Sodom and Gomorrah

Spoken like a true Nazi.

They wanted abortion to protect life. That's the way they phrased it.

Very similar to "Protecting those babies is interference in the womb!"

Well..yeah, I guess, if babies have to be protected from the women who create them, then I guess it IS interference, of a sort, to make them meet their obligation once they've chosen that path...likewise pregnant women who test positive for drugs are often incarcerated or placed in treatment until their baby is born. Because the mother has an obligation to protect, or at least not harm, that life.

But I digress. How funny that you will continue to cling faithfully to your eugenics-based beliefs despite the obvious connection to the Holocaust. I suppose in this instance you are protecting the life of the planet, or protecting the ability of the woman to work without hindrance, or to improve the health of the population...all good Nazi sentiments! Bravo! I wish I had a badge to give you..check with Ravi. Being anti-Nazi, I don't, but I'm sure she has some cool prizes to give.

If there's 2 things I'm certain of in life, it's the following.

1.) You don't judge people

2.) You take Jesus's Golden Rule VERY seriously

It is true that Jesus commanded us not to judge what is in the heart of others. But we were strongly commanded to judge the actions of others and condemn evil. And he strongly suggested that there would be dire consequences for anybody who harmed any of the most innocent, i.e. the children, or led them astray.

We do not have to judge the character or motives of the mother in order to be justified in believing that it is wrong to abort a healthy baby for no other reason than the baby is inconvenient.

And if you apply the golden rule, would you want somebody to have aborted you? Then don't condone that for others.

So if you asked the question, "what would Jesus do?" The response would be to equate pro-choicers to Nazis?

It's amazing how so many people describe Jesus in the exact opposite way. Because when I read the New Testament, I don't see anywhere that would lead me to believe that treating ppl like shit is what Jesus wanted. And anyone who disagrees with Kosher on anything, it could be the weather forecast for the day, and she would talk to that person as scum.
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If there's 2 things I'm certain of in life, it's the following.

1.) You don't judge people

2.) You take Jesus's Golden Rule VERY seriously

It is true that Jesus commanded us not to judge what is in the heart of others. But we were strongly commanded to judge the actions of others and condemn evil. And he strongly suggested that there would be dire consequences for anybody who harmed any of the most innocent, i.e. the children, or led them astray.

We do not have to judge the character or motives of the mother in order to be justified in believing that it is wrong to abort a healthy baby for no other reason than the baby is inconvenient.

And if you apply the golden rule, would you want somebody to have aborted you? Then don't condone that for others.

So if you asked the question, "what would Jesus do?" The response would be to equate pro-choicers to Nazis?

It's amazing how so many people describe Jesus in the exact opposite way. Because when I read the New Testament, I don't see anywhere that would lead me to believe that treating ppl like shit is what Jesus wanted. And anyone who disagrees with Kosher on anything, it could be the weather forecast for the day, and she would talk to that person as a scum.

It is always "anti Christian" that you hear if you dare disagree with the holier than thou crowd.
Go to Iran and voice any opposition to the mullahs in power and all you hear is you are "anti Muslim".
To many religion is used as power over others and most of those that are fundementalists need structure, someone other than themselves, to tell them what to do.
It is true that Jesus commanded us not to judge what is in the heart of others. But we were strongly commanded to judge the actions of others and condemn evil. And he strongly suggested that there would be dire consequences for anybody who harmed any of the most innocent, i.e. the children, or led them astray.

We do not have to judge the character or motives of the mother in order to be justified in believing that it is wrong to abort a healthy baby for no other reason than the baby is inconvenient.

And if you apply the golden rule, would you want somebody to have aborted you? Then don't condone that for others.

So if you asked the question, "what would Jesus do?" The response would be to equate pro-choicers to Nazis?

It's amazing how so many people describe Jesus in the exact opposite way. Because when I read the New Testament, I don't see anywhere that would lead me to believe that treating ppl like shit is what Jesus wanted. And anyone who disagrees with Kosher on anything, it could be the weather forecast for the day, and she would talk to that person as a scum.

