'Socialism': The GOP's Forever Bogeyman

And yet the country seems to do better when democrats run things. Republicans for sure have lots of corruption, indictments etc. trump in office is like a mafia story. Then previous corrupt administrations, especially reagan and nixon. Nixon went home in shame and reagan's legacy was dozens of indictments and wrong doing. Republicans spent eight years trying to get clinton and came up with what? Monica. Republicans spent eight years trying to get Obama and what did they come up with? Nothing. Obama cruised through eight years in office with no problems in spite of the millions fox news and right wing radio spent making a career out of trying to get something, anything on him.

Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

From FDR to Barack Obama to Bernie Sanders, conservatives are reading from the same playbook.

Republicans believe they have hit on a bold, brand new line of attack that is sure to doom Democrats heading into the 2020 elections. President Donald Trump made it a central point of his State of the Union. Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), head of the National Republican Congressional Committee, promises to bring this fresh hit in his party’s effort to regain control of the House.

The big plan is to ― wait for it ― attack Democrats as socialists.

“Socialism is the greatest vulnerability by far that the House Democrats have,” Emmer told the New York Times.

As any American who has developed to the stage of object permanence can tell you, this isn’t a new plan. It is, in fact, the oldest trick in the book.

Every single political actor since the late 19th century advocating for some form progressive social change ― whether it be economic reform, challenging America’s racial caste system or advocating for women’s rights or LGBT rights ― has been tarred as a socialist or a communist bent on destroying the American Free Enterprise System.

Contemporary political conservatism has been focused on blocking social change that challenges existing hierarchies of class, race and sex since its founding in response to the French Revolution. Socialism emerged as the biggest threat to class hierarchies in due time and conservatives have called everything they don’t like socialism ever since.

More: Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

Once again, it's the same ole socialism bogeyman. Hopefully most voters are smart enough to see through this GOP bogeyman. Socialism is a major part of our society - and has been for a long time. It makes our lives much better - each and every day. Socialism comes in various forms - it isn't one size fits all.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
I think their forever bogeyman will be Obama. They know they could never field a president as good as Obama. Not ever again. Because the country is changing. The Democratic Party looks like the country. The Republican party looks like the Nazi party in 1930s Germany.

Republicans have managed to get rid of their one black congressman and they’re one black senator. And Trump lost “his African-American”.

Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

From FDR to Barack Obama to Bernie Sanders, conservatives are reading from the same playbook.

Republicans believe they have hit on a bold, brand new line of attack that is sure to doom Democrats heading into the 2020 elections. President Donald Trump made it a central point of his State of the Union. Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), head of the National Republican Congressional Committee, promises to bring this fresh hit in his party’s effort to regain control of the House.

The big plan is to ― wait for it ― attack Democrats as socialists.

“Socialism is the greatest vulnerability by far that the House Democrats have,” Emmer told the New York Times.

As any American who has developed to the stage of object permanence can tell you, this isn’t a new plan. It is, in fact, the oldest trick in the book.

Every single political actor since the late 19th century advocating for some form progressive social change ― whether it be economic reform, challenging America’s racial caste system or advocating for women’s rights or LGBT rights ― has been tarred as a socialist or a communist bent on destroying the American Free Enterprise System.

Contemporary political conservatism has been focused on blocking social change that challenges existing hierarchies of class, race and sex since its founding in response to the French Revolution. Socialism emerged as the biggest threat to class hierarchies in due time and conservatives have called everything they don’t like socialism ever since.

More: Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

Once again, it's the same ole socialism bogeyman. Hopefully most voters are smart enough to see through this GOP bogeyman. Socialism is a major part of our society - and has been for a long time. It makes our lives much better - each and every day. Socialism comes in various forms - it isn't one size fits all.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
Calling it "boogeyman" implies that its a fictional threat, but in reality i would say its more like a very real "Nation serial killer".
Socialism is very real.

And WE have a socialist/capitalist system.

What socialism would you do away with?

Social Security?
The VA?
Public Education?
40 work week?
Paid Vacations?
Child Labor laws?

Or are we talking about how MUCH socialism we require...

Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

From FDR to Barack Obama to Bernie Sanders, conservatives are reading from the same playbook.

Republicans believe they have hit on a bold, brand new line of attack that is sure to doom Democrats heading into the 2020 elections. President Donald Trump made it a central point of his State of the Union. Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), head of the National Republican Congressional Committee, promises to bring this fresh hit in his party’s effort to regain control of the House.

The big plan is to ― wait for it ― attack Democrats as socialists.

