Society Honors Its Live Conformists And Its Dead Troublemakers


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[Ain't it the truth in this age of the Obambi. "The Medium Is The Massage" was the first damn book I had to read for my English 101 class, first semester.

Notice the pic of George Soros sitting by the Obambi's knee when the Obambi announced his run for the presidency and intent to destroy the United States, its white population, and its Constitution. George was only in the top 100 of the worlds wealthiest men way back then, he's number 15, with, I believe, a tidy 17 billion or so in the bank, today. Its not what you know, its who you know. George is a Jew that the Nazis missed. The Obambi's Islamic fundamentalist friends will make sure they don't make the same mistake with him this time.]

"You all remember Marshall; the man considered the father of the electronic age, who coined the term “media” and was the first to take note of the fact that “the medium is the message.”

Ironically, Mr. McLuhan’s complex theories on how the electronic gods we create come to rule us have been reduced to sound bites, such as “we become what we behold.”

Frightening, really, because these manufactured icons have a way of becoming larger than life.

It’s almost as if Marshall had a crystal ball way back in 1964 that allowed him to see into our future.

As McLuhan foresaw, Big Guy located that elusive messaging “sweet spot” and has used his supportive media to advance his message; in this case it’s blame-shifting. When presented to the mindlessly loyal fans by a mythological icon (created with the complicity of the equally mindless media) it seems to be working precisely as Marshall envisioned.

But unlike today’s MSM, McLuhan was very concerned that people would not be attuned to the downside created by the worship of objects of their own invention.

The epigram on Mr. McLuhan’s tombstone reads “The Truth Shall Make You Free” which on it’s face may seem to disqualify him as the patron saint of politicians. Butt since pols tend to read it as a cautionary tale, I stand by my recommendation"

Michelle Obama's Mirror: Marshall McLuhan: Patron Saint of Politicians

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