It is always "anti Christian" that you hear if you dare disagree with the holier than thou crowd.
Go to Iran and voice any opposition to the mullahs in power and all you hear is you are "anti Muslim".
To many religion is used as power over others and most of those that are fundementalists need structure, someone other than themselves, to tell them what to do.

Yes I'm very thankful that most christians are all about treating ppl the way they want to be treated, some of our loudest board fundamentalists are just about telling ppl they're holier than thou.
So if you asked the question, "what would Jesus do?" The response would be to equate pro-choicers to Nazis?

It's amazing how so many people describe Jesus in the exact opposite way. Because when I read the New Testament, I don't see anywhere that would lead me to believe that treating ppl like shit is what Jesus wanted. And anyone who disagrees with Kosher on anything, it could be the weather forecast for the day, and she would talk to that person as a scum.

It is always "anti Christian" that you hear if you dare disagree with the holier than thou crowd.
Go to Iran and voice any opposition to the mullahs in power and all you hear is you are "anti Muslim".
To many religion is used as power over others and most of those that are fundementalists need structure, someone other than themselves, to tell them what to do.

Yes I'm very thankful that most christians are all about treating ppl the way they want to be treated, some of our loudest board fundamentalists are just about telling ppl they're holier than thou.

So 'non-fundamentalists' get a pass on being arrogant and holier-than-thou because they don't claim to be 'religious'? :lol:
It is always "anti Christian" that you hear if you dare disagree with the holier than thou crowd.
Go to Iran and voice any opposition to the mullahs in power and all you hear is you are "anti Muslim".
To many religion is used as power over others and most of those that are fundementalists need structure, someone other than themselves, to tell them what to do.

Yes I'm very thankful that most christians are all about treating ppl the way they want to be treated, some of our loudest board fundamentalists are just about telling ppl they're holier than thou.

So 'non-fundamentalists' get a pass on being arrogant and holier-than-thou because they don't claim to be 'religious'? :lol:

I never said that, you're projecting.

But now I'll state the opposite.

Anyone who's arrogant and holier than thou isn't being moral in doing so.

Just my personal experience, just about every normal christian I've dealt with I've been friends with and have nothing but high regard for. The couple of holier than thou types in my family, the nun in my family, the nuns who taught me at my catholic school for 4 years, don't want to be around them for 5 minutes. They're all miserable.
Yes I'm very thankful that most christians are all about treating ppl the way they want to be treated, some of our loudest board fundamentalists are just about telling ppl they're holier than thou.

So 'non-fundamentalists' get a pass on being arrogant and holier-than-thou because they don't claim to be 'religious'? :lol:

I never said that, you're projecting.

But now I'll state the opposite.

Anyone who's arrogant and holier than thou isn't being moral in doing so.

Just my personal experience, just about every normal christian I've dealt with I've been friends with and have nothing but high regard for. The couple of holier than thou types in my family, the nun in my family, the nuns who taught me at my catholic school for 4 years, don't want to be around them for 5 minutes. They're all miserable.

So, once again, only 'fundamentalist christians' are holier than thou? What percentage of 'holier-than-thou' people do they make up? 90%?
B-b-but...doesn't Drock say if enough people are okay with it, then it's the way it should be? And if they THINK they're right, then they are?

I mean, that is what he says, isn't it?
B-b-but...doesn't Drock say if enough people are okay with it, then it's the way it should be? And if they THINK they're right, then they are?

I mean, that is what he says, isn't it?

No that's not what I say, that's the voices in your head again. I've asked you repeatedly not to make me responsible for what the voices in your head say.

Half of marriages end in divorce, I don't think that's ok, half of america is anti-gay or so, I don't think that's ok, tons of america thinks gov't can and should replace charity, I don't think that's ok.