“Socialism is the greatest vulnerability by far that the House Democrats have,” Emmer told the New York Times.

As any American who has developed to the stage of object permanence can tell you, this isn’t a new plan. It is, in fact, the oldest trick in the book.

Every single political actor since the late 19th century advocating for some form progressive social change ― whether it be economic reform, challenging America’s racial caste system or advocating for women’s rights or LGBT rights ― has been tarred as a socialist or a communist bent on destroying the American Free Enterprise System.

Contemporary political conservatism has been focused on blocking social change that challenges existing hierarchies of class, race and sex since its founding in response to the French Revolution. Socialism emerged as the biggest threat to class hierarchies in due time and conservatives have called everything they don’t like socialism ever since.

More: Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

Once again, it's the same ole socialism bogeyman. Hopefully most voters are smart enough to see through this GOP bogeyman. Socialism is a major part of our society - and has been for a long time. It makes our lives much better - each and every day. Socialism comes in various forms - it isn't one size fits all.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
Except now it is not a smear.

Many leading Dems openly proclaim themselves socialists

Socialism has never improved America

Public services are not socialism

You keep trying to redefine it and you look like a fool every time you do

Really? Not socialist? Then why do NaziCons keep calling Bernie and other Democrats socialists?
Washington Redskin, if socialism was worth a shit you would keep it to yourselves. Quit trying to force your shit on other people… And stay out of the fucking fire water

Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

From FDR to Barack Obama to Bernie Sanders, conservatives are reading from the same playbook.

Republicans believe they have hit on a bold, brand new line of attack that is sure to doom Democrats heading into the 2020 elections. President Donald Trump made it a central point of his State of the Union. Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), head of the National Republican Congressional Committee, promises to bring this fresh hit in his party’s effort to regain control of the House.

The big plan is to ― wait for it ― attack Democrats as socialists.

“Socialism is the greatest vulnerability by far that the House Democrats have,” Emmer told the New York Times.

As any American who has developed to the stage of object permanence can tell you, this isn’t a new plan. It is, in fact, the oldest trick in the book.

Every single political actor since the late 19th century advocating for some form progressive social change ― whether it be economic reform, challenging America’s racial caste system or advocating for women’s rights or LGBT rights ― has been tarred as a socialist or a communist bent on destroying the American Free Enterprise System.

Contemporary political conservatism has been focused on blocking social change that challenges existing hierarchies of class, race and sex since its founding in response to the French Revolution. Socialism emerged as the biggest threat to class hierarchies in due time and conservatives have called everything they don’t like socialism ever since.

More: Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

Once again, it's the same ole socialism bogeyman. Hopefully most voters are smart enough to see through this GOP bogeyman. Socialism is a major part of our society - and has been for a long time. It makes our lives much better - each and every day. Socialism comes in various forms - it isn't one size fits all.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
I think their forever bogeyman will be Obama. They know they could never field a president as good as Obama. Not ever again. Because the country is changing. The Democratic Party looks like the country. The Republican party looks like the Nazi party in 1930s Germany.

Republicans have managed to get rid of their one black congressman and they’re one black senator. And Trump lost “his African-American”.
Pulling the race card and crying about it again I see… When are you going to grow up?
This move to the Left along the continuum is largely the Right's fault.

This shallow, simplistic, ignorant libertarian adhesion to Reagan's "government is the problem" speech line has created massive wealth disparity and enough people have now had enough.

So, here it comes. Point the finger at everyone else (of course), but you had a hand in this.
There is nothing more inefficient and corrupt than the federal government… And you want them to redistribute the nations wealth?
There are at jeast sixty types of socialism and one of those types leads to communism.the rest do not.
Anyone remember the fear episodes the Republicans used with Social Security?

There is very little difference between all these types of socialism except in the minds of socialists.

Republicans were right about Social Security.
Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, Obamacare, etc. are Ridiculous concepts. Only a socialist would fall for the shit... lol
This move to the Left along the continuum is largely the Right's fault.

This shallow, simplistic, ignorant libertarian adhesion to Reagan's "government is the problem" speech line has created massive wealth disparity and enough people have now had enough.

So, here it comes. Point the finger at everyone else (of course), but you had a hand in this.
Every idiocy the left commits is the right's fault, isn't it?

They're always shouting "stop me before I kill again!"

What a load of horseshit. Nothing could be shallower, more simplistic and more ignorant than the shit we observed on the Democrat debate stage.

