and open markets because the government needs to regulate the economy in the general interest of the people.

Kiinda literally what a social democracy is defined as their bub. If that's the goal of the government, Bernie already won.

To me socialism and facism are basically the same thing, but fascism has that appearance of private ownership, when in reality it's the govt pulling the strings
Socialism is gov controlling the means of production, so their Medicare4ALL BS IS socialism. Heavy regulation is really bad, but I wouldn't define it as actual socialism, more like fascism.....where the gov has control, but leaves the appearance of freedom and private enterprise.
The actual definition of socialism is

Government control or regulation of the means of production.

Medicare for ANYONE is socialism...as is Medicare, Medicaid, and the VA,
'have infiltrated academia, the media....'

Communist recruiters for the party do not place a heavy value on intellectuals. The phrase above would comply with its credo.

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