Whenever you need me to crush one of your pathetic assumptions that are always false, just let me know and I'll happily oblige.
So 'non-fundamentalists' get a pass on being arrogant and holier-than-thou because they don't claim to be 'religious'? :lol:

I never said that, you're projecting.

But now I'll state the opposite.

Anyone who's arrogant and holier than thou isn't being moral in doing so.

Just my personal experience, just about every normal christian I've dealt with I've been friends with and have nothing but high regard for. The couple of holier than thou types in my family, the nun in my family, the nuns who taught me at my catholic school for 4 years, don't want to be around them for 5 minutes. They're all miserable.

So, once again, only 'fundamentalist christians' are holier than thou? What percentage of 'holier-than-thou' people do they make up? 90%?

No, lots of people can be holier than thou. Just my experience in terms of the religious, you're far more likely to have a fundmantalist be a holier than thou type than a normal believer.

If you asked me to be locked in an elevator with your average christian or a nun, I wouldn't be flipping a coin, I'd pick the average christian. I don't think I'm in the minority on that one either.
I never said that, you're projecting.

But now I'll state the opposite.

Anyone who's arrogant and holier than thou isn't being moral in doing so.

Just my personal experience, just about every normal christian I've dealt with I've been friends with and have nothing but high regard for. The couple of holier than thou types in my family, the nun in my family, the nuns who taught me at my catholic school for 4 years, don't want to be around them for 5 minutes. They're all miserable.

So, once again, only 'fundamentalist christians' are holier than thou? What percentage of 'holier-than-thou' people do they make up? 90%?

No, lots of people can be holier than thou. Just my experience in terms of the religious, you're far more likely to have a fundmantalist be a holier than thou type than a normal believer.

If you asked me to be locked in an elevator with your average christian or a nun, I wouldn't be flipping a coin, I'd pick the average christian. I don't think I'm in the minority on that one either.

What is it with atheists and Catholics?? I grew up Catholic and never experienced any of the treatment or behavior I've seen described that have made so many people bitter. I'm not Catholic any longer, but I certainly don't harbor the hatred and bitterness that I see so many others hold. Some PEOPLE are nasty, they come from all backgrounds and walks of life, including religious, so to pin it onto a specific group seems silly to me. I've come across many 'holier than thou' people, and most of them didn't even have a religious background.
B-b-but...doesn't Drock say if enough people are okay with it, then it's the way it should be? And if they THINK they're right, then they are?

I mean, that is what he says, isn't it?

No that's not what I say, that's the voices in your head again. I've asked you repeatedly not to make me responsible for what the voices in your head say.

Half of marriages end in divorce, I don't think that's ok, half of america is anti-gay or so, I don't think that's ok, tons of america thinks gov't can and should replace charity, I don't think that's ok.

Whenever you need me to crush one of your pathetic assumptions that are always false, just let me know and I'll happily oblige.

So, are you making moral judgments regarding those people who do things that you don't think are 'ok'? I'd say you are.
B-b-but...doesn't Drock say if enough people are okay with it, then it's the way it should be? And if they THINK they're right, then they are?

I mean, that is what he says, isn't it?

No that's not what I say, that's the voices in your head again. I've asked you repeatedly not to make me responsible for what the voices in your head say.

Half of marriages end in divorce, I don't think that's ok, half of america is anti-gay or so, I don't think that's ok, tons of america thinks gov't can and should replace charity, I don't think that's ok.

Whenever you need me to crush one of your pathetic assumptions that are always false, just let me know and I'll happily oblige.

So, are you making moral judgments regarding those people who do things that you don't think are 'ok'? I'd say you are.

I'm making judgements about those acts. But I don't compare people to Nazis for getting a divorce.

My dad got a divorce, and he's far morally superior to myself, but i still think him getting a divorce was immoral. Not everyone's morals are the same and not everyone views the same things to be immoral as others. That's something i'm trying to get into the heads of the fundamentalist type who say being pro-choice is the same as being pro-genocide.
No that's not what I say, that's the voices in your head again. I've asked you repeatedly not to make me responsible for what the voices in your head say.

