'Socialism': The GOP's Forever Bogeyman

So, are Democrats in favor of more socialism? Are any of them brave enough to answer?
You republicans are marching us towards totalitarianism and you're too stupid to see it.
ROFL! What "totalitarian" measures have Republicans supported?

Censorship? Nope, that's democrats.
Wiping your ass on the Constitution? Nope, that's democrats.
Beating people up for speaking their minds? Nope, that's democrats.
As we look at what Trump is doing, we see a republican march towards totalitarianism. Over the course of the past 40 years republicans have done everything you put on democrats.
Of course, you can't name anything "totalitarian" that Trump has done.

All you Trump haters do nothing but spew hot gas out your ass.

"The press is the enemy of the people." Investigating people because they investigated him. Just 2 things of many.
That's a fake quote. He didn't say that. He said the fake news is the enemy of the people, and that is 100% correct.

The people who investigated him had no legal authority to investigate him, shit for brains. They broke numerous laws and committed perjury multiple times. They all belong in prison.
America has probably had socialism even before the Constitution was ratified and has continued to add programs.
classic dumbass leftwing argument. Prior to WW I, government was tiny. Since then, it has grown by leaps and bounds.
Wars do that, create larger government, cost money and has casyaktues,
Wars run by Democrats, dumbass.
Wars ran by both parties.
Vietnam, Korea and WW II were run by both parties? Really?
America has probably had socialism even before the Constitution was ratified and has continued to add programs.
classic dumbass leftwing argument. Prior to WW I, government was tiny. Since then, it has grown by leaps and bounds.

The size of government has nothing to do with the system that government uses to operate..
Of course it does. A government that controls the economy is necessarily huge. And a capitalist economy is the product of small government.

Only socialist idiots make claims like that.

Your dumb ass doesn't know what socialism is. And our government has always controlled commerce. That's a constitutional requirement of congress.
Two lies in two sentences.
Oh, stow the shell games. Are democrats for socialism, or not? Shit or get off the pot. This waffling gets old. You wine when people call your positions socialist, but then go on and on about how socialism is not so bad after all. Make up your fucking mind.

Pure idiocy.

We are a capitalist nation that has socialist programs and policies to mitigate the excesses of capitalism.

Do Democrats want more socialism, or less? Or do they want to keep it just the same?

And claiming that Sweden (which is more socialist than we ever will be) is NOT socialist is just stupidity in an attempt to prop up a failed argument

I don't really care what Sweden is.
You finally came to the point.

The question has never been "Are we socialist?" but rather "How much socialism do we require?"

THAT is the beginning of an honest conversation
We require zero socialism, dumbass.
Oh, stow the shell games. Are democrats for socialism, or not? Shit or get off the pot. This waffling gets old. You wine when people call your positions socialist, but then go on and on about how socialism is not so bad after all. Make up your fucking mind.

Pure idiocy.

We are a capitalist nation that has socialist programs and policies to mitigate the excesses of capitalism.

Do Democrats want more socialism, or less? Or do they want to keep it just the same?

And claiming that Sweden (which is more socialist than we ever will be) is NOT socialist is just stupidity in an attempt to prop up a failed argument

I don't really care what Sweden is.
You finally came to the point.

The question has never been "Are we socialist?" but rather "How much socialism do we require?"

THAT is the beginning of an honest conversation
We require zero socialism, dumbass.

Really now. You are using socialism when you post in there over the Internet. You are using socialism when you drive to get your groceries. You are using socialism when you turn on your lights. You are using socialism when you fire up your furnace in the winter.....it's a very long socialist list, cupcake.

The US is a mixture of Capitalism and Socialism and always has been. All the way from the Whiskey Tax to today. It's now whether we need socialism or not, but how much. Capitalism, at the level of the United States could not exist without the social programs to make it work.

You just won an award, cupcake.

Oh, stow the shell games. Are democrats for socialism, or not? Shit or get off the pot. This waffling gets old. You wine when people call your positions socialist, but then go on and on about how socialism is not so bad after all. Make up your fucking mind.

Pure idiocy.

We are a capitalist nation that has socialist programs and policies to mitigate the excesses of capitalism.

Do Democrats want more socialism, or less? Or do they want to keep it just the same?

And claiming that Sweden (which is more socialist than we ever will be) is NOT socialist is just stupidity in an attempt to prop up a failed argument

I don't really care what Sweden is.
You finally came to the point.

The question has never been "Are we socialist?" but rather "How much socialism do we require?"

THAT is the beginning of an honest conversation
We require zero socialism, dumbass.

Really now. You are using socialism when you post in there over the Internet. You are using socialism when you drive to get your groceries. You are using socialism when you turn on your lights. You are using socialism when you fire up your furnace in the winter.....it's a very long socialist list, cupcake.

That's 99% bullshit, dumbass. The internet was almost entirely created by private corporations. Yeah, the roads are built by the government, but that doesn't mean they have to be. My electricity is supplied by a private corporations, moron. The same goes for the gas in my furnace. You obviously don't know the slightest thing about our economy.

The US is a mixture of Capitalism and Socialism and always has been. All the way from the Whiskey Tax to today. It's now whether we need socialism or not, but how much. Capitalism, at the level of the United States could not exist without the social programs to make it work.

You just won an award, cupcake.

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At the time of the Whiskey Rebellion, the government was less than 5% of the economy. Now it's 50%. There has been no noticeable improvement.

We don't need any socialism. Government fucks up everything it touches, including the military.

Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

From FDR to Barack Obama to Bernie Sanders, conservatives are reading from the same playbook.

Republicans believe they have hit on a bold, brand new line of attack that is sure to doom Democrats heading into the 2020 elections. President Donald Trump made it a central point of his State of the Union. Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), head of the National Republican Congressional Committee, promises to bring this fresh hit in his party’s effort to regain control of the House.

The big plan is to ― wait for it ― attack Democrats as socialists.

“Socialism is the greatest vulnerability by far that the House Democrats have,” Emmer told the New York Times.

As any American who has developed to the stage of object permanence can tell you, this isn’t a new plan. It is, in fact, the oldest trick in the book.

Every single political actor since the late 19th century advocating for some form progressive social change ― whether it be economic reform, challenging America’s racial caste system or advocating for women’s rights or LGBT rights ― has been tarred as a socialist or a communist bent on destroying the American Free Enterprise System.

Contemporary political conservatism has been focused on blocking social change that challenges existing hierarchies of class, race and sex since its founding in response to the French Revolution. Socialism emerged as the biggest threat to class hierarchies in due time and conservatives have called everything they don’t like socialism ever since.

More: Republicans Have Been Smearing Democrats As Socialists Since Way Before You Were Born

Once again, it's the same ole socialism bogeyman. Hopefully most voters are smart enough to see through this GOP bogeyman. Socialism is a major part of our society - and has been for a long time. It makes our lives much better - each and every day. Socialism comes in various forms - it isn't one size fits all.

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
Except now it is not a smear.

Many leading Dems openly proclaim themselves socialists

Socialism has never improved America

Public services are not socialism

You keep trying to redefine it and you look like a fool every time you do
A good case could be made that the military is socialistic. How about public schools or the police force?
There are at jeast sixty types of socialism and one of those types leads to communism.the rest do not.
Anyone remember the fear episodes the Republicans used with Social Security?
Pure idiocy.

We are a capitalist nation that has socialist programs and policies to mitigate the excesses of capitalism.

Do Democrats want more socialism, or less? Or do they want to keep it just the same?

And claiming that Sweden (which is more socialist than we ever will be) is NOT socialist is just stupidity in an attempt to prop up a failed argument

I don't really care what Sweden is.
You finally came to the point.

The question has never been "Are we socialist?" but rather "How much socialism do we require?"

THAT is the beginning of an honest conversation
We require zero socialism, dumbass.

Really now. You are using socialism when you post in there over the Internet. You are using socialism when you drive to get your groceries. You are using socialism when you turn on your lights. You are using socialism when you fire up your furnace in the winter.....it's a very long socialist list, cupcake.

That's 99% bullshit, dumbass. The internet was almost entirely created by private corporations. Yeah, the roads are built by the government, but that doesn't mean they have to be. My electricity is supplied by a private corporations, moron. The same goes for the gas in my furnace. You obviously don't know the slightest thing about our economy.

The US is a mixture of Capitalism and Socialism and always has been. All the way from the Whiskey Tax to today. It's now whether we need socialism or not, but how much. Capitalism, at the level of the United States could not exist without the social programs to make it work.

You just won an award, cupcake.

View attachment 278933

At the time of the Whiskey Rebellion, the government was less than 5% of the economy. Now it's 50%. There has been no noticeable improvement.

We don't need any socialism. Government fucks up everything it touches, including the military.

It's time to bust your bubble.

I was using the Internet long before you ever heard of it. We were using it in the Air Force. It was called ARPANET. It was a playtoy in the late 60s and early 70s by the Universities but the Air Force used it for work. We used it for Telneting, packet transmission, and more. The Bulletin Board System grew out of that. And from the BBS grew the Internet in the late 80s and 90s. The operating system was provided by IBM (Unix), the hardware was provided by Univax (Sperry Rand). From this, grew the roots to make the Internet as you know it today. Kid, you think you actually invented something? The threat of loosing over the air and over the telephone lines communication communication was the reason that ARPANET was invented. It was always intended as a Military Communications Tool.

I would list everything in your life that came out of a Socialist Program but the list would be almost everything that touches your life. You would even have to get rid of your Microwave and the electricity it takes to power it. Knowing you, you think that giving up your lights means you would have to watch Fox News on your TV by candlelight.
There are at jeast sixty types of socialism and one of those types leads to communism.the rest do not.
Anyone remember the fear episodes the Republicans used with Social Security?
So, are you arguing for more socialism?
Cons cant even explain what democrat socialism is .
Sure they can

It's socialism

It's also pretending they are competent to intimately control our energy systems, our diets, our healthcare, our education systems, our climate, our financing systems, ad nausea.. This group of Insane Clowns that have been hiding in DC and elsewhere aren't capable of anything that I can tell...

It's a sheer power play... That's why they are PROGRESSIVES or leftists.. REAL Socialists would be appalled at their ignorance and arrogance.... They fundamentally want to alter America into an Ayn Rand dystopia run by morons who don't have real jobs...

Because they THINK we're the stupid ones.....
We should all be thankful for Democratic Socialism!

My dog was pissed when I told him the "Dem Socialists" wanted him to eat sprouts and oatmeal... He's growling at anyone that sounds like one of those Insane Clowns that just APPEARED out of what USED to be the Dem Party...

And if you think he's pissed...................... It's ARROGANT, they're incompetent to be given that much power that they STATED that they THINK they have...

They don't.. And they're morons.. And the people would NEVER EVER trust these clowns with the powers they THINK they have.....

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