Government is the problem. Government created every problem we have that's humanly solvable.
Good luck with that. Meanwhile, wealth disparity continues to increase and fewer and fewer people are afraid of the word "socialism".
Afraid? People with any common sense know it can’t work.
You finally came to the point.

The question has never been "Are we socialist?" but rather "How much socialism do we require?"

THAT is the beginning of an honest conversation
We require zero socialism, dumbass.

Really now. You are using socialism when you post in there over the Internet. You are using socialism when you drive to get your groceries. You are using socialism when you turn on your lights. You are using socialism when you fire up your furnace in the winter.....it's a very long socialist list, cupcake.

That's 99% bullshit, dumbass. The internet was almost entirely created by private corporations. Yeah, the roads are built by the government, but that doesn't mean they have to be. My electricity is supplied by a private corporations, moron. The same goes for the gas in my furnace. You obviously don't know the slightest thing about our economy.

The US is a mixture of Capitalism and Socialism and always has been. All the way from the Whiskey Tax to today. It's now whether we need socialism or not, but how much. Capitalism, at the level of the United States could not exist without the social programs to make it work.

You just won an award, cupcake.

View attachment 278933

At the time of the Whiskey Rebellion, the government was less than 5% of the economy. Now it's 50%. There has been no noticeable improvement.

We don't need any socialism. Government fucks up everything it touches, including the military.

It's time to bust your bubble.

I was using the Internet long before you ever heard of it. We were using it in the Air Force. It was called ARPANET. It was a playtoy in the late 60s and early 70s by the Universities but the Air Force used it for work. We used it for Telneting, packet transmission, and more. The Bulletin Board System grew out of that. And from the BBS grew the Internet in the late 80s and 90s. The operating system was provided by IBM (Unix), the hardware was provided by Univax (Sperry Rand). From this, grew the roots to make the Internet as you know it today. Kid, you think you actually invented something? The threat of loosing over the air and over the telephone lines communication communication was the reason that ARPANET was invented. It was always intended as a Military Communications Tool.

I would list everything in your life that came out of a Socialist Program but the list would be almost everything that touches your life. You would even have to get rid of your Microwave and the electricity it takes to power it. Knowing you, you think that giving up your lights means you would have to watch Fox News on your TV by candlelight.

Bears repeating
Manbearpig Invented it… Progressives said so
We require zero socialism, dumbass.

Really now. You are using socialism when you post in there over the Internet. You are using socialism when you drive to get your groceries. You are using socialism when you turn on your lights. You are using socialism when you fire up your furnace in the winter.....it's a very long socialist list, cupcake.

That's 99% bullshit, dumbass. The internet was almost entirely created by private corporations. Yeah, the roads are built by the government, but that doesn't mean they have to be. My electricity is supplied by a private corporations, moron. The same goes for the gas in my furnace. You obviously don't know the slightest thing about our economy.

The US is a mixture of Capitalism and Socialism and always has been. All the way from the Whiskey Tax to today. It's now whether we need socialism or not, but how much. Capitalism, at the level of the United States could not exist without the social programs to make it work.

You just won an award, cupcake.

View attachment 278933

At the time of the Whiskey Rebellion, the government was less than 5% of the economy. Now it's 50%. There has been no noticeable improvement.

We don't need any socialism. Government fucks up everything it touches, including the military.

It's time to bust your bubble.

I was using the Internet long before you ever heard of it. We were using it in the Air Force. It was called ARPANET. It was a playtoy in the late 60s and early 70s by the Universities but the Air Force used it for work. We used it for Telneting, packet transmission, and more. The Bulletin Board System grew out of that. And from the BBS grew the Internet in the late 80s and 90s. The operating system was provided by IBM (Unix), the hardware was provided by Univax (Sperry Rand). From this, grew the roots to make the Internet as you know it today. Kid, you think you actually invented something? The threat of loosing over the air and over the telephone lines communication communication was the reason that ARPANET was invented. It was always intended as a Military Communications Tool.

I would list everything in your life that came out of a Socialist Program but the list would be almost everything that touches your life. You would even have to get rid of your Microwave and the electricity it takes to power it. Knowing you, you think that giving up your lights means you would have to watch Fox News on your TV by candlelight.
IBM didn't develop UNIX, moron. The government developed a few parts of the internet, like the TCP-IP protocol, but private corporations developed 95% of it. They were other private networks before the internet. We had something where I worked called token ring. If TCP-IP hadn't been developed, then private business would have used something else. There is nothing on this earth that only the government is capable of creating except possibly for the atom bomb.