Half of marriages end in divorce, I don't think that's ok, half of america is anti-gay or so, I don't think that's ok, tons of america thinks gov't can and should replace charity, I don't think that's ok.

Whenever you need me to crush one of your pathetic assumptions that are always false, just let me know and I'll happily oblige.

So, are you making moral judgments regarding those people who do things that you don't think are 'ok'? I'd say you are.

I'm making judgements about those acts. But I don't compare people to Nazis for getting a divorce.

My dad got a divorce, and he's far morally superior to myself, but i still think him getting a divorce was immoral. Not everyone's morals are the same and not everyone views the same things to be immoral as others. That's something i'm trying to get into the heads of the fundamentalist type who say being pro-choice is the same as being pro-genocide.

Oh, now you sound like the 'hate the sin, not the sinner' type... you're just the flip side of the christian coin that you ridicule. Or do you agree with the 'hate the sin, not the sinner' mentality?
So, are you making moral judgments regarding those people who do things that you don't think are 'ok'? I'd say you are.

I'm making judgements about those acts. But I don't compare people to Nazis for getting a divorce.

My dad got a divorce, and he's far morally superior to myself, but i still think him getting a divorce was immoral. Not everyone's morals are the same and not everyone views the same things to be immoral as others. That's something i'm trying to get into the heads of the fundamentalist type who say being pro-choice is the same as being pro-genocide.

Oh, now you sound like the 'hate the sin, not the sinner' type... you're just the flip side of the christian coin that you ridicule. Or do you agree with the 'hate the sin, not the sinner' mentality?

Hate the sin not the sinner, yes that makes a lot more sense with how I view things. Not black and white, but closer to that than calling someone a Nazi I disagree with on a poiltical issue the way Kosher does.

I would say my view on that goes along with the overwhelming majority of christians.
Then let's take that a step further to the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. There is no indication that those destroyed in the story were condemned to hell or any form of eternal punishment. The destruction of the cities was due to the total depravity that had infested the population so that nothing good could come from it. The innocent would be as corrupted as the rest when they became old enough to be. There is no indication that YHWY (God) hated the people, but He hated the sin.

Evenso, again whether the story is metaphor, mostly metaphor, symbolic or real, through the eyes of the ancients, all that happened was via the hand of YHWH. As archeologists continue to research the Bible lands and become more convinced that Sodom and Gomorrah were cities that existed, it is reasonable to think that their destruction was likely due to a massive earthquake and/or volcanic eruption, both common to the area at that time. The ancients, of course, would have viewed that as the wrath of God.

And their view of that was not all that different from ours. When a person commits a crime now, there are specific consequences for that crime. A warning, a ticket/fine, arrest, jail time, prison time, or in some states the ultimate death penalty. The consequences for committing the crime are not based on a person's morality, but on the seriousness of the crime committed. We expect law enforcement and the courts to dispense justice impartially and equally according to the specified consequences for committing the crime.

To the ancients, to break God's Law also came with specified consequences, and a righteous God was expected to dispense justice impartially and equally. Such was the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah. God loved those he created and wanted good for them. But he hated sin and there would be consequences.
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I'm making judgements about those acts. But I don't compare people to Nazis for getting a divorce.

My dad got a divorce, and he's far morally superior to myself, but i still think him getting a divorce was immoral. Not everyone's morals are the same and not everyone views the same things to be immoral as others. That's something i'm trying to get into the heads of the fundamentalist type who say being pro-choice is the same as being pro-genocide.

Oh, now you sound like the 'hate the sin, not the sinner' type... you're just the flip side of the christian coin that you ridicule. Or do you agree with the 'hate the sin, not the sinner' mentality?

Hate the sin not the sinner, yes that makes a lot more sense with how I view things. Not black and white, but closer to that than calling someone a Nazi I disagree with on a poiltical issue the way Kosher does.

I would say my view on that goes along with the overwhelming majority of christians.

Abortion isn't a political issue, it's a human rights issue.
but funny you are trying to make it one. Also a hallmark of the nazis and of genocide in general...justifying murder via political trend....
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Oh, now you sound like the 'hate the sin, not the sinner' type... you're just the flip side of the christian coin that you ridicule. Or do you agree with the 'hate the sin, not the sinner' mentality?

Hate the sin not the sinner, yes that makes a lot more sense with how I view things. Not black and white, but closer to that than calling someone a Nazi I disagree with on a poiltical issue the way Kosher does.

I would say my view on that goes along with the overwhelming majority of christians.

Abortion isn't a political issue, it's a human rights issue.
but funny you are trying to make it one. Also a hallmark of the nazis and of genocide in general...justifying murder via political trend....

Thank you again for proving me right.

As Joe accurately stated you're the Funditarded type who hates the sinners not the sins as you see them.

This is where you remind us all that you aren't judgemental :laugh2:
You keep cherry picking the Bible on just one part of a story without looking into it's context or what went on previously Dr. Drock.

You DO realize that Lot was saved because Abraham was talking to God when He told Abraham that He was going to destroy the city.

Abraham bargained with God, which is why the angels were sent, to find just 10 righteous people in the city. When they couldn't, they told Lot to get out of town as God was going to destroy the city.

Might wanna check out the whole story before cherry picking your own twisted view of it. You're doing the same thing that a lot of Christians do dude.
Hate the sin not the sinner, yes that makes a lot more sense with how I view things. Not black and white, but closer to that than calling someone a Nazi I disagree with on a poiltical issue the way Kosher does.

I would say my view on that goes along with the overwhelming majority of christians.

Abortion isn't a political issue, it's a human rights issue.
but funny you are trying to make it one. Also a hallmark of the nazis and of genocide in general...justifying murder via political trend....

Thank you again for proving me right.

As Joe accurately stated you're the Funditarded type who hates the sinners not the sins as you see them.

This is where you remind us all that you aren't judgemental :laugh2:

Hmmm...if declaring murder, in any context, a brutal crime against humanity makes me judgmental, then I'm proud to be so.
Then let's take that a step further to the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. There is no indication that those destroyed in the story were condemned to hell or any form of eternal punishment. The destruction of the cities was due to the total depravity that had infested the population so that nothing good could come from it. The innocent would be as corrupted as the rest when they became old enough to be. There is no indication that YHWY (God) hated the people, but He hated the sin.

Evenso, again whether the story is metaphor, mostly metaphor, symbolic or real, through the eyes of the ancients, all that happened was via the hand of YHWH. As archeologists continue to research the Bible lands and become more convinced that Sodom and Gomorrah were cities that existed, it is reasonable to think that their destruction was likely due to a massive earthquake and/or volcanic eruption, both common to the area at that time. The ancients, of course, would have viewed that as the wrath of God.

And their view of that was not all that different from ours. When a person commits a crime now, there are specific consequences for that crime. A warning, a ticket/fine, arrest, jail time, prison time, or in some states the ultimate death penalty. The consequences for committing the crime are not based on a person's morality, but on the seriousness of the crime committed. We expect law enforcement and the courts to dispense justice impartially and equally according to the specified consequences for committing the crime.

To the ancients, to break God's Law also came with specified consequences, and a righteous God was expected to dispense justice impartially and equally. Such was the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah. God loved those he created and wanted good for them. But he hated sin and there would be consequences.

Indeed Foxfyre, and the Jews believe that when the L-rd comes, it will be in a chariot of fire as a wrathful and vengeful G-d.

For "Vengeance is Mine - Saith The L-rd".

^ Said for a reason. I do not think the L-rd will return as Santy ... :eusa_whistle:

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