The government is responsible for every product or service in this world that sucks, like the military and public schools. Both are grossly overpriced and ineffective. And, once again, private corporations supply your home with electricity, not the government.

Every time you submit a post you only demonstrate how stupid and ignorant you are. Of course, that's pretty much required to be a leftist.

If something else were to be needed then it would have been invented. But it wasn't needed because the Government contracted IBM to write it for the Government. The original idea was to us buried cables that were not affected by nuclear blasts and the Military Complex would still be in operation and the inner workings of the Federal Government could be taken under that umbrella. Your stupid little porn site wasn't on the agenda. Military use was the original idea. It just grew out of that. Just like many other things you take for granted today. If you were to stop using all those things intended for Military Use then you would be sitting in a cave foraging for sticks to fuel your fire.

You honestly believe the Interstates had anything to so with your little jaunt to the City? Eisenhower learned from Hitler on that one. The Interstate had the same original intent as the German Autobahn. It was to move military resources quickly over long distances. And those were paid for by the Rich, not the Middle Class. The very tax that you are fighting so hard to prevent. Without that Tax, there can be hardly any growth. In fact, we can't even maintain our infrastructure. People that made over 200K were taxed on the amounts over 200K from 70 to 90K to pay for those types of services.

Your drinking water is another case paid for through social programs. And you can add the sewage along with that. Again, paid for by the Value Added Tax of those making over 200K a year.

Let's not forget abut DARPA and NASA, both Federally funded programs and what they still contribute. You honestly thing Musk could do the things he does without those two? Could the Airlines be where they are without the Military Supported Programs?

Then there is Medicines. Universities are Federally funded. Insulin was funded and the patent was owned by the Federal Government and sold for 1 dollar AFTER it passed it's trials. Why is the US version (the same exact formula as the original Federally funded formula) costing over 1000 buck a dose when it costs only a few dollars to actually make? Hello Capitalism.

Your Capitalism seems to screw up many "Social" programs. The problem is, when you allow Capitalism to go unchecked the greed factor goes completely insane. You need a Social Program as a watchdog on it.

Plus, some things, you must have a social program to administer it. Capitalism is not capable of doing it otherwise, it goes insane and the corruption messes the whole system up.

Both Capitalism and Socialism need each other to exist at a high level. One without the other means a total disaster. So you keep screaming "Socialist,....spit on floor" all you want but you are involved in Socialism every day of your life.
Socialism is like a disease/cancer it takes and takes until there’s nothing left to take… There are countless examples throughout civilization of this.

Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

From FDR to Barack Obama to Bernie Sanders, conservatives are reading from the same playbook.

Republicans believe they have hit on a bold, brand new line of attack that is sure to doom Democrats heading into the 2020 elections. President Donald Trump made it a central point of his State of the Union. Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), head of the National Republican Congressional Committee, promises to bring this fresh hit in his party’s effort to regain control of the House.

The big plan is to ― wait for it ― attack Democrats as socialists.

“Socialism is the greatest vulnerability by far that the House Democrats have,” Emmer told the New York Times.

As any American who has developed to the stage of object permanence can tell you, this isn’t a new plan. It is, in fact, the oldest trick in the book.

Every single political actor since the late 19th century advocating for some form progressive social change ― whether it be economic reform, challenging America’s racial caste system or advocating for women’s rights or LGBT rights ― has been tarred as a socialist or a communist bent on destroying the American Free Enterprise System.

Contemporary political conservatism has been focused on blocking social change that challenges existing hierarchies of class, race and sex since its founding in response to the French Revolution. Socialism emerged as the biggest threat to class hierarchies in due time and conservatives have called everything they don’t like socialism ever since.

More: Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

Once again, it's the same ole socialism bogeyman. Hopefully most voters are smart enough to see through this GOP bogeyman. Socialism is a major part of our society - and has been for a long time. It makes our lives much better - each and every day. Socialism comes in various forms - it isn't one size fits all.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
I think their forever bogeyman will be Obama. They know they could never field a president as good as Obama. Not ever again. Because the country is changing. The Democratic Party looks like the country. The Republican party looks like the Nazi party in 1930s Germany.

Republicans have managed to get rid of their one black congressman and they’re one black senator. And Trump lost “his African-American”.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama… That is the legacy of Obama. Fact

Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

From FDR to Barack Obama to Bernie Sanders, conservatives are reading from the same playbook.

Republicans believe they have hit on a bold, brand new line of attack that is sure to doom Democrats heading into the 2020 elections. President Donald Trump made it a central point of his State of the Union. Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), head of the National Republican Congressional Committee, promises to bring this fresh hit in his party’s effort to regain control of the House.

The big plan is to ― wait for it ― attack Democrats as socialists.

“Socialism is the greatest vulnerability by far that the House Democrats have,” Emmer told the New York Times.

As any American who has developed to the stage of object permanence can tell you, this isn’t a new plan. It is, in fact, the oldest trick in the book.

Every single political actor since the late 19th century advocating for some form progressive social change ― whether it be economic reform, challenging America’s racial caste system or advocating for women’s rights or LGBT rights ― has been tarred as a socialist or a communist bent on destroying the American Free Enterprise System.

Contemporary political conservatism has been focused on blocking social change that challenges existing hierarchies of class, race and sex since its founding in response to the French Revolution. Socialism emerged as the biggest threat to class hierarchies in due time and conservatives have called everything they don’t like socialism ever since.

More: Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

Once again, it's the same ole socialism bogeyman. Hopefully most voters are smart enough to see through this GOP bogeyman. Socialism is a major part of our society - and has been for a long time. It makes our lives much better - each and every day. Socialism comes in various forms - it isn't one size fits all.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
Calling it "boogeyman" implies that its a fictional threat, but in reality i would say its more like a very real "Nation serial killer".
Socialism is very real.

And WE have a socialist/capitalist system.

What socialism would you do away with?

Social Security?
The VA?
Public Education?
40 work week?
Paid Vacations?
Child Labor laws?

Or are we talking about how MUCH socialism we require...
No one has an right to food stamps and socialized medicine/healthcare… Addictions are hard to break. The only way to break them is hitting rock-bottom
Both Capitalism and Socialism need each other to exist at a high level. One without the other means a total disaster. So you keep screaming "Socialist,....spit on floor" all you want but you are involved in Socialism every day of your life.
As long as the Right refuses to admit that this stuff lies along a continuum, and as long as they insist on this simplistic Olde West yer-on-yer-own mentality, the stronger the push in the other direction will become.

They've been trained to confuse pragmatic moderation with abject capitulation. Oh well.
The collective knows best?
Both Capitalism and Socialism need each other to exist at a high level. One without the other means a total disaster. So you keep screaming "Socialist,....spit on floor" all you want but you are involved in Socialism every day of your life.
As long as the Right refuses to admit that this stuff lies along a continuum, and as they insist on this Olde West yer-on-yer-own mentality, the stronger the push in the other direction will become.

They've been trained to confuse pragmatic moderation with abject capitulation. Oh well.

From what I can see, after watching much of the Debates, the Moderates are in trouble as well on the Democratic Side of the house. Bernie and Warren don't make any bones about it, they are Socialists. And pure Socialists is NOT what we need as the leader of America. Why they are still in the running is beyond me. They are the exact opposite of Rump. They have cult followers. There is just too much time listening to them spout their pure socialist agendas and the message from the moderates are lost as background noise. Then there is the Chicken in every Pot.

Mayor Pete had some pretty good things to say. He won't be listed as a winner but in my mind, he is exactly what we need.

The VP still held his own and is listed as the Winner. He's a moderate and didn't fall for the extremes that Warren and the others suggested (?). While they were saying "Right Now" Biden said that that was a goal that was incremental in maybe 5 or 10 years.

But, in the end, it will probably be Biden but Mayor Pete would eat Trump alive. But I don't think we are ready for a Bi or a Gay President at this time.
You act like we’re all in this together, when will you realize that is not the reality?
Rural and urban America have none of the same wants, needs and interests, Forcing one side to bend to the rule of the other has never been the answer to anything in history.
Federal government disregards the 10th amendment, and the second and first amendment are not far behind... That is the goal.
The founders were genius they knew the electoral college along with states rights was the only way for urban and rule America to coexist... the Reason why they called this a republic, Not a shit eating democracy.

Name one thing for us, that rural and urban America have in common?
And yet the country seems to do better when democrats run things. Republicans for sure have lots of corruption, indictments etc. trump in office is like a mafia story. Then previous corrupt administrations, especially reagan and nixon. Nixon went home in shame and reagan's legacy was dozens of indictments and wrong doing. Republicans spent eight years trying to get clinton and came up with what? Monica. Republicans spent eight years trying to get Obama and what did they come up with? Nothing. Obama cruised through eight years in office with no problems in spite of the millions fox news and right wing radio spent making a career out of trying to get something, anything on him.
Spoken like a true progressive/socialist… Blind to the facts.


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